What sparked your awakening?
To the sleepers among us—those who occupy what I often refer to as the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind—that question strikes as some mix of esoteric, amorphous and even disturbing in its psycho-spiritual implications.
And yet, I would venture to guess that every single pair of eyes and the burning minds behind them reading these words didn’t find themselves struck by the paralysis of non-answer, but rather its opposite.
For us—the awakening, but never fully awakened diggers and delvers in the deep and dark—the question is less off-putting and off-balancing, and more focusing, directing, guiding. If there is any paralysis inherent in the rumination on this question for us, then, it is more likely to be the result of the kaleidoscopic cascade of potential answers it calls up than the opposite, each more steadying than the last.
For, as I have argued many times in these digital pages, on the path to awakening, questions are often more important than answers, as being able to forge a cognitive-spiritual mindset to looking beyond the veil, and shattering the collective spell the collectivists have laid over us is itself the key skillset and mentality that separates the Anon and the awakened from those still trapped in the liar’s sleep.
I have spoken at length on my podcast appearances about the fact that the 9/11 conspiracy was my gateway into the truth community, even if we didn’t call it that at the time.
I was too young during the events of that day to do more than gawk as the paradigm that had been carefully erected around one generation gave way to a new, faux patriotic one designed to goose-step us into a series of Forever Wars in the Middle East, but in my teenage years, the combination of a Northeast upbringing under union Democrat parents, a fascination with the legacy of John F. Kennedy and a revulsion at all things Bush-era Republican—the jingoist veneer laid over true patriotism with full intention by the powers that would be—caused me to reexamine the key historical-cultural-political-military shatterpoint of the modern age.
And yet, my digging in the dark in those years didn’t lead me to any sort of light, any sort of signal within the noise, except to let me know that the Republicans I had long been told by liberal friends and family were evil … were in fact evil, while the other side—the same side Democrats represented by the Clinton, Obama and Biden regimes was left in a position not quite of hero worship in my mind, but at least seeming opposition to this evil.
How ironic.
And so, my own journey to awakening needed two wake-ups … two Shatterpoints, as the obvious and unmistakable corruption of the Obama era destroyed any remnants of belief I had in the organic, honest duality and opposition in US and world politics. I withdrew from sociopolitical analysis on a personal level, and devoted myself to two pursuits: professional fighting, and professional writing, the former of which I actually credit more so with my eventual increase in discernment than the latter, even if the latter paid more bills, and brought you folks to these pages in one form or another.
My second path—my true path—to awakening, then, is one I eventually dubbed, ‘The Darkest Path,’ and it’s one that needs no explanation to this community, whether that pathway was first illuminated for you with the Clintons and Haiti, or the Podesta Emails that kicked off the most illusion and paradigm-shattering conspiracy of them all. It is a pathway paved by the blood of innocents, and whether you use the ‘Pizzagate’ label, ‘Epstein Island’ or any other number of revealed and to-be-revealed symbols of it, the pathway itself is the underlying, foundational reality that the System of Systems was built on, and whose absolute necessity of secrecy held closed the gates of evil until such a time as humanity was—is—ready to pry them open.
And pry we have.
And so, as we revisit—and not for the last time—the darkest path in the Info War, we do so not just with the calling to light, but with the backing of it, as the first question I opened this piece with can be reformed and reframed into one that seems more poignant and essential to ask ourselves these days.
What sparked your awakening, then, is of far lesser importance to consider than the following:
Why are you still here?
Not in the corporeal sense, of course. Why are you still here, in the awakening? In the active, cognizant and cognitively intentional digging and delving, when so much has already been unearthed, and at great cost—personal, professional and perhaps especially spiritual—to the diggers, to the forgers in darkness?
To you. To us.
Through all the ups and downs, from the Actual to the Narrative and most importantly, the mass psychological. Through all the Ops going every which way, the chaos that your sleeping friends and family willfully or tacitly ignore at the peril of their own souls, the psycho-spiritual pain and the cognitive strain, not to mention the ongoing social strife.
You stand.
Because you believe in something. And that belief has driven you and continues to drive you into the very darkness you seek to burn away.
Because you have answered the first call that is the last call. Because, as I have argued time and time again, it was always about the children, and it always will be.
And no matter how many warring Narratives we have and will continue to parse and track in the intentionally winding ways of the Info War, from the political and clandestine to the financial and cultural, those of us in this community understand which stories are most important for the long haul, and which carry the spark of light that doesn’t just chase away the darkness such stories are shrouded in, but is defined by it.
And there have been Narratives of late, each story seeming to be the most seismic one … since the last one, and each providing the potential for micro shatterpoints within the larger macro that is the Collective Mind we have each been enslaved by, and that we each and all seek to free so that we might be free in every sense of the word, not just in the realm of the mind, but in the realm of the real.
From Baltimore to Moscow, Israel to Afghanistan, we’ve been told that the news is fake, but the war is real, and while your mileage may vary in terms of just how literally you take that particular refrain, replacing the word ‘news’ with ‘stories’ will avail you well in terms of not so much parsing what IS going on, but more so, on what the Mind-Movers on both sides of the proverbial game board want you to BELIEVE is going on, so that you might react … and ACT in accordance with their wishes.
