The War of Stories.
If you’ve hung around the Bright Archives for a while, now, you’ll be very familiar with that refrain, as it stands in as the unifying Macro Cypher through which I observe literally all Deployments, Pathways, Hypotheticals and Actuals in the Info War we all attempt to track on an hourly basis.
More so than its practical applications, one of the great benefits of this approach for me personally is that it’s largely responsible for my ability to keep some semblance of sanity while those of us who plough the waters of Fifth-Generation Warfare are inundated with more sheer information than any generation in world history. That flood is quite intentional, and for a long time, it represented one of [their] key advantages, as the Hegelian masterminds within the Deep State Globalist apparatus knew that, while the Macro of the System of Systems is rather simple, its complexity has taken literal centuries to build up, and its progenitors have taken great pains to obfuscate it to the American public.
That said, while the internet and the ‘opening-up’ of the Info Breakers and Dam have resulted in some baseline level of societal and cultural distraction, disengagement or even informational paralysis—I’m sure everyone reading these words feels overwhelmed by the ‘media cycle,’ which is really the ‘story cycle,’ at times—it has also represented an opportunity, one that it took a formerly disparate, now-unified collection of Anons, citizen journalists, truth-seekers and the patriots who prodded, guided and led them in the War of Stories in order to begin to turn around on the powers that would be.
You see, while the preponderance and over-abundance of Narrative Deployments has taxed the Collective Mind, it has also taxed the System of Systems, which was never meant to have so much of its own structure and form laid out in sight that grows more plain the farther out one can zoom. And while each of us in this Info War has or had pieces of the puzzle, only together have we begun to stitch our various theories, observations and perspectives in order to form the beginnings of a grand unified theory, which will stand in as the paradigm we hope to usher in, and that patriots such as Donald Trump have been instrumental in provoking in the first place.
This paradigm, reduced from its complex and constituent parts, is best described as the Macro struggle between the forces of Globalism and Collectivism and that of Sovereignty and Freedom.
Call it reductive, if you will, but that’s the truth of both what we’re fighting against, and what we’re fighting for.
Taken in this context, any who track WITH me where it concerns a framing of the Info War as one between storytellers and storylines—both true and false, actual and potential—are reminded of the why and how, while those who may be skeptical of my views that the Potential is often MORE impactful than the Actual in a war such as this may start to be convinced based on a reading of the current Game Theory Game Board.
And what does the board look like this week, this month and this year?
Well, for starters, Donald Trump was just indicted, arrested and arraigned for the second time this year—and for the first time in federal court—both confirming the long-standing theories of some OG Q followers, while summarily shocking a greater plurality of those who railed against such theories.
That said, the latter are quickly—and much to my pleasant surprise—getting onboard with readings of the current Deployments AGAINST Donald Trump as being baited, provoked—and honestly, perhaps directly coordinated BY him and his allies—while the population we actually WANT to be ‘traumatized’ by the news are both affected and energized to support both the man AND, more importantly, the MYTH of Trump, Trumpism and all he represents, which is the Mass Psychological Sociopolitical Vanguard of Sovereignty in the West.
This is the power of stories, yes, but it’s also the power of characters.
Human beings are naturally coded with an ability and an innate desire to both explore and experience the world around them—especially the conceptual, Macro world beyond their own doorsteps—through the lens of stories and the characters they inhabit. This is why I believe Trump has dialed up aspects of his own personality in order to better forward the Psychological Timeline (h/t
,) for the express purpose of helping to push Americans into the desire and the open striving for the Great American Restoration that I believe has yet to truly begin, but whose golden light can be seen cresting the next rise into green horizons.Before we get there, however—before we lay eyes upon the great valley whose cultural, societal and political fields we will have the great privilege of sowing, and whose plenty we will have the honor of leaving to the next generation, and the FIRST free from the yoke of subversive Shadow Men and tyrants (h/t
)—we must be awakened. We must be shaken. We must be freed.And we will be. Through the power of stories.
