Bright Brief - The Master Goes to Work
The Awakening Arrives Ahead of Schedule ... And Just in Time
Bright Army!
The headline says enough, doesn’t it?
Donald Trump is your President. He was your president from 2016-20. He remained your president from 2020-24, and he still is today, whether or not a very fake election—even one whose narrative ending we quite prefer to the one before it—might have convinced you otherwise in the interim.
But then, perhaps one of the key learnings from what will be codified by those with minds bent to storytelling and record-keeping as the American dark ages is that the word ‘president’ is as meaningless as its title, all of which pales in comparison to the truth, which is that Donald Trump currently represents the sovereign will of the American people on both an actual and mass psychological level.
As such, I would remind you that it’s of far lesser importance what’s happening with the latest spending bill from an illegitimate Congress of swamp rats masquerading as elected representatives than it is how the reawakened sovereign spirit is manifesting itself in various layers of each side of the reality divide—the actual and the narrative.
Recent discussions abound regarding "public mandate" and the fact that Trump made it the narrative fulcrum of his final 2024 campaign push.
If you're abreast of the Devolution theory and the Q Drops ... hell, if you've got a functioning brain and understand that the Biden Admin/era was much more an accelerated lever of awakening more so than an 'actual' political deployment, you learned long ago not to react to narrative deployments, political scandals, and yes, even kinetic storylines from across the sea whose existence we can't verify directly, never mind the stories told about them.
When it comes to Mike Johnson's various packages (such a tease,) then, including the latest, citizen journalists like
and others took a cognitive scalpal to it in a way no American politician has in decades, if not ever, not because they don't care, or because it's 'too long to read,' but rather because pork-filled bills and tyranny through the illusion of legitimate process is a feature of the system of systems rather than a bug.A lot of my friend and peer
’s commentary in recent months has revolved around resurfacing the federalist vs. anti-federalist debate baked into this nation's founding, and if you find yourself wondering why Trump seems to be alternatively running off the system while taking a hammer to it, it's because the battle to reform and restore this country is about far more than winning fake elections.Put another way, public mandate is lent, not given pro forma.
Make them earn it.
To wit … did I mention that the fake news media named Trump its person of the year?
A tasteful and timely bit of irony … or something more?
Well, you don’t come here for the former, so allow me to indulge in the latter.
With his latest weaves, narrative deployments and political posturing post election and pre-inauguration—PENDING Deep State obfuscation attempts—it seems to be that Donald Trump is simultaneously giving characters, cyphers and coalitions on all sides of the info war just enough of a platform to elevate themselves, and just enough rope to hang themselves, depending on their preferences.
For some time, I've been refering to Donald Trump as more of a character than a man, and there's no insult in that; quite the opposite, in fact.
The reason so many have drawn comparisons between DJT and Bruce Wayne isn't just because his "true" biography sees so much in common with the fictional prince of Gotham City, but more so because he embodies the archetype of the ultraman/everyman striving to take down the system while operating within it.
When Trump says, "I don't trust anybody," then, he might have been doing so in a non-answer reference to Bibi Netanyahu, who is central to the current chapter in the War of Stories, but he's saying more between the beats.
He's saying that he doesn't trust the players on the game board not because he DOESN'T know them, but because he DOES. Because he knows how the game is played. Because he was born into the game, raised in the game, and forged in the game. And because nobody plays it better.
As the pieces move into place, then, observe that some who believe themselves closest to Trump will likely find themselves on the outside looking in, just as many of the loudest MAGA voices in the alt. media complex may find themselves voiceless and exposed as awakening accelerates.
He's not trapped in the story with them.
They're trapped in the story with him.
So, how does Donald Trump alternate between very serious statements about the plight of our nation and meme'ing on a criminal cabal of globalist Satanic pedophiles without breaking stride?
He's operating as the key cognitive cypher in a War of Stories while translating a timeline war to a narratively-retarded population.
When you're viewing his deployments with a Bicameral mindset, you can see it as simple and necessary morale boosting, but there's a lot more to it than that.
The War of Stories refrain doesn't necessarily imply that what we're watching play out in the public narrative is "fake," but more so that it's both a translation of the truth (ie: the problem) for mass consumption (or harvest,) in an attempt to cultivate public mandate for first principles & sovereign solutions while pledging to make good on the promise of that mandate.
Adding a movable view of narrative timelines to this cypher will avail you well as you attempt to thread the needle between Trump's deployments and their start points and end points.
