This feature represents the second in what I call the ‘Weapons of the Future’ series. It started with ‘The Bridge’ and continues in ‘Amerigeddon.’
‘The Era of Easy Money Ruined Us.’
That is a claim masquerading as a statement of fact, and it came from a mind (or two) whose writing I like to engage with on occasion—Charles Hugh Smith Of Two Minds Blog.
In the titled piece, which I recommend reading, Hugh Smith lays out the Actuals that afflict our financial system in greater detail than I will today, if anyone still needs more evidence that collectivist, easy money (ie: Central Banking) policies have been catastrophic for the U.S. and the global free market at large.
Of course, neither Hugh Smith nor I should get any argument on that point from this community, and these days, that awareness of the foundational ills that have been brought against us over the course of not just decades or generations, but literal centuries dating back to and before Prussian subversion has moved neatly from the recesses of the Collective Mind to its forefront.
That’s not to say that our slow-blinking friends and neighbors are quite ready—if they ever will be—to delve into the origins of the collectivist rot that has been at the heart of virtually all assaults on sovereignty, free will and thus, productivity since the dawn of many a civilization—and which, no doubt preceded the fall of each, and would again, given the chance—and yet, we aren’t in this Awakening business because we think the sleepers need to delve into the deep recesses of our false histories in order to gain the knowledge we have in our digging and rooting; it is enough—rather, it MUST be enough—that they see the same enemy, and the problem on a Macro scale, even if its complexity and design remains below the surface of their conscious thought.
Call that arrogant, if you like, but I’m well beyond the point of believing it’s necessary to educate all people as to the inner workings of the maker’s clock—after all, you don’t need to know how the clock is made to learn how to tell the time—while still believing that, for those reading these words and engaging with the world in a direct-path manner, the exercise is worth it, for only by understanding the designs brought against us can we hope to reverse engineer them, undo them, and rebuild from the foundations they would have pulled up at the roots.
And I would kick off this piece with a foundational white pill, in that, as I have argued for some time, this process of tearing down to build anew is already well underway.
That’s not a controversial take in a community known for its full-throated endorsement of the change-bringer himself, Donald Trump, and the hungry distillation of open-source intelligence that emanated from the Q Op, but where I differ slightly from some others—including the author of the piece I linked at the start—is in my belief that, contrary to outward appearances, much of the ‘winning’ this community fantasizes over in a forever tomorrow that always seems just out of reach is actually in progress now, all around us, every day … if only we cultivate the will, the eyes and the discernment to recognize its workings.
My good friend
is best known for exposing this ‘secret winning’ process on a governmental—and Presidential—level with the Devolution Series, as is similarly gifted at explaining how much winning is actually in process in the legal realm, contrary to the effective and (temporarily) necessary ‘Witch Hunt’ storyline being advanced by patriots all over the Mind War battlefield.So, if we take a break from discussions of Justice in a more literal and satisfying sense, let’s spend some time discussing the sort of injustice every man and woman feels in his pocket and pocketbook; after all, as Clinton political consultant James Carville infamously said in the 90s, “it’s the economy, stupid.”
Always has been. Always will be. For better and worse.
And the economic realm leaves something to be desired for most in this community, as it’s a difficult proposition to tell the American people, who are in the midst of some of the worst inflationary stressors in decades that the groundwork is already being laid for a return—nay, to go beyond—previous heights of the prosperity of the American Republic. And while we won’t cover it in depth in this piece, I believe it’s well worth your time to explore alternative modes of financial power projection—and defection—that are already available to us, as I discussed at length in ‘The Bridge.’
The core premise, then, of Hugh Smith’s writing, that Easy Money (also known as fractional reserve banking) is itself responsible for most of the ills of our present economic—and by extension—governmental—ills will get no argument here, nor should it, but where my personal perspective might differ and surprise is in my core, foundational belief that a Bicameral approach to these trends and those on our side who noticed them as well, and the actions they took to both accelerate and burn them out (a process that is in progress today, but that kicked off under Donald Trump) are already visiting observable positive Net Effects on the new foundations being laid for the American Restoration … one that each and all of us will and are playing a core role in manifesting.
So then, call it semantics if you like, but while Easy Money (and centralist control and subversion that lays as a threadbare covering over theft) brought ruin to us, it has not and will not bring us to ruination, but rather salvation, because we have persisted, and because we’re bringing the whole diseased, corrupt temple down on their collectivist heads, one clever inversion at a time.
So, if ever there was a piece to don the Actual-Narrative bifocals and hold the ‘Bad News is Good News in the Mind War’ refrain close at hand, it’s this one, as any attempt to tell people that negative things they are experiencing are not only explainable from both sides of the game board—the Deep State AND the patriots looking to rout them—but wholly necessary for the future of our free market Republic, tend to be met with understandable reactivity.
After all, the Narrative War currently matches up with the Actuals most Americans are experiencing, and while that has been a feature of [their] Hegelian Dialectic for centuries, I believe it has been reverse-engineered into actualization under ours, as detailed in my Macro theory I refer to as The ‘Good’ Reset.
In short, while the diagnosis of our economic and systemic problems by (insert sovereign-minded analyst of your choice here,) is accurate, such summations often fail to explore the Reaction > Solution phase of the Reverse Hegelian Dialectic, or ‘The Plan,’ which I think is far less steeped in hopium, and far more made of core logic and observation than many are willing to break from emotional programming long enough to recognize.
Thus, I think it’s worth ruminating on the prospect that, when logic devolves into cynicism, truth to despair, you may just be reduced to exactly the sort of engineered, self-defeating morass the Deep State wants you to.
This process is and has occurred on both a Micro and Macro scale, and while moves are being made in the Macro theaters, it is only the Micro each of us has control of—our own minds and radiant sphere of influence … the dominos of our own decisions, each of which has the power to start cascades that can reverse the discordant tumble the enemy’s once-perfectly imperfect symphony has been tricked into.