Simple, right? Reduced like this, whichever side on the Game Theory Game Board has the better and more charismatic storytellers wins, right?
I’m not going to be THAT reductive or pretend a war based on the dissemination, obfuscation and corruption of information itself is so simple, and I hope I have never given my readers that impression.
And thus, the subject and the ‘point’ of this week’s exploration is not only focused on storytellers, but more so on the methods through which said stories—said Narratives—are Deployed in the first place.
As each of us in this community have experienced firsthand over the course of the last few years, having the right mind and the right personality to convey stories that can move American society in the direction of the Republic our forebears had in mind when they put quill to parchment in the first place is one thing; having the opportunity, ability and platform to DEPLOY said Narratives is something else entirely.
This is something that many of us knew innately several years ago. That said, I don’t think we realized quite how bad the censorious issue was until Trump himself Deployed ‘The Donald’ on the Collective Mind—and more importantly and directly, on the Collectivist Media—in 2015-16, rendering the System of Systems—at least, its storytelling, propagandist arm—naked, stark and exposed for the nation and the world to see.
This exposure served not only to clue us in to the ‘enemy of the people,’ as Trump has consistently framed them going on 8 years, now, but it also PROVOKED said collective, forcing them into a blitzkrieg of false Narrative Deployments whose initial potency and traumatizing effect has waned with each passing Deployment, media cycle and year.
Aside from the sheer volume and dramatic bent of these Deployments, however, which have been countered at every turn by both Trump, his patriots and all of us—a growing collective of anti-collectivists—the reason that I feel the carrion crows in the Establishment Media have run out of steam of late is owing to the very foundation that underlies their Deployments relative to ours.
We operate from a baseline foundation of truth. They do not.
That’s just about as reductive, simple and borderline condescending as one can get when attempting to distill the entirety of the Info War down into one comparison. But the truth is often as beautifully simple as its antithesis is grotesquely complex, hiding its true aims under a thicket of twisting, interceding and dichotomous—not in the Bicameral way—contradictions in an attempt to lead directed minds astray, and to encase wandering minds into patches of psychological rough and thorns that are nearly impossible to extricate oneself from without guidance.
Thus, in addition to the truth and the personality and mindset with which to find it, nurture it and translate it for those with the eyes to see it and the ears to hear it, the true mark of paradigm-shifters is their ability to control the dissemination of said narratives in the first place.
After all, a storyteller is nothing but a carnival barker with no outlet, platform or medium through which to communicate, unimpeded.
While we have come a long way in our ability to Deploy Narratives (ie: Truth) to those seeking to find it, we STILL struggle in the Info War to reach those this war is really all about—the reachable masses I often refer to who make up the great majority of the sleeping sovereign spirit we need to awaken so that the America First agenda might roar furiously to life with a heat and ferocity—and the underlying bed of coals that make up the Anon world—that will be impossible for any counter-deployment to stamp out.
This is why Trump has been so instrumental in breaking the enemy Matrix, and why—as I have chronicled in ‘The Master’ series at Burning Bright—he does so using baiting, seeding, counter-striking, Kayfabe and his own bag of tricks in order to circumvent and circumnavigate the Matrix of falsehoods we seek to upend and tear down.
In short, Trump has done what many of the best minds of both kinetic and psychological warfare have done throughout the unfortunately-contentious duration of human history: he has used the weapons of the enemy against them.
And just in case there’s any doubt as to whether or not Trump currently controls the Narrative regarding his own indictments, arrests and ‘scandals,’ I would simply point you to the observational reality that Trump is the one who has seeded, deployed and actualized the mass disclosure of said scandals.
In an era of subversive and parasitic media dissemination and informational blitzkrieg, the source of Narrative Deployments is often our best hint regarding who they belong to.
In the last three major Deployments that have supposedly negatively impacted Trump and Trumpism—the Mar-a-Lago ‘Raid,’ the Bragg Indictment and the Smith Indictment—Trump himself has been the origin point for the story. And in all three instances, they were paralleled with mirrored Actuals that point right back at the Biden Administration, from the Biden Docs Scandal to the ongoing revelations and disclosures regarding his family business dealings in Ukraine, something Trump himself referred to as a ‘coincidence’ on Tuesday night.