For example, it WAS true that the cabal was ruining our country, just as it's ALSO true that they have lost control. That story is being translated along a set timeline.
The best—and most encouraging—part is ... YOU play a role in accelerating that timeline, which is to say, YOU play a role in deciding how much story needs to play out before the winning cascade collapses into the realm of the real, and I do believe that’s the point of the current chapter, which the aforementioned
elucidates perhaps better than anyone in the current Info War zeitgeist.As for my personal framing, I keep telling you that the War is a Story, and that the Story is a War.
And on the back of that observation-revelation, I would simply bid you to act accordingly. Trump certainly is.
After all … "the choice to know will be yours," right?
The very idiocy of the central narrative seems to be a feature of the Great Awakening rather than a bug.
Last year, I referred to the concept of 'Shatterpoints,' which are essentially psycho-temporal convergence points where the energy required to keep the cognitive dissonance associated with full belief in the central narrative is overwhelmed by sheer logic, forcing a change point in the observing mind, which is to say, a shattering.
I believe this occurs on both Micro and Macro, Individual and Societal scales, and that each observing mind has its own criteria for shatterpoints.
If you're reading this post, most likely, your Shatterpoint was reached LONG before now. Hell, if you even know we're in an Info War, then you're well beyond the shattering, and well into the process of Awakening.
For the normie layers of the Collective Mind, it seems ghosts in the media machine are aware that the Fear Narrative, while effective, must also be increasingly-absurd in order to feel jarring to generations of people who've already been inoculated to the prospect that the world isn't actually meant to be an inherently devastating and terrifying place.
Now do you see how Trump can meme on drone warfare even while the media and MIL take the fictional threat ultra seriously?
Some see a comedy. Others see a horror movie.
What movie are you watching?
As for me, I’m watching the one that stars the greatest cognitive cypher—which you might refer to as a ‘character’ we’ve seen in the American sociopolitical zeitgeist—which I’ve been documenting sporadically in the pages of ‘The Master’ series. It’s always worth a look, whether you’re new around these parts or if you’re a long-time member of the Bright Army.
O, Cana … Duh!
No doubt you’ve seen the news.
Rather, the story of the ongoing humiliation ritual of the communist proxy state that’s somewhat shamedly served as America’s top hat for nearing an age.
This was Trump’s response in the immediate aftermath of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Castro (Trudeau) taking a seeming emergency flight down to Mar-a-Lago in order to prostrate himself at the feet of the Great MAGA King to beg for lenience as the emergent and renewed American Empire begins to stretch its sinews on the back of a long—and long-engineered—slumber.
And, as I said at the time, Donald Trump knows exactly what he's doing with these memetic deployments.
What we're seeing here is some good old fashioned 'Art of the Deal' being translated to the normie layers of the Collective Mind.
Anyone who's taken some time to dive into the history of Trump the businessman knows that one of the biggest takeaways allies and adversaries have from their dealings with him is that his first offer is ALWAYS his best one.
Apply this modality to his 25% tariff deployments against Mexico & Canada, and observe how each country publicly capitulated within 48 hours of Trump issuing the threats, with Mexico reportedly seizing its largest Fentanyl operation in years (quite as if authorities knew the whole time exactly where and how it was operating,) while Trudeau made public commitments to crack down on Canadian border security despite the fact that most had no idea such operations were being aided and abetted by our northern neighbors.
What's more, Trump seeding the idea of Trudeau as Governor of the 51st State is memetic, which makes the story viral while carrying with it the undercurrent of a threat.
Trump knows he has the Globalists over a barrel. He's asking them how long they want to push the timelines out with regards to capitulation with the resurgent Sovereign American Empire.
In the war between Sovereignty and Collectivism, we're playing a zero sum game, and both sides know this.
So, what's my advice to Trudeau, Sheinbaum, Macron et al?
Take the deal, commies.
And I think at least one of them already has …
As for the net effects not just of Trump’s deployments, but Trudeau’s seeming capitulation? Globalist panic within the walls of the hemmed in communist fiefdom, as Trudeau lost one of his staunchest allies (read: Prussian handlers) in the immediate aftermath.
And our boy was all too eager to pile on, while providing some tantalizing signal as to what COULD be the beginnings of an #OurBoyTru story arc that can only stand as a pale shadow next to Our Boy Blue, who continues to do our work before taking his final bow in the War of Stories.