And that Narrative intent gives the game away before we’ve started playing.
Your mind is the pathway to your own salvation, and you must guard it in the midst of a mind war, as I argued at length in ‘All the World’s a Stage.’
Thus, I have long maintained that questioning Actuals doesn't always imply questioning their reality, but rather their persuasion. Just as Narratives can and do provoke Actuals, hence my obsession with them, Actuals are typically accompanied by conflicting Narratives. Thus, it's important to examine the Net Effects, and to attempt to suss out the Narrative intent of those telling the stories.
If we apply this cognitive cypher to the recent Baltimore Bridge deployment, whether we take General Flynn’s ‘Black Swan’ commentary or
’s ability to draw not-so-coincidental lines between newly-added CISA-bound Executive Orders relating to US Nat Sec (specifically of the cyber variety,) where it concerns ports of entry, to my own more controversial leaning that the long-term Actuals that could result in the continued exposure of the folly of running a 2024 nation on WW2-era infrastructure lies in keeping with the mass psychological exposure operation that orbits ‘The Switch’ theory I’ve written about extensively around these parts, the fact remains that the Collective Mind is far more willing and able to engage in more asymmetric and therefore, paradigm-altering analysis of such events, further distancing them from total control of the central narrative.Just as the Baltimore Bridge incident has placed the Collective Sovereign eye of Sauron on both the agencies involved with US infrastructure development, planning and security AND those responsible for holding them to account, the Moscow theater deployment has surfaced everything from proxy terrorism to clandestine shadow wars, oddly and presciently in keeping with the Narrative Deployments of one Vladimir Putin, who I did my most expansive deep dive into yet in last month’s Righteous Russia retrospective, ‘The Reckoning Real.’
The Story IS the War, which means it’s of far lesser importance WHAT happens according to the central narrative, and of far greater importance what storytellers the world over claim happened, and why.
When we apply this Actual-Narrative refrain to the darkest path in the Info War—for example, whether or not Baltimore was an engineered Black Swan in an election year, the Narrative that it COULD have been is seismic, which is to say nothing of the alleged Ukrainian ship-master, just as the timing in the wake of the mass memetic event of the P Diddy Deployment is worth noting—convergence abounds and accelerates in more ways than we could have imagined, which is why alleging that "everything is fake and fine," as I have before, is less literal and more a gamified reversal of the Hegelian Dialectic hall of mirrors the enemy has trapped the Collective Mind in for generations.
Which is all a rather asymmetric path to saying it's of far lesser importance that Diddy DID flee to a Caribbean island in the wake of Federal raids on his compound, and MUCH more important that the story that he might have spread far and wide, providing even more Narrative Convergence with the Epstein of it all, ground zero of the seeding phase in the Collective Mind ONLY if we leave the Clinton and Haiti shatterpoints to the side, which I am not wont to do.
Unless, of course, you think all this line-drawing is more symptomatic of an overactive mind prone to paranoia than emblematic of one given to macro pattern recognition. If so, please reconcile the resurfacing of Prince Andrew … or was it Prince Harry in relation to the latest billionaire celebrity trafficking scandal involving the strategic and intentional filming and hoarding of compromising material on the world’s most influential personalities.
And so, it is not so important to me exactly what form the latest story of trafficking amongst world elites takes as it is steadying and encouraging to see the Shark Fin Template continue to map onto the War of Stories in keeping with the foundational supposition I hold and apply to the Info War and the Mind War it’s fighting to win—that being that the most important Narratives resurface at auspicious and conspicuous times in order to continue the germination phase of the awakening, ahead of the harvest to come, which will resemble a Crisis Cascade for those whose sins are dyed in more shades of red than we have eyes to see or minds to grasp.
Applying this framework as far back as the White House Correspondence dinner in which Donald Trump infamously made references to the Haitian villages one Hillary Clinton “stole,” in a manner of speaking, the true scope and breadth not just of the enemy’s corruption comes into view, but also that of the MIL intelligence operation launched to take it down, and which has been built on the back of the most powerful and effective military-civilian alliance ever forged.
But then, you didn’t think Haiti being back in the ‘story’ was a coincidence, too, did you?
Seeding. Germination. Harvest.
This is how a Mind War is fought and ultimately, how it is won. That Harvest for them was fear coding on the back of engineered Hegelian response. For us, it will be mandate for wholesale change, which is to say, Justice. Another thing we've been told is coming.
The Shark Fin Template posits that the germination phase is more a gestation phase, which is why it is necessarily the longest in duration. The seeds of awakening must be watered by the seeming reality of it all, or the stories the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind have been told about their reality. From Epstein and Maxwell to Raniere and NXIVM, Nygard and Victoria’s Secret to the Balenciaga Saga, and now to P Diddy and his diddling ways, the stories that are most memetic also carry the dark nugget of a buried truth at their core the Collective Mind is being prepped to believe it has unearthed all its own.
This unearthing will only commence in full when the WHY of it all is understood, as the most important step is always the last one, the one that clicks the rest of the puzzle into place. The Darkest Path is that Why for [them,] just as it represents the ultimate and opposite why for many of us. Certainly for me.
