It’s one of the most infamous images of the Trump era for a reason, and boy, has it aged like fine wine.
Because, as I’ve been arguing in what has become the theme of recent writings, Capitulation is the name of the game at present, and it's happening all over the global game board.
From proxy states coming back to the table with their tails tucked between their legs to freakouts by western hegemonic vampires, the distinction between warmongers and peacemakers has never been rendered as starkly as it is now for the American people.
And it just so happens to be exposing the inversion of the east-west, north-south paradigm that has been hard-coded into us for more than a century.
Donald Trump's narrative deployments are at the heart of this exposure pattern.
Almost like it was planned this way.
On the ever-present and ever-dramatic Ukraine side of the equation, I said the following in my most recent Brief:
Now, in the face of such public and obviously-earnest calls for peace by the two great superpowers in this world, now led by sovereign leaders wielding powerful public mandates, what will the reaction of the respective populaces be when their own leaders ratchet up tensions in increasingly-obvious and increasingly-desperate attempts to stave off the ending of their perpetual war machine, and with it, the lifeblood of their collectivist empire?
What happens to the many-headed beast when its myriad masks are ripped off completely, revealing the same face swaying on offshoots of the same rotted neck?
How close to the edge of the abyss—to the proverbial precipice—will the peoples of the west allow their illegitimate and increasingly despotic governments take them before they have decided that enough is enough?
And what new leadership might step forward to ensure that the worst does not come to pass, and that—just like we saw on this side of the pond in recent months—the people are granted reprieve so they might not make what could be the first peaceful revolution in world history anything but?
The era of war is experiencing a sunset its progenitors and heirs never thought they’d see, but before a new age of peace can dawn, we might have to weather a few storms between horizons.
One day later, Elon Musk is not so subtly accusing the Prussian Proxy state of launching a cyber attack on what could be considered critical US communications infrastructure.
Whether true or not, the claim is the story, and the story is the key.
To wit, the turn on Ukraine that I have long theorized in these digital pages appears to be in the offing, and it seems to be accelerating, but while I’ve spent extensive cognitive capital on that theater in recent weeks, today’s writing will focus predominantly on the much closer frenemies of the American empire, as the capitulation and panic pattern I’ve been documenting out of Ukraine is playing out across the sociopolitical battlespace, including very close to home.
First, let’s take a look at the boss’s most recent statement on the state of play between the US and Canada, its latest global game theory target:
And sure, the meat of the statement makes sense to those with a sovereign nationalist mindset, which is everyone reading these words right now, and yet, as I’ve been arguing since this narrative—and economic—war with the Canadian regime kicked off a few months ago, I believe the sovereign signal rests between the beats.
Donald Trump isn’t negotiating with Justin Trudeau or his de facto replacement—who we’ll get to in short order—but rather the Canadian people, who he’s daring to seize sovereignty for themselves, like so many are across the world as awakening accelerates.
In other words, Donald Trump isn't negotiating with Justin Trudeau, Claudia Sheinbaum or EU globalists.
He's demonstrating emphatically that they have no power to treat with him, and by extension, us.
When you reverse this, you understand he's not exposing them to us, but to their own peoples.
And that fact was rendered most stark just a week ago, when Trump put out the following statement that dips into the familiar territory of Trump feigning an ignorance he’s never possessed:
This one struck me in particular because it demonstrated emphatically that Trump doesn’t consider Justin Trudeau—or any who replace him without demonstrably legitimate elections—to be legitimate representatives of a sovereign, and perhaps more to the point, INFORMED populace.
It may be old hat to suggest that, as the eponymous V from V for Vendetta intoned, “people should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people,” and yet … this is what the screeching harpies in the collectivist class do fear most.
But don’t take my word for it. As always, take theirs:
Quite the turn by the Deep State’s paper of record, is it not? And so soon after Trump’s tariffs were roundly mocked by a media protectorate still reeling from the seeming unrigging of a system they were meant to win by design, and in perpetuity.
