I’ve been waiting for this piece. I’m Sean Morgan’s mom and it was a long hard road from 2018 when my son shared Q with me. I feared for his health, I was disturbed on a level I could not even begin to articulate. I am grateful for the hard earth you plowed for those of us barely strong enough to lift a spade. Grateful to my son and you and Chris and Jon, and so many more who bring stability to a new framework of reality--one dependent on independence. I’m going to mine this piece of yours for gems that will become affirmations for my mind searching for new synapses --building a scaffolding to hold something as substantial as pure light. Tx BB

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Wow! So beautifully stated, Mrs. Morgan! I want you to know how eternally grateful I am for your son, Sean, and all he has contributed to this Great Awakening. I had the pleasure of meeting him at GART, and being able to tell him in person how appreciated he is in this movement was one of the highlights of my weekend in Arizona. You must be so proud of him! It is so heartening to be fighting in this Great War side by side with so many wonderful Anons like yourself and your son Sean. Thank you and God bless you, Mrs. Morgan.

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One of the kindest men I've met. Way better than Jaytriot.

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Without a doubt! 😂

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Thank you! I am glad you met Sean. And, he and others are probably very glad to meet you as well. I didn't know I was an Anon! haha!

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Sean shared Q with you in 2018....you are most definitely an Anon, and a pretty early one at that! Lol!

Much love to you Mother of Sean Morgan, and OG Anon! 😜❤️

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Beautifully written! I am a tine on the tiller, breaking hard ground to allow the tender awakening of my daughter and grandkids to take root, grow tendrils and blossom into the new Light! Thank you and much love to you!

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Thank you for your kind words, Kat.

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Wonderful comment.

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I'm so sorry I missed this message, Elle. Thank you for messaging.

Sean is a good friend, a great man and I look forward to partnering with him on future projects.

Glad this piece affected you in a positive manner.

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“Sean’s Mom”.....🥲. Your comment moved me to tears. I can relate because I think my daughter worried about my sanity, too! I think she is coming around gradually.

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Amen,Amen Elle Morgan

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Beautiful ❤️

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"And if my own journey into this awakening mirrors that of many of the minds reading these words today, then I’m not the only one out there who’s been catching signs others might see as fireflies in the yard more as comets streaking across a world-ending sky; not our world, but [theirs,] as the crumbling edifices of their criminal empire mark the precursor to a new dawn whose light we have not so much come upon through an arduous trek, but rather beckoned along so that it might pierce the heavy, laden lids of those not blessed or cursed with the same drive and insight that infects, afflicts and adorns the mind of the anti-collectivist collective known as Anons."

This analogy brought out so many emotions for me. The mental visual brought a smile, then laughter, and then the tears. There is so much relevance for me in this article. I really do feel like a warrior of sorts, who has trudged through the horrors of the frontline psychological battle in order to keep the others safe in their beds.

Through my adolescent and early adult years I had often been called callous or heartless with regards to how I handled certain things where others would be overly emotional or sympathetic. I attribute these characteristics to a rough childhood. In this journey the past 4 plus years I have come to believe that it was needed. You have to have thick skin when sliding down some of these rabbit holes.

That said, I have also learned empathy and found my path back to God. Thank Q. Thank Anons.

Thank you BB for sharing your gift(s) with all of us. You and the pure souls of Badlands Media are truly American Treasures.

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You ARE warriors and we are so very thankful God gifted you with special insight and allowed you to experience hardships so that you would be prepared for your specific part in this war! You are truly the hero’s of this fight, providing us the information and the evidence needed to reach those who were unaware and those who need logic! Thank you and God will bless you, I’m sure.🙏

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Many of us feel this way, and have had similar experiences. I think we were guided along for a time such as this, and we're coming into our own to help others along. Thank you for reading, CB.

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Bravo BB.... Thanks for the beautifully written ‘circle back’ (sorry, couldn’t help it) to the beginning of this journey for us Anons. It has been a very long road but in retrospect we have really travelled quite a distance and many have seen justice. But we are just beginning!!!

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Sometimes we need to go backward in order to push forward. :)

Thanks for reading, Robin.

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Absolutely wonderful article! Made me cry! Mostly it ENCOURAGED me! Starting my day off BRIGHT! Thanks!🙏❤️🙏

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But not sorry :)

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Excellent article. A new record may have been set. One of your sentences is 100 words long!

