Just when I think I have read one of your most intense writings, you come along with another one!

“In the end, when you’re unsure of the story’s intent, you must look to the storytellers, and ask yourself if these people have your best interests at heart.” This was my favorite quote.

Thank you once again for righting the entire perspective from its fractured and incomplete state to a reasonable, logical, and sensible place. Although it’s a dated saying, you ROCK!

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Sorry on the delay, but thanks so much, Chris. I think this one is going to stand the test of time.

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Another on the money article. I was born in '58, and never really got in on that optimism, as one of my first memories is the JFK assassination. From JFK, to 9/11, to Covid, I've had that dread feeling of being lied to about everything. I look forward to gaining a greater understanding of what's true and what's not. While your articles are far from an 'easy read', they are super informative AND inspiring.

Thank You!

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It's interesting to get the perspective of different generations. I'm looking forward to mass unification events, not just ideologically, but generationally.

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From another born in '58, I agree. Well written, often hard to follow. Another source of energy not considered in your work has been large Tesla coil generators. If the ideas of Tesla are with the Trump family, why not devolop them!

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I think this is all coming.

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Appreciate the likes

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Seven words can change the course of human history.

“This is what they stole from you.”

“You’ll own nothing … and you’ll be happy,”

The choice is actually recognizing the above statements of past and future goals, and acknowledging that in identifying these two statements you have, once again Fearless Tiger, identified the choice we face. We can learn our true history and realize we were not created as a slave race and we can change the trajectory of the future based upon truth OR we can reject our creation and accept slavery and hopelessness.

I remember the 50s when there were 2 parents, dad worked, mom did the day-to-day work of making sure the home supported the family life. Because of this, I was not as susceptible to the 60s where the destruction of the family became the first demonstrable actions of those who would become our rulers. There were, of course, many things, goals, activities, etc., that went on behind the scene to ensure in the long term that America as a vision would be destroyed. But, in the 60s, as a teenager, I was unaware of that part. I just didn’t understand infatuation with celebrities (Beatles) or the feminist movement because it was just another way to conform to a different (albeit destructive) standard.

The vision I knew in that time was because I had a dad who loved science ‘fiction’ and grandparents who told us that it was our duty to be active in ensuring the Constitutional Republic remained. Each established a standard of accountability, responsibility and creativity through their daily actions.

Yes, the history we’ve been told is in direct contradiction with the fact that we have been created in God’s image. That means there is no limit to what humans can do, except that there is an evil entity whose minions’ existence is to destroy that creation in God’s image and replace it with human-level ‘gods, masters, etc.’

Because of that, as you’ve so aptly described, the destruction of the wonderful dichotomy that is energy, has been planned and executed over mankind through our lifetime….

But, God created us in His image and though we’ve been asleep for a long time, had our divine gifts diminished to ensure we will never know how we were created, acknowledge our creator or the spiritual gifts, or the true capabilities given to us……God also gifted many for this specific time and place in history, Trump, Musk, etc. to awaken, teach, expose, and provide knowledge that ‘we the created’ can and will stop those who would enslave us for eternity. Thank you for exposing the ties between these men and the these times. This ensures many will regain hope.

You, our young Tiger, are among those. Because of you and the others God gifted for this time, we are rebelling against the lies and the goals; remembering what was intended for mankind created in God’s image, and this will be used to inspire others around us so that we can reclaim the vision.

God bless you and thank you for accepting your role, using your gifts, and sharing with all of us! You are a blessing.🙏

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Much appreciated, ALtab.

Future proves past goes so much further than we believe.

What's become clear to me is the generational controlled opposition dynamic is one of the most subtle, and most powerful keeping us locked in cognitive collective stasis.

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A young Tiger perhaps, but one with a very wise spirit. 🐅

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Yes….with an old soul…

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Well said ALtab. And thanks as always BB.

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"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration!" Nicola Tesla. Energy is ever present in our world, the sun provides the energy for the plants to transfer the sun's rays into energy required to grow the plant. It's not destroyed, it just changes form. Frequency is the time of the vibrations, or the space between each individual vibration. Vibration only occurs when things are out of balance. When in balance things function smoothly. Evenly based molecular structures flow smoothly, odd based molecular structures vibrate due to the lack of balance required for things to operate smoothly. This is but one perspective on the essence of the whole picture.

Lack is a thought process designed to steal your energy so someone else can accumulate it and use it against you. Laws of Nature or of Nature's God, produces abundance, not lack. Plant one seed of corn, you get 2-4 ears of corn each containing close to a hundred seeds. "By studying the natural world and understanding it's laws, we can gain a deeper understanding of the universe and how it works!" Nicola Tesla.