Almost two years ago, I wrote a feature outlining my ‘Too Small to Fail’ theory, which posits that many of the most positive changes to our economic system are happening beneath the surface, the Actuals being disguised by catastrophic (and effective) Narratives. In short, the foundations of the second Trump Admin (and the America First movement at large) are being laid by the Biden Admin, which is acting as its own accelerant from a Narrative perspective.
Basically … I’m about to slap you upside the head with a healthy dose of logic-based positivity, and I’m going to do so by, oddly enough acknowledging how bad things have been under the Biden Regime, and may yet get from here.
Just as he has done with the ‘Witch Hunt’ campaign launched against both Donald Trump AND (correctly) the Biden Crime Family,
has also pointed out that even positive Macro economic data can’t be reported on by the Establishment media because the War of Stories has turned so sharply and decidedly against Bidenomics, which have emphasized all the worst aspects of the economy in an attempt to pass it off as more than the fool’s gold the majority of a bipartisan American public now views it as, from job surges masking multi-job households to mass layoffs being wholly ignored by the Establishment in the tech, entertainment, banking and administrative sectors.The positive signs inherent in some of these admittedly-negative trends are longer-term indicators, while the Narratives pushed about them—largely by Trump and America First patriots—are disguising any positive, foundational Macro trends under a waterfall of short-term reactivity, as they seek to prep the American Mind for the great ‘Switch’ that will SEEM to take place as soon as Trump regains the office we installed him into in 2016 … and will again as soon as is possible, so that the groundwork being laid now doesn’t transfer any of its optimistic energy unto the current Establishment Uniparty being exposed before an increasing number of American thinkers.
And so, while we’re told every hour of every day how bad things are under Biden—from labor strikes to layoffs, inflation to a possible deflationary reversal—and while that is largely true in a literal reading of the current game board, the exposures and power stripping of everything from Big Tech to Big Labor (read: Unions) to Big Pharma is in process, if you know how to read the tea leaves correctly.
After all, if there has been a core inversion in the Left-Right principles that used to dominate the public square rhetoric in this nation, it’s that anything with the qualifier ‘Big’ in the title from an economic perspective was likely the work of Republicans, while Democrats were seen as the Union crowd … and while that’s still largely the case, the inversion has been swift and remarkable to witness leading up to the Trump era, and that’s coming from a self-described (at one time) ‘JFK Democrat’ born and raised in the Boston area under Union Liberal parents.
The Hegelian Dialectic engineers problems before provoking reactions toward predetermined—and Establishment-friendly—solutions, and the powers that would be have done this exceedingly well over the last few generations, first poisoning the flower power kids of the 60s and 70s against their WW2-era conservative parents before blaming the inflation of the Carter era on Reagan, and masking the excess of the Clinton era under Bush Jr., only to blame the most Central Bank-friendly Admin since Wilson—that being Obama—on said Bush. The Pendulum Paradigm, as I refer to it has had liberals and conservatives blaming each other for the communist rot on the one side and corporate greed on the other that is actually a core function of both, and that leaves the common man out in the cold every time.
It took Trump to come into the System, expose the puppets behind it by provoking the proverbial left and right to unify—rather, to expose the underlying, subversive unity that already existed—against him, and by extension, us, the common people, ironically and beautifully represented by a blue collar billionaire able to glide with the serpents and sleep among the wolves for decades largely unbeknownst to them, all the while learning their secrets so that he might tell them to those who wouldn’t listen to their crackpot friends and family members (that’s all of us, if you didn’t notice.)
But then, we’ll explore the (very true) myth that Trump is Batman in a future series …
Inversion is and always has been the name of the game for [them,] programming Black against White, Man against Woman, Child against Parent and yes, Democrat against Republican, but now, that trend has been turned around on them, as the controlled demolition I believe we’re seeing play out amongst the ‘Bigs’ all over the game board, from Big Tech to Big Banks (whose power projection capabilities weaken along with their fiat dollars by the day) is being fully blamed on the puppet rats who took the cheese that was the Biden Admin only to realize with slow-blinking doom that the trap had been sprung long after the fact.
The Collective Mind is being inundated with Actuals that are cascading and clashing with discordant Narratives in virtually all theaters at once, as the Biden Admin and its defenders in both the administrative sector and culture triple down on the doublespeak, telling the American people in every way they can imagine how ‘bad’ is actually ‘good,’ albeit in a less logical way than we do around these parts, and for inverted reasoning.
‘Orwellian’ has been an observable descriptor rather than a cautionary warning of late, used now in the common parlance with increasing frequency and renewed vitality, all of which is provoking Narrative Whiplash within the Collective Mind.
The ‘Union Wins’ of 2023 are already resulting in 2024 mass layoffs, the Big Tech boom of 2020 resulting in a mass contraction of fake jobs based on fake skills funded by fake money dries up, and all while small businesses—more remote and thus, resilient than ever before—suck up the market losses of conglomerates whose increasing fragility is being papered over by headline-grabbing consolidations that have concentrated the majority of the economic system’s faux wealth into a Magnificent Seven in the Fortune 500, which is about to become a very unfortunate place to be seated as the year—and the coming crises—deepen.
Microsoft and Activision-Blizzard have merged in the gaming realm, making two behemoths into one, and more vulnerable in the process. Discovery and Warner Bros. merged in the entertainment realm, and while it’s embroiled in legal disputes with the state of Florida, Disney, once the crown jewel of American entertainment is currently looking to gorge itself on an intellectual property battlefield it’s already picked over en route to the ruination of the very audience it once cultivated and profited off of.
Ford, GM and other legacy ‘American’ manufacturers—the same ones that build most of their vehicles in Mexico—are hemorrhaging market share to Tesla, which is providing more new American manufacturing jobs than any company in … ever.
Even Apple is in on the rumor mill, looking for the latest multi-billion-dollar beast to absorb to stave off its own starvation, as it chokes on the glut of its own excess, while demand for its luxury products funded by curtailed slave labor in China wanes as belts tighten across the land.