So, yeah, the Trump-Canada B plot is becoming one of my favorites in the current story cycle, and it's because it hits the perfect triple threat all truly memetic deployments require:
It's funny, it's strange and it's scary (if you're a Canadian.)
But what separates a run of the mill internet meme from an Info War meme is that the latter often contains signal as to the underlying war beneath the story, and over the course of the last few weeks, Trump has been giving the citizens of Canada and Mexico a crash course on both power projection & game theory.
In terms of the former, it's pretty simple: Trump is breaking through cognitive dissonance walls that have been erected over the course of generations by a system of systems designed to enrich and protect itself.
To wit, It has simply never occured to most Canadians or Mexicans that the US literally does not require trade with either nation, and so, by threatening to remove it, Trump not only exposes their LACK of power, but the fact that their respective governments sold them out long ago.
Now, with Freeland ousted by a capitulating Trudeau, one wonders if the Proxy Prince of Canada is entering his Zelensky arc, and is now turning on his globalist masters in order to make good with his neighbor to the south, who would currently have him by the balls, if he had any to speak of.
Freeland was one of the stalwarts of the Globalist covid hysteria, after all, so I believe Trudeau was forced to make a move here, and it's not one Brussels is going to like.
So, make no mistake, Trump is simultaneously engaged in a massive public humiliation ritual of Castro Jr. and the globalist proxy states of Canada and Mexico ahead of his second term, while said deployments also act as underlying signal to the would-be sovereign peoples of both nations.
If and when Trudeau and Sheinbaum, Canada and Mexico earn the tariffic terror campaign of the Trump admin, then, their peoples won't look to Trump as their tormentor, but rather the governments that sold them out for generations, off-shoring all means of production and wealth generation while letting international crime syndicates terrorize them on an active level in the south, and on a financial level in the north, through the rapid inflation of domestic housing to line the pockets of foreign billionaires.
Trump said he would Make America Great Again.
If you're a regime on the outside looking in, that promise looks like a threat, and will have Canadians, Mexicans, Europeans et al wanting the same.
Behold, the return of the city on a hill.
It's been said that the Awakening will spread worldwide, but it's probably going to look like a partial collapse in the interim, as all periods of great change do.
So, while Americans prep for the return of Donald Trump to the highest office in the land, the western globalist hegemon seems to be in absolute freefall preceding the shift, as several of the 'mostest Democraticest Democracies in freedomworld' appear to be on the verge of political catastrophe.
The aforementioned Canadian strife has already brought with it rumors that Trudeau could be forced to resign as Prime Minister of Canada.
This comes on the heels of Macron losing control (literally) of the French government, and it's followed by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz losing a confidence vote in the German Parliament ... Oh, and did I mention that South Korea's leader just declared Martial Law for ten minutes, leading to a near-immediate impeachment vote and insurrection probe?
So, sure, the Info War is defined by noise, and it's virtually impossible for us to know what's actually going on in any of these theaters, but on the Macro, the trend line demonstrates an obvious panic pattern developing in the modern globalist-communist superstate, and it seems to be a result of their inability to stop the emphatic rise and solidification of Trumpism in the west.
Now, as these false tyrants scramble to fill their own power vacuums, how do their peoples respond?
However they choose to.
The Peacemakers Orbit
Which brings us to a brief journey down memory lane, as some deployments from the week that was surfaced righteous memories of the series that started it all at Burning Bright.
Perhaps somewhat lost in the noise of reports that a top Russian General has been assassinated was the signal Vladimir Putin provided to cut through the War of Stories by revealing it as exactly that.
On Monday, the Russian leader said the following when asked to comment on the seeming pattern of escalation on the part of the western globalist hegemon:
“They [Western leaders] are simply scaring their own population that we are going to attack someone there using the pretext of the mythical Russian threat."
Zoom in. ENHANCE.
The "MYTHICAL Russian threat," you say?
Why, it almost sounds as if Putin is telling the peoples of the west that the Russia they have been taught to fear simply does not exist ... at least, not in the form they believe it does on the back of a century of engineered Hegelian programming.
But he didn't stop there ...
“The tactic is very simple: they push us to ‘a red line’, from which we can not retreat, we start to respond and then they immediately scare their population—in the old days it was with the Soviet threat and now it’s with the Russian threat.”
Vladimir Putin is engaged in narrative warfare because Russia has been losing it for the better part of the modern age ... as have we, by being trapped in one of the longest-running controlled opposition dynamics in history.