We know that most of what we have been taught about "History, his-story" has been lies. The lies are so big and been told for so long, it's almost impossible to really know what is truth! With that stated, we must consider everything we have been taught is a lie until we can personally prove it to be factually true! The system of systems has been intentionally designed to decieve and miss-direct man to a wrong conclusion that benefits a small group of psychopaths.

Allopathic Medicine was a creation of Rockefeller, Carnagie, and Morgan, as was the Academic system that taught all the other systems. I will use medicine as the example due to it's ease of explanation. MD's are taught that they will learn everything they need to know about medicine. They go to college for 4-12 years depending on speciality. They spend months understanding chemical composition of compounds, calculating dosage by body weight volume, and symptom management. During this time they receive at most 19 hours of nutrition. Two to three days of the most critical area required for health. Unless they are a functional medicine or nutritionalist. Ask most MD's what you should eat, the answer you will get is, "it doesn't matter" why doesn't it matter? Because during their studies they only studied it for 2-3 days while everything else was studied for months. Here then is the problem. They swear an oath named after Hippocrates. Hippocrates 2 most famous statements "Let your food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food." And "Physician heal thyself." They are so educated by the system to look so deeply into any area they are taught, they don't see the surface lies that negate the whole teachings they were taught. That "Education" cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. So they become trapped in a system based on lies.

We have been programmed by generations that you give your power to heal yourself away to a white lab coat, a name tag, and a stethoscope. The person that wears this costume is the God of health. When in fact they are ignorant to the basic designs of health and healing. They merely manage symptoms and provide hydrocarbon based poisons to manage those symptoms.

I could go on but I've ranted enough.... Great post, got us thinking about things from a different perspective.... Peace...

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Fascinating connections, and I think this is JUST scratching the surface, while also acting as a very encouraging and interesting proof that, when we get control of this nation, defeating the Deep State is the BEGINNING, not the end.

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Agreed, exposing the deep state and returning to a sovereign form of governance will be the beginning, rebuilding to what the founding fathers intended. What law does the declaration of independence require for we the people? Peace...

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Fantastic piece BB!

I feel the same way. We have been lied to for generations (and longer) and been force fed bullshit and made to guard our own prisons all while being prompted to hate each other.

2024 is shaping up as the BIBLICAL year I expect it will turn out to be... Glorious!!!

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thanks a lot, Joe!

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Indeed God wins 🙏🏻

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Fascinating, as always!

Your essay suggests to me that the digestible pace of Musk’s energy “breakthroughs” runs parallel to the accelerated, yet protective, pace of other areas where we are seeing the future take shape. We’re trained to think in terms of progressive discovery, so the disclosures are described to us as “new” information, built upon what was known from the past. But perhaps they are actually more “recoveries” of what was known, versus discoveries of something new. Was it a discovery, or a recovery, when the public learned about Ivermectin and HCQ as treatments for viral disease? Did we actually learn this through progressive scientific discovery, or did we simply just find it out, in the way we might find out that our stolen, stripped-down vehicle was finally located in a cross-town scrap yard?

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I've been digging into even more Trump-Elon connections all month, and there are MANY.

The two have been orbiting each other in the Info War for years. It's JUST starting to come to the surface.

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And yesterday I read that Elon is supporting Trump and contributing to his campaign. This is so exciting!

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Don't you love it when a plan comes together?

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We are made of energy. our heart has electrical impulses, etc. I have felt for a long time that was "proof" of God; that when we die, our energy moves onto a different plane of existence.

(If you have ever watched someone die, it is a tremendously moving experience. I was in the room when my FIL passed. You really do see the soul leave the eyes. It's hard to explain, but it is not like the movies.)

Pivot: I watched the Rogan podcast with the Harris Brothers (#2156), who are hip deep into AI. They brought up the point that because do much energy is required for the data centers, these companies are buying nuclear reactors. Very interesting episode- there is a LOT going on behind the scenes.

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I agree, cgg.

Nuclear-AI-zero point?

It's all coming.

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Have you thought of putting all your articles into one hard bound book? Obviously never-ending...kind of like a set of encyclopedias for the awakening.

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I've thought about trying to organize those with like-themes, with some editing. Obviously I end up expanding on previous theses. If I can clone myself and find the time!

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In your ^copious^free^time_Swan and Flanders

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Your so friekin brilliant, you just rocked me off my heals again! Bravo!

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Thanks Ozark!

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Brilliant, Big-Picture, thinking, BB—-thank you, again, for your spot-on analysis and your humility. You neither overpromise nor underdeliver. Just right—-much appreciated!

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Haha thanks a lot, Frum!

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You have ignited within me a yearning for discourse.

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High praise! Thanks Dona!

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The New Playground

"This is what they stole from us" focuses us on THEM as evil. I like that. However, it also frames US as victims. It creates anger and resentment, which is probably better than quivering in fear. But it feeds civil war.

