This piece is a spiritual successor to the ‘Scare Event’ template I laid out in 2022.
It seems that no matter how hard I try, about half of the concepts I sit down to pull from my racing mind and hammer into some kind of logical, useable form for my readers ends up needing to be extended into a series.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you like the series here at Burning Bright,) today’s feature is going to be a short series (trilogy) starter, which seeks to explore a concept that many in this community discuss with regularity, even if they don’t always use the same terminology to do so, and even if their respective views on what it entails and signals—at least in terms of Net Positive or Net Negative—vary wildly.
Today, we’re going to dive into the concept of the Crisis Cascade, and explore how a seeming contradiction is largely coming to define the sociopolitical and even cultural landscape of the United States in 2023, as the escalation and acceleration of Crises breathlessly reported in the media cycle and discussed in alternative communities including this one are a Net Win for us, and signal the impending, already-in-motion collapse of the Deep State’s System of Systems, one pillar at a time.
While I have and will continue to explore each of the respective theaters discussed in this feature and in this series in greater detail elsewhere, today, I want to focus on cultivating a Macro Mindset with respect to three of the main pillars of the Deep State’s System of Systems, and in so doing, to argue that the very escalation and acceleration of these respective Crises, while stressful and sometimes damaging to us in the short term, are key indicators of our eventual—and already crystallizing—victory over the Globalists and Collectivists who’ve lorded over us for generations.
But first, a brief detour into the Game Theory of it all is never a bad move, and while entire books could and have been written about the concept, and while I’m no scholar with regards to its nuances and turnings, from a baseline level, I feel that intentionally cultivating an understanding of the Finite vs. Infinite Player theorem is foundational to an understanding of both Game Theory and this Fifth-Generation War we currently find ourselves in.
While there are many ways to conceptualize Game Theory and its relevance to ongoing sociopolitical and cultural events and trends, most reading these words would agree that perhaps the most important theater in the ongoing war between the forces of Globalism and Sovereignty occurs within the Mind, both Micro and Macro/Collective, as control of the Collective Mind of American Society brings with it the direct or tacit mandate for a would-be ruling class to do what thou wilt when it comes to our government, our financial system and our very cultural fabric.
This is the WHY of the Mind War—because to win the war for the Collective Mind is to win all future wars that spin out of it, and that rely on either the support or the acquiescence of the American people. While there could and likely are esoteric, philosophical and ideological (even Satanic) reasons the powers that would be want our tacit endorsement of their dominance over us, I tend to focus on the more practical, as it marries the enemy’s PsyOps with the counter Ops being implemented by patriots in defense and on behalf of sovereigns the world over.
While it can be debated exactly which side on the Game Theory Game Board represents the Finite vs. Infinite Player, the key difference between the two rests on the temporal element of this war. On the one side, ostensibly, you have a player/side with a Finite number of moves remaining to them. These moves could be literal in the form of a chess game, they could be resource-based in the context of kinetic or economic warfare, or they could be psychological in the context of polling, public sentiment and ultimately, public mandate.
In short, the Finite Player on the Game Board is the Player who is exhausting a finite resource, while the Infinite Player controls an exponentially-expanding (for him) and contracting (for the enemy) portion of an ultimately-finite territory.
One of the foundational beliefs and observations that underlies virtually everything I write about at Burning Bright is that patriots represented by Donald Trump, America First as an ideology and the increasingly-obvious hints and markers of an international Sovereign Alliance made up of anti-Globalist leaders erecting a parallel economy and cultural worldview built on the real in contrast and in opposition to the unreal, and I believe that engaging with the Mind War with this in mind can only result in observable reality both mapping onto that paradigm and codifying it.
This week alone, we have Donald Trump gearing up for a Town Hall on CNN, a mass sociopolitical event all on its own that the Globalist, Fake News network is promoting in a rather earnest, bipartisan manner—regardless of the content of the program itself—while we have Intel Agency assets recalling both involvement with the Biden Crime Family and every major political scandal—from Russia Collusion to the Hunter Laptop—being dragged before Congressional Committees in full view of a beaten-down Media Industrial Complex and a wary and restless American populace that has been slowly shaken from its slumber in the midst of the very Crisis Cascade [they] wanted to visit upon us to solidify their grasp on us, but that I believe has been accelerated, escalated and ultimately turned against them in a pattern reminiscent of the Ouroboros Serpent.
In short, when engaging with the admittedly-stressful, chaotic and sometimes damaging fallout of the theaters of Fifth-Gen Warfare we explore today, doing so with the understanding that, in order to build anew, you sometimes have to tear down the old will avail us well as we work to observe the turnings of this war with clear eyes bolstered by logic-based hope … even certainty.
