Plurality of thought and perspective is one of the things that sets the Truth community apart from so many others, from passive information absorbers to compromised dissemination agents, to earnest but otherwise paradigm-constrained intellectuals whose internal cognitive dissonance walls are invisible psychological membranes keeping them from venturing too far outside of the gated compound that is the right-think reservation.
Typically, that plurality of thought is our great strength, but there are times when the truth-seeking, free-minded voices in our community become so enamored with and enraptured by a given event that the search for truth somehow obfuscates the point of it all in the first place.
But then … that’s my own personal bias speaking.
If you’re reading Burning Bright, I presume you’ve taken a liking to that particular bias, which is largely focused on Macro narratives, narrative and consciousness seeding, and applying both directional and Bicameral thinking to Potential and Actual Events.
This week, as you’ve no doubt heard, we got the rare mix of the two when the essential and highly polarizing Nord Stream 2 pipeline was struck or damage by … something or someone … or both … en route to dumping a kilometer and more of natural gas into the Baltic Sea along with about ten times that in ensuing theories.
Far be it from me to dissuade anyone from formulating or sharing theories on major socioeconomic and even catastrophic events. That is, after all, what we’re here for.
But I do believe there are times when we as a community lose the forest for the trees. By focusing so intently on what is currently unknowable—that being, WHO and WHAT caused the damage to NS2, and WHY—we lose track of the way hypothetical narratives can sometimes run parallel tracks before coming to stop at the same proverbial station.
Of course, SOMEONE damaged the NS2 pipeline by SOME means for SOME reason, and I will not hold myself apart from ruminating on and likely sharing some of my own evolving theories on the matter as new information continues to come to light. But my entreaty today is to take a look at three seemingly-contradictory and yet, I would argue, strangely complementary Macro theories surrounding the whole thing, and form a Directional whole out of disparate parts.
Rather than focusing on the logistics and details of the Actual Event—that being the literal operation that caused the damage to NS2—I’m fascinated by the swarm of Narrative Events that have and will continue to leak out of one of Europe’s largest energy veins in the midst of the coldest tensions between east and west since the aptly-named Cold War.
Today, I intend to briefly explore the competing and incongruent Narrative Deployments that have spun OUT of this Actual Event, and posit that, taken individually or together, they signal the inherent desperation and vulnerability on the part of the Deep State, and their dwindling cache of narrative ammunition … even if they weren’t responsible for the infrastructure attack in the first place.
First, the very fact that this event went from Potential to Actual is the first sign of escalation, which is a sign of losing control. In Game Theory, typically, the side that is losing is the side that will escalate conflicts, while the side that controls more of the board is happy to let the game play out naturally. Acceleration favors the Infinite side in a Fifth-Generation War, and as we have argued many times at Burning Bright, I believe Patriots in the east and west currently control more of the practical and therefore psychological board than their enemies.
As for the incongruent—in appearance—theories spinning out of this event, none of them need be true for them to be visiting a significant effect on the Collective Mind. In order for a Potential or Narrative Deployment to be effective, it need only occupy a quadrant of the collective consciousness in the target population, and all three paradigms taking shape here revolve around the twin subjects of motive and blame.
Picking up the first, and potentially the sexiest of possibilities places the blame squarely on the United States.
And therein lies our first issue. As we have discussed at length with regards to Russia, Ukraine, China, Europe, the U.S. and virtually every nation we touch on, it is inadvisable to conflate a motive with a nation in a time when so many competing factions are vying for the same prize.
That said, in these scenarios, we take the position that the Globalist-aligned faction within the United States, utilizing proxies damaged NS2 as a means of putting a squeeze on Russian energy profits, while simultaneously driving the now-desperate EU into more aggressive purchases of U.S. energy shipments.
The powers that would-be might not like to play up the fact that the U.S. is an energy powerhouse, but when it comes to exerting control and influence abroad, they’re not shy.
As for any simmering sauce for this juicy theory, the great Pretender himself made a statement not so long ago that promised the NS2 pipeline would be “ended” so as to put the financial screws to Russia.
This clip resurfacing in the aftermath of the NS2 explosion has already seeded the Collective Mind with well-founded paranoia of having witnessed a new Gulf of Tonkin or for the more awakened, a new 9/11—the perfect way for the US Military Industrial Complex to get the U.S. into another hot Forever War quagmire on the back of the Kabul withdrawal, which was disastrous both optically and logistically for Deep State and Globalist interests, as it cut off a good portion of their foreign black site cash cow.