A new tapestry currently being woven by us: "This is our future, our inheritance, which they are still trying to hide from us.” Before we go too far, we need to understand why most of the people of the world were willing to lock down, to believe climate change will end the world, and to get jabbed by big Pharma. Further, these same people humiliated and repressed their friends and family in attempt to force them to join the lockstep foolishness. I’ve heard "mass formation psychosis”. That just tells us that marketing and fear are used because they work. It doesn’t tell us why they work. It also seems clear that cognitive dissonance created by seeing the world as it truly is becomes an effective cure. This was the Q — anon method. It is the method of memes. It is the method of BB and Badlands.

The process is so slow, like wash, rinse, and repeat a thousand times, to gradually clear the veils built up over thousands of years. The priest, the scientist, the guru, the Badlands pundit, all stand between us and the new world. All think they are helping, and they probably are.

Spontaneous remission is the physical version of us awakening. The “Red Pill Moment” might be an analytical version, as the nervous system throws off another carefully crafted lie. The Near Death Experience seems to be the whole enchilada. Not just the apparent ego-death of psychedelics, but actual unification with Source, bypassing, or even banishing all the illusions. With the near death experience, spontaneous remission is commonplace. The whole world of mental chatter, science, politics, TV, social media, all abruptly become incomprehensible. The illusion of separation from source and needing of a priest or a pundit to point the way simply vanish in an instant.

What remains? A world without the beast. A world without possessions, competition, and mental chatter.

How can we get there? Psychologists don’t often work because we usually don’t quite let go of our load of baggage, and we usually pick it up again when we walk out the door. Psychedelics don’t often work because, after they wear off, we remember most of our our baggage again and choose to live in the familiar, dysfunctional world of lies and illusions. We don’t reach the Light simply because we don’t believe we can.

Will the “Big Scare” work?: upcoming Armageddon, WW3, Solar Storm Wiping out TikTok, Climate Change, Nuclear, Spike Protein, Millions of imported illegal alien terrorists, Civil War. SPACE ALIEN INVASION. It might if we believe it….And manage to believe we are more than walking, talking dust.

The first key to navigating to the New Earth is knowing that Source exists PLUS that each of us has direct access to it. I’m on board with the belief that Jesus is the way to the Light. But so is returning from the tunnel of Light after doctors gave up, and maybe sitting under the Bodhi tree and forgetting why we're there.

The biggest lie is Nihilism. The belief that nothing exists on the other side. The back up lie is shame, that we are not worthy of the Light. My father was brought up Catholic and believed that we turn to dust after death. That is, until he was on his death bed. IN this last minute, as he died, we saw him reaching his arms out to the sky. I like to believe he reached out to my mother who went before him. Suddenly, he knew that the whole bit about "dust to dust" was just another lie to hold us down. Talk about an 11th hour red pill!!! But all dissolved as he made the transition to Light space.

At the end of a few of my past life regression sessions and miserable deaths, I saw lies of shame and guilt I had been holding onto for centuries. Then, a few times I was actually able to dissolve a big lie of self condemnation. Then, a few times, I felt myself floating up from my dead body and into the Light. I was never the same again because I then knew that Science, Religion, Politics, and everything we can think of (especially BB's articles) are just figments of human imagination. They simply do not exist in that place of Light I visited and to which I will eventually go to join my mom and dad and all who came before me. And now I know that all my beliefs simply don’t exist on Earth except in the minds of the storytellers who shape our artificial reality through news and Hollywood.

It doesn’t matter if I die of covid or am incinerated in a big bomb. I am anchored in Spirit because I know in my heart that Jesus was right. Spirit is my true home. You may notice that I still read BB articles and am fascinated watching the new Golden Age emerge out of the darkness of the collapse of the deep state illusions. It is amazing to watch the relatively abrupt emergence of humanity into the light after so many years and centuries in the dark. We will soon forget the stories we were told between 2016 and 2025, and even these long but entertaining articles by BB, as we scurry about pursuing our own dreams and creating a new, bright world of "better" illusions upon this New Earth.

As we enter the new playground, it is important to remember to play nice.

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Thanks a lot, RHL. I agree that Nihilism is a poison, and one that follows cynicism quite easily/naturally. It's something we need to work to resist.

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You’ve just described the deliberate destruction of anything that taught us the entire spiritual realm….

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I just don’t think going backwards with energy is the answer. Nuclear technology is unstable and could lead to the entire planet’s destruction. The Earth goes through a disaster cycle every 6000 years — nuclear fission isn’t even used in space travel because it’s a threat to all existence. You mention Tesla yet fail to harp on his free energy patents from the ether — why is that? How could nuclear energy be the answer when we can grab energy from the aether?

