Have you noticed it?
Have you seen the Globalist panic pattern taking over the game board with such saturating weight that its gravity is pulling the attention of virtually all layers of the Collective Mind simultaneously?
This is the Narrative Convergence we’ve been projecting in the pages of Burning Bright for years, now, and I do mean that literally … the beginning of the end stages of the enemy’s exposure not just to this awakening community of heterodox, first principles thinkers, but to the masses.
From Emmanuel Macron effecting a bizarre mixture of a temper tantrum and a ring-kissing ceremony at the foot of the Great MAGA King to our favorite Bicameral Prussian Proxy Prince making good on whatever promises he made the same man—and summarily breaking the ones that first got him installed onto his faux throne by his globalist handlers—to the other two would-be powers on the North American continent attempting to rebrand as sovereigns by coming to the defense of international criminal organizations all while kowtowing to every move our mandated representative demands of them … things are not going well for the establishment Deep State.
And sure, Trump’s absolute blitzkrieg of Executive Orders (ones with real teeth, this time,) on everything from national border security to the Federal workforce to international agreements was doing a hell of a lot more than rattling their cages, but the true fear in the collectivist beast’s eyes comes on the back of the exposure of their perpetual war machine.
Rather … in the fact that it seems to be coming undone, and from the inside as much as from without.
And while I hope the topic doesn’t get tired for you folks who continue to bless this publication with your readership, I truly believe the cognitive keystone to this unraveling narrative knot—and thus, the awakening it’s held back—lies half a world away in the bloody flatlands of Ukraine.
But then … you did hear the news that Volodymyr Zelenskyy was absolutely refusing to come to the table at Donald Trump’s request, did you not?
Outdated, you say? Check the ticker?
Ah, I see. Perhaps then, you heard that he will UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES consider a mineral rights agreement with the US in exchange for American support for terrestrial Ukrainian territory? (Which will likely look an awful lot like the territory Russia never wanted in the first place, I expect.)
After all, the ‘Gray Lady’ herself, the New York Times reports that his handlers specifically requested he TONE DOWN his rhetoric with the American president, demonstrating just how totally real and not at all scripted their kayfabe … err, disagreement is.
No really. Look.
Mr. Zelensky has been advised by European allies to tone down his confrontation with the American president. But on Sunday, he did not back away from his earlier comments and repeated his assertion that Mr. Trump is living in a disinformation bubble.
That’s REAL fake news right there, folks. Clear enough for you?
Ain’t NO way these dudes are getting a deal done.
Refresh the feed, you exclain? But surely …
Well then. I see.
Either way, it seems the height of optimistic naivety to believe Zelenskyy is doing anything more than saving face while he bends to the will of his globalist masters in Brussels. Surely he wouldn’t seriously entertain the current talks by giving the Orange Man another coup of a photo Op by prostrating himself at the foot of the American throne …
Friday, you said? He’s flying across the Atlantic on Friday to do that very thing?
I … I see.
Well, whatever deal COULD even surface on the edges between the US and Russia aren’t likely to extend beyond a temporary and highly focused agreement regarding the conflict in the Donbas, either way that might speak to the long-term coordination of some sort of … Sovereign Alliance kooks on the interwebs have been talking about for the better part of three years, now.
(Excuse me a moment. Yes? What’s that? Leave it on my desk for now. I’ll pull it up when … Oh, I see. Yeah. Maybe they’d like to see it.)
Hey, I told you I was writing these somewhere between 2 and 5am these days while presiding over the faux sleeping habits of my nascent son, did I not?
Either way, you get the point. And you know what, MAYBE they are, too, even if it’s on a delay.
So, it seems the media protectorate of the crumbling globalist superstate are getting a BIT closer to guessing the game their handlers already have, and yet, after reading through their latest deluge of communistic cope, I think they've missed the true scope of the counter subversion they've been subjected to when it comes to the "mediocre comedian" known as Our Boy Z.
