FOX management is the enemy. Many of their paid shills are very skilled and wonderfully deceptive at forming an enticing conservative narrative but leaving out 'the meat'. The two grifters that took Rush's time slot on the radio are quite clever and, one of them is former CIA. I don't trust Hannity anymore and gave up watching their channel on TV. Maria Bartiromo will be next to leave. I haven't forgiven these crooks since they called AZ on election night 2020. Waiting patiently for Tucker to burn the whole house down now that he's free...

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May 4, 2023
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That doesn't necessarily mean she is a part of the Deep State nor following the agenda of Klaus Schwab. There is a lot going on behind the scenes to battle their agenda an counter infiltration is a key component in the battle. You have to be on the "inside" to understand fully what it is you are battling.

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I would like to see you and Just Human dive into the details of the Fox vs Dominion case. It is so clear that the settlement was a way to shift the narrative, to legitimize Dominion against the clear evidence. I believe you and Just Human can expose the fraud in the narrative roll-out. There was a behind the scenes deal between Fox and Dominion to attempt to destroy the narrative that Dominion is stealing elections. I hope you guys can find and expose it.

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Basically, FOX and Dominion are on the same team. That was my first reaction when I heard the 'news' of the 'settlement.' Nothing has changed since then. The settlement was a narrative move, to do exactly as Burning Bright says: convince the weak mind that there was no election fraud.

We'll see how it all plays out. Those who live by the sword often die by the sword. And I too would love to see BB and some of his badlands pals take this on in detail. I think there is a huge amount of insanity going on behind the scenes here.

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And Blackrock has a big chunk of each of them, so...

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Fox and Dominion are littermates, to stay with the wolf theme.

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They are indeed. JFTM

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Beautifully written. Fox led me astray for 20 years. I feel pray to the narrative and was just so rah rah America. What I’ve realized in the last few years makes me despise Fox even more then the other state operatives. They played their role perfectly. Tucker was a glimpse into how pathetic the rest of the network really was. He asked real questions, spoke to people non of the other anchors would consider talking with. And now I don’t even have to turn them on again. Their was breaking news of a shooting today and I went to CNN because I refuse to turn on Fox again. As much as I hate CNN I couldn’t go to Fox. They are worse because they pretend they are something different.

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Many have changed over to Newsmax. Our IP-based 'cable TV' does not have it but it is available on the internet via Roku etc. We get it on our cable modem and watch on our TV the same way we get things like Amazon Prime.

Eric Bolling, another FOX veteran, has the 'Tucker slot' at 8 PM ET on Newsmax -- he's not quite Tucker but he's a darn sight better than anything on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, ABC/NBC/CBS/PBS etc. He does a good job covering the important news of the day and does some opinion/perspective pieces, unfettered by Lachlan Murdock and Paul RINO's leftward bent.

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I cut the cord for YouTube tv so I have to find it on Amazon Fire stick or Apple TV. I will definitely give it a shot. Need somewhere to go for breaking news. Otherwise it’s Twitter and Rumble.

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For some reason Newsmax seems to have a five-minute delay on our system. So it is not quite 'real time' but there are very few breaking news stories where those minutes are significant. I suspect if you pay to subscribe to it you might be able to get it real time, but since the 5 minutes don't bother me, I've not taken the time to find out.

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Should I brag because I shunned FOX 2 decades ago?

Should I boast because I dropped out of the GOP as soon as I identified GHWB as a NWO TOOL?

Nah, I’m just smugly jealous of my privacy (as well as the intact state of street facing windows) but I’m getting to be annoyingly close to going public instead of hunkering down behind a veneer of anonymity .

Hint: I’ve frequented the Kennedy’s Palm Beach property and have a sibling who’s frequented the Swiss abode of an exiled Iranian ambassadors son who was smitten with her.

The ones who know of me (so far) allow me to gripe unscathed.

If they choose to engage I won’t just shrink under the examination light as I believe Trump did. They got to the SOB!

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Awesome narrative of what Fox has been doing to so many of us. As a fan of Bill O’Reilly, I was pissed when he was fired and quit watching the channel for awhile. But I didn’t follow him to his podcast. Then repeat with Megan Kelly (plus I didn’t like her attitude toward Trump at the presidential debate she lead). It took me awhile to warm up to Tucker. Somewhere along the way Paul Ryan and the younger Murdochs came on the scene. Arizona got called for Biden. Tucker got better, and as I learned more from this community I saw he was weaving truth slowly into his show. Now that he’s gone, he’ll go somewhere better. I have shows to watch on rumble instead. And as the written word is my preference I have Substack. Life will go on, without the wolf in my home. We will all keep trudging this road together, and we will be better off without that snake in the long grass called Fox.

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Whether you realize it or not, the warning you share has been around for quite some time: ““Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭16‬ ‭TLV‬‬

The pendulum you reference is also just as old: a house divided will not stand! Nothing new under the sun!