In recent weeks, we’ve seen the concepts of Narrative Seeding and Narrative Convergence come to define the ongoing Information War and War of Stories in a more overt manner than at any time over the course of the last few years, as Donald Trump and American patriots, along with the very Media Industrial Complex ostensibly standing opposed to them advance congruent narratives regarding everything from an impending financial collapse to the potential indictment of the son of the sitting ‘President’ of the United States.
This seeding is perhaps the most encouraging and affirming observation in the ongoing Mind War if for no other reason than that its germination phase—usually reserved for months, sometimes even years in the future—seems to be kicking off a matter of days or weeks post-deployment. In other words, Donald Trump asking a series of rhetorical questions on Truth Social, such as, ‘Where’s Hunter?’ has begun to be reflected in the Actual—Congressional Committees and Media panic therein—on an accelerating and condensed timeline as we seem to be moving into a new, more hyperactive phase in the war.
Of course, in addition to Narrative Seeding and Narrative Convergence, which we’ll discuss in detail in the follow-up to this piece, neither would be complete without the trilogy-capper and consummation represented by Narrative Whiplash, one of my favorite tenets of the patriots’ war against the forces of Globalism and Collectivist Mind Control, and the key vector of the emancipation of the Collective Mind from the grips of the mass delusion the Deep State’s Hegelian Dialectic has thrust upon them.
While said Whiplash is on its way, I believe it’s important to map the percolating and even boiling of topics from ‘Hunter’ to ‘Laptops’ in the Media Cycle onto the concept of Narrative Vehicles (or Just Human’s Templates) more so than battles to be fought and won in the Info War. In short, rather than focusing on the Micro of each of these respective Crises and the controversies and revelations that will spill out of them, simply mapping them onto the realization of a ‘hot’ Disclosure Phase to the American public will have you feeling right as rain in no time, and comfy cozy regarding the Cascade of Crises [for them] and Waterfall of Wins (for us) on the horizon.
By taking a broad overview of three specific theaters in the Info War that have seized hold in the Collective Mind in recent weeks, I believe we can see the gravity of events that signals the controlled demolition of the System of Systems more so than the accidental convergence of various crises that—while damaging to some portion of the American public—offer catastrophic and lasting damages to the Deep State’s systems of would-be control.
From the ongoing and accelerating contagion of collapses afflicting the Financial System to its fallout on the propagandist balance sheets of the Media Industrial Complex, itself trapped in a Hegelian Death Loop of declining ratings and relevance and increasing disdain among the American people, to the surfacing of Intel Agency (particularly CIA) involvement in virtually every modern and historical political scandal and even international crisis that has affected the paradigm in which every living American has been raised, the pillars of [their] System are long past cracking, and we’re beginning to see the jarring shifts and jolts that precede collapse.
As I have said before, victory, much like awakening, happens very slowly … and then all at once, and we’re edging ever closer to the latter.
The Financial Pillar
We’re currently in the midst of the worst financial/banking crisis since 2008.
Scratch that; we’re currently in the midst of the worst financial banking crisis since LONG before 2008, as evidenced by the ACTUAL data spinning out of the recent Cascade of Collapses that began a few short weeks ago with the folding of Silicon Valley and Signature Banks, and that has now expanded to include First Republic.

Of course, the national banking crisis took a brief detour in April to consume Credit Suisse on its way down, and while all of these collapses are being framed as takeovers by Janet Yellen and the US Treasury, those with even a modicum of understanding of the fiat monetary system that has been used to usher in an era of globalist and fiscal catastrophe that may never be equaled again—and even those who don’t pay attention to financial markets at all but who have two brain cells to rub together in the hopes of generating a third—understand that when Fed and Treasury mouthpieces say anything in response to the movie playing out before our eyes, said statements tend to fly in the face of observable reality, and in fact often make a mockery of it.
And yet … like all three cracking, crumbling pillars we’ll touch on today, I’m going to spin this one into a positive as well.
Without getting into all of the fiat fu … dgery (my Boston almost came out there, for a second,) that has been explored in greater and more competent detail by Badlands writer and financial commentator Joe Lange beginning with his ‘Master and Commander’ piece (I had the privilege of editing this series,) the $40k fiat view of this collapse is that, while this contagion IS spreading to the regional bank level, most in this community have at least some baseline understanding that the most subversive and (before now) invisible enemy that have been pulling strings from on high for generations (and several World Wars) are being revealed like never before, as all their illusory, doublespeak tricks and traps are coming up empty in order to contain the very Crisis their very philosophy lined up the rocks and boulders for to precede the ensuing landslide [they] planned to kick off.
