As we discussed in the last Bright Brief, Donald Trump’s victory speech before the once-hallowed halls of Congress—and make no mistake, it absolutely was a victory speech at the advent of the American Golden Age—continued an accelerating trend of exposure that, while it isn’t quite as actual-based as those taking place via executive action in the opening days of the administration, may actually be more deterministic when it comes to the cultivation of the sort of public mandate our sovereign, America First movement will need to win out not just the current term, but century.
To wit, the American people unifying around one man and one vision is, for now less important than them unifying AGAINST one enemy, and as we also discussed last time around, that enemy doesn’t so much have a face as a disposition these days. The War of Stories has bled them dry, proving the veracity of all the game theorizing we’ve done around these parts for more than three years, now, in which we’ve forward the notion that patriots behind Donald Trump represent the infinite side of the game board simply because their story and all its deployments are rooted in a foundation of truth and first principles.
No wonder the collectivist enemy has been reduced from an accelerating cascade of establishment candidates and Prussian proxies to a morasse of scowling, mewling miscreants littered about the chamber floor holding placards in the place of knives, and rendered both dull and despicable because of it.
If these are the spoiled children of the awakening age, and if the remnants of the American communist movement that reached a fever pitch with the Obama subversion are best left to the side as we move forward, what foes might we greet in the opening act of Trump’s grand return to center stage, and with him, our renewed and redoubled resolve to transform the nation and the world along with it?
How about those across the sea who seem to stand for nothing but war, and against its very antithesis, and whose ghoulish intent is being rendered more clear with each passing day and narrative deployment, and whose juxtaposition against not just Donald Trump, but some other sovereign leaders on the global game board is beginning to lay the mass psychological groundwork for the sort of societal catharsis and reckoning we’ve long theorized, and concerning figures the globalist establishment has demonized almost as readily and completely as Trump himself?
If patriots like Trump are cultivating public mandate through a steady and yet, somehow frenzied march for peace, what is said public beginning to think of those who seem equally desperate to stop that very thing?
This is the true enemy. The true face of the collective, and now that the US political scene has quieted, Trump and his story have the chance to cast new villains, and seems to be rounding into form with those across the sea.
In a recent long-form, I posited the following as a broad prediction of the next chapter in the Hegemonic Humiliation ritual Trump is subjecting Zelenskyy and NATO to:
"I would submit that the only thing better than the 'firestorm' that consumed the globalist media in the wake of Trump’s drubbing of Zelenskyy this week would be the one that results from Our Boy Z agreeing to a peace deal his masters did not, and coming back to Trump with his tail tucked firmly between his legs before doing so.
In other words, from where I’m sitting, the humiliation ritual on display isn't of Zelenskyy or Ukraine, but of the globalist class both represent."
Now, obviously no peace deal is currently done in terms of the central narrative, and yet, I think it’s safe to say the Ukrainian capitulation pattern is on full display ... which means the next shoe to drop COULD be the EU and NATO publicly beginning their long-overdue turn on Zelenskyy in the public narrative.
Almost like it was planned this way.
To wit, while we’ve no doubt had distractions aplenty—and no doubt we’ll continue to see them crop up—Zelenskyy continues to be at the heart of the Peacemakers Storyline; whether or not he remains there remains to be seen, and if and when he is swapped out, who does the swapping according to the public narrative will be interesting to watch.
My own inference leads me to believe it would be crippling to the faux peacekeepers of NATO to swap out Zelenskyy because they fear him going to the table to end the whole game, and yet, rumors abound that Trump’s team may take the credit for the final swap, demonstrating emphatically how much control they truly have over both the actuals and their resulting narratives, while ushering Our Boy Z the way of Our Boy Blue, another Deep State puppet whose strings I firmly believe were cut only to be retied, and who served his purpose well in the light of the awakening dawn.