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I’m curious whether you and/or Badlands colleagues will be addressing Trump’s show on CNN?

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Great! I’ll have to check it out. Thanks

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Truth does ascend over time, fearless tiger! I admittedly turned to Fox ?20-some years ago as they sang the siren song of the ‘conservative’ alternative, not truly realizing until the election desk guy came out and called for AZ; I saw the amazed look on Brett’s face and remarked to my husband; that’s not right as the polls weren’t closed yet in the west. Turned off Fox completely at that moment until the last couple of months to frequently watch Tucker after the comments on Truth/Telegram, then completely couldn’t figure why he stopped the J6 recordings after basically 1-1/2 shows. Of course, Fox turned out to be the worst of the MSM as they captured millions for over 25 years thinking they represented us, yet they led us down a very long path of deception and they did it with their storytelling. Your astute observations on the impact of stories on mankind makes me question a whole lot of my ‘previous’ assumptions. Time will tell and the one ‘story’ that has stood the test of time is that of our Creator who has gifted so many to work with throughout history and now is likely no exception as He has told us His adversary is only in control of the world for a time. I wonder how soon that might be as each generation in 2000 years has believed it would be in their time. God bless you, fearless tiger, and thank you for sharing your gifts with us!🙏

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Wolves and Foxes are sometimes predators, sometimes prey. Their relationship is complicated like that. And so, Foxes - not to be confused with FOX - know a thing or two about wolves.

In order for any psychological operation to be effective it helps to have the target audience softened up, ready to accept the message the PsyOp is trying to convey. It builds up trust, much like a Con (confidence) Man does to a mark. Building trust by being helpful, truthful...at first.


They also add another layer, call "priming."


Like this piece I wrote last year about a very popular meme circulated around social media starting in 2015. That became the basis of the safety-of-the-vulnerable-first-at-all-costs pandemic government guidance:


Because it *sounded* so nice and compassionate, virtuous, what even animals do in nature! Except it's not what animals do in nature. It's actually suicidal for animals in nature to do what the meme suggested. As it's been for mankind since 2020. I remember during 2015 when the meme was being shared that it was false, tried to inform friends sharing the meme that it was false, a dangerous understanding of the real world if adopted by mankind. They didn't want to hear it! Even with evidence that it was false. They wanted to *believe* it was true. Envisioned as an evolution to a higher man we should endeavor to be. Suicidal.

Another example of priming was the movie Bird Box that came out in 2018. Priming viewers to look away from dangerous information that could blow up their entire world as they knew it, kill all they knew and cared about, simply by looking at something they shouldn't look at:


Reinforcing the already natural human instinct to dismiss information that comes from sources described as "dangerous and not even want to see or hear it. The factual information Team Reality has tried, largely in vain, to share with most friends and family, still, because they simply won't look at it. It might blow up their entire understanding of the world and reveal their misplaced trust, threatening them and the lives of all they know and care about. Priming. Psychological priming. What every sophisticated PsyOps campaign relies on. Also called "preparing the battlefield.":


Not just the kinetic battlefield. The information battlefield, the battlefield of the mind. The most important battlefield in the First World Information War of the Information Age. Foxes study the tactics of both predators and prey. So they can meet the challenges they both pose to their existence.

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Fun fact: "F" is the sixth letter of the English alphabet, "O" is the fifteenth (1+5=6), and "X" is the twenty-fourth (2+4=6). Three sixes might be a clue that FOX is not now, and has never been, a trustworthy source of information and commentary. Caveat emptor, patriots...

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Brilliant as always. We welcome the newly awakened to the show. Getcha pupcawn heeyah! 🍿

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Thank you BB!

My hope and prayer is that "those ideologically, socially, culturally and politically aligned with us who’ve been caught in a liar’s sleep they have been largely blind to while lashing out against obvious and ultimately inert ghosts of leftism dangled before them like ghoulish specters of the enemy’s true designs" will resist the temptation, the call of the siren, to ignore the "wolf" behind the curtain and recognize the pulling of levers and twisting of dials intended to lull them back to sleep.

For our weapons are mighty in the pulling down of strongholds - those lofty thoughts that exalt themselves above the knowledge of God!

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THX BB just Brilliant as always

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You had me at “Schadenfreude”.

I blame the devolution of every school system that you didn’t attend for the low educational bar that we’ve allowed while spending vast resources to warmonger.

That’s my .02 and I thank you for your brilliant communications.

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The enemy of the people is destroying itself right before our very eyes. And every step they take opens more eyes. It is glorious to behold. There is no way we could interrupt this enemy right now. 😂

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Now there's a word...schadenfreude....Merriam Webster..."joy over some harm or misfortune suffered by another". Great article BB !

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Return of BB University, thanks for the refresher on using the dictionary and look forward to the dig on Tucker. 💞

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I'm going to go sit in the back of the room, near the radiator. That's my usual place in class! 🇫🇷😁

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