As we ruminate on that original question, “what sparked your awakening?” sometimes, we have to go to the beginning to see the end. And the beginning for many of us was the advent of the Q Op, which I wrote about in my most popular feature to date, ‘We Are Q.’
The foundation of the awakening first hinted at to many of us in those drops is also the foundation of their subversive, dark empire, and try as the wielders of the false narrative that buoys the false reality might to conflate Pizzagate with the Satanic Panic of the 1980s, it’s a lot more difficult to put that genie back in the bottle when the ones rubbing the lamp, when the ones telling the stories are themselves being implicated in the very crimes their layered narratives would weave a web of obfuscation on behalf of.
From Princeton Professors to media members themselves, a cursory examination of the revelations that continue to spill out of the red-rusted and blood-stained sieve meant to cover up the Crimes Against Children of it all begins to lay the dark tapestry bare.
Some of the wiser members of the establishment defense league masquerading as an independent media have taken the opportunity to pile on to the Epstein narrative rather than running from it, but their retroactive #MeToo baiting will be entered into the annals of the remembered and perceived histories of the Collective Mind’s staggered awakening as the smokescreen it was.
For every instance in which that name—those seven letters—are called up in a headline across the War of Stories battlescape, the truth continues to leak … until it gushes.
From the naming of the clients in January this year to the resurfacing lawsuits against central banks orbiting the whole clandestine, demonic operation, the depths of Epstein’s depravity seem only to be exceeded by the ubiquity with which the empire he worked for has infiltrated every aspect of the System of Systems we are destined to tear down, one brick at a time. One revelation.
And whether Epstein goes by that name in the central narrative, or by Diddy, or Nygard or Podesta or any of the seismic names to come, the dark names continue to resurface in staggered opposition to the bright ones that stand in opposition to them, from Donald Trump to Seth Rich, each acting as a cypher or seed, especially when held up to a mirror.
And so, whether you’re talking about the dark names or the bright ones, only one side on the game board is happy to see them occupying the headlines they are throughout 2023-24.
We can see that both the Shark Fin Template and Narrative Convergence abound when it comes to some of the key, foundational mysteries that provoked the Great Awakening in the first place, back before and during the advent of the Q Op.
No doubt the Seth Rich murder, and the MOST infamous of the conspicuous number of laptops that litter the mindscape (each a very literal narrative vehicle for disclosure,) is itself one of the most infamous conspiracies in the Truth Community, as just days before it was revealed that the FBI could be compelled to release that laptop's contents (we hope,) some of the storylines and character cyphers most intimately tied to the original Rich narratives resurfaced, from Erik Prince of Blackwater fame to the Pizzagate controversy, Julian Assange and the Wikileaks bombshells from 2016.
While it's impossible to know how many of the rumors surrounding Rich and the various laptops that are ubiquitous with corruption conspiracies in the Info War hold water until we get the sauce, I can say with confidence that one side is quaking in their boots ruminating on that very thing.
And it isn't us.
Perhaps the deployment that truly put the fear in the establishment, as indicated by the Narrative death blossom that preceded it was the aforementioned client name list dropped in January, kicking off the persuasion of the 2024 War of Stories with 2017 aplomb.
At the time, I issued the following sober warning to Anon minds hungry for the vengeance the most innocent among us are owed before this war is over:
FOX, CNN and the entirety of Con Inc. are blasting the Epstein Doe's story from the rooftops, and we're even seeing all the traditional hallmarks of a Limited Hangout with timing delays, obfuscation, etc.
It's entirely possible that we're going to get some major Actuals to come out of the latest Epstein Deployment, but my gut read on this situation is that we're nearing the end stage of Overton's Goalpost regarding the whole Saga, in which the Establishment attempts to conflate Victims and Targets with Perpetrators.
There's a reason some of the most suspect names in the 'Alt. Media' have been trying to tie Trump and Kennedy to Epstein of late. Either way, their attempts to cover up the true dregs of their dark empire will fail, and any tacit admission they make regarding the most elite pedo ring in the world can only bring us closer to their eventual exposure and absolution in the public mind.
Exposure > Disclosure > Justice.
It isn't clean or predictable. But it is inevitable.
And while I wouldn’t claim that it was the most difficult prediction to make if you’ve been paying attention to the patterned roll-out of revelation in the Info War, it proved to be apt, with even supposed stalwart defenders of conservatism in the US media piling on the Trump conflation bandwagon, kicking off Overton’s Goalpost in earnest:
While it can be a little frustrating to weather the Trump-Epstein conflation and obfuscation techniques blasted out by the Media Industrial Complex (including 'Right-Wing' media,) when you zoom out a bit and consider it all through the twin lenses of a Mass Disclosure Operation and the Great Awakening, it couldn't be going any better.
For starters, as many have pointed out, the MAGA and Trump base already knows he's innocent of any criminal association with Epstein, though he was a clear target of the Influence Op.
Second, the targets of the Disclosure Op are both the reachable Center and Left of American society, and what better way to get them engaged in the pre-Narrative than with seeding that Trump could FINALLY be taken down through his own alleged association with Epstein?
