Fun read BB. The world is changing (for the better) and the rate of change is accelerating. It is like Trump 2.0 has turned the light on and the DS Rat Bastard Cockroaches are running for cover.

Your view towards the future and what all the Golden Age will look like is what I am constantly searching for across the Truther community. I believe we are truly in the Golden Age and the rules have been rewritten for the better.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Spectacular as always. Your ability to perceive things that are not on the surface of this theater of horrors are memorable.

Long life to you, your family and the new baby.

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“‘The west’ is dead. Long live the west.” What a conclusion! It is clear this statement is the story, the conclusion. No matter the various machinations the cabal orders the minions to perform, the end for the evil west (the Prussian Nazi puppets) is rapidly evolving as they and their actions are forced to the light for the collective world to see. EU and the cabal’s international tools like NATO and all the arms of the UN are heading to their demise. When the Pope’s demise is publicly announced, the third part of the cabal’s triad will be exposed. The DC shadow government, London City, and soon the Vatican, soon exposed and dismantled. The only way to win peace IS to not play the game. A citizen controlled government in each of the sovereign nations can be peace.

God bless you, Fearless Tiger!🐅 🙏

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"the end ... is rapidly evolving as they and their actions are forced to the light for the collective world to see."

This is the way it must be. [We] cannot show who [they] are; they must do it themselves.

But [we] can, and should, and Trump has, turn(ed) on the light, and march(ed) them into it.

Hallelujah! 🙏✝🕊🕊

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Thanks for pointing out the Vatican! That den of inequity needs complete dismantling. Signed, a once upon a time Catholic.

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Crisp, focused, concise, insightful, and optimistic. No distracting links. The secret: Baby Bright is watching and will cast me into suffering if I waver in my appointed task.

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I LOVE your writing! You have a wonderful gift. Well said!

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Peace out.

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The frontier, perhaps the Final Frontier is abandoning the west as desiccated and despicable shell. Let us never forget.

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Like the corpse of a fly, sucked dry by the spider... then cut loose and cast ignominiously to the ground.

The New Golden Age is upon us! Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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Very poetic 💗💗💗

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Beautiful! Thank you! A shining example of hope, your writing and analysis.The shadows can never dim the light for long, because it was never in their power in the first place. Their "war" is their only means, in their myriad forms, but will always lose in the end, because peace and love are truth and light and will always be eternal, no matter how "dark it gets"

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“The ‘west’ is dead; long live the West!” Perfect.

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Love it, BB.

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Excellent as always! And I love your poetry.

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Great post BB, the transparency of how Trump is exposing all the shills is a fun watch. Like all the Dems and a couple independents voting to allow men in Women's sports. While it's a silly and stupid game, the game is exposing the shills for who they really are to the normies... Like the ones who think Trump mis-treated Zelensky. They are proving their lack of discernment and ability to think their way out of a soaking wet paper bag. Any logical and sane thinker knows Men do NOT belong in women's sports. Just as starting a major war for Peace is just pure ignorance and deep state manipulation of the masses. Then the Tell-Lie-Vision tries to tell everyone they are not seeing what they are seeing... Their ignorance is impressive. We know, once seen, you cannot unsee something. Be that men in women's sports or a war for peace... All wars are Banker Wars... Smedley Butler... Keep on keeping on.... Peace...

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Remarkably written as always! The last few paragraphs should be engraved in stone. Inversion- in the very best sense of the word. :)

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