That seemed to be the key word the media industrial complex fired off on all layers in the aftermath of what was alternatively terrifying to some watching while being hilarious to others … and since you’re reading this publication, I’m going to guess that you’re in the latter camp.
Of course, for the vast majority of the Collective Mind, those operating on what we might refer to as the normie layers, it might have been a bizarre mix of the two, and yet, I think we can give enough credit to our slow-waking—and yes, sometimes slow-blinking—fellows that, if they haven’t guessed the game completely, they’re at least beginning to understand that one is being played.
And you know what else?
I think they’re starting to learn that Donald Trump, THE key cognitive cypher at work in the Info War hasn’t just managed to fall ass backwards into the most powerful and—given enough time—enduring political movement in American history, but that he’s seen the game for what it is, and rendered it clear to the masses.
But don’t take my word for it, take Trump’s.
“It’s good for the American people to see what’s going on here. That’s why I let this go on so long.”
There were a LOT of things said in the already-infamously testy (and staged, despite breathless and understandable denials from all involved) meeting between Trump, JD Vance and the visiting Ukrainian Dwarf King, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and yet, THAT specific line caught my eye, acting as sovereign signal in a sea of engineered (by all sides) noise in this fifth-generation war for the future of the sovereign world.
Because it follows the uncannily effective and unmissable (once you cultivate the eyes to see it and the ears to hear it) pattern of Trump dropping the REAL truth in between the beats of what is otherwise meant to be a narrative thread played out for the television cameras of the awakening, and yes, of the various obfuscation layers between patriots in the theorized Sovereign Alliance and the shadowed masters of the carrion crows operating said cameras in the Oval Office itself.
Masters who are weakened, yes, but not yet completely routed from the game board.
Masters who are no doubt furious in the aftermath of what was—make no mistake—a humiliation ritual aimed squarely at them, and by ALL participants in the room yesterday.
But then, you didn’t miss the breadcrumbs that were laid out for us in the approach to the meeting, did you?
Well, that’s why you’re here, is it not?
I’m not going to rehash ALL of it, as I have actually been doing my best to keep these entries relatively Brief, but since this is the theater that got me engaged in the Info War and even birthed the Burning Bright name in the first place, I’ve been following the story so closely that I feel I’ve developed a bit of a sixth sense to see when we’re about to enter a new phase in the great story of the War for Peace, a story Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are telling the Collective Mind, much to the gritting chagrin of the harpies pictured above, all of whom met in Paris just a few days ago in an obvious attempt to head off this very thing.
I discussed this at length in last weekend’s Brief, wherein I said:
I've documented the extent of this narrative subversion and inversion since January 2022, six weeks before Putin's Special Military (read: DeNazification) Operation kicked off, but Zelenskyy has always been a cognitive keystone unto himself.
So, when you're assailed with the cognitive dissonance that comes on the back of my assertion that Zelenskyy has been marching to the beat of patriot drums for the entirety of this Prussian Saga, consider the net effects he's visited on both Actual and Narrative levels.
On the Actual, Zelenskyy has presided over the wholesale devastation of the Azov battalion, whose political allies have been calling for his head for two years after he sent wave after wave of avowed and western-trained, funded and media-supported Nazis into the tactical and kinetic wood chipper that is Russian Maneuver Defense in the Donbas.
He also kicked off a massive anti-corruption campaign that resulted in the arrests of several federal judges, heads of industry and even the globalist oligarch who originally cast him in both his shoddy acting career AND the enemy's story, Ihor Kolomoisky.
Some puppet.
On a Narrative level, he's done catastrophic and irreparable damage to the standing of both Ukraine and, to a larger degree the NATO Bloc, revealing everything from the money and influence laundering mafiosos that have become of the western hegemon to the template of globalist proxy states, of which there are many, including Taiwan and South Korea.
The Globalists were already caught in the Trump quicksand this week, as he rushes to fill the void they left, making peace in the place of their calls for forever war, but Zelenskyy's entry into the central narrative has only accelerated their exposure.
Apply the final graph to the scene we just witnessed on the Oval Office set, which is currently drawing more viewers at the advent of the New American Golden Age than ever before, and I think you’ll come away nodding in agreement.
