If you’ve been paying attention, no doubt you’ve noticed the theme of acceleration as the Information War ramps up en route to what will be a turning point—if not necessarily an endpoint—in the ongoing Shadow War as we approach the 2022 Midterm Elections.
Acceleration in rhetoric. Acceleration in emotional and psychological tension. Acceleration in Actual Deployments in the eastern theater of the kinetic war playing out between sovereign forces and proxies of the would-be Globalist empire.
Most of all, acceleration in Narratives and Narrative Warfare.
But, as I often argue at Burning Bright, Narratives cut both ways, and I believe the powers that would be have been trapped in a Hegelian death loop by patriots who have more cunning minds and sharper metaphorical pens. In short, I believe that, in time, you folks will begin to see why I so confidently assert that we have better storytellers than the enemy.
And stories run the world.
So, then, what story to focus on today?
How about the story that binds all of the others together? How about the story of ‘Q’ and Trump’s unabashed, clear as day flirtation with one of the largest and most tight-knit communities in the Info War?
Rather than a treatise on the veracity or lack thereof of the Q Operation, my point in highlighting Trump’s flirtation with and tacit endorsement of the community speaks to the acceleration theme I have seen of late in everything from MAGA rallies to Trump-allied talking heads’ talking points to the resultant, predictable and—in my view—engineered blowback from the rotting vestiges of the Media Industrial Complex as they twist and contort in an attempt to somehow expose without highlighting and mock without spotlighting.
These are contradictory techniques that the MSM does not excel at, since the truth underlies most arguments in this community and the intent of finding truth bolsters even faulty attempts at theory crafting and discourse.
This implied Trump endorsement and simultaneous Media Panic floats above the recent admission that the Pentagon—ostensibly under the orders of the ‘Acting Admin’—are conducting an ongoing review of Domestic PsyOps deployed in the waning days of the Trump Administration … yet another endorsement of the Decentralized Intel Dissemination Program known as ‘Q.’
The Collective Mind is being conditioned by both sides on the proverbial Fifth-Generation chess board to connect the Q Operation to the Trump Team and now, perhaps even the Trump Department of Defense, which mirrors my recent prediction highlighted in Panic Pattern as to the Macro psychological through-line I see emerging over the coming weeks, as we near November’s many inflection points:
1. 'Q' is dismissed as a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory with no basis in reality.
2. 'Q' is dismissed as a crazy right-wing conspiracy theory with no basis in reality ... that Trump encourages. — (You are here.)
3. 'Q' is warned as a counter PsyOp engineered by "rogue" elements in the U.S. against the "Acting" Admin.
4. 'Q' is a Trump and Trump team-engineered PsyOp that is a threat to "their Democracy," and must be stopped before NCSWIC. (Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.)
Of course, the central irony at the heart of this proposed narrative pattern is the fact that the Media Industrial Complex has been provoked into deploying it and furthering it FOR us, and as soon as you’re able to reframe and recontextualize [their] Narrative Deployments as advancing our psychological goals as it relates to the Collective Mind of American society, the big picture of what we’re witnessing here comes into clearer focus.
I believe we are inching ever closer to accusations by said Media apparatus that bring us in line with #3 in the above Panic Pattern, which will be yet another example of uncontrolled (for them,) and highly controlled (for us,) acceleration that pushes the Finite side on the game board toward complete immolation in the eyes of the public.
After all, this is the same Media apparatus that recently deployed contradictory narratives regarding the Konnech voter fraud storyline by the same mouthpieces from the same—highly psychologically-relevant Media rags—in an utter mockery of consistent journalism and an unflinching—if accidental—endorsement of the very decentralized sleuthing that this community holds as its God-given purpose:

Do not make the mistake of dismissing memetic occurrences like this one. While their effect on the Collective Mind might not always be apparent at the start, the sheer preponderance of such contradictions is piling up on an exponential level, resulting in a mass exodus from the echo chamber [they] have cultivated for several generations spent expertly and meticulously indoctrinating a catatonic populace.
Revisiting Game Theory philosophy, any action the enemy is forced into rather than takes of their own volition is a win for the infinite side in an Infinite Game, and that holds true in a Fifth-Generation War, where the deployments are Potential/Narrative in nature rather than Actual/Kinetic.
In short, when the enemy is forced to contradict their own Deployments within 12-24 hours as opposed to the 6-9 month timeline we witnessed during the first Trump term, it is a sign that acceleration is in effect, and that it is benefiting our side of the board. This is why designating Trump and his fellow patriots in the east and west as the Infinite Player is far from hopium or projection; it is the most evidence-based reading of the current game board, which is the Collective Mind itself.
What is particularly scintillating about this particular Narrative about-face by the New York Times is the fact that, in the preceding days, Media Matters and other Soros-funded NGO brainwashing collectives—also known as ‘Think Tanks,’—directly connected the Konnech voter fraud Narrative to ‘Q Influencers.’
Not only are their contradictions continuing to force disengagement by their own audiences, but they are now indirectly bolstering our community’s research and thus, our reputation, even if that only functions at a subconscious level in the near term.
Essentially, the MSM and establishment media have been forced into increasingly hysterical coverage of the Q Op and Trump’s tacit endorsement of it, which has forced them into more direct, detailed and specific examinations and takedown attempts of our Narrative Deployments, which is, in turn prompting increasingly open limited hangouts with the normie audience.
