Fear is an opportunist … but Truth is the opportunity.
Such is the direction of my mind even as doubts abound as we cut a path through the chaos on the threshold of an American Golden Age we aren’t here to merely witness, but to bring about in the final actualization of our regained Sovereignty … something patriots like Donald Trump and those behind him don’t grant to us, but have played a large role in provoking the memory of within us.
And we’re not alone, as, in case you hadn’t noticed, Trump is radiating this provocation outward quite a bit as of late, attempting to get our northern neighbors and many more besides to remember that Sovereignty isn’t something inherent to being American, but to being HUMAN—that it’s GOD-given, not Constitution-given, and I would posit that a good number of our fellow Truthers, MAGAdonians and Patriots forget that at times.
And so, I swear it's not just because I married and successfully rewilded a Canadian that I'm utterly fascinated by Trump's Narrative Deployments regarding our northern frenemies, and their seismic Actual effects on the nation, which is itself simply another in a long line of (probably) Prussian Proxy States that owe loyalty (quite literally) to the British Crown.
There are so many layers to these deployments that run along narrative, mass psychological, geopolitical and even military grounds.
For starters, what does Trump mean when he changes the tense regarding Canada BEING the 51st State?
You did catch that, didn’t you?
(Trump told you his asides have meaning. When are you going to start believing him?)
Originally, he pushed the idea as a trollish hypothetical. Now, he's saying many people love "BEING the 51st State." Not the IDEA of being the 51st State. The act of being so.
My friend
has been talking about the original Articles of Confederation quite a bit lately, and there was an interesting almost-path for Canada in that brief window of history. Either way, Trump is saying more than we think when it comes to what defines sovereign "Statehood."What's more, as I said a few weeks back, Trump v. Trudeau was little more than the latest in a long line of Shadows on the Wall deployments meant to demonstrate emphatically to the globalist would-be ruling class that many of their prized puppets are now marching to the beat of patriot drums, by hook or by crook.
(You should read that one, my first of the year, by the way.)
Trudeau's ouster by the Canadian political class (read: British Royals,) was expected, even planned, not unlike Joe Biden.
Canada was a French colony.
It was ceded to Britain on the back of the Treaty of Paris in 1763 after the 7 Years War, and became the Dominion of Canada in 1867.
Whose dominion, you ask?
The British Empire.
So, when it comes to Trump’s CanadAmerica comms, if Canada owes its allegiance (quite literally) to the British Crown ... and if the British Crown is at the heart of the Deep State's System of Systems ... and if that System is currently being dismantled by the Sovereign Alliance ... where's the lie?
In other words, it's not about bringing Canada IN. It's about kicking the Regime OUT.
From Canada to Greenland and Panama beyond and below, Donald Trump is directing his communications about "Statehood" to the PEOPLE rather than their governments. Because, as is the case in the US, those governments subsist on mandate, or lack of opposition to it.
The Sovereign Man is the Sovereign World. The Micro IS the Macro, which is about as beautiful and Godly an inversion of the ‘As Above, So Below’ refrain borne by the Satanists who have and would lord over us until their dominion over this world doesn’t end on a whimper, but is rather ripped from them like entrails from an embattled beast being harried on the edges of an eternal fire as one could imagine.
As for the current shadows on the wall, Trudeau capitulated, and has been ushered offstage. Zelenskyy will do the same. And then Starmer, Macron, and on and on.
The vampires in various parliamentary buildings on either side of the sea will not be granted the same opportunity, I'd expect.
Thus, in the place of an organic series of nationalist, populist uprisings in the western world in the midst of the free-fall of the globalist hegemon, some see the net effects of a Game Theory crisis cascade being visited on the progenitors and heirs of the System of Systems.
That said, some of us take things a BIT further, and whether you're talking about Devolution, the Q Drops or just general markers of 'patriot control,' there is a metric TON of it being soft confirmed in recent days.
From the ghost of Joe Biden (whom I affectionately dubbed #OurBoyBlue for his role in the narrative destruction of the Old Guard,) to the Prussian Proxy Prince of Ukraine, who's been as devastating for the standing of proxy states on the whole as he has for Nazi battalions in the Donbas, to Justin Castro and Claudia Sheinbaum bending the knee and facing the wrath of the beasts that made them for doing so, this commie crisis arrives with curious timing, as a resurgent American spirit takes center stage to bring the Americas to heel while forcing the collectivists across the sea to reckon with its return.
Zelenskyy is no more their proxy prince than Joe Biden has been for at least the last four years.
The same can be said of Trudeau, as the Canadian globalist swarm gets the knives out following his public humiliation ritual at the hands and Truths of Trump.
