Great read, and difficult to argue with a single element. I am wondering one thing though - the FED is not Federal, it is the private banking plaything of the globalust pedovor empire families to my understanding... as are the Dems. Are you saying that the Dems are going to try and blame their own lords and masters - and if so - won't those same infernal lords and masters use the leverage they have on their Demonrats that has controlled them up to now? This could indeed be the messiest (un)civil war ever - and fascinating to watch from the sidelines, as innocent bystander who are delighted to watch both sides annhiliated.

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Joe has a great response, here, which mirrors a lot of my own thinking.

That said, I like to try to consider all possibilities, and even if we ignore the FED-Treasury rollup, I believe a BIG part of the Macro "plan" among white hats, and the reason Game Theory comes up so frequently in this community, is in regards to the idea of Silo'ing or isolating disparate elements of the Deep State from one another.

When evil is cut off from its sources of strength, it turns on itself and devours itself.

So, in a way, yes, I do believe that, even if the FED wasn't LITERALLY being controlled in accordance with Trump's will (I believe it is,) then the Dems would still be at a point in the game where they have no choice but to start sacrificing their monetary masters to the mob.

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Yes that makes total sense. Cabal players are fundamentally egotists. They will generate an empire of minions as extensions of their egos, but as the going gets tough, they will sacrifice everything external to their core self-importance/preservation until the walls close in. These are broken creatures who will sacrifice their own babies for insane abstractions. Sane humans will die for their own children in a heartbeat, I know I would. This is why they lose eventually. Every time. Certainly now.

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So true. The enemy is being attacked from all sides and they are helpless to stop it.

We have reached the point where they are beginning to realize that it’s every man for themself in a last ditch desperate move to save themselves.

This is the storm.

Similar to some battles in the Bible where the enemy was forced to attack themselves.

The media is also being forced to report on things they don’t want to report. Inflation and a recession are two things they can’t spin and indictments and prosecutions will be hard for the media to ignore also.

It’s a brilliant plan.

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It is brilliant, and yet ultimately all that was required was understanding this enemy for what it is. I think the real brilliance is seen in the cost of this war. Many are going to be devastated when they realise the millions of lives that have been lost destroying this enemy - but compared to what it could have cost, I for one am deeply humbled and grateful to be in this timeline. Sooner or later these broken psychopaths are defeated - their inherent contradictions ensure it. But, they could have taken us all with them. Not this time.

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You’re exactly right

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I believe a lot of people have forgotten that Trump rolled the FED into the Treasury which the President controls. I think everything is being timed and Powell is doing to Biden and the democrats what the FED tried to do to Trump when he first won in 2016. They raised rates to crash the economy on Trump but now he’s turned the table.

Trump in my opinion is controlling the FED and going to bring the whole global debt system down by bankrupting it.

The democrats know the FED is no longer controlled by the cabal or they would keep printing money and keep interest rates low to keep democrat poll numbers up.

They have been trapped IMO

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I 100% agree with this reading of the current economic situation. I do believe we're watching a pre-planned, controlled demolition of the debt-based monetary system.

Similar to how Just Human absolutely nailed the Macro behind the Afghanistan withdrawal, that being that the event served the dual purposes of getting the first major egg on the Biden Admin's face while also allowing the Doha Agreement to be consummated without Trump bearing the brunt of the bad optics, the same will be true of the FED. Trump turned the money printer on and used their own debt fiat against them during his term, then "left" public office only to give the FED the orders to keep printing and then to raise rates, smashing us headfirst into a recession that ... you guessed it, Trump and his compatriots get to ride in and rectify at the 11th hour.

Think Gandalf at the Battle for Helm's Deep.

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Ha, you are spot on, I had forgotten that - and at the time I did not understand the full significance of it. I completely agree that they have all been totally trapped, it's the only explanation that makes sense of the past 18 months. If this is correct, it won't only be the Demonrats attacking the Fed - we should expect the other globalust minions to join in. Popcorn time.

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Fantastic commentary. I love your style of writing. I’ll be back for more!

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Thank you Burning Bright! Another excellent piece which outlines my thinking quite concisely. I'm most interested in grasping an understanding of what steps will be taken when the circling carrion birds land to rectify n birth the monetary system. The outcome will be well worth the effort but likely indeed a painful metamorphosis for some /many. Until then, head on a swivel with eyes and ears open collecting news and discerning for truth from trusted sources like yourself, our community, and independent digging. THANK YOU AGAIN!

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I've got some general ideas on how things might go down, but I definitely don't know the order of operations.

One of my next Righteous Russia pieces is hopefully going to dive into some of the aspects of the "good" version of the Great Reset.

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Excellent. I look forward to reading more of your work. Always interesting and edifying!

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Hello Burning Bright 🐅 "Tiger" ! 🙋‍♂️🇫🇷

Maybe the same source gave us, today WEDNESDAY, NOV 01, 2023 some answer to your question about the order of operations:

"The Time To Audit The Fed Is Here !"


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You articles are very good! I am glad to have found you! This backs up a lot of what I have come to believe, based on several other awesome sleuths and thinkers like yourself!

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Great article, and really good point about Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin . Many thanks...

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Interesting couple, those two.

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Thank You BB🙏

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Excellent article and on target as usual.

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Thanks Joe!

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Here's a humble question.....So what actually happens when the FED is destroyed? What happens to banking accounts, bills in your pocket or even a retirement account?

Living in debt was/is a bizarre concept to me. Just curious....🤔

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I don't know if the FED will be completely dismantled, or simply rebranded as an extension of the U.S. Treasury, and therefor, the U.S. Sovereign Bank.

I believe there will be a currency reset, wherein the FEDeral reserve note is cancelled, and a new USD issues backed either by gold/silver, or a combination of gold, silver and commodities.

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I like that word sovereignty. 😎

At this point I guess any answers are merely speculative until we reach that point of changing the proverbial batteries. My pragmatic question with the impending changeover is how does/will this affect a day-in-the-life of everyday citizens and what degree disruption....not a fan of bad "OH SHITE" moments, but then who is? 🤣

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I personally feel we will transition to a new gold-silver-commodities backed currency. A "real" USD to replace the debt-based FIAT we're currently on.

Not sure on the catalyst or mechanism, but I do believe Americans will be assisted through this transition.

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Thank you. Gold/silver-backed currencies is the most logical, not chipping me like a dog or fully employing crypto, which I can only assume, is yet another PsyOp....I could be wrong.

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I see the underlying tech behind crypto, that being blockchain, being an important technology that could assist with transactions. I do not, however, feel that, long-term, crypto will have value in and of itself.

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I too can see it as a useful tool, yet in today's clusterf*** society, I feel it's not a feasible avenue the hacking-happy bastards, lurking about, hopped up on synthesizing practically everything and everyone....thus, chip me like a damn dog (hackable animals)🐶🤣

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Jul 29, 2022
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Appreciate that, Sally.

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