Something strange happens when you’ve been fighting in the Info War for a few years.
(And if you’re wondering how to tell how long you’d been fighting in the Info War, your enlistment is dated retroactive to the first time you recognized the term as an accurate reflection of the sociopolitical, economic, cultural and even spiritual battlespace.)
That strange ‘something’ is akin to a bifurcation between expectation and reality.
To wit, we’ve all made the usual mistakes, whether it be bold, date-specific predictions inspired by misreadings of the Q Drops or—quite often—an underestimation of just how far the Collective American Mind can be stretched before anything resembling a ‘precipice’ or breaking point toward awakening and absolution rises up to the fore.
That said, there’s been a maturation process many Anons, citizen journalists and Info Warriors have gone through over the course of the last near-decade, wherein many of us have slowly transitioned from grabbing the popcorn ahead of a Trump address to the nation, excited about what sort of comms will fly and what sort of shock announcements might be in the offing, to the near total opposite, which can sometimes be mistaken for the momentary disappointment that can result in such heterodox and unorthodox minds being surprised not for the revelations on display in the latest mass narrative deployment out of patriots, but the seeming lack thereof.
Certainly it was possible to feel that way after Trump’s latest de facto State of the Union address—even this line, remember, would have been hope-saturated and surreal just a few short months ago—and yet, the overwhelming feeling I took away from the shockingly normal proceedings was how the political and cultural zeitgeist has resembled anything but in recent years … perhaps even decades.
To wit, my reaction to Trump’s address last night doesn’t just stand 24 hours later, but has been calcified.
It's old hat to anyone who's been following the story of Donald Trump for a while, but sometimes, the surreal nature of watching screeching miscreants react to the prospect of peace, truth and prosperity like vampires to holy water is sobering.
And probably the point of it all.
If you’ve been following the Info War for any length of time, no doubt you’re aware of the importance both from a practical political and fifth-generation warfare perspective of optics.
And while optics management is often active in nature, meaning it tends to result in the positive narrative deployments of one side or the other, the ones that tend to stick in the observing normie hivemind are those that are provoked. In other words, it is in reaction that a brand tends to stick rather than in action, and while Trump’s actions at the advent of what we’re told and what I believe to be the beginnings of a new American Golden Age are encouraging, the main takeaway for most from the State of the Union was in the spitting, hissing posture of the opposition.
In other words, when it comes to the somewhat shocking normalcy on display in Trump’s latest address, and in the various deployments he’s already spread over the sociopolitical battlefield just six weeks into his second (public) term, I do believe the signal—the point of it all—may lie in the counter signal.
Another term for optics might be window dressing, or context. Story. After all, as I’ve been arguing for years, now, I firmly believe we’re in a war made of them, and that we have much better storytellers than the opposition, at least in part because the stories they’re forwarding already speak to the vast majority of the Collective Mind.
That tends to follow when your story has the truth on its side.
So, what sort of story was Donald Trump selling during his first major national address following an executive blitzkrieg the likes of which we’ve never seen out of an administration in our lifetimes?
The same story he’s been selling since he came down that golden escalator all those years ago: that the American Dream has been rendered into an American Nightmare, that doing so was a feature of the political opposition rather than a bug, and, most importantly, that we have reason to not just hope, but firmly believe that the age of said Nightmare is ending in order to make way for a new American dawn.
Of course, Trump tells this story in the usual manner, weaving in a greatest hits from his many addresses both in the lead-up to and fallout from his 2024 presidential campaign, from a focus on border security and economic stability to unprecedented growth that could recall the country’s founding and its various—and increasingly-rare—boom periods, and, if you have the ears to hear it, that story and all the myriad stories that nest within it is a winning one.
After all, who could possibly oppose the desire to both return to a stolen American past wherein the word ‘Dream’ was indistinguishable from our lived Micro and Macro reality and project ahead into an even grander version of an American future?
As it turns out, a very small number of highly visible, highly partisan and highly performative public servants could … and did on the biggest stage imaginable, and after a faux Biden term wherein the proxy president—whose proxy quite depends on who you ask—presided over the most accelerated period of wanton socioeconomic destruction and subversion this nation has seen in a century.
And therein lies the counter signal I’m talking about, which is really the signal to this particular deployment.
You see, from where I’m sitting, the reason Donald Trump didn’t feel the need for a shock and awe, fire and brimstone address is because he’s better than any politician in American—perhaps in world—history at reading the proverbial room, and despite breathless bloviating to the contrary in an increasingly-siloed and sad corner of the Marxist protectorate, Trump has correctly surmised that the only true opposition to his Golden Age agenda comes in two forms: those who have succumbed to cynicism on the back of the very subversion he (and we) seek to overcome in the years ahead, and those who engineered that very demoralization campaign so that they might grow fat off the economic—and often quite literal—blood of this nation.
This is the enduring and defining image of our opposition.
And it’s come up wanting, partly because it has no central cypher and no underlying premise from which to strike out, twin revelations that will continue to metasticize as the Golden Age accelerates.
I’m partial to expounding on writing rules in the context of the War of Stories, then, not because I believe all of them to be bedrock and foundational to the telling of stories, but rather because I believe that in order to tell the most effective Macro story in this fifth-generation war for the future of humanity, one needs to consider both the lowest common denominator of awareness and the fact that said story is being translated to an audience that has intentionally been split into various sociopolitical factions, sub groups and ideologies bordering on religions, and so, the oldest rules, which are often the simplest rules still have the best chance of sticking.
To wit, one of said rules posits that a story is only as good as its villain.
When you’re a young writer starting out, this truism holds, as most of the best stories—whether you’re talking about mythic epics or modern day thrillers—are largely defined by the antagonist rather than the protagonist. After all, we don’t read a story to see a day in the life of the hero. We read on to see how he overcomes a series of challenges that have the potential to evoke change both in him and in the world orbiting him.