One reading of that reference is to consider the optics of the situation—that being that a weaponized Department of Justice is using a Trump indictment and arraignment to distract from the cascade of exposures regarding the current ‘President.’ But if you keep the Narrative timeline I laid out above in mind, you’ll know that reading is far less likely than the Actual, even if it’s convenient and positive for our side in the Mind War.
Put simply, Trump’s reference to the ’coincidences’ that keep piling up regarding Deployments ‘against’ him and in favor of Biden are far more indicative to me of patriot control over both the Narrative theater AND the Justice theater, even if both are working in conjunction at present.
Then again, I suppose some are capable of convincing themselves it’s possible Trump and team are both seeding and Deploying Mass Narratives that boomerang sharply on the Biden Admin while having little Actual control over the Game Board.
For those people, there’s little I can do.
If we’re looking for the WHY regarding Trump’s seeding of his own ‘scandals,’ I would steer you away from the reductive and cynical political reading of these situations that Trump is attempting to ‘get ahead’ of the stories, and would rather direct you to an examination of the Net Effects said Deployments have visited upon the Collective Mind that IS the battlefield of the Mind War.
In the case of the MAL Raid, Trump and his allies were not only able to kickstart a ‘Weaponization of Government’ Narrative that ran through both indictments and literally provoked the very Congressional Committees we’re seeing present the Actual to the American public on an accelerating basis, but also prepped the Collective Mind for the Biden Docs Scandal, the Biden Crime Family in Ukraine, the Media Obfuscation on behalf of both, and the Justice Phase to come in a way that would have been significantly more difficult if he hadn’t offered himself up as both a Cognitive Cypher and a sympathetic figure for the psychological and legal mapping of each.
This is to say nothing of the massive lead Trump currently enjoys over presumptive challenger Ron DeSantis and the nascent, utterly pitiful field behind him. Effectively, by making himself the story once more, as he has done so many times before, Trump has sucked all of the proverbial political oxygen out of the room in a manner reminiscent of his charge to the GOP nomination in 2016, replete with central casting-style nicknames in tow.
(For an in-depth, Bicameral look into the Trump-DeSantis ‘feud,’ which I see as a Deployment that benefits our side exclusively, check out the recently-released ‘Trump Quicksand.’ Though it’s only been a couple of weeks since writing it, it’s another one that seems to be aging about as well as DeSantis’ campaign is poorly.)
Suffice to say, one of my favorite political commentators still remaining on YouTube, RazorFist put it quite succinctly when he said, “In case you missed the man’s rallies this past week, it’s clear what was supposed to be an indictment of Trump has transmogrified into an indictment of the judicial system itself.”
Perhaps my favorite, seemingly unintentional remark in Razor’s Rant, however, was his reference to Trump’s ‘Plot Armor,’ a term ubiquitous in the script-writing world that refers to characters—usually protagonists—who conveniently escape danger other characters would otherwise succumb to due exclusively to their status and importance to the Narrative; traditionally a hallmark of poor, lazy writing, when applied to the layout of the Info War, one can’t help but smile when framing Trump as the untouchable, inevitable protagonist of this Macro American Story, which is just now entering the favored phase of western audiences—the redemption arc.
The Macro read on Trump in the current theater of the admittedly dramatic-Info War is simple: he is as comfy and cozy as his most ardent supporters—all of us—are learning to feel with each passing Deployment, Scandal, Indictment and, who knows … perhaps even Conviction to come. Because we have logic-based, reality-tested faith in where the game is going, who the real ‘Witch Hunt’ is really about, and how the movie ends.