I give it a .01% chance that we go nuclear in the “golden age” just like I give it a .0001% chance that bit coin is going to be anything other than a relic. Why would something that takes a tremendous amount of energy to produce be conducive as a means of currency? And this idea that Bitcoin is decentralized is again; cabal marketing 101. For instance, black rock and vanguard just bought 160,000+ bit coins… how is that decentralized? Now the same company that owns all the world’s corporations owns most of the Bitcoin and can manipulate the market on it whenever they want. How is that conducive to humanity’s “golden age?”

You have the right idea here and very well thought out — I just feel that you’ve limited your scope as to appease your readers and make them come back for more. Once your survivabity is connected to a certain message, you’ve become compromised — hence why people like Joe Rogan who sold their souls for 20mn have to now play by someone else’s book or risk losing their livelihood.

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I appreciate the comment. I think "going backwards" re: nuclear energy is indicative of the very anti-nuclear propaganda the Deep State has thrusted upon us. They circumvented our proposed tech timeline, and I think nuclear will play a massive role in getting back there. It's not the END point, but it will be a transition point.

Your comments about my survivability being tied to a specific message is completely retarded, since my message changes and adapts the more I discover.

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Sunday Session: I read this whole article ALOUD to my beloved husband ❤️

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Did he like it or hate it?!

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The Bible talks of an age prior to this one where we all were for an untold millions/billions of years prior to satan's rebellion/downfall that caused the end of that age and the need for this temporary age of temporary flesh bodies, which even God partook of through Jesus Christ, Hebrews 2:14-19 KJV. We all experienced the end of that age, but have all memories wiped from our minds when born into flesh for God's plan for this temporary age to work out. The third that followed satan in the first age rebellion are doing the same nihilistic things this time. But, God gave all at the cross, reaching out the invitation to salvation of the eternal soul to 'whosoever believeth', and in protect autonomy and self will of even those who reject Him. However, free will has accountability at some point, as He has warned.

Unlike the flood of Noah's time where 8 souls were saved, the "katabole" end of the first age/foundation of this temporary second age, (Ephesian 1:4, Revelation 13:8 KJV), left "no man" and "the cities thereof were broken down", Jeremiah 4:18-27 KJV. There were no birds, no doves, no crows for Noah to send out of the ark. It was catastrophic and will not be restored until after the end of this age events, the millenium, satan's short release, then Judgement Day. God is being VERY thorough in this age so that neither He, nor anyone who loves Him will ever have to go through this again.

It's hard to believe those souls double down instead of repent and choose life, but we all experienced the end of that first age and there are many who feel the same war happening now.

God's family in Christ is already saved from the 2nd death, which is death of the soul after death of the flesh body, Revelation 20 KJV. God is reaching out to the lost ones, so on Judgement Day, if they choose to follow satan into the lake of fire, Hebrews 12:29 KJV, He will know He gave all, this is their will, He doesn't want them harming His family who love Him, so off they will go of their own volition.

Just like now, there are some who know exactly what they are doing, trying to usurp the free will of others, but there are a ton of fence sitters who look the other way, don't want to get involved, don't take a personal stand when a moment comes into their lives that matters, and allow that evil to permeate and thrive. There will be no fence sitters in the 3rd age. Protect and defend what is loved, or lose it, will be understood by everyone who chooses to be there. Well understood. God is so thorough and perfect as our Father who loves us and therefore disciplines our hearts and minds.

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I don't dismiss anything these days. Appreciate you reading, Rose.

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"This is what they stole from you." - They already did it and caused the entire need for this temporary flesh age second age and the need for repentance through Jesus Christ. We were all here, we all lived through the end of that age. That is why we are recognizing, on a very deep level, the dangerous territory that the globalism new world order nonsense is. This is the Mulligan so God can be sure that He gave ALL at the cross in outreach and any soul that refuses that invitation made at such a high price to Himself, is fully accountable for their own choices, having refused to repent of wickedness and have a new start through Him, with a bit more experiential knowledge under belts. There is the millennium where loved ones who overcame the testing/sifting through faith in Christ will be able to cross the current gulf in heaven to help the ones who will be tested again after a thousand years. That does come at a cost, but the price is not higher than loved ones. God loves the WWG1WGA concept, but doesn't remove accountability unless sincere repentance happens. Ezekiel 18:23 KJV 2 Peter 3:9 KJV.

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Glenn Beck once said (this was in 2008, IIRC, during Obama's first campaign) "If you're still sitting on the fence, be aware that you need to choose which side you are on. Because if you don't, pretty soon someone is going to come along and push you off of that fence into the fray, and probably not at a time and place of your choosing."

Still good advice today.

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"Vampires, ghouls and carrion cretins, the lot of them" Fantastic! Thanks BB!!

Shadows are lifting, poles are drifting

Power is shifting, intel sifting

Everything’s changing, pace escalating

Scenes rearranging






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Thanks Chris!

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