While arguments on either side of patriot control are sometimes worth engaging with, I’ve made my personal position clear when it comes to the Prussian Proxy Prince and the net effects he’s visited on the globalist machine that made him in the first place, much like the aforementioned ghost of Joe Biden; hell, even the MSM is getting in on the action, openly questioning whether or not the Oval Office kayfabe was indeed “orchestrated” in advance. Now, they might not be openly laying the blame at Zelenskyy’s feet for that particular viral kerfuffle, but they’re certainly not closed to it, nor should you be.
And yet, in this particular case, I believe the question of control is rendered moot in light of the Net Effects he continues to visit onto the Collective Mind.
After all, when Donald Trump says Zelenskyy has made “the worst statement that could have been made,” do you think he’s talking from the perspective of peace or war?
To me, Trump is talking about the obvious effects Zelenskyy’s seeming meltdown is visiting on Ukraine’s position at the negotiating table not so much with Russia, but in the court of global public opinion, all while putting his would be and have-been masters in the EU in the unenviable position of picking up the rhetorical slack, and saber-rattling in his stead.
So, what did Zelenskyy’s row in the White House accomplish?
Acceleration … and only in one direction.
But don’t listen to me. Listen to the carrion crows in the media protectorate:
To seasoned diplomatic observers, US President Donald Trump’s furious dressing down of Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office was a planned political mugging, a trap set by the Trump administration to discredit the Ukrainian leader and remove him as an obstacle to whatever comes next.
Whether it was orchestrated or not, Moscow – which reacted with glee to the White House slanging match – is now anticipating talks aimed at rebuilding the US-Russia relationship will continue, even accelerate, in the weeks ahead.
Nothing has been announced in public. But, privately, there’s talk of the Trump-Putin summit, always on the cards, now being fast-tracked. — CNN
See? The smarter cretins are starting to understand … Zelenskyy is doing nothing but accelerating the public mandate for the solution phase, and contrary to what the vampires in Brussels have to say about it, that solution phase is going to be far less bloody than the typical Hegelian variety, much to their Prussian chagrin.
Trump, Vladimir Putin and the emergent leaders of the Sovereign Alliance move in accordance with public mandate while attempting to seed and provoke it. They represent both mirrors and feedback loops with their respective peoples, deploying narrative while gauging reaction, and while there’s something Hegelian to that process, when the transparent endgoal is the universal appeal of peace, the public has no choice but to get on board, or to get out of the way.
Which means they’ll soon be asking their leaders to do the same as some of them seemingly seek to avoid the endgame of the Sovereign Alliance—that being peace—at all costs.
Of course, now it falls to Emmanuel Macron to do the saber rattling on behalf of the decaying western hegemon, since the Prussian Proxy isn’t holding up his end.
In light of recent comments made discussing everything from what he described as France’s “special status” in the European Union—specifically, from a war-fighting perspective—to the doubling down of Russia as an existential threat … to them, despite the fact that no threat has ever been made from Russia, nor ever will be, France has now taken pole position in the race to the actualization of the last war, and the war that will never come, should the Sovereign Alliance get its way.
Of course, a response was in order, and the most dry and yet, wittily-entertaining elder statesman on the game board, Sergey Lavrov was all too happy to oblige. The result was as close to a public spanking as one superstate is like to give another:
"President [Putin has said many times that this is absolute nonsense. I think that any sane person would understand that [by launching its military operation] Russia only wants to eliminate the root causes of the situation created by the West in Ukraine."
And then, he got a bit more sober when it came to Macron’s warnings about nuclear weaponry … and annihilation.
"If he considers us a threat, if he calls a meeting of the chiefs of staff of the [Western] European countries and Britain; if he says that it is necessary to use nuclear weapons; if he prepares to use nuclear weapons against Russia – this is, of course, a threat."
Trump, for his part, closed the other side of the Macronian pincer by acknowledging the faulty rhetoric, calling it sad and reminding those in attendance of his latest daily podcast—err, Oval Office signing—that the establishment have been trying to forward war with Russia for quite some time, and that they will not get their wish.
