BB, a great start for a bumpy year ahead. I have a concern, while we are learning truth about the criminal syndicate which is our government along with other nation’s governments, we are becoming accustomed to a world without Justice. Over and over again we see the crimes which are exposed and we watch as the details are glossed over, buried by the MSM, or missed entirely. For example, our government’s law enforcement arm works on behalf of our criminal government to silence Americans using our tax dollars! Has anyone been arrested? A total violation of our first amendment and we sit and contemplate paying our taxes this spring. A lawfully elected president over thrown, criminals let free on our streets, our borders wide open, babies aborted, children indoctrinated to the point of gender reassignment, vaccine poisoning, I can go in and on. The awakened are becoming desensitized by a lack of justice as we wait for our sleeping friends and families to wake up and see what we see. Welcome to the great awakening where we can ALL become doormats together!

We need 2023 to be the year we take a stand. The Fauci files are about to be dropped, we can’t only seek an “eye opening” event, we need to see prosecution. We need to see the J6 trespassers freed, Hunter and Biden investigated (laptop) and Ukraine cleaned up, again I can go on and on.

We need to become more than a doormat. What happens if we all agree we won’t pay taxes in April? Something that keeps tormenting me, how can we write that check?

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There will come a day where they cannot walk down the street. That time is rapidly approaching.

Justice follows that time. It does not precede it.

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Now, I can’t wait to see our gifted tiger’s response to your observations. Desensitization is a concern, and although the percentage must be significant to end the exposure stage of this war, desensitization to violence will not be permanent, in my opinion. Fauci’s files will help bring more awareness and awakening, but I believe the crimes against the world’s children will be the actual uniting force.

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Exposure comes before Disclosure, which comes before Justice.

We have a way's to go before the Collective Mind is ready. The Darkest Path will also be the last one we help our sleeping brothers and sisters walk.

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It’s a negative response but I believe one that is needed for our tiger to put his paw on probable emotions brewing. Some of us are fixers, sitting and waiting get the pots brewing...yes of course we continue to wake up our communities with seeds of truth. The tax check going into our government smells of compliance and acceptance. Why don’t we just make it out to Ukraine? I have about a 10% chance of waking up each day where I’m going to light the pot and get it brewing, it’s one of those days. We are a family here, we can help each other clean the pot and put it back in the cupboard. 🥘

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Sometimes these sorts of acts end up removing us from the 'fight' and giving the enemy's systems the chance to do so.

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Unfortunately no. When the dollar crashes, that will do it. Complete, no holds barred, guerrilla warfare.

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One of the hardest things for me at first was letting this Awakening be "real" for me. It took awhile for me to believe it could be true. The implications are so huge, so incredible, so heart-breakingly beautiful. And I was so conditioned to believe that real = negative... "be realistic" means a let-down, that nothing this amazing and wonderful could truly manifest. We are even now told daily, "you are kidding yourselves."

But I know now. You are the light. I am the light. We are the light! And nothing can stop it now. It is more real-er than real.

“Once you are real, you can’t become unreal again. It lasts for always.” – Velveteen Rabbit

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I think many of us "felt" it before we believed it on a conscious level.

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We all must re-discover our own Light...our Divine Authority. We were created in His image and through Christ, are blessed with an amazing covenant. Much love and light to all!

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Well said, Kat.

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In hindsight I see now where I went wrong in trying to wake others... I used a sledgehammer when I should have used a pair of tweezers.

In my own panic over what I was realizing, I panicked those around me. I was no good to myself or them as I didn’t understand the parameters of this “war”. My fear fed into the system of systems and I did exactly what “they” wanted... turned people off(they thought I had lost it). It has been a long crawl back, but I am using my tweezers now with better results. A hint here, an article there. It’s slow and laborious but at least some are curious enough to looking for themselves.

BB showed me the way... when I stopped being so emotionally led by the “narrative” and saw it for what it was, everything changed for me. I’m through being used by the system... I work for humanity.