These massive beasts lumbering across an increasingly-barren Fortune 500 landscape in search of which of their former fellows they can subsist off of long enough to die last are no longer titans in the American zeitgeist, but harbingers … while the green chutes of a new spring are starting up in towns and communities across this once great and future great land.
After all, while consolidation comes before collapse, this Macro trend marketed as growth when it’s actually representative of a death spiral causes pain in the form of lost jobs, but like nature rediscovering its own balance, the captured economic energy from these giants doesn’t disappear, but rather seeks its own level back out in the emerging free market, which is made up of you, me and every other red-blooded, skilled, genius and productive American, and the neighbors who increasingly look to support one another rather than the brands that have and would lord over them since and for time immemorial.
Solutions are important—they’re the point of it all, after all—but they simply won’t hold in any theater or related to any pillar in the System of Systems unless they’re preceded by full public mandate for said solutions, which is engendered and cultivated through exposure … through awareness, which you might also call awakening.
And so, one of the most positive Macro trends we have at work in the Info War, War of Stories, Mind War and any other name you want to lend to the methodical madness is the fact that all pillars of said System—from the Political and Clandestine to the Financial and Narrative—have never been under more public scrutiny than they are in this current time.
While not all of these Pillars have been reformed just yet, they have absolutely been exposed, which is prompting the public mandate for that final—and justified—process. This will result in the reformation that takes the form of rebirth in everything from our media (we’re already doing our part, here,) to our election systems to the courts. And yes, also to the money.
As I have said many times in these digital pages, before the process of building anew can begin, the old must be torn down or pulled up, root and stem, and I would challenge any to look out at the game board in any of the theaters we track and claim that process isn’t in progress, ensuing, radiating (and temporary) pain and all.
Fertile ground requires fertile minds to recognize the presence of and strong hands in order to till and plough.
Accelerationism, then, doesn’t just apply to the Deep State, but also to the Hard Times-Hard Men paradigm patriots are forcing the Collective Mind through in order to provoke the sort of accelerated mental, cognitive and spiritual evolution the enemy never would have allowed us to reach on a timeline choked with subversive rot … the societal death by a thousand fractional cuts that was already well underway.
But then, don’t take my word for it, or even that of the most signaled patriots of our age. Rather, take [theirs.]
As I pointed out on a recent episode of the Devolution Power Hour, I often find the biggest, most pure white pills of hope in the midst of black pill suppositories in the Media Industrial Complex, as the tactical engagement with obfuscation—with noise—itself contains the echoes and vibrations one might reverse engineer in search of the signal being masked in the first place.
We’re seeing this seep into the American media landscape, as a recent headline by the NY Post demonstrates a slow-blinking realization by the Establishment that Joe Biden, while taking all the Narrative slings and arrows we exult to see, has quietly gone about his business in a shockingly more Trumpian manner than the media cycle would have you believe.
Whether Biden has been undoing and then reversing his own reversals on Trump era policies on everything from the US border to Houthi rebels in Yemen and Syria, or simply refusing to follow through on his copious and communist promises to the most extreme left-lurching contingent in the nation, there appears to be a puppet in the White House … just not necessarily the one certain powers had in mind when they effected the biggest electoral steal in American history.
And I believe the prospect that they were allowed to commit that crime in full view of an increasingly restless American public—whose transitory damages are being felt in both Narrative and Actual theaters nationwide and worldwide—in service of the Great Awakening and the transition into the American Restoration is beginning to dawn on them … perhaps even earlier than it’s dawning on many of us.
This process is playing out with increasing frequency and immediacy in the digital ether, and a recent Wall Street Journal piece in which the carrion crows of Brussels, Paris, Berlin and the EU Establishment squawk at their Narrative mules across the pond about the utter disappointment—nay, the betrayal—the Biden Administration they were promised has turned out to be demonstrates it quite beautifully.
To wit, I present the headline, which is white pill enough for some:
As for a few of the tantalizing tidbits to come out of this full-on panic session regarding the Globalist regime's anger and confusion toward the Biden Administration, I picked out a few of the juicier morsels for you:
"... instead of reversing policies driven by Donald Trump’s protectionist view, Biden has advanced many of them ..."
"... president [Biden] has kept trade barriers in place, left European companies out of subsidies designed to bolster U.S. manufacturing and surprised allies with tighter restrictions on Chinese access to American technology."
"Diplomats and officials across Europe are wondering whether the bloc can rely on the U.S. to continue backing the rules-based trading system—or if they face the possibility of economic conflict between the longtime allies."
A short, surface-level reading had me come away with the following question:
Can you say ... Devolution?
But a more detailed overview pulls out the following directional findings:
This piece (and where it’s being published) demonstrates that the Deep State and Globalist contingent are just about as read in on any sort of plans that may be in the works by any U.S. Admin (or all of them) as we are … which is to say, not at all.
This is how a community with no actual insiders—despite cowboy-boot wearing shill brigades pretending otherwise—are seemingly front-running the Establishment themselves with a clearer and more predictive map of future events than they could hope to conjure, as we employ direct-path reasoning in search of the truth rather than in its attempted hindrance.
This revelation conjures the image of the Globalist Deep State itself devolving (no pun intended) into more of a collectivist archipelago rather than a decentralized criminal cabal bent on centralization—a contradiction in terms, but an admittedly-genius methodology for exerting generations—and government—spanning control over virtually all levers of public and institutionalized power.
It also suggests that the Deep State—some of them, anyway—are likely having the same debates about the Biden Admin, and Biden himself this community routinely engages in, from ‘Obama in the basement’ theories circa 2020 to ‘Trump’s Proxy President’ circa now.
(I’ve taken my crack at this conversation myself in the ‘Layer Cake’ series.)
And perhaps the biggest white pill of all comes at the start, when the WSJ inserts this tantalizing table-setter: “Many Europeans fear that Trump, seemingly en route to the Republican nomination, might abandon Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as well as inject chaos into global trade."
‘Seemingly en route,’ eh?