In their blindness to see Trump toppled in the public mind, they have eagerly shifted the Overton Window into the mass acknowledgement that Bill Clinton, a former president, associated with pedophiles … at the very least.
You can map this Narrative retreat using the aforementioned Overton’s Goalpost cypher, which describes a Narrative process in which the Establishment rapidly attempts to reverse its own programming on the Collective Mind by following a series of predictable (and ultimately futile) disguised retreats along previously-held psychological territory.
When applied to the Trumpstein Deployment, the cypher takes on the following form:
DENY - Elite Pedophile Rings don't exist ...
DIMINISH - The ubiquity of Elite Pedophile Rings has been largely overstated ...
QUALIFY - MOST Elite Pedophile Rings have been dealt with ...
DISTRACT - TRUMP is the REAL Elite Pedophile!
ADMIT - (Pending ...)
Until now, this process had yet to kick off in earnest with regards to the most damaging [to them,] and unifying (to us,) subject in the Awakening, as deploying it introduces a massive risk profile to the core pillars of the Deep State's System of Systems.
The fact that the public about-face has begun is both sobering and gratifying to long-time Anons ... and represents only the beginning stages of coming revelations to the sleepers.
That's a win, folks, and should help steady you when other, more advanced obfuscation techniques come to the fore, which I have speculated on with the rising ubiquity of AI and the requisite doom-mongering that has come along with it.
To the techie crowd, this video by YouTube phenom Marques Brownlee triggers the Soyjak meme, as they look forward to a future in which computers do everything for them.
For the Anon crowd (particularly Q followers,) the SORA AI video generation software doesn't so much resemble the creation of "new," highly advanced tech ... but rather the strategic rollout of plausible deniability for videos that could be surfacing in the coming months and years from prominent names that featured heavily in the original drops.
Could be nothing.
Could be something trying an awful lot to look like nothing.
Either way, as amazing as AI generation gets, and as fascinating as I find algorithms to be (I've worked on them during my career,) there will never be a full substitute for the real.
Real creation. Real expression. Real truth.
Real crimes.
You see, the thing is, this is a zero-sum game, as evidenced by even the techie media getting involved in the accidental disclosure of the very system that holds aloft their illusion of expertise and elitism:
Epsteinian headlines can be frustrating for long-time truthers, especially those who came up in the Info War during the advent of the Q Op, as they can seem like recycled headlines presenting well-known information (to us) as if it's seismic.
When you observe such deployments under the twin framing of the War of Stories and the Shark Fin Template, where key vectors of awakening resurface at auspicious times to forward the side of truth in the Mind War, things get much more comfy.
For example, it's not the fact that this headline exists that makes it important, but where it's coming from; Wired is one of the more trendy of the establishment rags, and their presentation of "fresh" Epstein info is not only hitting an audience adjacent to MSM programming, but doing so with a data-driven approach.
The fact that elites were on Pedo Island isn't shocking; what COULD be shocking to normies is just how many, and just how frequent their trips.
And it comes just a week after Diddy.
So, while frustrating and reprehensible, these headlines represent the work of a Finite Player … in other words, it’s ammunition spent, never to be recovered, and further converges the Epstein narrative and all its implications into the bedrock of the American—perhaps the global—mind.
Either way, all of this attempted reverse-seeding and obfuscation was done before the Actuals that did surface to kick off the year—namely, the preponderance not just of names associated with Epstein’s criminal enterprise, but titles.
More recently, the twin revelations (to normies) that came as no surprise to long-time truthers involved the exposure of the Hip Hop elite and those given to programming American children as to the basics of the encouraged debauchery of the party of false decorum (h/t
.)When you combine Overton’s Goalpost with the twin concepts of the Shark Fin Template and accelerationism, the picture being painted doesn’t look great from the perspective of those who would seek to keep things from the light … specifically, the continued exposure of coordinated, systemic sex trafficking by elites.
While truthers can be demoralized by the slow roll-out, the darkest path never entirely disappears from the Mind War, and when it returns, it does so with a vengeance.
It can come as a mild surprise to Anons how normies can get swept up into the drama of the P Diddy Saga with a fervor that puts their engagement with most other alleged debauchery by elites to shame ... but then, Breitbart's 'politics is downstream from culture' refrain remains one of the great truisms ever uttered in the American sociopolitical zeitgeist for a reason.
As for what the P Diddy and Nickelodeon deployments germinate that Epstein seeded:
Elite predators are coordinated and protected
They've been hiding in plain sight in American culture & politics
They aren't 'self-made'
They are no longer safe
It's not about Diddy. It's not about Epstein.
It's about who's behind them. And why.
Taken in stride, one of the most encouraging aspects of the current moment in the Info War is that the enemy has reached the point where they can no longer conceal the reality of Crimes Against Children, so they're well into the conflation phase, accusing others of their own crimes.
The reason this is such an easy observation to make is largely owing to the Q Op, which prepped millions of minds for these future Narrative moves, and Trump was engaged in Narrative Seeding even before that more directed and detailed Op went hot.
