Bright Army!
It’s late (and early, in the most Bicameral sense,) so let’s dig in to some hanging threads from the week that was and see if we can’t put an awakening spin on them.
But before I get into the meat of this Brief, my last one got a bit lost in the weekday chaos, and may serve as a solid lead-in where it concerns the various proxies and peacemakers (both real and imagined) currently at work in the War of Stories.
Now, ONE more ‘before’ I want to hit … well, before I get into what I was actually interested in this week concerns the influence op we saw on Thursday as it relates to what we’re told is ostensibly ‘Phase 1’ of the Epstein Files.
Mileage has varied on this one GREATLY on what I personally considered to be BOTH a cringeworthy Con Inc. photo op AND some mass narrative seeding of the pending return of Epstein and all that name brings with it into the public consciousness, but mine can best be summed up as follows:
The Epstein narrative is being disseminated in batches in accordance with a MIL INT plan.
The gatekeepers who leapt at the opportunity to participate in the PsyOp are not read in on that plan, and the photo Op will haunt them forever.
In other words, if you’re parading around supposed Epstein binders for photo ops as social proof that you played the social media game well enough to never be censored by the regime … I’m just not sure you’re sending the based and redpilled message you think you are, and that still does nothing to disabuse me of the notion that we WILL get disclosure, exposure and accountability out of this administration … just not the media vultures that continue to orbit them.
and I pre-seeded this particular Op with some degree of prescience the night before, as we attempted to distill what we see as the difference between Gatekeeping and Info Warring, using the Q Drops as a backdrop.In other words … while you’re free to think ‘we’re watching a movie,’ I think it’s worth considering that we also have a choice to make as to whether or not we want to merely observe it, or help direct it.
I know which choice I made. How about you?
Alas, NONE of the above was meant to be the original inspiration for this particular stream of consciousness, as the circular firing squad the American mediascape has turned into of late—entertaining and exhausting as it is—pales to pique my interest quite as readily as the ongoing saga that is the War for Peace.
Rather, the various stories helping to summarily define and translate that war to the masses.
On Thursday, top diplomats from the US and Russia met an Istanbul in order to discuss the ongoing negotiations surrounding … well, the ongoing negotiations that have NOT yet begun between Russia and Ukraine … which are themselves currently being negotiated toward a START to negotiations between the United States and Ukraine.
And yes, that paragraph actually does make sense, even if it was as annoying to read as it was to write.
So then, what are we meant to take away from this meeting an Istanbul?
Well, on the surface, that it went well, I suppose, and that it helped to set the narrative groundwork for today’s planned sit-down between Donald Trump and our favorite Prussian Proxy Prince at the White House.
But then, if you want to know how diplomats thought a meeting went, you’d be reading the fake news, not commentary on it.
So, to me, the greatest bit of signal to the whole thing actually lies in the clever window dressing it resided in … which is to say, the setting.
You see, in storytelling, it is often said that, in the hands of a great writer, the setting itself becomes a character, informing the mood, atmosphere, motivations and perhaps even hinting at the history of the various factions on display.
So, what does Turkey have to do with the 2025 FRONTchannel meetings between Russian and US diplomats against the backdrop of a twitchy and crumbling globalist superstate desperately attempting to light some fuse … ANY fuse that leads back to fresh powder?
Why, it was the same pseudo-neutral party between East and West that hosted the STORY of mounting tensions between the two superpowers, acting as a stand-in for Ukraine, since the US had Jupiter missile systems operational in the nation that posed a direct threat to Russia circa 1963, something we have seen mirrored in the modern day on the borders of the Donbas … rather, that we COULD have seen mirrored, if the globalists had got their way.
Of course, BACKchannel meetings between Robert F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev’s representative, Anatoly Dobrynin in Washington, DC not only prevented the very escalation the powers that would be wanted so badly, but also resulted in the dismantling and withdrawal of said missile systems from Turkey in April 1963, cutting off yet another potential route to the actualization of WW3 they’ve wanted since the last one ended.
You might find these connections threadbare … but keep in mind, the meeting between Kennedy and Dobrynin was secret, while those between US and Russian diplomats this week were anything but, and I can virtually guarantee you the globalists know exactly what messages were being sent. The fun part lies in trying to find them ourselves.