Does that seem like a man who’s worried about war?
Does it seem like a man who’s ready for peace?
The Russians sure seem to think so, as Vladimir Putin has done a lot more than greet Trump’s overtures to peace and condemnations of western warmongering with kind words, he’s now officially offering to broker similar talks between the US and one of its longest-running boogeymen.
And isn’t that just the sort of Quid Pro Quo the American people … hell, that ALL people in this world can get behind? The commitment to leverage all actual and soft power projection capabilities these respective empires have accumulated by hook or by crook over the decades and lay such heavy weights, and perhaps the sins they carry on the scales, tipping toward the side of peace in the place of war for once?
Of course, if you’ve been reading my writing for any length of time, you’ll know I’ve been saying whatever deals we’re likely to see actualized in the public narrative in the months and years ahead have been done for some time, and yet, as I also always say, the story is key, and the peacemakers have the winning story.
And now, in the face of such public and obviously-earnest calls for peace by the two great superpowers in this world, now led by sovereign leaders wielding powerful public mandates, what will the reaction of the respective populaces be when their own leaders—wherever they may be—ratchet up tensions in increasingly-obvious and increasingly-desperate attempts to stave off the ending of their perpetual war machine, and with it, the lifeblood of their collectivist empire?
What happens to the many-headed beast when its myriad masks are ripped off completely, revealing the same face swaying on offshoots of the same rotted neck?
How close to the edge of the abyss—to the proverbial precipice—will the peoples of the west allow their illegitimate and increasingly despotic governments take them before they have decided that enough is enough?
And what new leadership might step forward to ensure that the worst does not come to pass, and that—just like we saw on this side of the pond in recent months—the people are granted reprieve so they might not make what could be the first peaceful revolution in world history anything but?
The era of war is experiencing a sunset its progenitors and heirs never thought they’d see, but before a new age of peace can dawn, we might have to weather a few storms between horizons.
If you have the mind for it, the heart and most importantly, the spirit, however, I believe these stormwinds can be greeted with open arms and open minds, and souls called to and forged in an awakening most don’t even know is upon them.
As long as you remember that this awakening comes on the back of stories, of which there are MANY more to come, and of which we have many more to write.
Until then, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Bright Retrospective
I suppose it’s old hat to most of you, but then, there are new subscribers to this publication every day, especially when I’ve been pumping out briefs more frequently.
So, whether you’re new around these parts or a long-time member of the Bright Army, consider checking out the series that started it all here in ‘Righteous Russia,’ particularly Part 4 - The Death of War, which I believe primed us quite well for the story the peacemakers were always likely to chart as the awakening accelerates, and which remains one of my more prescient writings to date, and one I’m quite proud of as a result.
I also want to deliver another heartfelt thank you to those of you who’ve signed up for Paid Subscriptions to this publication in recent weeks. The support is more meaningful than ever before for my growing family and I. And of course, if you can no longer support the work financially, simply cancel at any time and continue reading and sharing this work with friends, loved ones and hey, maybe the odd enemy or two?
Burning Bright’s goal is to provide a valuable resource for Truth, Discernment and Logic-Based Positivity, and all of my content is free. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a Free or Paid Subscriber.
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Let us not forget that, a central pillar of the Patriots' success comes from Trump becoming a wartime president as he declared that we are at war, then devolution. The combination of war powers and devolution allowed the stealing (acquiring) of the enemy's Mind Control Queen, Twitter in 2003 while "our boy blue" was nominally in charge. It goes unnoticed that the entire globalist media machine doesn't stand a chance against the worldwide megaphone of X broadcasting truth against power. The entire world is watching through X. Without it, this whole "patriot movement" would have been a non-starter. OK. If you insist, X and the Bright Army.
Thanks BB, safe travels today back from LV.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!