While the Deep State undoubtedly planned to kick off some version of the very financial cascade we’re seeing play out before our eyes—and with the humorous, entertaining, prescient and sometimes-sobering commentary of Donald Trump to accompany it from the Devolved Peanut Gallery—it is my firm belief that we can see circumstantial evidence from his own administration’s rapid money printing during the COVID Scamdemic era and his rolling of the Fed into the US Treasury that this Crisis has come FAR ahead of when [they] were prepared for it, and with none of the psychological bracing nor kinetic international crises [they] required to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people for the third time in as many generations in order to alternatively justify and explain away the latest in a long line of Resets that always seem to result in [them] having a hell of a lot more while we make due with less.
I explored this acceleration concept in one of the more popular features at Burning Bright, ‘The Spider-Man 2 Effect.’
I am not the only mind in this community to point out that these Central Bank failures seem to be starting with boutique banks that cater to Globalist Elites, and that Peter Thiel—a noted Trump ally and financial maverick—was largely responsible for being the pebble that started the avalanche, but now that the contagion is spreading to the regional level, a greater plurality of the American people will not only be forced to pay attention to the collapse of the shell game [they] have been playing with our labor, production and asset valuations for decades, but that their eyes (and soon their ire) will be directed at the Central Bankers themselves.
Almost like it was planned.
And while I don’t plan to delve into the specifics of the ‘Good’ Reset here today, I do believe Donald Trump and patriots have systems waiting in the wings ready to act as Sovereign Solutions to a Collapse that WE will survive, but that [they] have no hope to.
The Doom-tinged (and admittedly, understandable) reading of the nature of these banking collapses is the observation that BIG Banks are scooping up all of these (distressed) assets, and that many of these deals, both nationally and internationally, are being brokered and backstopped by governments.
That said, I think a reading of Devolution, National Essential Functions and Game Theory paint a far rosier picture of those accurate observations than the alternative. In my view, which I’ll delve into in greater detail in a future piece, either these banks are being forced to take on poisonous assets in order to precede their own collapses, the US government is seizing the assets—OUR assets—from the financial criminals who stole them from us … or both.
Call that ‘hopium’ if you will, but to me, it’s not a coincidence that the banks seem to be collapsing in the order in which they’ve been implicated in the funding of those involved in human rights abuse and corruption … and their assets seem to be in the process of being seized/taken on by banks—including JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank—who are literally fighting off lawsuits surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s trafficking rings.
Coincidences abound.
Either way, the plans to usher us into a new fiat-based, digital monetary system lorded over by a shrinking number of banking institutions can only work if the underlying power of their currencies remains in the realm of the real … and that doesn’t appear to be happening.
After all, in addition to seeding the American public with the highly useful (to us) revelation that ‘Banking’ and ‘Security’ go together as concepts like water and oil, the fact remains that the greater part of the Deep State’s Actual power is wrapped up in the definitions, holding and wielding of valuation itself.
Without that power, [their] tricks fall into our traps, and they are rendered as stark, toothless and exposed as they always should have been.
So, rather than painting this Central Bank consolidation as the precursor to a new system of fiat slavery, reframe it as a Disclosure Op in which that prospect and threat is being seeded into the Collective Mind with force and rapidity, while understanding that, the fewer pillars there are, the more vulnerable they are, and the more sudden the collapse.
All of our fiscal and financial enemies are being gathered into one place before the hammer falls, and while I DO think that’s by design … I do NOT think it’s [theirs.]
The Narrative Pillar
Naming this Pillar was a tough one. That said, I felt that ‘Media Pillar’ was too reductive, and misses the forest for the trees when it comes to another observable reality playing out before us on the national stage: the Crisis Cascade currently afflicting the Media Industrial Complex.
I often say that, no matter how you think the War is going, it is foundational to engagement with the current conflict to acknowledge that we are in a war based on the obfuscation, dissemination and corruption of information itself. Information IS the war. Real Info. Fake Info. Disinfo. Malinfo and every persuasion and permutation of Narrative you can conjure—and that [they] have—in earnest and with abandon ever since Trump came down that golden escalator.
The Age of the Internet has brought with it the classic power-responsibility paradox, wherein the very technology that COULD have resulted in our Collectivist enemy seizing control not only of our government, but of the very information matrix we’ve fed in order to track, trace and ultimately, control the minds that engage with it, I feel that the opposite is the case.