Ukraine is a proxy state more than a nation—a centralized and ‘dark’ money laundering hub for the centralists themselves. They cannot afford to lose it.
Another theory posits that Ukrainian forces—which, following on the point above, really means NATO-aligned mercenaries—sabotaged the pipeline to either give the U.S. Globalist faction what it desires in the aforementioned scenario, dial up the pressure on the EU and the U.S. to put boots on the ground in Russia by passing the mission off as a Putin-engineered False Flag, or to simply ratchet up tensions in the hopes of sparking a war that will at least provide the flagging proxy territory with opportunity amidst the ensuing chaos.
In a strangely logical way, Ukraine’s sabotage (ie: NATO’s sabotage) of NS2 could provide the EU with a blunt, almost laughably obtuse ‘out’ of the mounting public pressure from its own citizens, who currently blame their Globalist puppeteers for rocketing energy costs on account of their unpopular and unasked-for sanctions on the Russian Federation.
Much in the same way the U.S. Biden Administration began referring to the ‘Putin Price Hike’ as being responsible for surging gas prices Stateside despite 90% of the increase having come as a direct result of Biden Executive Orders signed a year prior to Russia’s Special Military Operation, the EU could employ a similar tactic to escape the ire of protesting—soon to be rioting—citizens, passing off the damage to NS2 as being responsible for the coming Dark Winter that awaits them and not the sanctions and provocations they made toward the empire to the east, despite the fact that it was not operational.
Which dovetails nicely into the third and final theory we’ll touch on today, which holds that the Russian Federation itself launched a False Flag attack on its own energy infrastructure as a means of escalating the Cold War effects of their energy dominance over the European Union, while casting enough doubt over the cause so as to render the already-fragile ‘Union’ into a fractured, self-immolating core of discord and strife.
The Media Industrial Complex has already seeded this narrative in its constant drive to paint Putin as the second coming of that infamous German. While those of us who have been paying attention know that the LAST thing Putin wants is war, there are still a great many of our fellow sleepers who believe he wants nothing more than to see the west burn so that he might reforge the great Russian Empire of his forebears.
As for me and as for these three, I have issues with each of them, from the capability of the U.S. faction to action such an event in light of what I believe to be ‘red line’ Devolution-imposed limitations, to the utter (and somewhat believable) idiocy of the EU accelerating psychological damage and pain to their own citizenry who were already on the verge of revolt BEFORE said event, to the inherent lack of logic in Russia escalating an Energy War it was already firmly in control of.
That said, what each of these theories and all of these theories and their merging permutations have in common is the Macro many of us have been discussing in the Truth community for years:
The world seems to be approaching many precipices at once, and the world does not appear to have leaders in positions of power that make that an appetizing prospect to its sovereign peoples.
Any way you slice it, the escalation and acceleration on all fronts has caused more tension in the Collective Mind. Like steam in a kettle, the Collective Mind will seek release, and I believe the target will be those perceived to be pulling the strings.
Even if a portion of the EU population sees Putin as the puppet master, they will see their own leaders as provocateurs. Though many backed Ukraine in the initial encroachment by Russian forces, that sentiment was already dropping well before the latest escalation. And whether or not the U.S. Globalist arm had the means or the motive to engineer such a scenario, it doesn’t take a great leap to project that they will not handle its fallout well.
And make no mistake, the public will be watching how its leaders across the west respond.
And I believe they’ll begin to wonder how previous leaders—even controversial ones—might have done so in their stead.
They may even get the chance to see.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
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Be sure to leave a comment below to let me know your thoughts on this piece and to provide your own. I read every one!
What a gift God has given you; no doubt at all it’s specifically for this time. I’m in awe of your ability to so clearly clarify the situation before us. What is infinitely sad is the “regular people” that, although not innocent as part of our fallen state; are innocent of the evil actions taken by the puppets in charge of our countries. Time will tell whether this is the precipice where we finally begin to see we have more in common than not and unified stand against those who have enslaved us, but I am so thankful God has gifted and placed so many patriots in positions to encourage and clarify events. You are much appreciated. God bless you.🙏
Good analysis as usual, I did hear another theory, not sure the facts are true, but the Chinese may take the Russia gas, convert to LNG to ship and sell to Europe, China making money, Russia still selling the gas to Europe, and China/Russia edging out US LNG Exports. Not sure China has the assets in the Baltic to pull it off. My bet is NATO is desperate