When you look back at the first Trump Admin, and especially the lead-up to it, Trump's rhetoric ran two parallel tracks:
Seeding of the revelations (and ensuing Justice) to come years later.
Bait for the very Establishment he (and patriots) were hunting to hunt him.
The First Trump Admin was all about template and precedent setting, and now, those chickens are finally coming home to roost in the Collective Mind, which is why I often say that Game Theory's a bitch ... if you're on the wrong side of it.
In keeping with this refrain, one of my core theories is that the Epstein Deployment (both his arrest and subsequent ‘suicide,’ which became the most memetic event of all time,) doubled as the biggest red pill deposit of all time, with the ensuing years having seen a germination phase play out largely using the Shark Fin Template in the War of Stories.
This has laid the groundwork for the mass population awakening we were promised, and that I believe is already in full swing, very slowly, and then all at once, with the trauma-paralysis vector of the enemy’s Hegelian Dialectic being reverse engineered into a trauma-catharsis paradigm, and with the former’s fear being replaced by a necessary—and temporary—righteous anger that will see ‘these people’ unable to walk down the street.
Much like many of us argue that foundational theories such as
’s Devolution can’t be observed directly, but gravitationally, the roll-out of the darkest path recalls some of ’s lectures on what he refers to as the Informational Timeline.To wit, while my own speculation posits that the Narrative Seeding process is then followed by a germination phase that is based on metrics we're unaware of, I believe the pattern likely has to do with the 'Actual' versions of the fake numbers and metrics the Deep State tosses out with frequency to assign 'realness' to their fictions.
Assuming there are Actuals to go on, the timeline of the informational Drip-Drip-Flood pattern the Info War has taken on can't be accidental.
And if you think this revisionist history, observe the thoughts I expressed 15 months ago, when the Balenciaga Saga took center stage in a mirror to the above refrain:
… remember that, even if you lose the will to expose the corruption inherent in any of the figures, factions and systems we explore around these parts and elsewhere in this brilliant community of thinkers, writers, readers and researchers, that it was never about the towers, the castles and the fortresses of [their] domain. It was about the foundations, and the bones that hold them up.
It was about the children, and it continues to be.
While this can be an understandably-depressing topic, my appeal to you today is to see the emerging—and far from finished—Balenciaga Saga as less of a shocking exposure and more an encouraging—even a divine—sign that we are approaching a time in American and World society where these unspeakable dregs are not simply whispered of in the dark corners and derided in the open, but discussed in the cold light of a judging day. Judged by us and for us, as the symbolism inherent in the warped, poisonous philosophy that underlies everything [they] are building, that buoys every Narrative and Policy, Social Movement and Military Deployment [they] have visited upon us.
The Epstein Arrest remains one of the most all-encompassing Narrative Seeds ever administered to the Collective Mind, and stands as a sobering and unifying reminder that we must not lose the future in the present, the Macro in the Micro or, yes, the forest for the trees.
As Gandalf says in The Fellowship of the Ring, “Even the very wise cannot see all ends,” even if we guess at them and apply all of our individual and collective cognitive might and discernment to the attempt.
Epstein was not a man, though he might have been a demon, or at least working in service to them.
Epstein was and is a massive cultural touchstone unlike anything we have ever seen before.
Not because of what he is accused of and not because he was a name before becoming THE name, but because of the crime. Because of the money. Because of the influence implicit in the two together, and because of the truth that underlies it all.
Seeing this narrative disclosure pattern rendered corporeal in the War of Stories in the form of converging headlines starts to make it look much more patterned than random.
And if you don’t think there’s a narrative pattern on display that ghosts in the media machine may be influencing, you haven’t been paying attention.
To wit, some recent headlines:
Jimmie Gardner, brother-in-law of Stacey Abrams, makes first appearance on human trafficking charge
Yet Another Leftist Journalist Arrested On Child Pornography Charges
Ex-ABC Senior Producer Who Rolling Stone Covered For Indicted On Child Porn Charges
Senator Accuses Biden Admin Of "Facilitating The Largest Child Trafficking Ring In American History"
And there’s plenty more where those came from, which is why I recently said the following:
I put this particular refrain a little more … colorfully, on a recent episode of the Devolution Power Hour:
And it’s not just in the media realm where these exposures are taking place, but also in Hollywood, as a cultural push-back to systemic trafficking kicked off in earnest in the summer of 2023 when Sound of Freedom took the American Culture War by storm, and in the midst of a temporary resuscitation of the US box office during the Barbenheimer craze, which I wrote about in ‘Hegelian Hydra.’
The film’s boldly-presented truths—utilizing a reversal of Hollywood’s Hegelian Dialectic, by dramatizing truth itself—are only rivaled by the chaotic, demonic din of the shrieking and shrinking hordes within the System attempting to quiet it, thereby amplifying its messaging.
While Rolling Stone started the self-immolative snowball rolling that kicked off this Media Crisis Cascade, Bloomberg put the icing on the cake, giving us the best example yet of the common Truth Community refrain:
Sometimes, they tell you who they are …
Which is especially delicious in light of the totally accidental counter-programming by Donald Trump and Agenda 47 that resurfaced at the same time …
More seeding. More germination.
