It is interesting to see the reaction to two years of denying Wuhan. Whiplash indeed! The almost breathless discussions by the MSM hosts is hilarious already; what will they have to say when the vaccine is revealed as the actual bio weapon of stolen elections, mass sterilization of the young and killing unmeasured numbers to reach the depopulation agenda? Patriots are ready for justice. It can’t happen soon enough, but it will most certainly happen at some point. Good bless you, fearless tiger. It’s always a great day when your writings arrive!

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Narrative Whiplash occurs very slowly ... and then all at once.

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I’m enjoying the latest Power Hour (unfortunately life sometimes makes it difficult to listen to the entire episode in one sitting).

My thought on DeSantis: it’s entirely possible he has no intention of actually running, but is rather creating a vp scenario for himself.

Skeptics who object that Trump’s “toxic” rhetoric has already made that impossible forget what happened in 2016. Some of his most pejorative language was reserved for Rick Perry, who ended up on the cabinet. Kayfabe? You betcha.

It is unwise to impute to Trump (or indeed to whoever his adversary-du-jour happens to be) the same petty mean-girl motives we might naturally ascribe to lesser mortals.

While I am on the subject: it is understandable to be bewildered by the Byzantine machinations and timing “delays” apparently and inconveniently messing up our own necessarily simplified projections of what we think is happening.

That is an analytical error. The error lies in at least 2 faulty assumptions:

1. That the stress and confusion these timing and tactical departures cause within MAGA are the unintended consequences of various inconvenient realities intruding on the trajectory of a poorly thought through “Patriot plan”.

2. That the “plan” was so flawed in design as to be unable to adapt to a wildly unpredictable real time environment such as the global geopolitical stage.

Just articulating this may show the reader how faulty these assumptions are.

But let me elaborate further. We should try to understand that MAGA has NEVER been the intended audience for much if not most of the apparent confusion and “disarray”.

Remembering our Sun Tzu will clarify who the actual target audiences are.

The knowledge that that audience is in utter confusion and mind conflict over Trump’s “incompetent mixed signals” actually allows me to sleep really well at night.

All will be well.

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These are fantastic thoughts and well communicating, and I think they strike at the heart of the misplaced fear within many minds in this community.

Thanks for reading and commenting as always, Pluribus.

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Great insight from this perspective... I believe many do exist in this very same adjective mindset...

When I go with my gut feelings on this whole ordeal of scenarios that has played out along with the future to come in I’m at peace/settled fully in my heart! Joy takes its place...

When I have any kind of weakness or IF I allow myself to go down that first thought tossing it around then play a bit more with it, a spark, a need! to talk to a like minded compassionate individual maybe? Could help?

Maybe it’s the true woman in me that needs that old fashioned need to feel it’s ok for the man to make us feel SAFE Inside this bubble of chaotic frenzy as the walls are see through! IF I let it get to the point of needing reassurance that still doesn’t come from any other human being.


Not one human being/man can give me what God Almighty did or Does for my soul inside and out!

He makes me feel safe. He makes me know I have hope! ONLY HE GIVES ME THE SECURITY OF THE JOY OF HIM IS MY ONLY STRENGTH 🙌🔥🕊️

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This is a great perspective to have and I hope you're able to both maintain it and spread the message to others in the community who may be in need of it. Thank you.

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I admit, I’m feeling positively giddy and amused by the daily stories that are coming out.

'The time for fear is past.'... 'Now, lord,' said Gandalf, 'look out upon your land! Breathe the free air again!'

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Isn't it amazing when you level up in the Info War to the point where obfuscation and contradictions excite you?

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Personally, I think this bioweapon was cooked up in one of OUR biolabs in Ukraine, transferred to Wuhan China, and unleashed on the World. All the while being funded by Dr. Death aka Fauci.

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Yeah I think BB feels that way as well. But don’t rule out Ft. Dietrick. There was a lot of talk back in 2020 about that place as a possible origin...

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That sticks in the back of my mind also. We may never find out the true origin, just the accepted narrative.

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No matter what the truth is regarding the Scamdemic, Fauci is at the heart of it, and I believe he was placed front and center by Trump for that reason. The resultant whiplash will be glorious to behold.

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Great minds think alike .. I had the same thought

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My sentiments exactly 🤎

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“ …You think a wall as solid as the earth separates civilisation from barbarism. I tell you the division is a sheet of glass…”— John Buchan

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Great quote!

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The title of your piece sure gave me a chuckle. While you notice the others are doing deep dives and feverishly pulling together the overwhelming amount 'intel' and compelled to do their daily shows. Some are carefully slow rolling in order to resist the temptation to 'jump', requiring multiple receipts as a precaution.

Yes, I definitely see it and above all, I can feel it. Your reads are spot on. Even the usual calm level nice insightful Praying Medic, suddenly drops a misplaced wtf? out of character snark statement, (pondering this for a few days) then it must mean he knows or feels or dreamed something. A doppler shift. Usually, without receipts, our nagging minds can feel something is up. Phoenix, Arizona is in the heart of this. We here already feel the show and will see actual in days to come.

BB you have a very important role here because you have the ability to see, deal with, manage the incoming material at a fast rate and can point out all those hanging neon strings to pull on, obvious to you, but not necessarily to the highly focused specialist receipt analysts. I suppose those documents are for the future real history books.

Matter vs Anti-matter in the Universe. Many in your army are aware there is always a Trinity, comes in 3's. Triangulate. What is flowing between matter and anti-matter? The Holy Ghost? God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost. Not always seen, but often felt and Always the Spirit of God. There are many multiples of 3 out there. It makes things stronger. 3x3.