That sounds decidedly more … inevitable than Biden polls and even election fraud fears would have us believe, and further codifies my own belief that, whatever happens in the interim, Donald Trump is en route to a second inauguration, to say nothing of however many successful or failed attempts occur to prevent it on the way there.
As for why said Establishment Globalists specifically fear that very eventuality … well, what reads as a dictatorial nightmare to [them] sounds like a sovereign dream to most of us, and that is the actualization of Trump’s vision for sovereign trade, free markets and the permanent disruption and dissolution of the ‘rules-based order’ that has governed (ruled, rather) over the world since the supposed end of the World Wars.
When taken in concert with recent complaints by this same bloc that the Biden Admin has curtailed energy shipments to the EU, further increasing the mandate for the sort of multi-polarity in trade rebalancing that is shifting the power balance toward the global east and south, and you might begin to see why, even on the world stage, Biden is guiding the world toward a more unified stance even as he takes the Narrative fall for the pain such a transition is visiting upon the American economy—and reputation—in the interim.
In effect, the Trump Admin couldn’t ask for a better Narrative Shield than what Biden is providing it now, which is in keeping with the belief most in this community share that the awakening—and all the redress that comes with it—will be worldwide; I just believe that shift is already well underway, with banking failures and financial collapses in China and Japan preceding those that will be felt in the west, while the Global East, Central Asia and the Middle East join the Global South in erecting a BRICSian, parallel system built largely on the real over the unreal, paving the way to defang the petrodollar en route to a new, sovereign and fair system, and giving Trump a ready-made series of partners already seated at its table.
This is why, while the Crisis Cascade I have been writing about for months will visit significant tension—and yes, Actual damages—in the interim, the prospect of riding out the storm we were warned about nearly a decade in advance becomes more tenable under the framing that it’s one the enemy’s System of Systems literally can’t weather, while we were born, called and trained to do precisely that, both on a Micro and a growing Macro sovereign scale.
The first step in riding out a storm is knowing it’s coming in the first place, and we have known, my fellow Anons. We have known.
Furthermore, if you’re looking for signal in the noise, or a light in the darkness the storm conjures, you still can’t go wrong with ‘The Master’ of Narrative warfare himself, Donald Trump, even if his deployments are less rooted in reality than they are in the prescient and calculated forced shifting of the Overton Window along largely predetermined mass psychological metrics.
While this community has the cognitive ability, mental fortitude and—if we’re being honest—impatience to front-run said window, there are directional hints we can take from Trump’s statements (even the silly ones,) actions and inactions on the game board that speak to the steady shift from beating the enemy at its own game to refusing to play in the first place in keeping with the War Games refrain—which has been demonstrated in everything from Trump’s demeanor in the midst of what we’re told is the crisis cascade to end them all, his refusal to entertain rigged debates ahead of a potentially-rigged election (again,) his crass, defiant stance on the DOJ’s ‘Witch Hunt’ launched against him and his utter disdain for the Media Industrial Complex he once warred with viciously and openly.
To me, this subtle, meaningful shift in Trump’s rules of engagement suggests an inevitability to both his second (public) term, and more so, our inevitable victory over the powers that have been and will never be again—not just through the recognition of the System of Systems, but resulting from its (in progress) dissolution.
From where I’m sitting, Trump seems to be carrying himself more like a President in waiting rather than one actively campaigning, no matter what the path to that eventuality looks like—and none of us can accurately or confidently predict it, though many try—and his ‘Agenda 47’ policy proposals have taken on the air of promises simply awaiting codification along temporal grounds more so than projections under this framing.
Overall, the juxtaposition between the Problem Cascade represented by the Biden Admin and Globalism’s fall to the Solution Cascade being presented by Trump (and other sovereign-minded world leaders like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Mohammed bin Salman) is focusing the public eye of Sovereign Sauron [to them] on the Establishment as the Macro problem, thus increasing public mandate— the collective key to the collective mind—for their own tower(s) to be brought down.
But then, aside from destroying their primary means of power projection, are there signs that, in addition to the old being torn down, the new is being built right under our feet?
Is Agenda 47 coming … or is it already in progress?
I would suggest the latter, as long as you approach the following, observational tidbits with the ‘Bad News is Good News’ refrain I’ll never get tired of advancing en route to inverting the enemy’s subversion, and this approach is greatly bolstered by full-throttle cognitive engagement with
’s Devolution research.(NO SKIMMING … read everything this man has written and let your subconscious absorb the signal. Follow it up with
’s ‘A Story About Reality’ if you want to get REALLY Bicameral.)From breathless Narratives that the IRS would be equipped with the means to fund 87,000 new agents tasked with the ruthless and tyrannical oversight of the American middle class—claims that have yet to actualize in the realm of the real—to the Student Debt Forgiveness boondoggle dangled before the communist contingent as the lone Biden carrot of 2020 that served as effective—if tiring—rage bait for the MAGA core, a carrot that has since been largely rescinded … from the Green ESG push promised by the POTATUS that has resembled anything but since he took office … from the resumption of oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico to severe cutbacks on harmful and bloated wind projects nationwide, even worldwide—the avalanche of negative collectivist Narratives have largely been rendered toothless given the passage of time and the application of cognitive intentionality to the actual effects of said deployments.
As for other directional positives, the aforementioned Tesla manufacturing boom (still to come) is itself owing to Biden’s tax subsidies directly funding the on-shoring of US production, while forcing mega corporations in the Fortune 500 to follow suit to the tune of copious losses the globalist contingent is hardly able to absorb, bringing a robust new element to the American free market by taking the big dogs down a few pegs—if they survive at all—and providing fertile ground for emergent and terrestrial tech to take its place. Tesla’s intra-market dominance is also curtailing the efforts by Establishment Globalist corporations to control the direction of a green agenda that was built more on control than efficiency until Elon Musk’s auspicious and enigmatic (and always controversial) arrival on the scene.
Similarly, the CHIPS Act (Creating Helpful Initiatives to Produce Semiconductors,) which was first proposed by the Trump Admin, was signed into law by the Biden Admin, and figures to have the single-biggest impact on U.S. manufacturing and job creation than any other singular act by a sitting President in generations, as semiconductors power every core component of the modern world, and represent the most-traded commodity on earth—yes, that includes oil.