A few days later, I submitted the following as I picked up on signal that the same Media Industrial Complex rushing to do Trump’s bidding by spotlighting this catastrophic (for them) exchange between a real leader and a fake one (in more ways than one,) were putting out regarding the Prussian Proxy Prince:
So, it seems the media protectorate of the crumbling globalist superstate are getting a BIT closer to guessing the game their handlers already have, and yet, after reading through their latest deluge of communistic cope, I think they've missed the true scope of the counter subversion they've been subjected to when it comes to the "mediocre comedian" known as Our Boy Z.
Allow me to explain:
Axios has interviewed several "unnamed sources close to the situation," as always, but the real juice to the propagandist squeeze comes in the form of the emerging panic pattern we're seeing displayed within the media establishment, as the powers that have been and will never be again begin to consider the prospect that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is no more theirs at this stage of the game than Joe Biden was, perhaps for the entirety of his fake presidency.
The Axios piece is littered with signal, but the funny thing is, it's only signal if you know what you're looking for, and if you consider the possibility that Zelenskyy made a deal like so many swamp creatures have before him; through this lens, erratic, self-defeating moves like those he's been making in recent weeks only appear contradictory if you haven't considered the Art of the Deal.
While Axios lays out the five moves Zelenskyy made in recent weeks that ostensibly soured his relationship (and thus,) his negotiating power not when it comes to Vladimir Putin, but Donald Trump, the reason this particular piece of alarmist propaganda ultimately misses the mark comes down to a lack of imagination.
In essence, they've noticed the Ukrainian Dwarf King's reckless moves when it comes to the Peaceful Pincer he's caught in, and have summarily noted Trump's seemingly-sudden turn on the Prussian Proxy Prince.
And yet, if you've been following the war beneath the war, you've been expecting this 'turn' for several years, as it's been clear to some that Zelenskyy was offered a deal, perhaps way back in July 2019, of which the "perfect phone call" that helped to surface the 'Quid Pro Joe' scandal was just the beginning.
Finally, on Thursday, I laid out what I saw as the method to the engineered madness in order to explain just why I’m so dead set on viewing this whole saga as exactly that.
THIS is how awakening spreads worldwide. Not because Trump has decreed it to be so or because Putin has on the other side of the world, but because their peoples have willed it so, and will see it done THROUGH these men as they take center stage in the great story of 2025, which has yet to play out fully, even if some of us guessed the game some time ago, and did so by reverse engineering the stories that first brought us here.
Why the build-up, then? Why not simply come to the table and make peace, aside from the drama of it all, and the provacation?
Are we to believe the American—perhaps even the Russian—people are truly not yet ready to make peace?
I don’t believe it, just as I don’t believe the American people need a bunch of professional social media influencers to translate the sins of the globalist elite to them.
And yet, I do believe there’s a method to the madness when it comes to the slow, but steady rollout … I believe the collectivist villain needs to be exposed even more fully than they already have been to those with the eyes to see them and the minds to recognize all their forms.
I believe Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin—and yes, wittingly or unwittingly, willingly or unwillingly—Volodymyr Zelenskyy between them are giving the globalist warmongers all the rope they could ever need to hang themselves in full view of a global public of awakening minds grown taut and tired with the tension inherent in wars they increasingly know to be engineered.
Now, the free peoples of the west are watching in horrified fascination as the Globalists make their intentions known, furiously attempting to interfere in very public manner with these face-to-face negotiations—not just between Russia and the US—but between the very proxy they’re ostensibly there to support and Trump as the former prostrates himself at the foot of the great MAGA throne, perhaps prepared to turn the page on the latest chapter in his turn on the masters that made him.
Not too bad, huh?
Now, sitting here today, Zelenskyy’s ‘turn’ on his globalist masters hasn’t been actualized in the public narrative … yet.
In fact, the headlines and commentary I read in the MAGA, Alt. Media space and in truther threads across the land still seem to miss the mark when it comes to this one, as, despite ALL the many contradictions inherent in the belief, there are many ostensibly operating on the deeper layers of the Info War who think Zelenskyy is trying to SAVE the globalist hegemon rather than acting as a kamikaze drone strike on its core systems, which is to say, its core story.