If you have any doubts about that—and as
pointed out this week—Trump’s Tuesday night campaign rally disguised as fallout of the latest ‘scandal’ to afflict him featured direct references to ‘weaponized agencies’ that have engaged in ‘illegal psychological warfare campaigns’ on the American people. Not only is this the latest in a long line of ‘proofs’ of the need for and VERY likely implementation of Devolution or a Continuity of Government plan, it’s also yet another marker of the WHY for counter-psychological operations waged FOR the Collective American Mind rather than AGAINST it, something General Michael Flynn discusses with length and surety on a regular basis, and something most in this community are well aware of at this point in the psychological timeline.As for said psychological timeline, as reductive as it may seem, I don’t personally discount a surface-level read of the public demeanors of Trump and his public-facing allies in the midst of what should be a catastrophic media cycle—one in which his poll numbers are rising exponentially. To me, this demeanor only results from the Actual being taken care of on a mechanistic level AND the prospect that the American public must be responding to the psychological markers patriots have laid out for them on the path to the Great Awakening.
But then, that’s a bit esoteric for some.
And yet, Trump is not the only Cognitive Character Cypher in the field operating on our behalf in the Info War.
Several months ago, I added an entry to ‘The Master’ series called ‘Narrative Pincer,’ in which I laid out the case—and I’m far from the only one—to suggest direct coordination between Donald Trump and Elon Musk when it came to framing and reordering the Mind War in the wake of the weaponization of Con Inc. on the eve of the Midterm Elections, and Trump’s announcement for candidacy in 2024.
Nothing has changed regarding my assessment in that particular theater … only, it’s not the only Narrative Pincer on the cognitive battlefield. The fact that this one happens to be facilitated by none other than Musk is also not lost on me, nor do I believe it should be on any of you. After all, he who controls the platform controls the message.
So, then. What do we make of Tucker, the FOX Man?
While I have openly remarked that I gave plenty of side eye to Tucker Carlson throughout most of his tenure employed by the subversive Murdoch empire that is FOX News, I was also open about the fact that, while obfuscation attempts by Con Inc. blue checks writing for certain ‘Daily’ outlets and appearing on FOX and beyond are quite easy to spot, once you know the signs, Tucker’s monologues for the last few years have not only demonstrated a clear and concise ability to cut through the media noise and communicate direct and useful information to a ‘Normie’ conservative audience, but that those very monologues went from following Anons on a six-month delay to running nearly in parallel with them in recent months.
Of course, the fact that the seeming and inevitable convergence between Tucker Narrative Deployments and those in this community was preceded by his firing from the Den of Wolves only helped his standing in the Collective Mind, but has also seemingly unleashed him—with the help and ‘coordination’ of former Trump DOD contractor Elon Musk—to run Narratives that are in full symbiosis with those we track on the Island of Misfit Toys the Anon world has always been.
In his latest episode, Tucker not only put the Weaponization of the DOJ on blast where it concerns Donald Trump, but also managed to expertly weave together what Trump represents to the Establishment that he even had the audacity and fortitude to name as the ‘Federal Government’—that being an existential threat to the ‘order’ of the Deep State’s world. The fact that he did so while drawing parallels between the would-be Forever War in Ukraine and the one Trump’s Doha Agreement extricated us from in the Middle East—leaving Biden to take the blame—is icing on an alluring cognitive cake.
You see, while Tucker, Trump and other Character Cyphers are necessary and useful at the current stage of the Info War and the Great Awakening, I don’t believe the future of Information Dissemination will belong to them; in fact, I don’t believe it’s meant to, or that they would necessarily want it to.
As I explored in ‘A Wolf Named Fox,’ I believe Tucker’s key role in the Info War is and has been to expose Con Inc. to the conservative ‘right,’ of American society—those who saw through the communist Marxism of the Obama regime, but who likely voted in huge numbers for BOTH Bush Administrations, some of the bloodiest and damaging this nation has ever seen, and who would very likely be pulled back into the orbit of RINO’s and warmongers a decade hence if not for the era of awakening we’re being guided through right now.
