There have been other acts by Biden (not necessarily signed acts) that caused the hairs on Patel’s neck to rise. The Chips act did go unnoticed, most likely by design as the MSM only report “see, we’re in control” news stories. This is very interesting and leads one to wonder, what else is being leveraged by the white hats? The lack of boots on the ground in Ukraine is another instance that smelled of white hat interference. In fact the whole Russia discovery of bio labs and more, totally reeks of crisp white cotton. I’ve always sensed this movie script was written long ago. We are being led to the water, only the awake will drink.

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Pelosi made a blooper and actually said in camerab'we can't go into ukraine' and stopped and changed course in her verbage. Another EO Biden continued was 13848 (critical Infrastructure and emergency act) which place our election machines into that category and I believe under ICE.... See Karma Patriot for that dig, I don't think she was wrong.

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Biden seems to be continuing a whole lot of Trump EO's.


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Another Grand Slam BB!!

You and I seem to be on the same train of thought on a lot of what’s happening.

I’ve been telling people in Spitballers chat forever that Trump has leveraged Biden and is being used to completely destroy the democrat party. He’s a millstone around the democrats neck. Plus people forget how Trump elevated Biden in the primaries after Biden lost the first three badly.

Trump picked a fight with him personally in the media and began ignoring the other candidates sucking the oxygen out of the media in the democrat primary. Trump picked him! Trump haters coalesced around Biden and the rest is history.

Hunter hands over all the evidence on a laptop that isn’t encrypted?

And look at the Inflation Reduction Act Biden signed yesterday.

It raises taxes on almost everyone in a recession with massive inflation right before an election.

Raising taxes in an election year is a political death nail.

Trump marched them all off the cliff like a Pied Piper!

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Completely agree. It's all way too retarded to be organic. Patrick Gunnels has a similar viewpoint to you and I.

What we're watching is much more of a show than many believe. I like digging on little hints that might expose the strings being pulled.

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Looking forward to more of your digging!!

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Not too trippy for me! Thanks for highlighting the CHIPS act signed by "Biden" - that slipped by me for sure - honestly at this point I don't see how Devo can NOT be play.

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Glad you enjoyed!

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Your writings and calm insights actually help lower my blood pressure 😀. One of “calm” voices in the storm.

The subterfuge is so entangled that most won’t understand even when the truth slams into their heads like a freight train. Our focus has been eroded to the point of looking into the palms of our hands, into the hand held boob tube for guidance, pleasure and knowledge. Two years ago I said to a group of friends that cell phones are the cause of the downfall of independent thought freedoms. Facebook produced legions of “Faceslaves”. Smart phones have produced legions of “palm slaves”.

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Well said.

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Thank you. Curious to know if you were invited to the Pit? I missed Saturday’s first session, unexpectedly hospitalized unfortunately.

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I was not invited. I think I could have scraped around for an invite, since I'm friends with several attendees, but I wouldn't have been able to go either way. I tend to prefer to analyze the info that comes out of events rather than attending them, though I'd like to meet folks at a future ThreadFest.

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You are BRILLIANT!!!!!! Every day you have good news for us!!! Thank you for your positive outlook!!!

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Appreciate your support, Emerald.

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Although without a doubt TSMC, UMC and Samsung are the big engines in the production of integrated circuits, The US still has some big names in the game. Intel, Micron and maybe surprisingly Honeywell, IBM and a host of smaller outfits. So all is not lost. Also most of the major equipment required to build these chips comes from either the US or Japan. The CHIPS act is a good thing but really just puts a bandaid on a major wound caused by politicians (Clinton, DFL, GOP) and business men when China was granted most favored nation trading status. Minnesota had a thriving high tech semiconductor sector until that happened. To quote someone, that giant sucking sound you hear is not just manufacturing escaping to China, it is high tech as well. So our idiot politicians and greedy business men have now made their billions so it's time to re-onshore manufacturing and charge the little people for the effort. I realize justice will come some day but until then it sure is frustrating how we the people constantly get screwed in the mean time.

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Hopefully when we do on-shore production again, in many regards, we'll see an economic boom we haven't seen in generations. I hope many can share in it.

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Great article Bright!! I am 70 years young and grew up without cell phones, laptops, electric cars, and LED lights. Seems to me that these and the internet have been the things that have torn our country and it's people down since their existence. We did nicely without all those "things", our way of getting the news was a "party line"!!! :D I understand that these "things" were supposed to make life easier and faster and I'm not hiding my head in the sand but I'll take "the simple life Alex for $500"!!

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Very true. That said, many of us are trying to turn those technologies and communication platforms back around on them . Technology is a tool like any other. Can be used for good or bad. Appreciate your readership.

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"and that's the truth"!!

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Intel halted/delayed construction of new "mega" plant in Ohio, with $20B initial investment, to supposedly pressure DC into passing the CHIPS....IMO, there's more salsa and dips than guacamole ($) going towards CHIPS...If ya catch my drift. 😉

Not the first Trump EO for the Skidmark caretakers to piggyback from....


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Great addition.

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Absolutely love connecting the Dots stories! Especially where Devolution and 3D Chess are part of the story! Thank you!

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Thank you for reading!

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I am curious - and maybe these have been addressed before and I missed it as I’m new to your amazing stack… 1) As much as he can, is Biden aware he is under Devo? And if so, when did he (and his puppet masters) find out? I suspect ALL of the investigations into DJT, since before he won the primaries in 2016, was to find out what he knows and to find a way to stop him from ending their games. I’ve always said “it’s the “why” if those investigations that matter. We all knew there was no collusion, so why would the Corruptocrats risk so much with their blatant spying (investigations)? It’s the “why” that matters and Devo is part of it. 2) The cables running across the ocean floors that connects China to us - how do those play into all of this? I learned about them when we had the backup of ships off of Cali - and they were worried the anchors could potentially damage those lines. THANX for all of your writings!!!

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I can't give you a truthful answer because I don't know the truth.

My personal feeling on this situation, echoed by a minority in this community, is that Biden is acutely aware of the role he is playing on behalf of Trump and the Devo team. I believe the entire Biden family is controlled, by us.

Plea deals.

How far that goes is guesswork. It's the most logical conclusion to me based on all of the current "Admin's" moves.

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Thank you for your honesty. So hard to guess the truth, let alone “know” it these days. Have a great weekend.

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We're all doing the best we can. Thank you for reading.

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Thank You BB🙏

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Aug 18, 2022
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Very, very good point at the end here.

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