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Worthy of a St. Paul epistle.

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I still haven't read any of his work, but people keep bringing him up in my comments section, so I suppose I should!

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Haha oh no!

But I'm glad readers have learned that style just is what it is :)

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Back in the early days, before the young whipper-snappers of The Badlands crawled the Earth

The Great Awakening was foretold. I remember a book from the early 80’s, Bringers of the Dawn which talked of the Photon Belt, a section of our spiral galaxy which emanated the Light of the Central Sun instead of darkness. It spoke of the end of the Kali Yuga, the age of darkness. I remember the voice within me slowly awakening, narrating the emergence of the New Dawn, a time when the full Light of the Central Sun would shine upon us and, with it’s sheer brilliance and illumination of Truth, would dispel the darkness, the lies and deception.

I have been slow to awaken to the Deep State psi-ops. I refused the covid hysteria, went door to door researching the election corruption in my neighborhood and reporting it to counties throughout my state. Despite my activity, I was only vaguely aware of the enormity of darkness that had enshrouded human consciousness, and the even-greater enormity of our Great Awakening into the Light of the New Dawn. I would see stuff one day, then plunge into the darkness of my overactive brain for weeks. The Great Awakening was gradually dawning within my own consciousness.

Methusela, that multi-centenarian of Genesis would laugh at us. Long before the Bible was written, he and his people knew of the coming Great Awakening. It was written in the stars for all who had eyes to see. It was whispered in our minds for all who had ears to hear. However, he would, no doubt, be envious of said young whippersnappers who get to live through the Dawn and write about the bursting forth of the first rays of the Rising Central Sun.

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Sounds like a very similar journey that many of us have felt/taken in recent days.

Kyle and I often remark that we're blessed to live through such a contentious time. The Awakening process will be something future generations look back on with envy, even though they'll be doing so from a peaceful, golden world we help to build for them.

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Thank you, Mr. Lee, for bring a "pioneer" Anon!

Your awakening led the way for those of us who emerged in your wake.

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What a finish!!! Where do I get my horse? LFG!!!

Great article BB, you nailed it! This is one for the ages!!!

I can feel it in my bones. WE the People are on the march to retake our world.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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That's the spirit, Joseph!

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“Epstein didn’t kill himself.”

A phrase nary a soul on this planet isn’t familiar with. And I am more and more convinced that this catchy little phrase did not come about in a wholly organic manner. Ghosts in the Machine seeded this phrase into the public consciousness to not only draw attention to someone who has become synonymous with child predation, but to point out the lengths [they] will go to keep [their] dirty secret from getting out.

Q3799 asks us:

You didn't think we highlighted 'EPSTEIN' for no reason did you?

Now, with the movie “Sound of Freedom” taking Hollywood and the world by storm, [their] attempts to insinuate that child predation is “just a QAnon-inspired conspiracy theory” are coming across as downright laughable. The public already knows it exists, and is well aware of how desperate [they] are to keep it covered up, thanks to one simple, ghostly phrase: “Epstein didn’t kill himself”. [They] have been painted into a corner, forced to very publicly become “Guardians of the Pedophiles”, and in [their] desperate attempts to do so, [they] are being mocked and ridiculed by the ever growing masses of the Awakened public. We were prepped for this moment by the Q Op, and now we are seeing the fruits of those seeds coming to pass.

Q3799 also tells us “Timing is EVERYTHING”.

Indeed, it’s a beautiful thing we are so blessed to witness....

[Their] world’s ending.

Thank you for another brilliant piece, BB!! God bless you for all you do for Our Movement, my fren!

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I've long believed the Epstein deployment was the biggest mass redpill deployed into the Collective Mind of all time, and that the germination phase is only just beginning.

Those chutes are rising, and they're beginning to break through the soil.

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Truth was told here and it cuts right to the heart! Not only beautifully written and expressed, but is full of hope which gives us joy! Thank you BB!!!!

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Thanks as always!

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We read this wonderful piece of excellent literature/philosophy/record of our times, grateful for the beautiful deep thinker you are, BB…and we find the reflection of our own journeys, individually and together, therein, captured in poetic essence so moving, so vital to our times, so full of love and faith. Thank you dear soul, so full of Light burning Bright.

And Thank You to all the commentators here…each comment, a treasure ❤️

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We all have such similar and yet, unique journeys. It's what makes this decentralized collective so special, and so powerful.

