Let us not forget that, a central pillar of the Patriots' success comes from Trump becoming a wartime president as he declared that we are at war, then devolution. The combination of war powers and devolution allowed the stealing (acquiring) of the enemy's Mind Control Queen, Twitter in 2003 while "our boy blue" was nominally in charge. It goes unnoticed that the entire globalist media machine doesn't stand a chance against the worldwide megaphone of X broadcasting truth against power. The entire world is watching through X. Without it, this whole "patriot movement" would have been a non-starter. OK. If you insist, X and the Bright Army.

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Thanks BB, safe travels today back from LV.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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It’s quite apparent that so many of our fellow citizens don’t have the slightest clue as to who we are actually at war with. How do we convince them that our country, our culture, and heck, even the entire world has been subverted through propaganda and brainwashing. How do we disclose the measures by which this has happened?

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All we can do is pray for them and hold space in the hope that their eyes will open someday. 3 of my 5 children are trapped in that space. I reach out when I'm able, and hope someday for a hand to take mine in return.

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I listened to the most recent ATW podcast yesterday (Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn). The discussion was The Return of The Germans - many echoes of what has been discussed in these pages. I listened to the audio version of it because I was working around the house so I had to go back to read the transcripts of the speeches given by the German officials. Very interesting and worth the time. It is becoming clear that others are being to recognize and speak out.


*A couple of weeks ago, they basically gave the global deep state alliance the name of Luftreich - the air kingdom that is the Transatlantic power structure of government/global business. A very apropos moniker.

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The trick here is to understand 'what kind of Germans?'

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Why is America in NATO and the United Nations? I believe the answer is likely, “1871”.

If we recall Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes’ comments from the summer of 2023, the U.S. CORPORATION had three components. The Vatican was the bank and held the assets, The City of London was the management, and The District of Columbia Wes the military that kept the whole thing protected.

Looking at the present situation makes complete sense if we know that Trump bankrupted the corporation and told the management and the bank that there will be no more military protection.

I see our president meticulously showing the world that America will not join Europe in another war as we did in 1917 and again in 1941. Instead we will use our military for good, like not supporting another stupid war!

Biden was the Cabal’s final hope of success. Like Woodrow Wilson and FDR before him, Biden was in a position to maneuver us into WW-III and he tried. Look at how hard he tried. But, it was not to be even with $300 Billion of our assets being given to Ukraine to irritate Russia. Putin just shrugged it off and refused the bait.

Now it is too late. NATO wants our support militarily but we are refusing. Oops! Game, set, and match! The war scenario just died. The Cabal is still pulling strings but the puppets are not able to perform because their feet are glued to the floor by Trump. The Trump card is played and our military is going to protect our own borders. We are out of the war games.

Anyway, this is my view. I like my story because it has a really nice ending. America wins and returns to our past exponential growth without firing a shot at the true enemy. That enemy has always been the Cabal and America was key to their long- term success. Trump merely pulled the rug out from under their Cabal. We have no need for them because we win with capitalism. Socialism and Marxism are what we have killed. Not totally dead, but severely wounded.

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Jim, I love your positive view, and pray for that! Also.I love your word picture of puppets with their feet glued to the floor.

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The puppets do a lot of arm waving and wiggling around, but they are helpless to do much else. Look at the Democrats at the president’s speech this week.

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Zelensky is the life imitates art of Wag the Dog and it's a sad state that those running things have reached this point of 'just doing it,' right before our eyes. Like the Covid Op, 'they' knew they could convince masses of people to Jim Jones themselves. I know of what I speak as I have experienced deep personal loss after my brother took his booster to keep his job, after begging him not to. He died suddenly in his sleep of an MI. My High School friend - a fit football coach also died while on the field of an MI. Neither had ever had family members die that young, in their mid 50's. And that grand experiment told them in calibration that if we can get away with that, we can now get away with anything. We are of course and must continue to prove them wrong. Also, in all of these info pieces, it's important to get to 'what is the net result of this right now?' What is the baseline we have reached so we do not lose ground and get confused by info overload.

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Always insightful- Always 'grounding- Thank You, Sir.

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Mr. "installed" Zelenski was put there for many nefarious reasons not all yet apparent = it'll be a very deep "Rabbit-Hole" that many in the DC(DS) and so called EU world "leaders" more installed puppets behind the "big-curtain" = a cloaked new "Iron Curtain" courtesy of the Globalist cabal pulling all the strings just as they have for century's;

Is why President Washington warned to NOT get entangled with Euro'peon affairs-> Bankster cabal owned them all even then manipulating Kings & Kingdoms = WAR they setup then funded to pre-decide who will win to buy them out for penny's on the dollar then finance all sides for the rebuilding then the rearming too:

ALL are setups and can be directed andvredirscted by controlljng the moneys = just as did the Pharisee/"money-changers"+Rome- then and now = THIS is why tbey had to kill the Prince of Peace only was exactly God the Fathers plan since The Garden...

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You know, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Macron thinks he can do The Art of the Deal too. Like when you've been a tax accountant for 25 years and a client asks you to spend 30 minutes teaching them how to do their own taxes so they don't have to pay you to do them. It would be just like Macron to think it oh so simple. Sounds like he's trying to "play" Putin.

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That's all across the ocean... we now have enemies to the north and south. After the Canadian Truckers I thought they would not elect a tyrannical globalist but here we are -- an enemy of Canada and not exactly warm Mexico, especially when you consider the cartels. Can we afford to build a wall along the northern border too?

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Love your briefs ❤️ and your take on the world around us.

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