Thanks again BB...

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I think many of us have made the same mistakes, which are understandable. Thank you for reading.

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Love the tweezer and sledgehammer analogy. So true. I think we all were using sledgehammers to start. Now, on a good day I’ll pick up the tweezers. On a good day. Most days I just stay quiet and pray.

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I made the same mistake 2 years ago and the family is just now beginning to ask me questions. However, enough is reaching their level that they are slowly becoming aware. God bless you in your efforts!

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One good method is to ask them questions. Their answers, if genuine, will betray the truth to them.

When they say something like "Because I am a proud democrat" or whatever, ask "Why?" Let them answer (if they can) and then, quietly and politely, ask a follow-on question intended to give them an opportunity to further explore their beliefs. Usually within two or three such questions, they realize the flaws in their logic.

You cannot tell people anything, unless they are in a frame of mind to want to hear it. But you can ask, and let them begin to figure out for themselves that they've been sold an empty bill of goods. It takes patience and above all respect. Respect them as people, deserving to be respected and loved on that basis alone, even if (some of) their beliefs are flawed.

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The Socratic Method is quite effective.

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Thank you! That’s how I finally began. Plus, several folks have overheard some comments and have come asking. I wasn’t always “awake” even if not completely “asleep” so I definitely understand the need for respect. Again, thank you for the great pointers; I will use them. God bless you🙏

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Who didn't at first? Now I've come to see there are some who will 'see the light' as they say and others not to waste my time on.

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“but have marked this budding and evolving community as the worst nightmare of society, when we’re really just a nightmare for those who would seek to control it, to corrupt it and ultimately to guide it toward self-destruction.”

They should fear our collective minds and the steadfast determination behind them. I’ve believed for a very long time now that the technology implemented after WWII was done for the single purpose of completing the “system of systems” total enslavement of mankind. I’ve often joked that the cabal is inbred as they never realized that technology has been the tool best suited for exposing the truth!

Thank you for being one the best purveyors of optimism in this war, especially at the macro level where you have taught so many to see either more clearly (or, less cloudy). :) Yes, too, is that gift you have to analytically look at both the events and, more importantly, the intent behind them.

You are absolutely correct in that this must be finished in a manner the SoSs cannot achieve this level of control ever again. Great first post for 2023. God bless you during the year as we each and collectively continue to free those still sleeping. As I’ve said before, you are such a gift to your readers!

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Much appreciated. Thank you for starting the year off on a positive note!

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To take a last verse from a song by RUSH sums up this most excellent podcast...

“You can choose from phantom fears

and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that’s clear

I will choose free will.”

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Great! Thank you, Scott.

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"GOP in disarray? Dramatic final day before House-wide Speaker election" - The Guardian

"MAGA republicans are fanatics and America should fear their rule" - Paul Krugman, NYT via HuffPost

"Leader McConnell to host Biden in Kentucky for event celebrating president's economic plan" - Washington Examiner

"McCarthy struggles to win support for Speaker with hours left in race" - The Hill

"Charlie Kirk branded "human garbage" over Damar Hamlin remarks" - Newsweek

"The Right has already won the House Speakership" - Ron Brownstein, CNN

"Kevin McCarthy "The Reckoning"" - The Atlantic

"Dems in no hurry to bail out GOP if McCarthy can't get 218" - Manu Raju, CNN

The headlines since yesterday confirm that MAGA does in fact control not only the System of System's every waking thought, but that MAGA has surreptitiously seeped into the very consciousness of the American political zeitgeist. This is acknowledged within the very heart of the blizzard of denouncements and warnings clogging the airwaves. And all the while they assiduously ignore Trump, who is dropping election bombshells by the minute on Truth (presaging the next chapter, obviously).

The revolution will not be announced. However, its dangers will be covered in depth by the fake news media, while it is actually happening and succeeding.

This is only just beginning.

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You attack what you fear the most.