How coincidental and serendipitous for Trump, then—and how unfortunate for Biden—that the Actual effects of the Act, including the production of giga factories in Ohio and Albany, New York will bring tens of thousands of high-paying jobs to the increasingly-red, Trumpian Rust Belt circa 2025-28, and not a moment sooner. In fact, this particular Act is already creating bidding wars by international chip manufacturers for the production of said US factories … so we’re actually seeing foreign nations BID on the right to give the best possible jobs to Americans IN America.
That’s winning, folks, even if it isn’t quite on the timeline we originally expected.
And perhaps one of the most promising trends nationwide is the rapid—exponential, even—exposure and collapse of the DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) initiatives handed down from Globalist king-makers like BlackRock and Vanguard and the subsequent cultural and legal backlash to the fiscal, corporate policies that have had as detrimental an effect on American society as they have on balance sheets.
And ALL of the above is occurring against the backdrop of the era of easy money ending, as the FED has been placed into the Pincer position of having to keep interest rates frozen. Raising them further will put an even greater squeeze on their own systemic corporations, further limiting liquidity on balance sheets that already operated on low single-digit margins, while any move to the downside in rates will result in an unmitigated disaster to the upside in terms of inflationary energy unleashed that could actually make good on Weimarian canaries that have been passing out in the coal mine for a decade, and that Trump has been warning about since before the 2020 steal was actualized.
Speaking of Devolution, a brewing cascade of Regional US bank failures is only just kicking off, most of which are likely to follow the Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic Bank templates of being absorbed into the U.S. Treasury, which, if you believe in the Devolution of it all, or follow the writings of
in particular, you’ll know Trump accounted for.These patterns, detrimental in the short term—albeit mostly to the bankers themselves—take on added spice when one reframes banking assets as assets they have … procured by slowly robbing the American people blind since 1913, assets whose value was leeched away through fractional reserve banking, and that, maybe, just maybe could be reinvested into the American Restoration to come under the framework of Trump Executive Orders we’ve discussed ad nauseam for several years, now.
In effect, they’re getting the worst of both worlds, while we’re getting the (long-term) best, which is to say, high inflation AND bank failures, destroying both the banking system and the fiat ponzi scheme it holds up … or was it the other way around?
This Pincer has created a holding pattern in which only the small are surviving, as the large collapse under the weight of their own slim profit margins and underlying lack of fundamentals—the weight of their formerly weaponized leverage acting as the proverbial millstones around their collectivist collars.
This is economic tension we can survive that they cannot, because they have made us resilient to such energy theft over the course of generations. Now, their energy in the system is essentially paralyzed, and the bigger you are in terms of fiat filth, the more you need to eat, akin to a shark that stops swimming and so, eventually drowns, and whose bones come to adorn the kingdom he once patrolled with an air of haunting, threatening permanence.
Trump himself recently signal boosted this framing, claiming that any potential rate cut in 2024 would be an attempt by the FED to help Joe Biden get elected.
(We’ll resist the urge to dive into his aside on a Middle East-triggered energy crisis, for the time being, but you should file it away for safe keeping.)
Admittedly, this puts a morbid frame around Biden’s escalations in the Middle East, as few things stimulate economies, stave off economic depressions and allow for Globalist, Central Bank-managed transitions quite like Forever Wars.
(I find the actualization of such a hot war to be unlikely, given my belief in Herold’s research, which suggests National Essential Functions are being guarded to avoid exactly this eventuality. And yes, even while believing a ‘Scare Event’ could still be in the offing down the line.)
And yet, given the fact that Trump said in 2020 that Americans would “have a crash like you’ve never seen before. You put the wrong person in office, you’ll see things you would not have believed are possible,” one has to guard mentally against all scenarios heading into the most contentious election cycle of our time this November.
Furthermore, perhaps one of the most interesting signals I’ve been sent in ages—and one I somehow missed at the time—came via
, who pointed me in the direction of Brian Brooks, the former Comptroller of the Currency appointed by Donald Trump in 2020, and who served in that capacity throughout Trump’s first term, while convincing Trump’s Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin to allow US banks to custody Bitcoin for the first time.In addition to his stance as a Bitcoin maximalist—something Trump has kept his Narrative distance from—Brooks is fascinating in that, as the man ostensibly put in charge of overseeing the regulation and shepherding of 70% of the US Banking System, he was quoted at a 2021 conference as stating the following in reference to said system:
“We should stop trying to incrementally improve a system that cannot be fixed. It needs to be replaced. That's what Bitcoin's about."
Yes. The guy Trump put in charge of regulating US regional banks thinks we need to tear the banking system apart and replace it with something else … which I expect will get no argument here. (I told you to read ‘The Bridge,’ didn’t I?)
All of this seems to be in progress—albeit not necessarily how we might have expected—during Biden's Admin, also known as Trump’s Shadow Term.
(I highly suggest reading more of
’s research on Brooks, and consider checking out ‘The COVFEFE Dig’ he published with , and that I helped edit; it may just be one of the weirdest—in a good way—and mind-blowing digs you’ve come across in some time. You also can’t go wrong with , who’s even managed to guide readers along a Biblical deep dive on decentralization and asymmetric power projection.)Back to the present, if you can leave aside whatever your personal feelings are about the technology Brooks is advocating for, his philosophical reading of rebirth over reform follows with my overall Macro theory that we’re in the midst of a controlled demolition of the fiat central banking system—of the systems of the unreal—in order to provide both the literal and narrative framework and mandate for a transition into a new system built on the real, which the Biden Administration is providing Narrative Shielding for with staggering … ly drunken aplomb.
In short, there is plenty of healthy disagreement in this community over the specific solutions to come, but we have widespread agreement on the problems.