Tucker is being used not just as a delivery mechanism for important Narratives and analysis, cutting through the media noise he was once an admittedly maverick part of, but also as an example of what individual thought, directed analysis and expression can wrought on the Cognitive battlefield. Tucker may have a ready-made audience numbering in the tens of millions, but he’s guiding that audience into the recognition that engaging with minds is often more beneficial than engaging with platforms and collectives, and that loyalty to brands should never supersede loyalty and trust in one’s own cognitive ability and discernment.
What this is all setting the stage for, in my view is a somewhat rapid—number in the years rather than the decades—transition into an informational battlefield where all minds have the same opportunity to analyze and present ideas, and hopefully one in which those minds won’t be alternatively boosted or throttled by the whims of AI, machine-learning algorithms whose architects have collectivism and walled gardens in their masters’ mind’s eye.
And yes, while I’ve suggested that he’s involved in White Hat operations, I do NOT envision a world of Info dissemination and public engagement facilitated by maverick billionaires like Elon Musk.
Of course, in order to lead us into this decentralized future, the centralized Systems that make up the past we are working to extricate ourselves from must be torn down, and in order to be torn down, the foundations must be weakened, the pillars must be cracked and the whole Tower of Babel the Media Industrial Complex represents must be swaying like the System it buoys and is buoyed by while parallel systems are either erected or—in the case of Twitter—commandeered from the subversive grasp of the collectivists.
So, then. Are there any data points and directional observations we can make that point to the Media Industrial Complex’s vulnerability?
I’m glad you asked.
Over the course of the last week alone, I believe we are so awash in signs of the enemy’s imminent and accelerating demise from public relevance and cultural—meaning, mass psychological—consciousness that I had difficulty paring them down.
First, an ongoing Reddit blackout that was ostensibly prompted by boneheaded policy decisions that kept formatting and subreddit control out of the hands of the user base, which was then followed by leaked communications from the CEO openly disparaging said user base has resulted in one of the world’s most-trafficked—and most LIBERAL—communications platforms to hemorrhage eyeballs for a week.
At the same time, and as I detailed in ‘Culture Shock and Awe,’ the Entertainment arm of the Media Industrial Complex—those most literally involved in the War of Stories on a base level—is in the midst of what could only be described as a self-induced Death Spiral as the Writer’s Guild of America enters its second month of strike, with no end in sight. These writers—Marxist subversives though they may be—are responsible for keeping the entire Hollywood machine running, from the tentpole blockbusters that should be hitting in 2024, onward (remember, most 2023 films have been in post-production for months,) to the late night shows where talking heads from Kimmel to Fallon synthesize and distill the messaging from the MSM into bite-sized morsels for a passive audience of NPC drones.
What’s more, the WGA strike is being buoyed by a Director’s strike, and there are reports circulating that the Screen Actor’s Guild will be joining them in their ‘noble’ efforts to bring equity back to the silver screen where it concerns studio control—as if it ever existed in the first place.
Now, on the one hand, you might say these striking writer’s have a point—several, in fact—and to that I would say, you’re right … and yet, these writers have been formed and installed due to the very Marxist machine we hope to purge from American society, while the work of sovereign minds and artists has been ignored by Guilds and Unions that act as little more than shields for said media machine until such a time as they need to store up their own nuts for winter.
The thing is, this winter is looking particularly cold for them, and they’ve chosen to push all their chips into the center of the table during a psychological moment in time in which the American Mind was already itching to move on from their control over the stories that help to make us, define us and represent us around the world.
In short, the timing couldn’t be better (for us,) or worse [for them.]
And the trend doesn’t stop with Hollywood; it continues straight through the American Retail space and the stock market at large, where the self-imposed collapse of Anheuser-Busch has only been rivaled of late by similar woke moves made by Target and Activision-Blizzard, owners of the largest videogame IP in the world in Call of Duty, and one whose annual profit margins dwarf the whole of the Hollywood Machine alone, to say nothing of the rest of the male-dominated, Anon-minded gaming space that is now in open revolt against the System of Systems after some of their favorite influencers have been cancelled due to standing up for the rights of children nationwide not to be groomed by a hypersexualized transgender campaign in the public school system.