The Deep State is coming undone because strings run both ways, evil folds in ... and because it takes two to make a "perfect phone call."
As for Trump’s references to Chinese and Russian warships, given this context, do you really think he’s fearmongering from the perspective of the resurgent American Empire … or from the perspective of the embattled, harried and utterly surrounded Regime?
Either Trump is working with Putin and Xi against the Globalist Cabal, or he is not, which means that either the Sovereign Alliance is real, or it is not.
This is a binary.
As such, when you see commentators vacillating between talking about Putin and Xi vs. the Deep State only to boost WW3 messaging, unironically, as Trump beats the rhetorical drums for the ultimate Scare Event, you should take note that they're not maintaining internal logical consistency.
So, how can I continue to maintain the belief that the Sovereign Alliance is very real, and highly coordinated, while ALSO understanding and fully endorsing Trump's continued references to the Military threats posed by Russia and China to the US?
It doesn't work unless you've been paying attention to the war layered over and under the Info War, that being the War of Stories.
For generations, the Deep State has wielded the Hegelian Dialectic in order to craft Problem-Reaction-Solution templates which have guided societies toward their desired ends. They have largely done this by engineering Trauma events and stories, using them to paralyze or provoke the population.
Patriots are reverse engineering this tactic, utilizing storytelling to seize the Collective Mind with the same sort of Trauma messaging as the enemy, albeit with the hope of guiding them toward a Catharsis output in the place of Paralysis or Provocation.
Thus, when Trump continues to refer to the 'threat' that Russia and China pose to the US, he's doing it to educate the American people as to the position the establishment have put the formerly formidable US in when it comes to the international game board, while ALSO prepping the informational battlespace for a head-on (NARRATIVE) collision with the two other legs of the Sovereign Alliance tripod.
As I have been saying for years, you CANNOT have peace without first having the threat of war.
That's another way of saying, you CANNOT have the STORY of peace without the STORY of the threat of War, and while there will be NO war between the great powers of the East and West like the collectivist vampires from Brussels to the US Military Industrial Complex desired, there WILL be groundwork laid to make the American people believe such a conflict is inevitable based on the work the Biden Admin and all its Globalist handlers put in to lead us there.
(I wrote about all of this at length in the Righteous Russia series, which kicked off this publication three years ago this month.)
Of course, in the place of a Trauma-Paralysis dialectic that forces us into a new Forever War, or, in this case, the war to end all wars in as close to a true sense as we've seen since either of the 'Great' Wars, we're going to get a Trauma-Catharsis inversion that brings the people to the brink, only to let them see just how possible peace can be with the right leaders in place, and the right mandate behind them.
So, the next time you see Trump prodding at Putin and Xi, think of it as friendly banter or fight promotion for a fight that will never come.
All of the above are simply my latest musings as I continue to try to sift the chaos of the Info War rather than to BE sifted by it, and yet, I must admit, the chaos is no longer something that stresses me out, but rather energizes me, as it should energize you.
Because chaos both favors and begets truth, which is to say, goodness, whereas control favors evil, putting falsity on rails, all the better to guide the future with.
This is why my thoughts have bent back to the Micro within the Macro so much of late, as I believe the sentiment is more true to me now than it has ever been.
On a logical basis, it’s a template meant to apply to the Info War … logical progressions, cognitive cyphers … the underlying and encouraging truth that, when you know the way broadly, you can see it in all things. It’s why I’m much less focused on the details of events and much more focused on the stories of them, and the effects they visit on the Micro and Macro Mind, which are analogous.
But there is a more esoteric and far-reaching framing of Micro-Macro, and it has to do with first principles, and I believe the ultimate first principle—the foundational truth—at the heart of the Awakening is the same one that has animated every rebellion—every revolution since the dawning straight through to the founding, and that animates the peaceful one we’re in the midst of now … and that principle is sovereignty, as inherent to Man as it is to God, the ultimate Creator that imbued his creations with the power to do it too.
Just as Donald Trump is reminding Americans and reminding the World that Americanism isn’t about nation states, but about first principles, about sovereignty, and yes, despite the jingoist lacing grafted onto the word throughout the Bush Jr. era that turned off former liberals like me to flying the American flag from our own stoops and porches until Trump gave us the social permission—the pride to do so again—Americanism is about freedom.
In other words, when you boil any truth down enough, the Macro ceases to exist, and the Micro comes clear.
That Micro is Man.
If I may delve into a Tolkien analogue for the first time in a while … when the men, women and children of Rohan are hemmed in at the edge of the world by an army of Uruks—grotesque creatures of war tilled from blood and mud by dark powers turned from the light—and while King Theoden teeters on the edge of despair, asking aloud, “What can men do against such reckless hate?” Aragorn bids him ride out and meet the army and the storm head on, when all hope seems lost.