I explored Trump’s … and by extension, Biden’s role in this transition term in depth back in October 2022 in ‘The Spider-Man 2 Effect,’ and I have to say, I think it’s aged pretty well:
The Spider-Man 2 Effect is my best guess as to how the Financial System is being exposed, and posits that Trump pushed the throttle—represented by money printing and reckless fiat spending—down to full tilt before breaking off the handle, exiting the train and leaving a hapless and helpless Joe Biden to attempt to bring the rocketing behemoth to a halt without destroying it completely.
By using accelerationism to fast forward the enemy’s plans far ahead of the timeline they had planned for us (you might call this Operation Warp Speed,) I believe Trump and his patriot planners caught the ‘Acting’ Admin and the Federal Reserve in a Chinese Finger Trap between inflation and deflation, forcing them into a series of impossible choices that can only result in the complete immolation of the fiat Central Banking system while the world watches, and while the only blame that will be cast will be directed at those occupying the cockpit that Trump publicly ‘lost’ but actually strategically abandoned.
They are caught, dead to rights.
And if they are caught, they were trapped, which means not everything we’re seeing right now from an economic perspective was their idea or their fault. After all, why completely destroy the US economy on the eve of the most important midterm election cycle in our nation’s history, when they need a record-breaking blue hold as a record-shattering red wave gathers power offshore? The tide is already sucking out in preparation for a tsunami that no voter fraud campaign can stop.
The enemy knows this, and yet, they are powerless to stop it. — October 2022
(Of course, that Red Wave has materialized in the last two elections, and while voter fraud remains the core, foundational issue at the heart of our nation, I do believe a core component—if not the heart—of any patriot plan MUST be the exposure and reform of our election systems; what form that takes or timeline that follows, I will not pretend to know.)
The banking system is not the only Globalist, Centralist System being threatened, but the entirety of the Administrative State, as recent deployments—not the least of which is taking place at the Texas border—continue to pave the way for a return to Federalism and States’ sovereignty in a country that was founded on that very concept.
In addition to everything we’ve covered to now, there has been a rash of class action lawsuits launched against the US Administrative State during the Biden Admin (see West Virginia vs. the EPA,) to the US Administrative State suing Big Tech seemingly on our behalf (see the FTC vs. Amazon,) and even the DOJ is getting in on the action, going after Google for “Monopolizing Digital Advertising Technologies,” and so, the most effective lawfare deployments that seem to be erecting a new framework of rebalanced capitalism and decentralization (the beginnings of it, at least) to our Republic may not be grabbing the same headlines as the Trump Witch Hunt, but they are happening, if you’re paying attention.
As I wrote at the time:
The American Oligarchy—the collection of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Everything that has aligned itself with the American Political Elite for decades—is beginning to crumble and consolidate as the walls close in on them both in terms of the economic environment they’re being forced to operate in, and in the courtroom … supposedly under the orders of Joe Biden’s DOJ. (Please don’t make me refer you to the Devolution theory for the third time in this piece alone.)
If we shift the Sovereign Eye away from the US and focus on the rest of the world, the COVID era—simultaneously one of the most damaging and psychologically jarring (and therefore, freeing) psyops launched on the world in generations—one of the biggest Net Effects to spill out of the global shift that occurred as a result was the forced decoupling of the US and China from a trade (see: dependency) perspective.
And do you know who was most affected? American and Chinese oligarchs, Big Tech moguls and the government cronies who subsisted on whatever kickbacks such relationships and governmental trade policy deal-making afforded—a trend that largely kicked off under Bill Clinton in the 90s and only accelerated under Bush Jr. and Obama.
Only … the whole thing came to a screeching halt with the advent of Trump and Xi, two men who, even in the midst of a trade war that resulted in increasing on-shoring of U.S. production and a rebalancing of Chinese labor (who are increasingly less likely to be working glorified slave labor jobs making American tech products,) always make sure to commend the other for their competence, confidence and intelligence, while waxing poetic about how well they know each other.
Which reframes said decoupling as much less a happy accident and more a an unhappy—albeit necessary—plan that unfolded beneath the one the Deep State launched with the Plandemic.
While the temporary, COVID-prompted pain that resulted was blamed on nature or misfortune at the time, the continued souring of said relations is falling squarely on Biden … and yet, the Net Effects have been positive from the standpoint of mutual sovereignty and a return to domestic production., a trend that is now—quite suddenly—surprisingly bipartisan.
After all, if there is one core, governing philosophy that is animating the change engines of the global east and south against the western hegemon in recent years, it is the concept of multi-polarity advanced by Xi and Vladimir Putin most firmly, and which—in the latter’s case—has been threatened by the carrion crows in the west most firmly.
Or did you think the U.S. and European sanctions on Russia’s economic and energy systems was going well since their advent in early 2022?
Russia’s is one of the only major economies that has actually strengthened—along with its gold and oil-backed currency—over the course of the last two years, and this calcification is not a happy accident, either, but rather the result of the spider-webbed effects of forced decoupling from the System of Systems, as Russia (rapidly) found economic allies in the global east and south who were happy to exchange within the realm of the real—oil, energy, gold and commodities—no matter what the SWIFT Central Banking system had to say about it.
I explored this mass paradigm shift prompted by the (failed) sanction war against Russia in my Righteous Russia series, especially the ‘Power is Power’ refrain Putin is the master of wielding, but the ramifications of Russia’s refusal to back down from the former power bloc of the Globalist contingent has had an entirely predictable—and not at all reversible—trend that has helped to accelerate the rise and expansion of BRICS, while forcing the mask fully off of the Establishment, revealing gaping, rotten, toothless maws in the place of the razor-sharp fangs of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex that was for so long used as the main power projection arm of said Establishment.
Sovereignty—much like multi-polarity—is a First Principle approach to the rebalancing, shifting world order, which radiates its effects outward through the self-actualizing codification of its own success. And this Macro is being witnessed all over the world—and all over this nation—from the Bicameral Border situation that is reframing and revitalizing the remembrance of U.S. Federalism to global economic alliances that are being built on the concept of individualism indulging in mutually beneficial cooperation rather than leverage and threat.
