The Master explores Donald Trump’s mastery of Narrative Warfare, his Narrative Fighting Style and his importance to the Sovereign Alliance in this Fifth-Generation War against the Globalist Deep State. Start the series with Part 1.
To say I am rather obsessed with stories would be a bit of an understatement.
For those who’ve been following my writing or my commentary for any length of time, you know this well. Even for those new to my work, you’ve likely already seen hints as to this predilection, whether it be revealed in the form of a co-host’s eye roll on Badlands Media when I mention the word, ‘Narrative,’ or the tendency for live viewers to begin playing Burning Bright drinking games—hopefully in jest—for each utterance of terms I use on this publication and in my commentary ranging from ‘Bicameral’ to ‘Net Effects.’
Alas, we are each of us wired uniquely, and I am truly beginning to believe—to feel, rather—that we were each of us called into this Information War, this Mind War and this Strange War by a higher power that was able to tap into the bedrock of our psyches—perhaps even our souls—in order to direct us so that we might set our Minds and our cognitions to the task of digging in the dark, unearthing the truths that nest at the heart of this war and ultimately, hopefully to shepherd our lost, wandering and slowly-waking brothers and sisters as they begin to wipe the liar’s sleep from their crusted eyes.
But now … I’ve already devolved into lyricism, and we’ve not yet gotten into the meat of the topic.
As evidenced by the title to this piece and this series (I decided to thread articles concerning Trump’s Narrative Fighting Style into a more cohesive structure for the benefit of the audience,) I am as interested in tracking Donald Trump’s Narrative Deployments as much as I am in virtually any other theater in this ongoing conflict between the forces of Globalism and Sovereignty the world over. A conflict that I believe is being waged on multiple fronts—even in multiple realities.
While that last statement might seem a bit ‘out there’ at first blush, I don’t need to delve into the metaphysical or even the theoretical to convince my readers—awakened and awakening minds who spend much of their free time evolving and training their psyches as much or even more than I do—that this war is one that occupies realms from the kinetic to the political, the psychological to the philosophical.
We are a movement defined by movements. We are a collective defined by our opposition to collectivism. We are a unified group of heterodox, independent, unorthodox thinkers.
We are alone, together. And together, alone.
And if you re-read those claims and descriptions of our movement, I think you will find that there isn’t a hint of contradiction contained within them, no matter what the surface level might tell you. This is especially apparent if you read with Bicameral Thinking in mind.
This ‘seeming’ contradiction in how I describe our community of Anons, citizen journalists and America First patriots making our wandering way through the thickets, marshes and rough-cut trails of the Great Awakening dovetails into my treatise on Trump today, as I was struck by something in his recent—and increasingly bold—communications. Something I have referenced in podcast appearances and in previous entries in this series, but that I have not devoted significant time to exploring until now.
If you are going to engage with my suppositions in this series, then you must first accept two foundational pieces that make up the core logic and intent of ‘The Master:’
I cannot and DO NOT pretend to know the intent of Donald Trump’s communications, even if I have my own ideas on their Net Effects on the greater state of the Mind War and of the Great Awakening.
It is possible—even likely—that some of the communication trends and strategies I observe in our chosen leader of the America First movement and the Sovereign Alliance are not fully planned and intentional, but rather instinctive.
And yet … that’s the point of today’s discussion.
While Donald Trump is indeed an intentional master of Narrative Warfare, as explored in detail in this series so far, and while his communication style has been crafted over the decades and deployed to mass effect in earnest from 2015 to today, the very idea or prospect that his ‘accidental’ communication and information dissemination tricks are often some of his most impactful and consequential is not something I count as a bad thing.
After all, as we explored in ‘Counter Strike,’ when we as humans explore ‘Greats,’ savants or exceptional members of our human race, we do so with a tacit and even admired acknowledgement that true greatness often combines intent, training and even some degree of instinctual, almost preternatural ‘talent,’ which could range from a preponderance of luck to undefined, amorphous and largely intangible skills we have not the words to adequately distill.
I believe Donald Trump’s communications style—his Narrative Fighting Style—runs a similar path to ‘Greats’ in all other pursuits of human exploration, creation and advancement, and that this communications talent—this magnetism—is largely responsible for the rise of Trumpism in the midst of the larger Awakening that he is a core piece of, though not the true ‘source’ of.
In short, whether ALL of Trump’s communications skills are intentional, or whether a good number of them are accidental/instinctual, the Net Effects of his penchant for storytelling, his magnetic personality and his ability to seize, steer and focus the Collective Mind—for better and worse—on a given track is unrivaled.
And if you’re wondering WHY I think that’s such a big deal, then you simply need to understand that I engage with EVERYTHING we’re watching, reading, researching and exploring in this day and age in the context of the grand War of Stories I believe is playing out on a world stage. This War of Stories has many writers, both FOR and AGAINST us, and its ultimate goal—the ultimate WHY at its heart—is to influence, guide, free or control the Collective Mind of American—and world—society.
Trump’s recent speech at CPAC was full of fire, charisma and directed thought. It was a throwback to some of the infamous Trump addresses from 2015-17, which largely built the MAGA movement, rhetoric and poured the foundation for its guiding philosophies, which have since evolved into a more nuanced, independent, diverse (not in a Bolshevik way) and effective set of America First unifying principles.
My good friend and fellow Badlands Media contributor Brad Getz explored this new classic speech in detail in a recent piece, which I recommend you check out. Suffice to say, this was Trump at his finest. This was the version of Trump that proudly proclaims what has been, while projecting what WILL be when he retakes the public levers of power we have thrust him into before and will again.