The panic saturating that NYT headline emanates from the recognition of the threat underlying Trump’s rhetoric on the power projection capabilities of the Canadian poxy state, and by extension, the globalist regime without the US Military Industrial Complex at its beck and call … a panic rendered even more stark and immediate in the context of the acceleration of the sovereign, self deterministic mindset currently sweeping the globe they would have ruled for all time.
And yet, despite how closely I monitor Trump’s narrative deployments, even I couldn’t have foreseen just how quickly the beast would blink, falling right into his trap, as Mark Carney has been announced as Trudeau’s liberal party successor on the heels of Trump questioning the former’s legitimacy.
Carney's ascendency on the back of Justin Castro-Trudeau's fall isn't just exposing long-running globalist plans, but also represents the latest in a long line of examples of Donald Trump's ability to accelerate enemy plans through abstract power projection.
It's also put the globalist faction in a defensive posture disguised as an offensive posture on a few levels, which we'll explore here:
For starters, Carney is replacing Trudeau as leader of the liberal party, de facto making him the next Prime Minister in waiting. While elections MUST occur by October, Carney may end up calling for an early election in order to capitalize on the appearance of public mandate in the wake of the collapse of Trudeau's reputation on the world stage.
Of course, this accelerated election pattern would mirror similar panic patterns we've seen recently out of the EU, specifically in France, where an identical move backfired tremendously on the mandate of Emmanuel Macron's ruling party, leaving French leadership in a similarly paralyzed position to the Canadian liberals.
One interesting bit of language coding threaded throughout Carney's campaign has been his ability to "manage crises." Of course, the fact that he's a literal "former" central bank manager (The Banks of Canada AND England) adds some delightful irony to his experience managing (read: fomenting) crises, but the story out of the globalist establishment is that the crisis he's being thrust into the spotlight to address is the one represented by the resurgence in American nationalism and protectionism to his immediate south.
Peep this recent line from the banking shill:
“We have made this the greatest country in the world, and now our neighbors want to take us ... No way."
Now, before we get into the twin ways Donald Trump is exercising near complete control over the Canadian political story, let's be reminded that it was Trump who accelerated this very swap, wondering aloud why Trudeau was still in power and accusing him of using his political war with Trump as a means of clinging to illegitimate power in Canada.
The Canadian people got this message, as did their tyrannical faux leadership, kicking off the Carney swap under the guise of a populist, 'democratic' succession.
What's more, Carney (again, a literal central banker,) is being forced to adopt nationalist, protectionist rhetoric against Trump.
This shows you why the globalist regime is so porked.
In order to combat Trump's rhetoric, they're being forced to adopt it. In order to fight nationalism, they're being forced to don nationalist plumage. In order to protect globalism, they're being forced to disguise it as sovereignty.
This is an untenable narrative position to maintain, as the actuals become increasingly divorced from the rhetoric.
Sovereigns will survive the transition. Collectivists will be eaten by their own.
Trump knows this. He just wants to fast forward to the endgame.
In other words, Trump plucks the strings. They dance.
This Canadian Communist Codification was inevitable, but as he has done so many times in the transition from the old system of systems to the new system of sovereigns, acceleration is the name of the game, as, without control over the time element, the globalists don’t have the abstract power projection capabilities to paper over the stunning incompetence they have become on the micro and the macro.
And they know it, which is probably why they’ve apparently chosen (or been forced to choose) to replace an avowed globalist princeling who’d been taken to task by his people over his own brand of government overreach, weak leadership and, well, capitulation on all levels with a literal central banker—albeit one currently in the midst of an attempted rebrand to sovereign nationalist.
And yet, this isn’t the only panic on display in the collapsing collectivist superstate.
We covered Emmanuel Macron’s surreal and suspect saber rattling in our most recent Brief, but he’s hardly the only one caught between a Trump and a hard place.
When Narrative Convergence meets Narrative Whiplash, you know you'r reaching the end stages of Overton's Goalpost.
For several years, I've been saying that you can learn a lot, watching things lie. The thing is, this community sometimes misses the mark when it comes to distinguishing between the two.
So, let's take a look at two recent headlines that caught my eye, and for somewhat paradoxical reasons:
In the first, we see German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock ostensibly warning the US for failing to back "liberal democracies in Europe."