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I appreciate the encouragement, Barbara, and some days I need it more than others. I can burn the mind pretty fast, leading to potential burnout, but returning to the comments of my readers and supporters is helping tremendously.

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BB thanks for the mind stretching exercise, good stuff.

I enjoy your video work too. The Story Hour is fantastic. I just completed my homework (Tropic Thunder). It had been a number of years since I last watched that one. It really made me laugh again. It is very interesting what you notice now that was so casual or random back when I first watched it. The panda and the dead hooker being top of mind examples... Anyway looking forward to the next show.

God Bless!!!

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Glad you're enjoying the shows, Joseph! It's presented me with a different way to communicate with the audience, while also allowing me to socialize with other weirdo's who look into this stuff as much as I do!

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I saw you on Patriots. What a life you had at such an early age. Until I started listening to you I was conflicted with my feelings as a conservative. Seeing the decisions made by some of the corporate world and condemning them ran against my definition of conservatism. You have helped me resolve that conflict. Some of the large oligarchs, corporations, ARE too the deep state.

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Glad you enjoyed the interview, Kim. It was one of my favorites!

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As usually happens after reading your posts, there are thought journeys of a more philosophical and spiritual nature.

I got to thinking about Q and the precipice. In the context of a Nation’s dark night of its soul, the precipice becomes reaching the limit to our collective capacity for ignoring what is really going on, i.e. the behavioral manipulation by a sociopathic elite to herd a Nation’s consciousness into fear and despair.

[They] have failed to account for the anger phase, which oddly enough has been protected for us by the freedoms granted in our Constitution. There is far more energy in anger than in fear and despair. It occurs to me that OWS understood the energy phase of anger against our real enemy, that we will not be defeated in fear. Exposure/Disclosure removes the illusion that, as a whole, we can no longer ignore the consequences of remaining complacent. Many MAGA supporters are still living fairly comfortable lives, enough to procrastinate the need to fully engage their attention. OWS is/will ensure they must fully engage. I used to think the Great Awakening mostly applied to the comfortable delusions of the Left but I think it equally applies to the Conservative Right. Many of us have been awake for years and it’s easy to miss that there are many who share our love of Country who have not been awake to what is really going on….the shift happening that we can see so clearly is, more than ever before, finally breaking through the veil of a manipulated aversion to even thinking about such evil loose on the planet.

It is a fact that there is more energy in anger than in fear and despair. The trick is to not devolve into hatred - the downward spiral that consumed the Khazarian mafia many centuries ago. The values and virtues that gave birth to our great Nation will rise to the forefront and we will evolve through Justice and choose our devotion to the Nation’s spiritual healing.

Thanks, BB, for the thought journey. Your posts are often like a trail head and I start on an inner hike ❤️

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It's both an encouraging and sobering thought to consider the anger phase that will greet the Collective Mind as the true breadth and scope of [their] crimes is rendered in all its grizzly detail.

We'll have to be there to provide the frame and support.

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you might want to tie this in with the Q/Assange Chess game - follow game thru and see the options, escalation, and risks taken - responding to all moves with counters - planned and escalating https://en.chessbase.com/post/wikileaks-founder-on-capablanca-vs-marshall-1918

aka this as you write : Quite simply, the Globalist Establishment’s allowance—no, their full-throated endorsement—of a paradigm they wouldn’t touch just two months ago is as clear a sign as any we have yet seen in this War of Stories that they occupy the Finite side of the Game Theory Game Board, and that they are running out of ammunition.

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100%. This is the biggest and most frequent indication that our side is the Infinite Side on the Game Board. Thanks for reading, RB.

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“I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed” Dr Strangelove.

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How about some seeding from the Bible? I have been wondering when to share this (as I learned of this months ago).

There are 2 verses that speak to the year 2023 and 2024. And the 20:23 verse speaks to what we are seeing right now.

2 Chronicles 20:23 The armies of Moab and Ammon (think Dems and Cabal) turned against their allies from Mount Seir (Rino's) and killed every one of them. After they had destroyed the army of Seir, they began attacking each other. (We could throw the Media and Fake Military in this too)

If we look at verse 24, this is what was written:

24 So when the army of Judah (America First/Patriots worldwide) arrived at the lookout point in the wilderness, all they saw were dead bodies lying on the ground as far as they could see. Not a single one of the enemy had escaped.

This is perspective / lens through which I view what is going on. (And, BB, you would love reading through Chronicles, Samuels and Kings. Lots of fighting - the source of the stories your friend told you about. Find a translation that does a good job at storytelling.) I see all of this today as verse 23. They are destroying each other. The enemy is trying so hard to win that they have to get rid of their own allies because they are perceiving them as competitors. So fascinating that God seeded this centuries ago, then reveals and uses it again. Yes, this is a story on the grandest scale. Yes, they are killing each other. We don't have to do a thing but watch and wait.......and learn what not to do.

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Thanks for sharing, Betty!

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What is in Wuhan? By now everyone knows if they aren't lying to themselves. What was it's purpose? Extinction. Since when? About 2013 is the earliest I could document.

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That timeline would expose funding of GoF funding along with patents

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When you speak of change starting out slow and then moving very fast, you are describing Catastrophe Theory. In this article explain how what you have been talking about, along with others in the Truth Movement, have been describing in various ways. This model helps explain how catastrophic "Turning" change happens, and how we can "see" the invisible. https://robberry.substack.com/p/social-change-and-catastrophe-theory?sd=pf

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