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The storm is coming. We are ready in so many ways. We have the truth, the support from a community and the knowledge that we are right, and they are wrong. It's been a lonely journey at times but that just makes us that much stronger. What is loneliness when we compare it to what has happened to the innocent children? It has always been about the children. Thanks for all you do, Burning Bright!

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Being able to strive and push on through that dark loneliness made us that much stronger once we all began to unify.

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Little doubt one BB dug deep into the depths of his heart, a path only a Great Awakening can illumine, to share this beautiful write. Another reason and answer to the WHY of Q. This is the heart tugging part of the movie...

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Hey! Don't accuse me of having a heart.


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"The end, communicated to us at the beginning, and whose broad outline comes clearer with each passing day, like the prow of a ghostly ship breaking the thick of fog, its sails still obscured with billows of cotton, canvas and mist."


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BB, this morning I was too busy to get side tracked reading this but I got totally sucked in because you produced a truly powerful beautiful piece of writing and brilliantly woven concepts here.

WOW...So good!

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The highest praise I can get is distracting you folks from other things :)

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ya got me on this one ;~)

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Like justice, this piece is posted precisely when it’s meant to. Many of us were never completely under the propaganda/programming spell the entertainment and media industry was consistently using to maintain our slumbers. Many of us have always been somewhat adverse towards authority and possessed a curious mind that pushed us to question everything, to try to find answers to all of the inevitable questions that didn’t meet the logic test. A love of history helped as does my inclination to think primarily at the 40k level. Your post today has put things back into perspective and as you stated, ‘Sometimes the truth heralds itself.

Our beginning will mark their ending. It already has. It already did.

The reckoning is long overdue, and the storm is coming.

Because it was always about the children.’

It truly has always been about the children, the one group where we see that God has a special place in His heart for.

Thank you and God continue to bless our fearless tiger.🙏

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We were forged in these times, but we were also born for them, as you say.

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Very well done, El Tigre! An inspiration to us all!

My generation was among the last (if not the very last) to be trained in critical thinking in school. For me, it was honed in the Jesuit tradition of effectively developing and defending one's position. As a lifelong lover of history, it's no accident that I'm an amateur architectural historian. I have 2 "mutant powers": a tenacious and thorough gift for research, and a photographic memory of floor plans.

Although I'm a woman, I've always thought like a man: big picture to details (women work from the reverse). It is no wonder I was born to be alive at this moment in time.

My awakening began with the Sandy Hook shooting in in 2012. Too many things did not make sense! It didn't take long to confirm through my own research that this was not only a false flag, but a hoax.

Q opened my eyes further, and steeled me for the ultimate PsyOp: Covid. I was confused, then briefly terrified. Finally, the scales fell off my eyes with the film, "Plandemic". My husband and I became among the 20% who would not fall for Mass Formation Psychosis. We both remain UNJABBED to this day.

With eyes wide open to see clearly the fuckery around us, I stand ready to face the storm.

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It's been amazing to not only recognize, but take an active role in cultivating the gifts we were blessed (and sometimes cursed) with.

I am blessed that Mrs. Bright stood fast with me in the midst of the COVID storm as well.

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Our spouses are truly gifts from God, El Tigre!

Keep up the fight!

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Most days! ;)

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Wait til you reach 30yrs (my anniversary is next month)!

I tell everyone my husband is the only man on the planet who can/will put up with me! Lol!

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We must be much alike as I, too, think as a man much of time and have a very split mind with definite analytical and creative approaches. I’m an artist who has never fit in with the ‘art world’ and always look at things from the top; but somehow understand how the details fit in with the big picture. My husband says I have an interesting way to put together facts from very different parts. Anyway, I started questioning what we were told in my early 20s after reading Taylor Caldwell’s “Captains and the Kings” and after my 60s teen years, kept on questioning; fully snapped awake after the 2020 election.

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You sound like my long lost elder sister or aunt!

I, too, am an artist (more accurately, a lapsed hobbyist relist oil painter).

My husband (who has a Master's degree), will tell anyone, myself included, that I'm smarter than him.

Always question! It's in finding the answers that we awaken. Now, we need to help those still asleep!

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I’d be honored to have another relative! We need to help everyone question everything; that’s how they’ll begin to recognize the truth and ‘awaken’ to join the battle against evil! God bless you Amysbees.🙏🙏

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Amen, dear!

You are most welcome!

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