And if you think it’s a coincidence that this Exposure is happening when the Media and Entertainment machine is currently experiencing an existential crisis unlike anything they’ve seen before, you haven’t been taking seriously the prospect that the interconnected nature that defines the Deep State’s System of Systems is also its biggest vulnerability, and the most effective vector of control for taking it down.
Hollywood and the Media Industrial Complex are committing seppuku in front of the world, as evidenced by the fact that, over the course of much of 2023, the Entertainment Industrial Complex kicked off a Writer's Strike and a Director's Strike, which was soon followed by an Actor's Strike.
They did this in the midst of the most contentious sociopolitical climate in decades, a stagflated economy and declining box office receipts and ratings for woke, Marxist programming, which preceded the 2024 accelerating trend of mass media layoffs in virtually all sectors of the tech sphere, many of whom built their false followings in an echo-chambered, anti-Trump environment artificially boosted by Sorosian funding and systemic, regime control of virtually all public levers of information dissemination.
So, to recap, we've got the following parallel deployments that seem to be afflicting the System of Systems simultaneously:
An Ouroboros pattern of destruction as the useful idiots at the bottom of the Communist totem pole begin chewing at the timbers of the very studios they sold their souls to.
The heads of said studios being put on blast in the public mind.
The consolidation of the Entertainment world into the Tech world.
Both industries closing ranks around pedophiles.
Who's really pulling the strings?
Whose movie are we watching?
A Narrative Crisis Cascade is emerging for the enemy on these darkly hallowed grounds that is resulting in Convergence within the Collective Mind between the political establishment circa 2016 and the anti-Q crowd.
As for us?
We're being prepped to be the frame and support. Not for political corruption, alone, but for the foundation that holds it all up. The blood-stained cement at the base of the temple.
For the reconciliation with the existence, and ignorance, of evil.
Each of the above storylines are battles within a larger war, and while I often frame that war as one between Sovereignty and Collectivism, I don’t think it’s too reductive or dramatic to frame it as one between good and evil.
And however that offends the sensibilities of those who consider themselves too intellectual to reduce reality to its constituent parts, and human beings to their respective roles, it is not through political scandal, election fraud and even financial leverage we see this ultimate struggle best personified—though each contains its echoes—but in the Darkest Path, and the foundation of the System of Systems, which also represents the core WHY on both sides of the struggle.
The children. The innocent. Life. Love. And the pursuit of happiness, rendered most starkly threatened in those who need it to be defended on their behalf, before the burden and gift of choice is a thing laid before them on the path to adulthood.
As we can see, attacks on trafficking and Overton’s Goalpost accelerated sharply in 2023, the rare case where BOTH sides of the Narrative are perfectly, paradoxically congruent, in that together, the ‘conspiracy’ explored along with the desperate lies used in an attempt to obfuscate it were simultaneously boosting the idea to new heights in the American zeitgeist by the day, while also revealing the very Media Industrial Complex it tangentially (and perhaps directly) implicates.
Sunlight doesn’t just burn vampires, it reveals them, through both the light of discovery and its very real, observable, corporeal effects upon the embodiment of evil forming a perfect feedback loop of blinding revelation and retribution.
Overall, the Guardians of the Pedophiles arm of the System of Systems is crumbling, devouring itself. Their symbols are collapsing, while their ability to obfuscate or weaken our own is rendered inert.
But in the end, most in this community would agree that the seeding and germination phase MUST be followed up by a harvest, of sorts.
A harvest that just might look an awful lot like justice.
And so, I’d like to focus in on the key vector of attack for the Media Industrial Complex where it relates to crusaders against child trafficking not being the message, nor even solely the messengers in this case, but more a symbol the messengers have been associated with, and a series of symbols this community has been associated with.
Which brings me to the chosen header image for this piece, which should be familiar to long-time Anons and newbie truthers alike, even if you weren’t a comic book nerd like I was.
Frank Castle. The Punisher.
A symbol that needs little explanation, and one that is as righteously unifying to the one side as it is Biblically terrifying to the other, hence the attacks we’ve seen spilling out into the Culture War on this symbol, on this character right alongside the Trump, MAGA, Q … and TRUTH of it all:
And here’s a brief excerpt from the pictured piece, which is one among MANY in recent years:
Marvel has a popularity problem with one of its B-list characters: the Punisher, aka Frank Castle, a troubled ex-Marine turned vigilante who metes out lethal justice to the corrupt and criminal ("The people I kill need killing"). Right now he's too popular with the wrong people.
Among the MAGA hats, Don't Tread on Me Flags and Trump 2024 banners on display during the January 6 invasion of the Capitol, were also logos and images belonging to various comic book characters. One of the most popular was the Punisher's signature white on black skull emblem, which cropped up on patches, shirts and flags. Some were on officially licensed Marvel merchandise, some on copyright-infringing knock-offs. While the symbol has long been popular with people eager–either seriously or in jest–to project a bad-ass image, its public appropriation by a pro-Trump mob, touched a nerve.
Just as Wokeness isn’t an ideology, neither is Evil itself. It’s a belief in no belief. It’s the destruction of symbols rather than building of them.