And we’re even seeing these philosophical returns and reversals manifest in the political realm, as the American people are increasingly seeing that the system that wields undue influence over everything below it was originally meant merely to play shepherd and referee rather than lords.
This paradigm shift is even playing out within the intra-party system in the U.S., with Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. effecting a witting or unwitting demolition of the two-party false duality by campaigning on the decentralization of political power and signal over noise.
So, while the Media Industrial Complex is attempting to scare Trump supporters into antagonism toward Kennedy—who does not seem to be aligned with Trump from a policy perspective—the Net Effects of his run have visited catastrophic effects on the liberal unity vote, which is continuing to drain the last vestiges of intra-party identity the communist contingent had, while Trump’s bloc cheers it all on without budging from their firm choice come November 2024.
Kennedy has also done much to highlight election fraud and the foundational inequity of the U.S. political system on the whole, which is running in a converging parallel with Trump’s ongoing signal-boosting of the Establishment Witch Hunt he continues to endure.
And all of this is playing out against the backdrop of Biden’s impeachment inquiry and the Uniparty rallying about everything anti-Trump and anti-Establishment, meaning anti-us with the Collective Mind observing.
This is why, leaving aside the comms we dissect in this community, the most surface-level observation of the Info War seems to suggest that the Establishment, seemingly in control of all public levers of power projection, are being hunted and harassed by the very apparatus they ostensibly control. After all, as the WSJ piece signifies, the main paradigm setters of the old world are themselves being confronted with the less planned and more provoked, organic formation of the new paradigm both at home and abroad … the process paradigm of human ingenuity and sovereignty free from the chains of regulation and administration.
And while, on a surface level, it makes sense that replacing a 'bad' President with communist values with a good one with America First values will result in improvements to the economy, I believe we truly are going to see a 'boom' with near immediacy when Trump RESUMES the office he strategically abandoned so this transition—this ‘Switch’—can play out in more theaters than we can count.
I think this theory runs congruent with Herold’s Devolution research, which itself posits that much of the structural work for the rebound, and the transition from Bidenomics to the new Trump Boom is being done now, which is bolstered by the fact that Trump was the one who accelerated the crisis cascade in accordance with the money printing boom explored in the Spider-Man 2 Effect, and which brings a whole new meaning to Operation Warp Speed.
From the on-shoring of production (or were you unaware that America was getting ‘back in the factory business’ in a big way?) in the energy, technology and manufacturing sectors to the emergence of a multi-polar world order, best symbolized by the BRICS alliance and increasingly public resistance to the western hegemon Trump eschewed first, Trump will be assuming the office he never truly left with problems to solve, and deals in-hand.
Overall, the Actuals and Narratives I have attempted to parse in this piece and those that preceded it form the basis for my growing confidence in the Macro deployment that is ‘Trump’s Trick,’ a concept I expect to explore in future writings that posits that Trump’s first administration was largely about exposure—educating the American public on what America First COULD be—providing hope in the process, while his second (shadow) term is more about disclosure of the full scope of the enemy’s subversive System of Systems not just on a Narrative and Mass Psychological Basis, but an Actual one, all while laying the groundwork I hope I’ve started to peel back the layers of that will send us into an eventual third term in which the American Restoration won’t just kick off, but accelerate based on the rails that have and are being greased right now.
In other words, all of this is to say that the Biden Administration, far from representing the end of our Republic, is really marking the transition into its rebirth, while the enemy is beginning to realize—if they haven’t already—that it is absolutely marking the end of their dark empire.
And on the other side of said transition, however long it takes and however much more exposure we’re forced to live through en route—especially with regards to the American legal and election systems in the second half of this year—it’s going to look less like a slow launch into the beginnings of a new nation, and more like a switch has been flipped, transforming the ‘Great Reset’ into a ‘Good Reset.’
After all, in June 2023, Donald Trump himself responded to an Obama-like statement from Ron DeSantis (who has since dropped from the race and endorsed Trump, like many predicted,) in which he claimed that it would take a good president eight years to turn this country around, by saying “it’ll take me six months to have it totally the way it was. We’ll have it fast.”
Now … call me overly optimistic, if you want, but I had a feeling at the time Trump’s sentiment was less bloviating and more … informed, and the research I’ve compiled and seen compiled by others in the interim has only solidified the stance I put out at the time:
As for the continued—and continuously escalating—clown show that is US Congress and the government at large within the public Narrative that we’re forced to watch before the era of public winning kicks off, think of it less as losses we must endure, and more as problems Trump and America First patriots—as well as all of us—get to campaign on in order to continue to bring about the reversal of [their] Hegelian Dialectic by highlighting the subversive problems our solutions are being drafted to address and remedy.
This Narrative process—the ‘War of Stories’—I discuss more than anything else around these parts is simultaneously weakening the old system while strengthening the public mandate for the new.
As for the common and somewhat tired, defeatist mentality that the Biden Administration will destroy the country in the interim so we don’t have one left to save, here are just a few summary points to chew on that might disabuse you of the notion that we as a country and as individuals are nearly as weak as [they] have led you to believe:
The only thing both sides of the proverbial political and cultural aisle in the U.S. can agree on is the fact that the Biden Admin has been far less successful in getting things done, even in accordance with its projected agendas, than one side would have hoped as the other feared.
Virtually all Narrative Deployments by the Establishment the Admin represents are boomeranging, visiting Actual damages onto the System of Systems while providing Narrative ammunition for the side of truth, justice and yes, the remembrance of the American Way
Bidenomics—and the accelerated fiat printing that Trump himself kicked off in 2020 under the guise of pandemic relief—has been difficult for Americans to weather, but impossible for the gluttonous, overburdened false corporate gods that make up the top-heavy consolidation of American wealth … a bubble very soon to be popped and therefore, redistributed in a capitalistic, naturalistic manner in an emergent American market no longer burdened by DEI and corporatocracy masquerading as democracy. This recalls my ‘Too Small to Fail’ theory that I’m more firm in by the day.