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"Pay no attention to that little man behind the curtain..." -- Fake News

The fact that [they] are so obsessed with MAGA means that we have already won. What remains is a cleanup operation. It will be messy and there will still be losses as the thing tosses its teeth and fangs about -- but they have lost.

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Thank you for actually understanding the intent of my post 😉👍🇺🇸

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MAGA Republicans are who? You do know Huffington Post is fake news? In fact all of those headlines come from questionable sources.

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Wow! Where do I begin..... "Jor-El's appeal to his son is not to save humanity, but rather to inspire them so that they might save themselves"........

Burning Bright, as I started reading this to myself, I didn't realize I had started reading this out loud, and reading with such intensity that my husband on the other side of the house came running to me in a curious manner and without disturbing me sat and listened, as I didn't even realize he was there.

YES, it has to be done in this order for it to stick, I get it now. We all got so excited when Elon started exposing the truth on twitter....imagine how each exposure that drops from here on will expose something else, and another thing, and on and on.....like a domino effect so to speak, how excited all of us will be. Personally, I love new beginnings and this new year 2023 will be a new beginning ...a truth awakening for so many people, and that does my heart good....Happy New Year BB....and thank you!

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Love these little anecdotes. Thank you for reading, as always!

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p.s. Burning Bright by day.....superhero by night, do you have a cape in your closet BB...just sayin'.......

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Pray for the times ahead so we can all remain positive when the real evils are finally revealed!🙏🙏

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We have no idea how truly evil they are. Sort of like BB's story in Righteous Russia 8 where he talks about the battle being fought in the mists over the lake, and how we can't see most of what is happening; we have to try to read the ripples coming to shore to understand.

We are aware that [they] are evil, but our minds will be stretched to their limits and beyond in trying to comprehend the true magnitude of that evil. I too pray that we all are given the strength to remain resolute in our mission once Disclosure starts in earnest. 🙏🙏

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Great scrive! I understand, and completely agree. I do fear your esoteric writings' most important thoughts might be missed, or misunderstood, by some. For instance, both people who are familiar with Superman, but have not read the Bible, and those who have read the Bible but not read Superman, might not pick up on the fact that the writers of Superman created an analogy to Christ in the Bible, with both characters establishing Truth, Justice, and Righteousness being the Way, In the Bible, Christ guides us to the Truth, the Way, and the Life. In Superman, he guides us to Truth, Justice, and the American Way, which, in their view, is God's way. We all know, that with God, we will win over this evil.

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The Director of Man of Steel used a lost of Christ imagery when depicting Kal-El. Some hate it, but the allusions are pretty direct.

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"... those who have read the Bible but not read Superman, might not pick up on the fact that the writers of Superman created an analogy to Christ in the Bible, with both characters establishing Truth, Justice, and Righteousness being the Way, In the Bible, Christ guides us to the Truth, the Way, and the Life. "

Whatever the writers of "Superman" intended, it is a horrible mistake to interpret Superman as an allegory for Jesus Christ. Jesus doesn't guide us TO the way. He IS the way. He said "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me."

Nor did Jesus die on the cross and rise from the dead to show us how to save ourselves. He did that to save us, because we CANNOT save ourselves (if "saved" means receiving eternal life in heaven as opposed to eternal death in hell), let alone save the world from eventual destruction.

I do hope that what the "white hats" are attempting--to bring down and bring to justice the "cabal"--is successful. But it will not be the ultimate solution. It will not be the 2nd coming of Christ to the earth, when He sets up His kingdom here. I'm all for the exposure and destruction of the Satanic deception in all its forms that has enslaved the human race since the Fall of Adam. But the global deep state cabal being fought by "Trump and the Patriots" is only the outer skin of the devil's system. What alarms me even more than the WEF, the Deep State, the Satanists, et cetera are various well-meaning patriots who hold unbiblical views about God and what is sometimes referred to as "spirituality". There is yet SO much spiritual deception entrenched in the Patriot movement. Such will be its eventual downfall, if it continues.