So, then, if we take stock of where we currently sit in the ongoing Panic Pattern, and look ahead to Phases 3-4—those being the admission of ‘Q’ as a Domestic PsyOp and the defining of such as a legitimate threat to ‘their Democracy,’—we should take heart that the awakening process is a one-way truth filter, and that acceleration and attacks, while stressful in the short-term, only advance our taking of psychological ground, like the receding tide. And, just as the receding tide leaves shallow salt pools in its wake that reflect the dying rays of the retreating sun, so too will the Media Industrial Complex find itself made up of an increasingly-siloed archipelago of disconnected and disoriented narrative turrets firing in a desperate and ultimately doomed death blossom.
While some will be lost forever as the Info War keeps turning, the cognitive dissonance walls will get to be too much for others. If Q is just something made up on message boards, why is Trump endorsing it? If the military is involved in the Op, how is it just something made up on message boards? If the military was involved, how did the Biden Admin not know? If Q crazies push election fraud narratives that are summarily confirmed by the MSM, what else are they accidentally right about?
Finally … how long can you be accidentally wrong before it is seen as a core function of your being?
Overall, this provokes a more macro discussion on why this acceleration and any projected climaxes coming in the fall of 2022 are NOT the end of the war, but rather more like the start, or the transition to a new phase. I talked recently about the first Trump Admin being a defensive phase, with the first half of the Biden Admin being an exposure phase. Now, I believe we’re entering a disclosure phase.
And as you engage with the many Narrative Convergences we highlighted upon entry into the roiling waters of ‘Red October,’ I would implore you to see the ongoing exposure and disclosure of Deep State Narratives as a process rather than an endgame.
Thus, if we take a look at three top-of-mind Narratives resurfacing in October, and apply the Process Paradigm to them, we see the following perspective change:
Seth Rich Laptop
Elon Musk v. Twitter
Igor Danchenko
When you engage with these Narratives, do not seek out endings, but rather acceleration. Keep an eye on the discoveries, disclosures and exposures they provoke ... and apply that to the true targets we have all had in mind from the beginning:
FBI 7th Floor + DNC + Clinton Campaign
Big Tech Communications Platforms + Government Collusion
Russiagate Hoax + RICO
The Justice Phase will come, and it will be glorious to behold, but do not dismiss the Journey out of premature deference to the Destination.
Winning is a process.
Try to enjoy it
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
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Be sure to leave a comment below to let me know your thoughts on this piece and to provide your own. I read every one!
BQQM! Acceleration Manifestation = Exposure Magnification
As I was waking up starting in 2016, and before there was Q, my orbit of friends and myself were very much in agreement that there was something going on with Trump. And what got our attention was the acceleration of attacks and negative narratives against Trump. And it was very confusing. Me being from NY where Trump, and a connection with Trump was something the elites aspired to, was our first indication that the deep state was in panic. We witnessed a massive acceleration of narratives to try and prevent Trump form running and most importantly nominated. Which failed. But still very confusing. To this day I maintain that had they not panicked and accelerated their attacks, they would have been more successful and WE would be in a very different place. What was the "accelerant"? Trumps demeanor and the MSM's wokeness. After Q started dropping, and as time went on, there was an agreement that we (Patriots) were being prepared for a sucker punch. Something was going to happen that would shock Trump supporters to the core ( a "scare" event as it were). And there was a certainty that "they will never allow him to be re-elected. Then the two opposing accelerations happened. The MSM made sure Trump hate was at all time high, and Trump did a rally a week it seemed like and held nothing back about the left and sleepy Joe.
Nov 2020. BOOM, a head on collision. But after knowing what we knew then, and the firm belief that Trump and the Patriots had a plan and would certainly not let America fall into communism, the gut punch came. Joe got inaugurated. Then the blow to the head, Trump walked away. Patriot social media was dumbfounded. What followed was silence from Trump and pretty much confusion from the Deep State. We expected something special and miraculous from Trump. Swift, hard counter punches that would knock out the competition and claim his election victory all in one huge Awakening BOOM. Not to be. To try and fast forward and tie it to today's Bright Brief (too late eh?) Bright's point as to "the journey" is spot on. It is a journey . . . for them. We are already at the finish line just waiting for them to catch up. At it is because Q accelerated our understanding through self examination along with our faith in all the good that there is about America. And, around August 2021 "adults" showed up on patriot social media outlets in the midst of non-sensical predictions and assertions about what was going on. BB, PatelPatriot, RedPill, EPIC Threads, Chris Paul, Kate and a handful more, made it so clear where we were and are going, at least for me, I could sleep again at night. So as all these narratives accelerate and manifest themselves, although not fast enough for us, the EXPOSURE that is happening is "10x" greater than any BOOM we could have had in Jan 2021.
What we are experiencing now is like, you know, when you have to go to the bathroom real bad and you are forced to hold it in. You ever notice the closer your journey gets you to the bathroom the harder it is to hold it in? Thats where we are. And remember, the formula for Acceleration is; a=dv/dt. Look it up.
Acceleration = DeVolution/Donald Trump. Till the next great Bright Brief.
What a time to be alive! Yes, it’s obvious that acceleration is increasing. Yes, the MSM is forced into contradictions in days. Yes, supposedly old stories resurfacing. You’re such a source of optimism! Consider all you’ve covered today in light of the international events, exposure of Weismann’s corruption proving FBI corruption for 30 years(at least); ongoing connections proven in court cases gradually leading to the targets (basic RICO prosecution)! We have also realized the mediocrity of the puppets installed throughout the government, media,technology, courts…. Your credible belief in the quality of the patriots’ narratives based on truth is being demonstrated daily! Yes, and yes! You’ve nailed it again! God bless you.🙏