And why, pray tell, do you think [they] might want to go after this one?
Attacks on our symbols betray a fundamental truth that nests at the heart of both human psychology and the Info War meant to alternatively wield it against its own self-interests and free it, depending on which side you’re talking about, and that is the inherent, memetic and unifying power of those symbols.
And the other side has long known this, hence their own predilection for symbols, which we’ve been told will be their downfall.
From more conspiratorial fare, including the Eye of Horus, white rabbits and devil’s horns, to the more provable, including FBI symbols, pizza and pasta and onto the surface mapping level, such as BLM flags and Ukraine color coding, symbols have become signs distinguishing both Establishment from Sovereigns, but also Sleepers from Defected.
But we all know this.
We know our enemies by the Symbols they flaunt, like Nazi Germany, but now I understand and believe that this statement of inherent truth goes both ways. Symbolism won’t just be their downfall because it helps us recognize and tie them together, but also because OUR symbols bind us together, and unify us not in common leverage and secrecy and sin, but in common cause, in belief and in core values.
In direction.
On a purely symbolic level, Disney is perhaps most symbolic itself of the Entertainment Industrial Complex, which is ironic, considering that it got that way largely by taking over and subverting symbolism itself. From the classic animated films steeped in the strange and disturbing to the mythic source material and fables they were pulled from, to the modern era of bulk grabbing of important and influential American IP (including Star Wars, Pixar & Marvel, to name a few,) moves that were originally cheered by audiences are now being lamented.
This can be witnessed most directly in the monetized and memetic Culture War trend on YouTube, which largely kicked off with the public execution of Luke Skywalker in 2017 in The Last Jedi. While Star Wars superfans were angry because of the intentional and brazen character-symbol assassination they were subjected to, mainstream audiences largely expressed apathy, but that perspective is also shortsighted. Luke is a symbol, and the Establishment’s intentional destruction OF HIM was and is proof of their ultimate designs, following a trend of destruction and subversion of anything male, strong and modest.
In case you hadn’t noticed, we live in an accelerated era in which virtues have been intentionally subverted and flipped, praising selfish end goals rather than self-sacrifice, nihilism over altruism, hedonism over righteousness.
Contrast this with films from 20 years ago, where Viggo Mortensen’s Aragorn is perhaps the most enduring modern symbol of the ideal man in genre fiction, portrayed without subversion in a performance and film series that will easily go down as one of the most beloved in western culture.
Thus, the reason I’m obsessed with stories is the same reason [they] are: Stories run the world because stories run the human psyche. And stories are only as good, powerful and grabbing as the characters that inhabit them, which brings us into the realm of the sometimes-real.
Trump is a Symbol just as Biden is, and just as Putin, Xi and all the other shadows on the wall we’re watching fight for their part in the narrative that will decide who gets to write the truth are, all witting and unwittingly cast—assigned—as Cyphers, with the War of Stories deciding how they imprint onto the Collective Mind.
The Convergence of these Cyphers doesn’t always serve [their] ends, but ours, as witnessed by Trump, Putin and Xi being seen as Nationalist, Populist leaders by BOTH sides of the War of Stories, providing directional hints as to who is winning the PsyWar.
This ALSO explains the positive Net Effects of attacks on these men to their respective supporters, such as Trump’s Witch Hunt (and yes, I did say Trump’s,) and the ongoing weaponization of government storyline being advanced in the US. Similarly, Biden and his handlers are currently seen as representative of the Establishment UniParty by BOTH sides.
Elsewhere, layered both above and below the sociopolitical realm, infecting and informing each, Q is a symbol, and will likely be an enduring one.
Just as we Anons are a symbolic collective.
The Punisher is a symbol and a character, and now THEIR storytellers are at war with the machine that has prompted this desecration of our favored cultural Cyphers, creating an ouroboros pattern in which the defenders of the false reality with themselves be rendered unreal as the very symbols they seek to subvert begin to win the subconscious call to cognitive arms that is the awakening.
Ultimately, WE assign meaning to Symbols, just as we assign meaning to ourselves, as long as we reject enemy framing.
Why is the Punisher a symbol of our movement, then?
It’s not about violence. It’s not even about vengeance. It’s about something deeper and more primal. It’s about something Biblical and inherent.
What does the symbol and character represent to us? A mindset. A direction.
Unerringly forward.
What does it represent to them?
Simply that we see them for who and what they are, now. And there’s no putting that genie back in the bottle.
Because, first subconsciously and eventually and very painfully, consciously … Crimes Against Children will unite humanity.
In ‘We Are Q,’ I argued that, as keepers and custodians—even guardians—of truth, we don’t need to look for Q’s return, nor do we have to revisit the wisdom in the original drops, even if sometimes, going backward is the best way to recharge en route to a new forward push.
The Punisher is a Mindset. MAGA is a mindset. Q is a mindset.
Inherent in the earnest engagement with the Q Op is a central truth: when you argue from the enemy's framing from the outset of a psychological engagement, you've already lost, and that's not something we can abide in a Mind War.
Thus, HOW you learned is irrelevant in the face of WHAT you learned.