I explored this concept of backchannels and peacemakers in one of my most popular features some time ago … and it’s held up pretty well, all things considered.
As for the meat of the meeting, well, while Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said "no one expects easy or quick solutions,” Sergei Lavrov gave away the game the day before, when he said, "the best aid from those who sincerely want to help resolve the conflict is to come to realize what caused it."
History, then. History was at the basis of the meeting between East and West on Thursday in Istanbul … and perhaps not just echoing it, but rewriting it.
But that’s only subject matter. Plot, if you will, and again, as any good storyteller will tell you, plot is nothing without theme.
So, as for the theme of the recent talks between the US and Russia, let us again turn to Lavrov, perhaps the key signal-setter operating in this particular theater at present, who said, "We all see how rapidly the world is changing, the situation in the world. In this regard, I would like to note that the first contacts with the new US administration inspire certain hopes.”
Hope, my friends. Sometimes it really is that simple.
Hope is on the docket between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, between the American people and their Russian would-be, could-be and will-be brethren.
And that’s exactly what the collectivist swine in Brussels, London and yes, perhaps even in the swift-draining swamps of DC stand most staunchly against, albeit on withering and increasingly-trembling haunches unused to supporting their atrophied forms without the brackish waters to buoy them and all their sins.
THIS is how awakening spreads worldwide. Not because Trump has decreed it to be so or because Putin has on the other side of the world, but because their peoples have willed it so, and will see it done THROUGH these men as they take center stage in the great story of 2025, which has yet to play out fully, even if some of us guessed the game some time ago, and did so by reverse engineering the stories that first brought us here.
Why the build-up, then? Why not simply come to the table and make peace, aside from the drama of it all, and the provacation?
Are we to believe the American—perhaps even the Russian—people are truly not yet ready to make peace?
I don’t believe it, just as I don’t believe the American people need a bunch of professional social media influencers to translate the sins of the globalist elite to them.
And yet, I do believe there’s a method to the madness when it comes to the slow, but steady rollout where it concerns both storylines. I’ll leave the latter—Epstein and the darkest path—to the Retrospective section, but where it concerns the story of the War for Peace, I believe the collectivist villain needs to be exposed even more fully than they already have been to those with the eyes to see them and the minds to recognize all their forms.
I believe Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin—and yes, wittingly or unwittingly, willingly or unwillingly—Volodymyr Zelenskyy between them are giving the globalist warmongers all the rope they could ever need to hang themselves in full view of a global public of awakening minds grown taut and tired with the tension inherent in wars they increasingly know to be engineered.
Now, the free peoples of the west are watching in horrified fascination as the Globalists make their intentions known, furiously attempting to interfere in very public manner with these face-to-face negotiations—not just between Russia and the US—but between the very proxy they’re ostensibly there to support and Trump as the former prostrates himself at the foot of the great MAGA throne, perhaps prepared to turn the page on the latest chapter in his turn on the masters that made him.
From where I’m sitting, they are each of them caught in the stories that bind them, and that have been turned against them by better writers, and by the growing awareness of a decentralized collective we have become, and will become still, which is why, though I believe the Actuals have been agreed to long ago, we still have the alternatively maddening and glorious simplicity of the translation layers we’re seeing laid out before the Collective Mind en route to its collapse into the realm of the real.
This is the merging of timelines and realities, which is to say, the merging of stories.
Speaking of which, I do believe we’re starting to see some meta convergence between the very stories we’ve been projecting around these parts for the better part of three years and the one being acted out before the public right now.
But don’t listen to me (yet,) listen to Putin, as he responds (totally organically, mind you,) to Trump’s overtures toward mutual disarmament and military defunding:
"I think it’s a good idea. The US would cut by 50%, and we would cut by 50%, and then China would join if it wanted.”
You can bet I did a bit of a surreal double take on that one, my friends.
Well, as we put a bow on this one, let’s take a trip down memory lane to what I personally believe was the most forward-looking of the Righteous Russia series, and that continues to map onto the War of Stories with startling and encouraging accuracy:
In the wake of all this, Trump will either be reinstated or reelected by We, the People, and as his first act as our returned Commander-in-Chief, he will ‘demand’ peace with Vladimir Putin, Russia and perhaps China, should they join the great game in the intervening months of engineered turmoil.