[They] have tried to control us, but the very existence—the continued growth—of the Truth Community, of questioning minds and of the sovereign mindset itself is evidence that providing humans with the power to engage with other minds around the world can only result in the inevitable awakening we are witnessing, if only that sovereign collection of anti-collectivists is prompted, pushed and poked in the right direction, as I believe we were through the rise of Trumpism and MAGA, the exposure of the System of Systems and yes, in part because of the most successful (one might even say, ‘damn successful’—PsyOps of all time.
(This one is still my most popular feature to date, so if you’re new around these parts, or never quite grabbed onto what the Q Op was and continues to be all about, consider giving, ‘We Are Q’ a read.)
Still, while I believe the Information War is tilting inexorably in our favor—and on an accelerating timeline—it would be naïve and irresponsible not to acknowledge that we have named their collective system of information dissemination the ‘Media Industrial Complex’ for a reason.
While their power over the Collective Mind is surely waning, it is still significant, which is why the continued observation of a ratings collapse and the departures—some forced, others conspicuous—of some of the biggest sociopolitical mouthpieces in the country stand as glaring and encouraging examples of how far [their] influence has fallen, it’s now being capped off by Trump Town Halls and sheepishly-deployed polls wherein they display to their own once-captive audiences how pitiful the current Admin is seen by a bipartisan majority of the American public.
The Media Industrial Complex went all in from 2016 to 2020, just as they were meant to and just as they were provoked to by ‘The Master’ of Narrative Warfare who leads our movement at the present time, and now they’ll be forced into the Sophie’s Choice of either greeting the Actual Disclosure Phase of the consummation of the justice phase of the political scandals [they] seeded in the first place with deafening silence, or owning the resultant Narrative Whiplash that will be the final nail in their coffin of relevance and power over the Collective Mind.
And perhaps most encouraging about this ratings and relevance collapse of the Media Industrial Complex is the fact that it appears to be affecting both illusory ‘sides’ on the Media Game Board for the first time, as ‘The Wolf Named FOX’ has joined the Crisis Cascade with an inexplicably—for those not paying attention—self-immolating move represented by the ousting of Tucker Carlson.
None of this is to do more than touch on the uncanny timing of the current Writer’s Guild of America strike that has ground the Hollywood machine—itself a core piece of the enemy’s subversive Information Corruption & Dissemination program—to a halt, and coming on the heels of a rash of underperforming brands from Marvel to Star Wars that have been overtaken by the Woke Mind Virus en route to fiscal ruin and cultural irrelevance.
Quite a time for the anti-storytellers of our time to decide to call the bluff of the American markets already grown tired of their Marxist messaging.
Those of us in this community have been aware of the subversive power of the Media & Entertainment Industrial Complexes for years. Once freed from these psychological shackles, the cultural rot of the streaming and digital bread and circus that has replaced humanistic art and creation, consider the breadth and scope of truth we have been able to discover together.
Now imagine the flood of new recruits and Media Matrix refugees that will result from the full collapse and transformation of the Information Dissemination arm of the Deep State. There are a lot of Minds who have yet to awaken in this war. Every one that does is not only a crippling and permanent loss for [them,] but a boon for us.
The Clandestine & Kinetic Pillar
Anons, citizen journalists and those who are generally grouped into the Truth Community tend to be gifted or cursed with advanced pattern recognition. For some of my peers, these patterns run impressive, detail-rich Micro, from Jon Herold’s incredible recall abilities where it concerns documentation, Executive Orders and contradictions in policy, public statements and legal deployments, to Just Human’s gift for legal recall, public statements by officials, treaties, international statements and everything in between.
While I don’t tend to pick up on those threads as readily, I do have a knack for Macro pattern recognition, something Chris Paul also excels in. Thus, in recent appearances on various Podcasts, I’ve likely drilled the following points home a few too many times for my viewers, but I do not think it can be overstated just how revealing (for us) and catastrophic [for them] the constant presence of the Central Intelligence Agency in damaging headlines truly is in the current sociopolitical climate.
The CIA—and other intel agencies around the world—exist in a moralistic, administrative and often even legal gray area in many nations. These agencies, who are largely made up of appointed positions rather than Constitutional or elected, wield disproportionate power over the most impactful decision-making apparatus in modern militarized nations.
After all, the CIA has itself admitted to playing a role in regime change throughout the world. Many of these we’ve seen play out on the world stage, with the CIA’s fingerprints—and always LATER, their direct admission—while many more have not and likely will not be acknowledged until such a time as the powers that would be determine it is in the best interest of their Collectivist empire to inform sovereign peoples around the world that a small group of clandestine mercenaries appointed by leaders ‘elected’ through fraudulent campaigns are waging proxy wars on their behalf … and often AGAINST them, and have been since before John F. Kennedy decided to try to do something about it in the 1960s.