If you have difficulty understanding this in various sociopolitical contexts, try this one on for size:
Stop defending the SOURCE of your knowledge that worldwide, globalist elites are either directly involved in or benefit from crimes against children. Stop defending yourself from Satanic Pedophiles and those who defend them.
I believe Trump’s role was largely as a shot across the bow to [them,] and a signal flair to us, and where it concerns the Darkest Path, he’s never been too shy about it, even if he’s been veiled.
I believe Q’s role was to prompt the largest awakening acceleration in the history of the modern age.
And, as I said, I believe our role, should we choose to embrace it, is to act as the frame and support for the slow-blinking sleepers as they take their first steps out into a light so blinding it will momentarily trick them into thinking they’ve fallen into a deeper darkness.
On my personal path to awakening, I used to think of the Great Awakening refrain as cute and catchy … and metaphorical. Now, I see it as symbolic, which isn’t anything close to the same thing.
While Frank Castle’s Punisher prefers to arrange the meeting with evil and its antithesis in a more literal manner than we would dare advocate in these pages, we can arrange the meeting between our fellow brothers and sisters and the truth, and to let that oldest light that is still the brightest light spark whatever it will, and carry the torch from there.
We’re in an era of beginnings. But beginnings come on the back of endings.
We’re entering a new era of symbols.
Create them. Support them. BE them.
To build symbols, you have to BELIEVE in something.
So, what do you believe in?
In the end, the logical endpoint of Overton's Goalpost is Narrative Convergence with the truth.
Eventually, the enemy is so embattled, so hemmed in, that they have no choice but to accurately describe their opposition.
What is the ultimate truth all their lies have sought to cover up, then?
The same one that brought many of us to the Info War dance in the first place, and that prompted the Great Awakening.
When the MSM begins to accurately describe Trumpism, the Q Op and Anons as (peaceful) crusaders against elites who engage in Crimes Against Children, and who don the symbols and cyphers of stories that forward the same foundational argument, don't hesitate with your plea:
Guilty. As. Charged.
How do we deal with such evil, then?
Biblically. Not just the sins. But the solutions.
Isn't it something, that the highest court in the land was completely reformed under Trump?
We know why. And so, I suspect, do they.
The time is quickly approaching when all those who've either passively or intentionally ignored the ubiquity of Crimes Against Children among the would-be 'elites' who have and would lord over us are going to be confronted with a reckoning.
Since the advent of the Q Op, and even stretching back further, to Donald Trump's initial ride down the golden escalator, open Info War was declared on the Establishment. The same Establishment that is currently spending the last of its financial, legal and psychological capital in a desperate bid to destroy the leader of the America First movement.
This Establishment is made up of Democrats, of course, a party that will ostensibly cease to exist following the 2024 election cycle, but Conservatives have been given a crash course on the more subversive, more insidious form of evil represented by the Republican Party, the Con Inc. brigade and the wolves in sheep's clothing represented by fake MAGA candidates, who declared war on the rest of the movement simply by putting their names on the ballot in the first place.
While the Establishment is bound together through the shared sins of money laundering (often using foreign 'funds' that run through Ukraine and other 'distressed sovereign States' with limited oversight,) influence peddling and open corruption, it is the Darkest Path in the Info War, and the one many Anons first began charting in 2017, that forms the bedrock and the foundation of the very System they exist to serve and protect.
From the Financial and the Clandestine to the Political and the Cultural, the central pillars of the Deep State's System of Systems are cemented with the blood of children ... with its scions and representatives either active participants in what Andrew Breitbart referred to as 'unspeakable dregs,' or witting agents of obfuscation on behalf of those who do.
From the Obama Administration to the Clinton Foundation, the DNC to the RNC, Con Inc. to fake MAGA, the Central Bankers to the EU, they're all bound together by the participation in, funding of or defense of directed evil against innocents, and until you face up to that fact, the corrupt mosaic that is the Deep State is going to be lost on you, and you'll be stuck in a confused kaleidoscope of seemingly-formless, meaningless chaos.
Evil isn't random. Evil isn't natural.
Evil is man-made and managed.
And the symbol of its heart in the War of Stories that is the war for the Collective Mind is represented by a little island in the Caribbean, and the name attached to it, and all the names that will spin out from that.
We're going to bring the whole diseased, corrupt temple down on [their] collectivist heads.
Very slowly ... and then all at once.
The plan was always real. Because the evil it was meant to address was always real.
So then. What woke me up? What brought me to the light?
The dark.
And that is where I plan to stay until our many tasks are done.
Don’t run from the dark, then. Don’t hide in it.
Burn it away.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
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BB, once again you give rock star writing that inspires and gives hope. I want to forward your article to many that are asleep but then realize you are teaching calculus and those that need to wake up are still in first grade learning addition and subtraction. I need to be the learning bridge, and you provide the formulas. Keep teaching with your PhD and "Burn On"...
I am impressed that your awakening began from 9/11. I was a captain with the FDNY that day, and never accepted that the controlled demolition was real. Lost lots of friends and family, and so happy to have people like you exposing the truth. If you every want to discuss the events of 9/11 from an insider prospective, please contact me. Thank you for all you do.
Mike [@Bravesst on Truth]