On the world stage, any damages the US continues to suffer will be Narrative, providing the public mandate for a return of not just nationalism, but sovereignty and mutual cooperation with foreign nations, especially those the Biden Admin continues to subvert and insult that Trump happened to get along with swimmingly. Trump needs problems to solve publicly if he is to not just lead, but unify the American electorate, and he’s got quite a few of those in the offing on the world stage, most of which he was well on his way to solving the first time around. Or did you forget the Abraham Accords, the DMZ in North Korea, and the public (and maligned, at the time) work done in terms of US-Russia relations? In terms of said actual damages, that’s where National Essential Functions come in, protected by continuity of government operations that were almost certainly put in place in the waning days of Trump’s first administration.
The stage is being set in all theaters simultaneously, and the pieces are already moving.
Devolution wasn’t put in place to save the country, but to make sure we have a country left to save when the public mandate to do just that reaches a crescendo that, yes, likely arrives only at the peak of a Crisis Cascade and a Crisis Convergence that are well underway.
You might even refer to this inflection point as a collective precipice, of sorts, one that the most complex, effective and BENEFICIAL intel dissemination operation—and yes, PsyOp—of all time has prepared us to be the ‘frame and support’ within, in order to bridge our sleeping brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, children, friends and neighbors into the awakening.
(And if you haven’t read my most popular feature in these digital pages, it’s never a bad time to check out ‘We Are Q.’)
Joe Biden isn’t the problem. He’s a mascot—a symbol—for THE problem that has siphoned human energy, robbed human peace and trampled human hope for generations from the shadows, and which is now being exposed in the light of a new sun.
Donald Trump isn’t the solution. He’s a symbol and a cypher for the remembrance that the true solution was with us all along … because it IS us, and we are it.
Typically, widespread social unrest occurs when the powers that would be elevate themselves to the level of godhood before the eyes of a desperate populace, and the fall of said false gods tends to immediately precede the full collapse of the society they would lord over.
The gift the Great Awakening, the Plan has given us is the ability to see these would-be gods before their work has managed to rot our civilization to its foundations. And so, by recognizing them in all their falsity, and their systems of control, we’re being given the opportunity to tear them down and replace them, and not just to preserve our world, but to remake it, reimagine it and return it to a glory we’ve never seen ourselves, but have long dreamed of.
The false gods will still be torn down from their blood-stained temples, and perhaps immortalized in a way they never intended, but this isn’t about [them.] It’s about us, and those who come after us.
Rather than being ‘Too Small to Fail,’ then, it might be better to conceptualize the current paradigm shift as the mass, rapid realization that we are Too Small to Die, while [they] have become Too Big to Live.
Oh … and the enemy knows it’s coming, as well.
We've been (understandably) programmed to look at everything Deep State actors say as if it's a lie, and while that's true, the manner and persuasion of their lies is important to track.
The most common form of Deep State lie is one of the Hegelian variety, where they start with a true or honest projection (ie: Trump is going to throw us in jail while the movement he largely inspired takes control of all levers of power projection and production this nation has at its disposal,) before reverse engineering it with faulty and false framing in order to cause their audience to consider the end result (the seeding) to be a negative thing.
The thing is, the more [they] START with the correct seeding (ie: Trump is going to throw us in jail and the America First movement is going to see their peaceful, radiant future manifest,) the more inevitable they see its actualization.
This is yet another example of Overton's Goalpost, in which the enemy has gone from laughing at the prospect of Trump (with us alongside him) regaining the public levers of power to seeing it as a morbid inevitability ... and the culmination of their destruction.
In short ... you can learn a lot, watching things lie for a living.
The seven deadly sins aren’t just Biblical. They’re universal laws, and the consequences for breaking them are observable in the continuing and escalating Crisis Cascade that was supposed to usher in their great nightmare, but that is instead paving the way for the rebirth of the American dream, which is both our birthright and self-actualizing destiny.
Contrary to all of the dooming and despair ubiquitous to times such as these, ‘The Switch’ theory I’ve laid out here posits that much of the groundwork for the American Restoration to come is being laid at our feet throughout the Biden Admin, the actual white pills stashed under a pile of Narrative black pills it is up to you to defect from.
Winning is all around us, if you have the eyes to see it, and the will to see it done.
Perhaps the era of nothing—no truth, no peace and no belief in anything other than avarice and despair—masquerading as easy everything did ruin us … at least for a while, but we are the Change Engines, and that which we are most capable of changing happens to be that most in need of change:
It’s too bad we can’t say the same for [them.]
Until next time … stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
If you enjoyed this feature, consider checking out the follow-up, Amerigeddon.
Note from the author: Phew … that was a long one, even by my standards, and I can honestly say I didn’t think it was going to be. Funny thing is, I think that demonstrates just how much good news there is in this Mind War that is built to prevent the discovery of that very thing, and so, I hope this at least provoked you into the active discovery of your own positivity, as I believe we can each radiate that which we hope to see in this war.
Special thanks to Patri0ts in Contr0l for the Trump on Bartiromo clip and to Andy5x5 for helping me put together and stylize the header graphic. I’m sure he thought it was totally normal and not at all strange that I felt the best way to encapsulate ‘The Switch’ theory was to combine the most dimwitted form of Joe Biden, the most based (future) form of Donald Trump he put together and The Flash’s speed force into one amalgamation.
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Excellent work BB! I think this is maybe your best work.
What a great summary of all that is happening.
It is a cascade crisis building towards a crescendo and the enemy can’t stop it.
It was accelerated under Trump by his massive fiat money spending while offering the American people some protection in the process with the biggest tax cuts in history.
The plan is brilliant.
Every corrupt system has been exposed and is being dismantled while the new system is being erected and most people are missing it.
That invisible hand in the background is doing a lot of important work and our future will be like something we have never imagined possible.
Blessings my friend!
Your brilliant writing is well worth the mental effort and concentration it takes to read and comprehend it. I imagine great effort is involved in writing so eloquently also. Thank you for doing so.