From the advent of the Trump era in American politics, Trump—and by extension, his movement—have had villains aplenty.
First, there was the infamous she-devil, Hillary Clinton, progenitor of the Clinton Crime Family and an easy villain for mass mapping onto the Deep State’s existence, abject evil and its utter disregard for—nay, its hatred for—the ‘deplorables’ the system views each of us as a willing or accidental part.
Then, there was the ghost of Joe Biden, a less intentional—on their part, anyway—but no less effective villain for mass mapping because of it.
In the place of blistering critiques on the American public Clinton was renowned for, and instead of a venomous sort of loathing dripping from every word as she addressed her would-be subjects, Biden painted the picture of unearned calm, ease and excess that had become of the western globalist political class.
While there were undoubtedly scandals aplenty with regards to Biden and his own eponymous crime family, then, his sins were spectres from a shallow-buried past that continued to haunt him at Trump’s behest from the edges of the stage.
And so, while Biden was truly a villain just as worthy of the moniker as Clinton before him, he was one that hit new segments of the observing mind due to the fact that he seemed to be less threatening, less biting and therefor less likely to upend the established order of things.
As it turned out—and as I think one of the overarching points of the Biden Admin was—the established order of things tends to be pretty bad for the people, and pretty good for those that would rule over them. When the story is told over the course of decades and administrations, this erosion in societal cohesion, economic stability and American idealism can be masked. But when it is accelerated to the degree it was entering the Biden era, the false normalcy on display is rendered stark naked for the world—for the people—to see.
If you want to add in the cackling Kamala Harris as the third not-fully-actualized villain in the Trump era, you’re free to, but to me, she was simply a prelude to the reveal and ubiquity of the multitudinous communist collective that have become of Trump’s political opposition, and that took (not quite) center stage on Tuesday night.
The collective is the villain now, in other words, rather than an individual, and what the American people saw during the State of the Union address was the unwavering commitment this collective has for opposing the man we installed into the highest office in the land not because we trust him over any other … but rather because we trust that he will implement our collective will, which is a sovereign will built on the back of a resurgent American idealism, optimism … and yes, a resolute force of will that will stop at nothing to see it done.
“Common sense has become a common theme” was perhaps the stand-out line from what was—as I hinted at the start of this piece—an otherwise unspectacular address from the perspective of those who’ve spent years digging into the deepest layers of the Info War.
And sometimes that’s okay. Sometimes it’s more than okay. Sometimes, it is rather the point of it all, and while mileage varies greatly around these parts and even in my own estimation of just how far patriot control runs, if you ever wanted as clear a signal as to the underlying truth inherent in Trump’s words, deployments and most importantly, promises to the American people, the regime and all its proxies gave it to you last night.
For years, the regime and all its carrion crows in the media protectorate referred to themselves and their legacy politicos as the ‘adults in the room’ where it concerned the bullish bravado of one Donald Trump and his America First movement.
But what was rendered clearer than ever before before the eyes of the nation last night was the fact that the shoe is on the other foot, and the adults in the room are on center stage while the petulant, poisonous leches jeer and sneer from the gallery.
Not at Trump, but at the story he’s telling.
Not at the administration, but at the people it represents.
Not at the Golden Age as a political agenda, but as a promise to do better, to be better and most importantly, to dream bigger for the first time in a long time.
The Golden Age, Trumpism, America First and yes, MAGA and the Great Awakening isn’t a political movement; it’s a story—a story a good portion of the American electorate believe in already, and, more importantly—and helped along by the very obstacles to its actualization—a story that a good many more WANT to believe in.
Trump isn’t forcing the American people to embrace the American dream for the first time in decades.
He’s giving them permission to, which is more than I can say for the very establishment that stands to lose so much as we endeavor to gain just a little at their expense.
And maybe, for this one night, and at the start of this great adventure laid out before us at the advent of the New American Golden Age, that’s enough.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Bright Retrospective
My last piece might have got a little lost in the noise of an impossible-to-track story cycle, but responses to it were quite positive.
Since we’re on the subject of stories and storytelling, then, one of the most interesting Macros I’ve been tracking is the simultaneous dissolution and transformation of the story of the west on the main stage … and how the establishment has lost it completely on the back of the crisis cascade a diminutive Ukrainian dwarf king kicked off so recently, by hook or by crook.
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Yes, BB the hissing loser crowd last night seemed, at my glance divided into 2 camps. The Stupids who will die on their hill of.....I don't even know WHAT that hill is,except sheer will of ego. And, the others, who, I could see it in their eyes KNOW this new way IS the right way, or at least it is THE way we are going. They will put up a front, and in quiet then eventually acquiesce to the inevitable. Honestly, after all this time, I care nothing for them or their views. Trump's tongue-lashing of them made me laugh!! And Vance and Johnson giggling behind him was priceless !!! Oh,the righteous condescension !!!!!!! Sometimes I almost get embarrassed at my immaturity....ALMOST!!! Ha !!
"screeching miscreants" is a totally keeper term. In my dreams, I'd love to say it to my brother, but the screeching would become even louder and I just can't go there. I love the vibes and music your words deliver. I sometimes go off on a tangent in my mind when they trigger my own chain reactions and have to refocus on what you have written. Before I know it, another trigger... lol
What an amazing writer you are to have trained us all how to really look at things. Btw, I realized today, that baby Bright being born on the 1st of Jan 2025, could be like the 1st of a new Boomer period just like we boomers after WWII.
It's off to the races and a whole new market place for babies! Gen something....? Hmmm. Perhaps you should be the one to describe and label it.