No doubt we’re all intimately aware of the latest Narrative Deployment taking over the national zeitgeist on the doorstep of the 2022 Midterm Elections.
The MAL Raid has occupied the Collective Mind in a way no overtly political event has since the grand, botched PsyOp that was the January 6 ‘insurrection.’
Of course, while I have no issue referencing the MAL Raid as a Narrative Deployment, I have made it clear that I personally trend toward a reading of the situation as a deployment by ‘our side,’ rather than [theirs.] Still, the fact remains, in the public arena, Donald Trump is embattled in yet another targeted OP by the weaponized intel agencies.
In recent Briefs, we have discussed this event from several angles, from the more mundane and not at all risky readings of the situation as the latest in a long line of Trump and company-engineered stings to catch all-too-eager and, apparently, all-too-stupid enemies rapidly losing their grip on power and screaming toward a Midterm referendum that could spell the beginning of the end of establishment politics in the United States … to the most dramatic potential reading of the raid as one that could culminate in the arrest of the ‘former’ President, setting the stage for an ‘all eyes on’ criminal and legal showdown that could mark a high-risk, high-reward opportunity for disclosure.
Central to any of these theories, from the least dramatic to the most, however, and something that many of the brightest minds in this movement seem to be in agreement on, is the prospect that, whether this raid was engineered by ‘us’ or [them,] Donald Trump and his team of patriots are rarely, if ever caught unawares. By design or by the end effects of a multi-year Fifth-Generation War that is rapidly approaching its climax, the key term that seems to be spinning out of the MAL Raid in all sectors of the truth community is ‘precedent.’
Certainly Trump arrest theories, while unlikely and unpopular are ripe with potential for more high-profile precedent, pulling back from the most impactful readings of the situation and its ensuing effects still leaves one with a veritable goldmine of useful ‘for us,’ and utterly devastating ‘for them,’ legal, cultural and strategic precedents.
Responding to a thread in which we see independent journalist John Solomon remarking on issues such as probable cause, legal basis and classification status, I said the following:
It may seem obvious, but then, most of us have been inundated with Occam’s Razor allusions for years in this community, often in situations where the theorem does not apply. That said, I believe this is a situation where it is both practical and essential to apply it. After all, if there are dozens of potential readings of the intent, logistics and eventual fallout of the MAL Raid, and if many of those readings contradict one another, what is the core, unflinching consistency at the heart of the event, Actual or Potential?
Whether you’re reading comments by MSM politico’s running cover for the Deep State’s most recent alleged OP, comments by ‘totally not involved’ Deep State politicians themselves—including those occupying the green screen sets of the Executive Branch—to alternative news sources more plugged in to the actual goings-on in the Shadow War, all seem to be fixated on whether or not Donald J. Trump—and by extension, former and future Presidents—have the legal authority to DECLAS any an ALL records with absolute impunity.
This reading of the MAL Raid does not contradict any of the other potential readings of the raid, nor does it even imply that one side is winning or will prevail over the other. This is simply the most foundational reading one can come to when examining the public statements of Biden’s Department of Justice, Trump’s public defenders and the uncrowned POTUS himself.
I have often remarked that I feel most of Trump’s public statements are not meant for this audience, which is significantly more aware and discerning of Narrative Deployments, consciousness seeding, Devolution and other potential covert operations being actioned both for and against the American people since 2015 and before, but it would behoove us to pay attention to the story such statements tell, and what I find compelling about the continued narrative fallout of the MAL Raid is the fact that both sides seem to be drawing attention to that nucleus around which all opinion and disclosure regarding the event are orbiting:
In the minds of both the unawakened and disengaged American AND in the highly-engaged, awakening minds in this community, one question lies at the heart of the FBI Raid on Trump’s personal quarters:
Was a crime committed?
Leave aside your personal read on the situation for the time being and ruminate on the import of asking that question in the first place, and now break it into an if-then scenario:
IF a crime WAS committed by Donald Trump, what was that crime, as alleged by the FBI and the Biden DOJ?
If a crime WAS NOT committed by Donald Trump, what are the implications of that revelation and CONFIRMATION by the DOJ, FBI and, most importantly, the U.S. Judiciary?
The answer to the first question resides in the aforementioned absolute authority of POTUS to declassify any and all documents, government programs and secrets he deems fit, IN WHICHEVER WAY he deems fit.
The answer to the second question relies on the first, but this community is acutely aware of the import of precedent for the narrative battles to come.
Applying a touch of the Socratic Method should do the rest for us:
Why might it be important for Trump to hold ultimate and universal authority to DECLAS?
Why might it be important for FUTURE Presidents to hold this authority?
What FORMER Presidents might NOT want this authority being confirmed?
Whether you are looking at the MAL Raid from the perspective of the weaponization of intel agencies, exposing corruption in the current Executive Branch, constitutional rights or the ultimate authority of the highest office in the land—current, former or future—the implications of this event will echo through past and future American history.
And thus, we might see how consciousness seeding can and is being used by both sides in the Mind War front of the Shadow War, no matter which side actioned the Actual Event in the first place.
And perhaps the biggest questions to spin out of this convergence of precedent probes are the following:
What secrets does the United States Government hold … and from its own citizenry?
What DID Donald J. Trump attempt to DECLAS on his way out of the White House?
Why do the powers that would be want access to that material?
These worms of thought and doubt are burrowing their way into the Collective Mind of society, right, left and center, and for different emotional reasons. When secrets are kept, for better or worse, the human mind seeks to know them, and seeks to know why they were kept in the first place.
In this way, the questions that have spun out of the MAL Raid have fermented, with partisan sides giving voice to identical questions with opposite projections. The result is a pervading, growing sense of bipartisan curiosity.
Boxing genius and controversial athlete Floyd Mayweather has often said he doesn’t care if Americans are plopping down $75 to watch a Pay Per View fight of his to watch him win or get knocked out. He only cares that they’re watching. That they’re engaged.
This recalls the famous quote of basketball GOAT Michael Jordan, who, when asked why he doesn’t take public political stances, said the following, “Republicans buy sneakers, too.”
Similarly, Trump knows that, whether you’re rooting for him to reveal [their] secrets or whether you’re rooting for [them] to reveal HIS secrets … you’re right where DJT wants you to be, as are [they.]
The sword of Damocles is a heavy, dreadful thing.
If you’re sitting under it.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
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Excellent! 👏👏👏
I posted to my gettr account. Trying to get your work out there. God bless everything you set your hands to do!!🙏🏼🙏🏼💖💖⚔⚔🇺🇸🇺🇸