This is why I've often said that when the enemy brands Trump, the MAGA and America First movements and Sovereign peoples throughout the west as 'threats to democracy,' they're not actually lying. They're telling an inverted, mirrored truth, and allowing decades of social engineering and cultural subversion to guide the sleepers onto the same old Hegelian paths they've been traveling for generations ... and that it has taken Trump, Q and all of us to break them from.
To wit, Baerbock isn't lying when she cautions about the impending collapse of the Western Hegemon.
The thing is, more and more Sovereigns are waking up to the fact that they ARE a threat to the Current Way, which is to say, "liberal democracies" if the dissolution of such "democracies" paves the way for a new era of Republicanism, which is to say, Originalism.
This is the 'common sense' approach the ultimate mass psychological and narrative pincer that is the Trump-Musk alliance are seeding the Collective Mind with, and to staggering early success.
Now, if we move on to comments made by Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum, we get an even more blatant (and quite surreal) version of accidental truth-telling by career liars.
Not only does she warn the Trump Administration against launching kinetic strikes on Mexican drug cartels, which are now officially designated terrorist organizations, but she doubles down by threatening to expand a string of lawsuits against US arms manufacturers she claims to have (by hook or by crook) aided and abetted such organizations.
In other words, she's claiming that powerful American institutions are ALSO responsible for arming, funding and encouraging the proliferation of the very organized criminality that has devasted her people, and by extension, our own.
And I have a feeling Trump will welcome whatever exposures come on the back of this tit-for-tat, as he has with our neighbors to the north.
How has that gone for them?
You see, Narrative Convergence isn't just about OUR stories, it's about theirs. And sometimes, the two have more in common than you think.
In the end, all roads at work in the present battlespace lead to the exposure of the collectivist superstate and the resurgence of sovereignty, truth and justice.
That's Narrative Whiplash, folks.
The enemy is currently effecting a 'fighting retreat' from the cognitive, cultural and political battlefield.
And retreat is defeat in the Mind War.
What’s that? You want evidence of retreat?
So, to recap:
Trump threatens Mexico with tariffs unless they step up border security.
Mexico throws tantrum, then capitulates.
Trump delays tariffs.
Mexico claims US is threatening Mexican sovereignty by targeting cartels.
Trump resumes tariffs.
Mexico extradites cartel leaders.
Now apply the above progression (or regression, depending on which side you’re on) to Canada, the EU … virtually everywhere someone is deciding to call the bluff of the Orange Man, and with him, the American people, and you might begin to see why sometimes, a single image sticks in the deep mind of the human psyche … long before its story has been fully told.
And if the header to this piece didn’t drive the point home quite enough, try to imagine any member of the Allies-turned-Axis seated across from Trump at the king’s table, now with the full might of the American mandate behind him, and sporting the one quality we’ve long loved about him above all others, itself best summed up in its own image:
From where I’m sitting, Trump can do this all day because the American people have given him the mandate to play the string out to the ends of the globalist earth, unto the dawning of the Golden Age.
The question is … can they say the same?
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Bright Retrospective
No doubt one of my favorite pieces of writing in these digital pages came some time ago, when I attempted to distill a frequent pattern of narrative capitulation and retreat in an easily-digestible manner for my readers.
‘Overton’s Goalpost’ was my attempt to craft a cognitive cypher that can be applied to numerous theaters past, present and future as this fifth-generation information war marches on.
If you’ve never checked it out, or if you need a refresher, consider adding it to your digital soldier armory, or share it with a friend or family member who could use the training.
Also, consider applying it to some of the current narratives in the sociopolitical battlespace, and see how it functions.
I bet you’ll smile.
Burning Bright’s goal is to provide a valuable resource for Truth, Discernment and Logic-Based Positivity, and all of my content is free. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a Free or Paid Subscriber.
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ALL members of the growing Bright Army are appreciated.
Welp, BB, you painted the map beautifully. What a treasure you are.
Reading/ digesting your brief is such a pleasure because through it you usher clarity from which issues a restful calm surety. How can I thank you again…. Easy
Thank you🎀
Excellent. Thank you.