And that story is going to ratchet along a pre-set mass psychological timeline that YOU have the power to front-run, if you so choose, by acknowledging that the story of the war is not necessary, and that its ultimate—and very dramatic, public resolution—is not only possible, but inevitable.
Man. I mean, who could have seen this coming?
Besides everyone who was paying attention.
Some were ahead of the game before Russia went into the Donbas in February 2022, because we'd been tracking the CIA's accelerated regime-change ops that seemed to revert to 1960s levels during the Obama era.
From the Arab Spring that saw five attempted coups in the Middle East and North Africa (four of which were successful,) to the Maidan Coup that ousted a Russian loyalist from his duly elected position as leader of Ukraine, the CIA essentially poured gasoline over the 'gray zone' between the globalist western hegemon and the Russian Federation from 2010-16, partly prompting my own awakening before the awakening.
Of course, the 'plan' was for the powder keg of the Obama era to give way to the lit match that was the incoming Hillary Clinton administration; remember, she was confidently seeding the idea of open conflict with Russia on the 2016 campaign trail, going so far as to suggest the US might place no-fly zones over Kazakhstan, which would be akin to the US doing so over Canada, ironically enough.
But they were all of them deceived, for another plan was made.
Now, you're allowed to observe the Info War as if Trump and Putin are negotiating through the media in a desperate bid to circumvent the western intel industrial complex through a 1960s Cuban Missile Crisis rerun.
OR, you can accept that we're watching a narrative translation of the story of the Peacemakers en route to mass catharsis and awakening.
That Awakening is Bicameral, and it's coming on the back of a story.
Which is why, while the domestic story is running along the narrative rails of the promise of the American Golden Age, the global story is taking on a much different tenor, and that's entirely by design.
Several years ago, I posited that, on the back of the Biden era, and as international tensions with a "New Axis" of Russia, China, Iran et al continued to escalate against the globalist western hegemon, the pathway toward a unified American public Mandate for Trump's leadership would emerge.
Now, while it's true that Trump said he needed a "mandate in the vote" in November 2024, and while some believe he ostensibly received it, the fact that the latest fake election we happened to "win" still posits that nearly half the country has NOT lent Trump said mandate means that, according to the central narrative, we're still a split state, which is to say, a split mind.
So, HOW does Donald Trump get the full public mandate to lead the United States not just internally, but to represent Her on the world stage as we charge into a new era of sovereignty and multipolarity?
By changing Trump from a conqueror to a peacemaker, a destroyer to a builder—his original archetype in the American Mind.
And you can ONLY accomplish that through the threat of war, which is coming in the form of a STORY, and which requires help that Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and others in the Sovereign Alliance are all too eager to provide.
It's not ‘RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA’ you have to fear, western man ... only the story of it you're being told.
In other words, the deals are already done. Act accordingly.
Say ... I wrote a series about that, which can act as this week’s Bright Retrospective, if you're interested.
And MERRY CHRISTMAS you freak savages!
It’s going to be a VERY busy one in the Bright Household … which may make it exceedingly difficult for me to bend my mind to producing as much writing and podcasting in the coming weeks.
Alas, I’ll do my best, and I promise any delay or temporary reprieve is for a very good reason.
Thank you all for your continued support, whether you’ve been able to do so financially or simply by sharing this work with fellow awakened and awakening minds in this vast, interconnected sea of potential good that might stand against the forces of darkness, and chase them to the far reaches, never to return.
If you’re so inclined, you can support this work using one of the links below.
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What movie am I watching? Comedy? (sometimes) Horror film(almost never)…but mostly, the most educational documentary ever! “Trump is breaking through cognitive dissonance walls that have been erected over the course of generations by a system of systems designed to enrich and protect itself.”
The Art of War. Art of the Deal.
And great minds (like BB and many Badlands contributors) for interpreting!!
Thank You, BB. Christmas Blessings to you and your family ❤️🕊
How I see it:
He walked into the room and sensed the ripple of unease. Good. The new bureaucracy was standing around with plain paper cups and strong black coffee. People were milling about murmuring about no cream or sugar, and looking uncomfortable in the White House briefing area. No fancy porcelain cups with saucers. No lavish breakfast spreads. Unease was good. Take away some of the familiar terrain, and then give them a new path through the woods. They will breathe a sigh of relief as their footsteps grow more confident and their pace quickens. Their anxiety will lessen as they realize they aren’t completely lost and can see a trail ahead. He walked to the coffee table, poured his own coffee in the same paper cup, turned around and said” Ok , let’s get to work”. The master had returned.