Which is to say nothing of the recent collapses of Vice News and BuzzFeed, two of the more millennial-minded vectors of informational control the System has used to trap, harass and terrorize for years, along with staggering layoffs across the MSM landscape as a new media—one by the people and of the people—rises to replace them using the power of freed, directed minds, and the messages they carry.
And all of this against the backdrop of the Sultan Slug himself, George Soros handing the reins of his poisonous Media Empire over to his even MORE political son, Alex, according to recent reports.
On a related, and somewhat humorous note, Media Matters has ramped up its campaign against us folks at Badlands Media, going so far as to signal boost our efforts to the world by telling their Marxist readers just how popular some of our podcasts are becoming in the free market of ideas on Rumble Video.
Each of the above examples might seem like temporary blips on culturally-dominant radars. That said, while it takes a long time to build habits up, it doesn’t take nearly as long to break them, and I think each is going to rue the day—and the time—in which they decided to take their last woke, subversive stands against the rising and reenergized sovereign spirit of these lands.
Additionally, I share an opinion with Chris Paul that many of these Media, Entertainment, Corporate and Cultural collapses bear the markings of the same Ghosts in the Machine we know are active on the clandestine and operations front in the Fifth-Generation War we track, and that we have been guided through by patriots in the Sovereign Alliance. That particular line is difficult, if not impossible to prove, but the sheer preponderance and multitude of cascading crises—for [them]—lends itself to a framing of overt control more readily than Game Theory alone, in my view.
And if you had any doubts that we ARE in fact in the midst of a war for the Collective American Mind, Donald Trump himself pointed out that very thing in Bedminster, which was amplified by Jon Herold and which made for one of the most singularly-encouraging Q, ‘Plan’ and Devolution proofs we’ve yet seen in the Info War, and indicative to me that we’re entering a new phase, and one I think Anons are going to enjoy watching play out significantly more than the vast majority of the American population.
“This persecution is being done by the same weaponized agencies that for seven years have been running illegal psychological warfare campaigns against the American people.”
Read that quote from the true President of the United States.
And then read it again.
Not only does it stand as the most direct acknowledgement that we are in the midst of a PsyWar we’ve had to date, but it also lays out both the mandate FOR Trump and team to implement a Continuity of Government scenario, while simultaneously demonstrating the need for the Q Op and the Self-Organizing Collective (h/t
) the Anon world has become in order to push back and wage war against the enemy using their own weapons.Overall, THAT is what Narrative Pincer moves like those we’ve witnessed in recent months between Trump, Musk, Tucker and other Patriots—from talking heads to ‘former’ officials that are ‘former’ in name only, to Kayfabian (false) feuds meant to drag us into the next stage of Disclosure, Template-setting and Awakening—are leading us toward: a new age of decentralization and participation, as the American people each learn to take back their OWN minds before waging psychological and spiritual warfare to do so for the rest of our sleeping, paralyzed and traumatized fellows just beginning to stir in the petrified psychological bedrock around us.
As for HOW it’s going to work? That’s simple.
Just like Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson and any number of Narrative-pushers and storytellers you want to highlight on our side of the Game Theory Game Board operate from a foundation of truth and discernment, so too do each of us. We get things right and we get things wrong as we attempt to make sense of a war built with the intention to prevent that very thing, and yet, we each and all operate from a foundation of truth, discernment and, as is my goal at Burning Bright, logic-based, sovereign positivity.
The powers that would be have only been because of our tacit acquiescence to their rule. To their Matrix of Falsehoods. To their lies.
There’s nothing reductive about that. That’s the truth. That’s reality. That is the world as it has appeared since time immemorial. And that is what we’re tearing down brick by brick, grotesque crenellation by petrified stone.
One story at a time, one exposure at a time, one mind at a time, we are taking this country back, and we are taking the world back from those who’ve stolen it from us, or who’ve tricked us into handing it over through tricks and traps that have since been turned around on them.