By all means, bring the cabal; the child-traffickers, the tyrants, the bankers, the devil-worshipers and all the rest to justice. It will make the world better, and God certainly isn't against that. Jesus told us to pray to the Father to "deliver us from evil." But don't mistake deliverance from the "System of Systems" for the ultimate salvation of the fallen world. Only God Himself can do that.

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Yes, it’s scary to see people refer to trump as the “Chosen One”. I always gently but firmly state that trump is fulfilling his assigned role to the best of his abilities, and that God often chooses the most unlikely of us to play parts, because working through imperfect tools brings the glory to Him, where it belongs.

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We have many heroes, but none in this movement should be placed above another.

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Sorry you missed my point. I agree with you. My point is that the only way for fallen man to getr back to God, is to read the Bible, understand the words words, and let God work on his heart, so that he may accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, repent his sins, and be saved. If enough do, then God will heal our nation, as He promised. Only God.

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What the writers of Superman intended, is to reinforce the myth that Super Jesus will come down to save our sorry asses, and you will make it to the happy hunting ground by bowing down to a false idol. Ultimate Salvation? Viya con Dios! Imago Viva Dei!

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Please tell me how you know what the writers intended. Did they tell you? Did you read their minds? Or do you have some written confirmation from them of what you allege?

Arrogant, ignorant projection doesn't cut it.

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It’s Satanic Cult of Delhi and Mithras shit 101. (Literacy is a good thing)

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Viya con Dios!

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Sorry for you.

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.....loved this!!

"Jor-El’s appeal to his son is not to save humanity, but rather, to inspire them so that they might save themselves."

YES !!!!

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Great Read BB ! Thank you fellow Patriot . Our enemies have made the mistake of grossly underestimating the ability of the American people to unite . They themselves have fallen victim to their own propaganda and deception , which I find ironic , believing we are greatly divided and weak . The 2020 Election numbers reflect the opposite and the numbers are increasing by the hundreds if not thousands by the day . It is quite clear [ they ] are the minority not we the sovereign . History has proven since our founding that our unity and resolve as a Nation is an unstoppable force . They actually believe their own lies and are operating in their own paradigm of delusion and illusion . Malevolent contrivances based on illusion will always fail . Humankind 's inherent and benevolent Godly nature , based in truth and reality , will always prevail . God will prevail and so shall we . Love your work . It always brings me a welcomed and much needed mental and spiritual respite in this madness . Much love and many prayers . " Carizzer "

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Much appreciated, Robert!

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Burning Bright and BRILLIANT! Excellent article indeed. Thank You Once Again.

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Thanks GW!

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Stay positive...I think I was born w/ the positive gene, or what I call the happy gene.

My I ask you a question?

In your writing why do you put words like they and their in brackets...[they]

👆🏻 what's that mean?

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To distinguish this context of the use of the word from a normal context.

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👍 thanx

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(They) the cabal, the deep state, the people pulling the strings.

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I know who they are, I'm wondering why BB uses the [brackets]

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Most people do that I see 🤷‍♀️

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The collective they?

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Framing the fight changes as the battle continues and unfolds, “System of Systems” vs what? As events play out on the international scene, the Multi-Polar alliance of BRICS+, SCO, Belt and Road Initiative versus the Unipolar, Fascist, Build Back Better, Green New Deals, appears best describes the current reality. https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/eurasias-middle-corridor-an-atlanticist?r=9h8kf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post&fbclid=IwAR1EPDmbu6CgBLgKrsMDHzaz_IaKiDBX4vkRim5uXo4NHY0nFQp8YKvAE8Q&mibextid=Zxz2cZ

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Agree completely.

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Thx BB, Keep the Faith and carry on Brother. 101st, Nam68.

Must read: “ The Empire on Which The Black Sun Never Set, The Birth of International Facism and Anglo American Foreign Policy”. Cynthia Chung. Please interview. WMQ_

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Thanks Warren!

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