Of course, in order to engage with Trump’s claims that he learned how the Swamp runs, and thus will be better prepared for it the second time around, you would need to accept that patriots have far less control over the current Game Theory Game Board than most of us believe. When you find it difficult to reconcile the earnestness with which Trump implores his audience to fight back against Globalist powers and to vote in another rigged election given the Actual of the System of Systems, appealing to my central War of Stories thesis provides all the explanation you need for why Trump obscures much of the truth of the Information War, while prompting its core tenets.
While this speech, replete with its promises, its appeals to America First rhetoric and its warnings to the Globalist Deep State—even going so far as to use the term, ‘retribution’ in reference to what’s coming for [them]—represents Trump at his most direct, another very recent deployment by The Master sees him at his most indirect and—in my view—his most effective.
You may be aware that Trump recently penned—or dictated—an Op Ed in the Daily Mail regarding the recent Media Industrial Complex about-face on the Wuhan Lab Leak theory.
While I have explored the Media’s turn on that theory in recent Briefs, namely ‘Julian’s Rumblings’ and ‘What in the Wuhan?!,’ I want to steer away from readings of the Actual here—and honestly, even away from the very subject matter of Wuhan, COVID-19 and the Globalist Scamdemic—and focus instead on the manner in which Trump has chosen to engage with the Media’s framing of the issue.
At the outset, Trump uses this Op Ed—this Narrative Deployment—to advance the same old—true—rhetoric that he is the truth-teller. That he not only knew the true origins of the COVID-19 … whatever the hell it was … before others, but that he warned us, and most importantly, that the powers that would be stood in the way of his ability to communicate that truth—that knowledge—to the American people.
This supposition rests on the core tenet of Trumpism and the Truth Community at large, and that is that, quite simply, the truth does not BECOME the truth. The truth always WAS the truth. It is inherent and static, constant, immovable and eternal.
And on a long enough timeline, it is revealed, no matter the obfuscation attempts made to cover it up by the dark powers of the world.
And therein lies the rub, and the reason for this treatise today.
You see, I don’t think Trump said anything new in his deployment on Wuhan and the Lab Leak. I think he said the same things he’s been saying for three years. And yet, the manner in which he did so, and the fact that this particular deployment took place in the written realm, and in the rare—for Trump—long-form territory allows us to see the intentional communications strategy Trump employs in this deployment and in many others:
Namely, his use of asides to convey the aim at the heart of otherwise true statements.
We will dive into the reasons behind this technique in detail in our next entry in the series, but read the following passage from the Op Ed and begin to ruminate on Trump’s intentions with it, and all its many turnings before we do.
“Now it's time to hold China—and the corrupt forces who have facilitated this colossal suppression of facts—accountable for the damage they have inflicted upon all of humanity.”
I often say that Donald Trump speaks to multiple audiences when he communicates, and I get few arguments from this community. That said, I have also advanced the argument that I believe Trump’s ‘most true,’ most impactful and most meaningful—in terms of projection and prediction—statements take place ‘between the beats,’ or rather, between the meat of the statements the media—and much of the Collective Mind—take as foundational and intentional.
In short, I believe that what Donald Trump tosses in seemingly at random in his communications style—little quips and digs, jokes and tangents—often communicate his true thoughts on a given subject, and I do not believe these asides are accidental. Seeing this thought pattern exemplified in written form gives the impression that, not only was this particular Op Ed dictated and composed with Trump’s direct oversight and approval, but that the asides contained within it were considered, ruminated on and deployed with particular thrust and intent.
In one of my most popular pieces to date, I advanced the somewhat cliché, but earnest cypher that ‘All the World’s a Stage,’ in which I attempted to parse the Information War and the Great Awakening itself through the lens of a directed—if not an entirely controlled—story.
Taken in this context, an ‘aside’ can be defined as ‘a remark or passage in a play that is intended to be heard by the audience, but unheard by the other characters in the play.’
Now, if we apply that to Trump’s Narrative Deployments, his speaking style and his writing style, the implications are as tantalizing as they are encouraging.
You see, I see Trump’s ‘asides,’ his tangents and his stream of consciousness communication style as being foundational to the meaning he intends to impart with his deployments.
While I do not pretend that every aside Trump makes in verbal exchanges, in organic speeches and in interviews are planned—far from it—I do believe they are meaningful, and I do believe these snippets represent much more than hints or nods to Anons and to the core of the America First base Trump is shepherding along behind him as we attempt to retake and then reforge this nation into the image our forebears had of it, but that these fragments of thought give us more direct insight as to the current lay of the land, and the immediate future of this movement—of this very war—than all of the ‘meat’ that surrounds them.
And that is what I want to leave you with as an introduction to the very concept of the ‘Trump Aside,’ the ‘Trump Tangent’ or the ‘Trump Spontaneity.’
Whether it is planned or unplanned, this Narrative style is one that must be considered if you are to formulate a clear, accurate and usable understanding of the storytelling intent of The Master himself, and the chosen leader of our sovereign movement.
Next time, we’re going to dive into the specifics of this Narrative technique—this Intentional Chaos—and we’re going to see how it helps Trump—and by extension, his audience(s)—do everything from projecting the direction of Macro Narratives to analyzing Trump’s perspective on said Narratives and judging which audiences Trump is communicating with and why.
After all, if all the world’s a stage, then we’d better get familiar with the players.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Continue on to Part 7.
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Excellent analysis, as usual, BB! It’s amazing to think how far we have come in truly understanding the nuances of Trump’s communication tactics (in large part, due to your unique perspective in analyzing the Master himself). Contrast this with normies and lefties who continue to completely dismiss Trump’s communications as “incoherent ramblings of a deranged moron”. Oh, how much they are missing!!
Great article, I love your writing style!
The dots you connect are fascinating. While on occasion I saw them coming I am usually caught by suprise and often wanting to kick myself for not seeing it sooner. It makes for a fun ride.
Anyway, keep up the great work!
God Bless!!