And to those people, I say: NET EFFECTS.
What are the net effects of Zelenskyy’s latest performance on his own standing in the War for Peace?
And MUCH more importantly, what are the net effects of his performance on the globalist strings that (used to) guide him?
I thought so.
As for where this particular story is going, and when, I don’t pretend to have the answers, though I would submit that the only thing better than the “firestorm” that consumed the globalist media in the wake of Trump’s drubbing of Zelenskyy this week would be the one that results from Our Boy Z agreeing to a peace deal his masters did not, and coming back to Trump with his tail tucked firmly between his legs before doing so.
In other words, from where I’m sitting, the humiliation ritual on display isn't of Zelenskyy or Ukraine, but of the globalist class both represent.
Going one step further, how on earth do the events of Friday afternoon in the Oval Office HELP the cause of NATO from a narrative or actual level, besides forcing them into a defensive posture wherein they now have a VERY public choice to make between putting their money (and presumably, the unwilling—and quite hot of late—blood of their respective peoples) into the Ukrainian faux freedom grinder that has become of the war for the Donbas?
Get it?
They've lost control of their proxy, and Trump is parading him around as a cognitive cypher to everything from warmongering to money laundering to the long-rumored, long-denied existence of proxy states themselves and the proxy presidents who preside over them, of which the American Empire was the crown jewel since a hail of bullets removed John F. Kennedy from the game board in 1963, and before another jarred Ronald Reagan from what could have been a more righteous path in 1981.
"The best aid from those who sincerely want to help resolve the conflict is to come to realize what caused it."
Sergei Lavrov told you what the Trump-Zelenskyy storyline is all about this week.
The globalists are being provoked into suing for war while their own proxy does the opposite.
Of course … they could just call the whole thing quits, and cede Russia back to Russia.
And they will, but as we always say around these parts … the rest is a matter of timing, and awakening.
In the meantime … try to enjoy the show, and all the actors doing their damndest to make it as entertaining as possible.
Even … perhaps especially Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Oh, and if I want to add just ONE more takeaway from the pervading story of the week, it’s the following, which is summed up SO well by the header image to this piece, I’ll go ahead and use it again:
Power is power, my friends.
Not the appearance of it. Not the threat of it. Not the promise.
The thing is the thing.
Trump isn't so much reminding the Prussian Proxy Prince of the fake nation of Ukraine, he's reminding his silent masters in Brussels and beyond of one simple truth whose revelation is dawning first by degrees, and then by leagues:
The Western Hegemon is dead.
Long live the Sovereign Alliance.
And until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
(Author’s Note: Thank you folks for reading another Bright Brief, and for reading everything I spend the time on around these parts. This week was so nuts, I actually put out FOUR of these suckers in a six-day span. I certainly can’t promise anything close to that level of production consistently, but hey, this publication is free, after all, and your support is greatly appreciated in the form of Paid Subscriptions to the Substack and Coffee Donations. There never seems to be any rhyme or reason to when either comes through, whether I’m more or less prolific, but either way, I’m trying to document as much of this wacky, wild and delightfully entertaining War of Stories as possible, and supporters like you are the only way I can justify the time spent.)
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Awesome! I chuckled while watching the sparring yesterday with the Z man. It was quite comical but so vital in this awakening process. It certainly draws the normies to pay attention. They all love a good fight especially when it's coming from the oval office. It's amazing that for years when we watched the tele-vision when the camera's were set in the oval office of other president's we actually believed it was all real. lol I can laugh now..... it was a show of shows. Now once our minds are free of the propaganda pushed on us for decades, we actually see through all the smoke and mirrors and see what is true! Thank you for making sense of all of this and putting it all into words with such clarity. You are truly gifted. Many blessings to you and Mrs. Bright and of course baby Bright! God Bless!
Thanks BB. I could not get enough of the Dwarf King's beat down yesterday. The only thing missing was that GBPH was not on hand to call the TrumpaMania bout:-)
It continues to get better and better every day.
Keep these hits coming, assuming Baby Bright allows...
God Wins!
God Bless!!!