The CIA’s reputation among the Truth Community is so hilariously dismal that to surface them in virtually any discussion brings with it the prerequisite that what is being discussed is corrupt by its very nature and association with them, and I’ll do nothing to dissuade my readers of that notion. While it is possible and even probable that the Department of Justice, the FBI and our judicial system can be reformed and ultimately saved as we look to rebuild this once-great and future-great Republic in the image of our forebears, I do not hold the same view when it comes to the Clowns in America.
Lucky for me—and unlucky for [them]—it seems there are ghosts in the Media Machine who’ve kicked the disclosure phase off in earnest, as the CIA has been married to national and international controversies—to put it mildly—of late ranging from accusations that they circumvented the US Chain of Command in order to stage a False Flag attack on German & Russian energy infrastructure in Nord Stream 2, to their foreknowledge—if not something else—with regards to Saudi assets on the eve of 9/11, to the accelerating drip, drip … flood of declassified documents that continue to paint them in a damning light with regards to the untimely death of the aforementioned President who wanted to shatter their organization into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds … to their very recent and VERY public reemergence in the public consciousness due to the spotlight the House Oversight and Intel Committees have fixed on them and the US State Department where it concerns the suppression of information on the Biden Crime Family that would stand as election interference at the least and MUCH more at the most.
If you need to take a cognitive breath after reading that, then you’re beginning to get a small inkling of the position the CIA currently occupies in the minds of the Truth Community. Now take this, and imagine that each of the above—and much more—is revealed/disclosured to the American public, along with the not insignificant seeding of (former) connections between current head of the CIA, William Burns and infamous financier Jeffrey Epstein, himself widely rumored to have been an ‘asset’ of some kind to another infamous intel agency.
The role US and international Intel Agencies have played in the weaponization of our own government against us—and of foreign governments against their respective peoples—is just beginning to be revealed in the light of a dawning new day, and in a sociopolitical climate unlike anything we’ve seen before, and fully amenable to change, and to shock, revelation and ultimately, catharsis than it has been before.
The bones of the Deep State’s System of Systems are being dug up and revealed, bleached in the light of this new sun, because, in order to take down a subversive and deeply entrenched enemy, they must first be dug up and exposed.
As we’ll explore in the follow-up to this piece, all of the theaters we explore in this Info War as we work to expose the Deep State’s System of Systems tend to come back around to [their] attempt to obscure the Darkest Path the rest of us have been walking for the past few years, and that all cognitive, emotional and spiritual roads will lead back to.
Sometimes, we need to zoom out in order to take in a view of the Game Board that not only paints a clearer picture than can be possible when deep diving and analyzing any ONE of these CIA-marred headlines—or the trends in Financial and Media news we delved into before them—but also provides a more steadying, encouraging Macro of the Informational, Psychological, Political, Financial and even Kinetic battlefield.
When taking in the lay of the land in this Fifth-Generation War for the future of humanity—the small stuff, in other words—I do see strife. I do see pain, both in the now and on the horizon. And I do see collapse and cascading crises.
But I see a lot more of [their] systems propped up either by or in front of the very dominoes that have already begun their inevitable and inexorable crushing and permanent fall. I see a Crisis Cascade accelerating, and the beginnings of a Crisis Convergence coalescing, which we’ll dive into next time around.
Donald Trump told us there would come a day when we grew tired—almost exhausted—by the repeated act of winning. Those words weren’t boastful or foolhardy. They were prescient. Even prophetic.
It’s time we started to believe them.
The best is yet to come.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
If you enjoyed this piece, I recommend reading its spiritual successor, ‘Crisis Convergence.’
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So much thought-provoking material...thank you!
Your statement: "the fact remains that the greater part of the Deep State’s Actual power is wrapped up in the definitions, holding and wielding of valuation itself" addresses something that I believe (okay, confirmation bias - guilty!) has more power than we as "rational actors" dare to admit. That is, whether in the form of materials directly or indirectly from the earth, of pledges from one entity to another, or of a convenience-triggered currency (physical or perceived) - and as Adam Smith observed - economy is nothing less than the exchange of skill, expertise and risk between parties; each of whom have something that the other values.
I appreciate the patient and consistent re-viewing of the players, events, language, and concepts.
Another great article BB!
Spit on brother and the winning cascade is getting much bigger and coming much faster now!
Thx for the hat tip my friend!