Allow me to explain:
Axios has interviewed several "unnamed sources close to the situation," as always, but the real juice to the propagandist squeeze comes in the form of the emerging panic pattern we're seeing displayed within the media establishment, as the powers that have been and will never be again begin to consider the prospect that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is no more theirs at this stage of the game than Joe Biden was, perhaps for the entirety of his fake presidency.
The Axios piece is littered with signal, but the funny thing is, it's only signal if you know what you're looking for, and if you consider the possibility that Zelenskyy made a deal like so many swamp creatures have before him; through this lens, erratic, self-defeating moves like those he's been making in recent weeks only appear contradictory if you haven't considered the Art of the Deal.
While Axios lays out the five moves Zelenskyy made in recent weeks that ostensibly soured his relationship (and thus,) his negotiating power not when it comes to Vladimir Putin, but Donald Trump, the reason this particular piece of alarmist propaganda ultimately misses the mark comes down to a lack of imagination.
In essence, they've noticed the Ukrainian Dwarf King's reckless moves when it comes to the Peaceful Pincer he's caught in, and have summarily noted Trump's seemingly-sudden turn on the Prussian Proxy Prince.
And yet, if you've been following the war beneath the war, you've been expecting this 'turn' for several years, as it's been clear to some that Zelenskyy was offered a deal, perhaps way back in July 2019, of which the "perfect phone call" that helped to surface the 'Quid Pro Joe' scandal was just the beginning.
As I've been documenting since March 2022, the net effects of Zelenskyy's moves have been absolutely devastating to both the Nazi-aligned Azov Battalion operating in the Donbas (as well as the judges, bureaucrats and politicians that support them,) AND to his former handlers both within and without Ukraine.
But then, you have noticed virtually every regime proxy in the EU and in Ukraine soured on Zelenskyy long before Trump did ... right?
And that it was Zelenskyy's own anti-corruption purge that resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of Ihor Kolomoisky, the man who first thrust him into the spotlight as [their] regime candidate ... right?
These contradictory moves are impossible to reconcile if you believe the regime still controls Zelenskyy.
Strings cut? Sure ... only to be retied.
So, when US officials are quoted as saying, "we created a monster with Zelensky," they're right, albeit bicamerally.
They created the monster.
But Trump unleashed it. And now that monster is coming to its adopted home, or political prison to kiss the ring like so many others have before him, and will in short order.
All of this adds up to paint the following picture:
The Gordian Knot that is the Ukraine situation has become untenable for the establishment, and that’s because, even from the perspective of a slow-blinking normie public, the solution to the problem is inherent in its origins.
This is something the Russian side understands, and are saying as much, while getting no appreciable pushback from the American side of the ledger ... that's Donald Trump, for those paying attention.
AP summarized the current trend as follows:
"In a dramatic shift in transatlantic relations under President Donald Trump, the United States split with its European allies by refusing to blame Russia for its invasion of Ukraine in votes on three U.N. resolutions Monday seeking an end to the three-year war."
This was in response to a toothless UN resolution the US refused to endorse, which called for an immediate withdrawal of Russian forces from the Donbas while blaming them entirely for the three-year war.
Of course, Moscow doubled down on the American reticence to enflame tensions, proposing "an amendment calling for the 'root causes' of the conflict to be addressed."
(If you want to learn more about said ‘root causes,’ consider a trip down memory lane through the massive retrospective I spent way too long writing on the Righteous Russia series. No. Seriously. Read it, or at least pretend to read it, and I will, in return pretend to be pleased with you.)
In other words, if you've been paying attention to the war beneath the war, you'll know that Russia's Special Military Operation in the Donbas isn't just defensible, but in the minds of many, justified, if not utterly necessary.
From where I'm sitting, Trump understands this all too well, which is not only why he refuses to condemn Russia's actions while referring to Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a dictator, but also stands as one of the key reasons for the theorized US Devolution operation
has documented and researched most extensively.After all, it's clear to most in this community that, if Russia's 'invasion' was necessary, Trump couldn't be in a (public) position of power while it kicked off, instead waiting to play peacemaker in accordance with a pre-set and agreed timeline with the Russian side.