The reason Patriots will win, the reason WE will win this Mind War is because we occupy the role of the Infinite Player on the Game Board. Truth is itself Infinite, while the obfuscation OF IT is Finite, by definition. This recognition—this core tenet—will begin to nest into the grooves of your awakening mind and will warm the corners of even shivering hearts as the truth settles in and affirms itself, and as it continues to map onto the world of the Info War you observe and track, engage in, guide and are guided by.
The Enemy has operated by hiding—both themselves and the truth—through clever ploys and a systemic approach to faux complexity, hiding the real within an impenetrable maze of the unreal. And yet, in the realm of Game Theory, obfuscation can only last so long, because obfuscation—hiding—relies on retreating, even when it can and has seemed like assault, while the Truth presses forward, and cuts through the maze rather than taking wandering, winding paths within it.
The truth, caught on wind-blown coals, burns it down.
That is the power of storytellers. The power of Trump and those who stand with him and behind him. They are not progenitors or creators of Truth, but rather custodians of it. Shepherds. Guards and guides. They are the wind, and WE are the coals, and once that bed of amber stones grows hot enough and glows bright enough, there’s no quenching it with whispers from the void.
The Beast is exhausted. The Beast is ragged and weary, hemmed in on the edges of the world by an awakening force it would have lorded over ad infinitum, if only it could keep the Game going.
Contrast that with Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson. Contrast that with us. With Anons, citizen journalists, independent researchers and sovereign minds that continue to level up as the Info War rages on.
Do we seem tired? Do we seem worn out?
Or do we seem energized, renewed and excited for the battles to come?
The war IS the reward. The battle IS the prize. The journey IS the destination.
And the Truth is a force of nature.
The Truth is the best story of them all.
And we’ve only just started telling it.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
(Note to Readers: Below, I humbly ask for the support of those willing and able to spare it as I continue to try to carve out a path for myself and my family that will allow me to focus on the life of the Truthful Tiger more completely.
As always, the best and most consistent way to support my writing and research is to upgrade to a paid membership on this Substack platform for $7 per month or less. So far, Substack has rebuffed ‘Cancel’ and ‘Pressure’ Campaigns launched against citizen journalists.)
Burning Bright’s goal is to provide a valuable resource for Truth, Discernment and Logic-Based Positivity. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a Free or Paid Subscriber.
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Excellent work, as always, BB! This piece reminds me of my favorite quote I’ve learned during this Great War:
“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.” - Augustine of Hippo
As difficult as this War seems to many of us, how much easier is it for us with the Truth on our side than it is for [them]?
[They] are being forced to defend their tangled web of lies as they are being exposed on an hourly basis now by the likes of Trump, Tucker, Elon, etc. and just as importantly, by all of YOU citizen journalists and the rest of us anons.
[Theirs] is clearly a finite battle.
[They] cannot win.
Which leads me to my second favorite quote I’ve learned during this War:
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” - Sun Tzu
This Great War has been planned/scripted/mapped out long before it actually “started”. The beauty of this Plan is we are not only “watching the movie”, but we are all active participants in it! And we all KNOW how this movie ends....Stay Bright, my friend!
"Sheesh DUDE" as my grandson would say! Talk about 'breaking it all down'. My heart beat a little quicker as I bore witness to ALL you are saying, from the depths, with one small thought. Wanna hear it? "I'm glad you asked" lol:) It's about Trump in all this. The prophets have said he is here to bring America back to God. And that God will make America what He has always intended her to be. I know Trump's goal is to give this country back to We the People, and that will be a mighty task, seeing as we have abdicated our authority it, long ago. I am over the moon excited to see how God will get us all back on board and what sort of Government He will institute! Imho, I think we have proven Democracy doesn't work, as predicted so long ago. Remember the Israelites begging God for a king, and He said, "Ok, but you'll be sorry"? Maybe we can do an actual Theocracy. I can only imagine, but whatever it is, it's going to be UNRECOGNIZABLE, thank GOD!