And while he does this knowing—believing—that Mithrandir, that Gandalf will fulfill his promise and reward Aragorn’s faith by appearing at first light on the fifth day, the greater part of the valor he displays is to become a symbol to the people clinging to their last links in a rusted chain as the walls of their stronghold threaten to come tumbling down.
In truth, no matter his faith, Aragorn could not have known if salvation was coming, and yet, when asked for his purpose … his intent … when King Theoden believes Aragorn is seeking “death and glory,” the future King responds thusly:
“For your people.”
Aragorn is seeking to do the thing because the thing needs to be done. Because it is right. Because it is just. Because it is good.
We're in an era of mass change, and change comes on the back of conflict.
This might seem obvious, but on the doorstep of what we've been told will be an American Golden Age to rival anything that's come before, I think it would behoove us to remember it.
The collectivist enemy certainly will.
Donald Trump didn't come down that golden escalator, then, as a unifier ... at least, not at first. He came as a disruptor, which is to say, a change agent.
Along the way, he cut a path of systemic destruction that took the form of mass psychological unification around the recognition of our mutual enemies, from the Media Industrial Complex to the Democratic Party, and eventually, to the revelation (to those who weren't aware) of the Uniparty.
And so, now that Trump has won the latest in a long chain of fake elections—a positive outcome from a narrative perspective that has yet to address the underlying lack of trust in the very system that codifies and lends the illusion of mandate to the macro system it serves—many within MAGA seem to believe the war is won.
Nothing could be further from the truth, and yet, this take isn't meant to serve as an appeal to cynicism or nihilism, which are pits ... traps we've each fallen into in the past, and that it took hope to crawl out of.
So, as the machine gears up to themselves disrupt the disruptors (that's us, by the way,) I say this:
Give thanks for the battles behind, AND for the wars to come.
They'll come to define an age, and your place in it.
Aragorn understands this at a base level … that the only way out is through—that even if we never get out, it is in the striving, in the attempt where we find meaning. It is IN the noise we find signal. It is IN the lies we find the threads of truth they were gathered there to disrupt, to bury and to obfuscate, since it can never be destroyed.
By focusing on the Micro, by focusing on YOUR Mind rather than the vast collective of which you’re a part, you’re winning a private war that radiates outward, influencing the Great one you’ve been called, trained and born to see won.
The concept of sovereignty radiates outward, just like truth does, and just like goodness does.
Picture yourself as a node of awakening, then, and imagine that the truth you radiate—that the goodness—flows out from you in concentric circles, growing ever larger and perhaps more distorted the further they get from source—from you—and yet, whose ripples merge, reinforce and are redoubled by the far-reaching echoes of other nodes in this vast sea of awakening in the dark and to it.
This vibration is calibration. This calibration is self-perpetuating and radiating. This is serendipity. It is coincidence.
This vibration is God, visible or audible between the beats of the chaos we call life.
What is my call today, then, in this stream of consciousness masquerading as analysis?
Do Good.
Think Good.
BE Good.
As doing so, thinking so and BEING so is your best chance—is OUR best chance—of seeing that Goodness actualized in the wider world.
This is the direct-path, active version of The Secret commoditized nonsense out of the New Age liberal class who speak of relative morality, passive absorption of undeserved gains through thought patterns alone.
God rewards action because reality does.
And yet, it is only by focusing inward, focusing on the inner voice, the Mind, and those it touches that the signal may be molded, strengthened, and emitted.
I have friends in this awakening. Brothers in arms. I have family whose stories I know because I’m a part of them.
I have a wife I share a beautiful love with.
And on January 1, 2025, I became a father to a beautiful boy, the ultimate Micro in a vast and unending Macro whose breadth no longer worries me, and eventually, I’d expect, no longer concerns me.
If this is to be the way the Golden Age begins for me, then no matter the fires and the storms, the battles and the wars, I know now that the purpose I have cultivated, created and perhaps answered on some level I’ll never be able to fully explain is in him. I know that this boy is my past, present and future, bound together by the love that made him as he will be unbound to help blaze his own path into a future we might make just a bit brighter for him and those that would follow him.
It was always about the children. I knew that before and said it before, on the Macro, because I knew it to be true.
But now I know it is true on the Micro.
It was always about the children, and now I have one, a beautiful, perfectly imperfect bundle of balanced chaos and creation energy, created through me rather than by me, and whose mind is his, and whose heart is mine, and whose future I can only hope to make possible, whatever it may be.
And so I say to you as I will say to him, to my son …
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
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May God bless you, your wife and new baby. Your faith, wisdom and positivity will guide you through life. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
A hearty congrats on the birth of your son!
What a joy…