What's more, WAY back in March of 2022, I suggested the US and Russia might not be the only ones at the table:
"In the wake of all this, Trump will either be reinstated or reelected by We, the People, and as his first act as our returned Commander-in-Chief, he will ‘demand’ peace with Vladimir Putin, Russia and perhaps China, should they join the great game in the intervening months of engineered turmoil."
(This one has also held up perhaps better than anything else I’ve written at Burning Bright. And it’s not nearly as long as the Righteous Russia Retrospective, so you don’t have to be worried about clicking.)
Fast forward to now, and China has officially entered the chat, praising Moscow for its overtures toward the American peacemaking efforts while all three legs of the Sovereign Alliance tripod increasingly align in the public narrative.
Of course, this all occurs against the backdrop of the European Globalist powers proposing to restock Ukraine with 30,000 "peacekeepers," which we know are quite the opposite, while Zelenskyy himself continues to shift the Overton window increasingly in the direction of coming to the table with Putin in violation of his would-be and have-been masters' demands.
The Globalist swine represented by Macron and company aren't worried they'll lose the war; they're worried they'll lose the story.
Too late.
This is the endgame of the Sovereign Alliance, to win without fighting, and for the ultimate victory to be measured in never having to take the field to achieve it.
The research of the aforementioned
and many others in this space have shed light on the Actuals buoying that mission, with my friends and documenting the ins and outs of the Q Operation that set the mass psychological ground for the American awakening on this side of the psychospiritual divide, but my focus has always been on the story, as I firmly believe that ALL real wars are the result of lost information wars, and that the most important layer of the information war to win is the War of Stories.That is the theater I document and interpret, analyze and estimate, reflect on and project onto, for better or worse, and as for the core story at work in the current battlespace, I have long believed it is the War for Peace, which starts with the story for it.
So, how did Alexander untie the Gordian Knot?
He didn’t. He cut it.
How do you defeat an enemy that is the war machine made manifest, from its Hegelian seeding to its bloody actualization phases writ large across the mindscape and the faux and real histories of humanity itself?
By revealing it.
Peace isn’t the knot, my friends.
Peace is the sword.
And Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and other members of the Sovereign Alliance—along with each and all of us in this awakening movement—are wielding it on the end of a story, which will pave the way for the beginning of all those that come after, ready to tell their own in the light of a new awakening—and yes, perhaps golden-tinged—age.
And that’s a pretty cool thought to take into the rest of the week.
I’m going to sleep now. (He says wistfully, knowing it is not to be the truth.)
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
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Okay, I took the challenge and re-read The Master and the Righteous Russia series followed by the epic Reckoning recap that highlighted the accuracy of your insights and prophetic musings from prior years. If only our educators were talented enough, these writings would be the basis for excellent history or world event courses for "young minds full of mush" before they face the challenges of adulthood. Combined with The DOGEing, Of Peacemakers and Peace(fakers), and Surrender of the War Machine, our "We the People" of the coming decades would be much better prepared to avoid the belief of lies and false Actuals than we were. I was hopeful through my original readings and ecstatic while rereading as my hopes are being realized beyond my biggest and best dreams. Thanks for the hours you invest in these enlightening and encouraging posts and to Mrs. and Baby Bright for the times they share you with us.
Hmmmmm, and hmmmm again.
Lots to chew on.
I noted the interview between Fox’s Bret Baier and Emmanuel Macron several nights ago.
Macron made a statement, declaring once again that Russia was an aggressor and that NATO and Europe must be vigilant because of this aggression.
I waited (hah!) for Bret to jump in and say, “But, Mr. Macron, hasn’t NATO been an aggressor in that the number of NATO countries has doubled since the Warsaw Pact was dismantled in 1991? And it is documented that at the time the West offered Gorbachev assurances that NATO would not expand eastward. Is that not western aggression? Further, the US has its Monroe Doctrine, so why is it that Russia is not granted its own form of Monroe Doctrine?”