Trump is not a man who will sue for peace. He does not plead. He does not beg. Trump will not request peace. He will have it, and Vladimir Putin will share in it.
When the two leaders—the two Emperors—finally shake hands once more on the world stage, they will be known as Peacemakers. Their enemies will have been exposed and weakened, if not eliminated, and their sovereign mandates, both implied and codified will be ironclad.
Through them, the beginnings of a sovereign mesh of peace will begin to take shape, with Putin having the opportunity to unify former Soviet States from the Baltics to the Balkans as Trump takes the lead in the west—sovereigns lifting up smaller sovereigns against current and future attempts at centralization and subversion.
Why take this road, then? Why make peace the means of waging war on the invisible enemy?
Because, in order for Trump and Putin—and perhaps others who have yet to make their loyalties known—to command the sort of international goodwill they will need to stabilize a world dealing with the fallout of the biggest unveiling of political and economic corruption in history, they must not be viewed as conquerors, but rather as unifiers. They cannot be destroyers, but builders. — from The Death of War, first published in March 2022.
As I’ve been saying for some time, dear readers, peace was always an option, and hope was always a lot more logical than we’ve been led to believe.
Try it on for size.
And until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Bright Retrospective
Above, I may have seemed less than enthused at the form the story of the Epstein Files took this week … but nothing could be further from the truth.
From where I’m sitting, we got the best of both worlds: mass narrative seeding to get the darkest path in the Mind War prepped and loaded back into the normie hivemind … AND the latest in a long and sure-to-continue line of media dominos teetering on the edge of a fall, as the wolves among us are exposed as little more than toothless clowns waiting to fill the void in the wake of the MSM’s collapse.
And so, lists and names may be cognitive cyphers to awakening, but the template is the keystone, and one of the biggest templates in the War of Stories happens to come in the form of a temple.
In other words, contrary to popular belief, it's less about the names and more about the exposure of what Donald Trump calls "an ancient practice."
From Pizzagate to the Balenciaga Saga and yes, to the cognitive keystone that is Epstein Island, this has always been the darkest path in the Mind War, and the one that brought many to it in the first place.
In other words, if you're setting yourself up to consider whatever disclosures (did not) come down this week as endgame, you've got the wrong mindset.
Crimes Against Children will ultimately unite humanity, but in order to bring the whole temple down, we need to expose it root and stem, and that happens very slowly, and then all at once.
I explored all this and more in one of my most-read features at Burning Bright, which you can read for free.
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As always, The read is long; the value is more than commensurate.
The mind war uses a lot of memes and bullet points, which are valuable, but I really appreciate your ability to draw out the larger and more fundamental contexts that let one see the broader and more fundamental connections and truths.
This article was a pleasure to read. Decades ago, a friend taught me to "ski the tops of the moguls" to navigate the ski slope at high speed. For me, the tippy-top of the highest mogul in this article was "Why make peace the means of waging war on the invisible enemy?" Of course, if I hesitated to contemplate that one, I would certainly succumb to the deep trough that follows each oversized mogul. Of late, I have been fighting my own war against a dental abscess. As I fight, big gobs of metabolic waste flood my brain, neck and shoulders rendering me incapable of navigating BB's moguls. Go Slow. That's the key to the Epstein disclosure and to my war against my personal invisible enemy, The Abscess Within Me. Every other day, I will eat a cheese quesadilla to fill my body with rennet which has the odd quality of dissolving the biofilm that protects the bacteria and metabolic waste of the invisible enemy. Then with a quick flick of the finger, I apply a small amount of DMSO to my gum just above the tooth line. It carries the Rennet deep into the jaw bone, vanquishing what remains of the invisible enemy. By going slow, I find that my immune system remains strong and can handle small releases of invisible enemy. The invisible enemy is 2/3 vanquished, but still I know that I must GO SLOW. If my immune system gets overwhelmed, I might face another day or two in bed. But you can't ski the tops of the moguls at slow speed!!! Sometimes slow is the fastest way to get there.
BB is right. The invisible enemy is being vanquished. But we must proceed slowly or else we will become overwhelmed and suspend our process of becoming immunized with Truth. We can't let that slimy deep state create more biofilm and disappear into encapsulated abscesses within human society. "Why make peace the means of waging war on the invisible enemy?" Because it is the fastest way forward.