Oct 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

BB Well written article Young man I’ve always looked at life that there’s always more than meets the eye the good the bad the ugly as I get up into my senior years I look at you and Jon and Kyle with great confidence that as bad as my generation has allowed this country to fail I’ve dame sure youFolks are equipped to resolve the mess

Sorry for that

I Am the Light the Light is within me the light surrounds me the light protects me I am the light

God Bless BB

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Bravo BB! You have my mind spinning at 10,000 RPM.

I firmly believe that Dustin Hoffman's character in "Wag the Dog" is a perfect example of the war of stories and "real" vs "unreal". He shows how to play (and observe) the game. One side pushes a narrative (video & all) and then the other side uses that narrative to launch a brand new one that turns the collective mind in an opposite direction.

That is why other than directional positioning I pay very little attention to the details of any narrative deployment. I continue to state that the DS Rat Bastard's MSM lies constantly. That is not to say that every detail they present is false (although the majority are) but that every narrative positioning is a lie. Nothing is more obvious at this stage of this 5G war, they have committed Treason and Treason IS a Capital offense. They will not/cannot tell the truth now because it signs their death warrant. So anyone waiting for the MSM to start telling the truth will NEVER see that happen. As a result of all of this that is why I never listen to the DS Rat Bastard’s MSM, it only infuriates me and that is very counter productive to the march We the People are on.

Anyway, keep Burning Bright!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Timely words of advice from you, BB ❤️

One of my favorite movies is Enders Game. Enders is a brilliant young strategist/leader and wins a simulation of successfully destroying the home planet of Earth’s “enemy”. When he finds out what he thought was a simulation was actually real and that he just destroyed a planet to win a war with an enemy he already questioned/doubted was trying to destroy us, he feels betrayed by the military commanders he serves.

His final comment is, “I need to find out if I’m as gifted at peace as I am at war”

That one line made it one of my favorites movies.

With Trump as our leader we discovered we could be as gifted at peace as we have been at war. We have for so long put our collective energy into war…but you don’t end war buy hating war; you end war by loving peace. We experienced loving peace with Trump and finally the great paradigm shift for peace is on the rise ❤️

Another Ender’s quote: “ There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer.”

Hamas has clearly used humanity’s empathy to engineer the chaos TPTB love.

“In the end, [they] want war. We want peace” BB ❤️Decades ago in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, we didn’t question the “experts” (msm, POTUS and the military at the time) that we still trusted. We do question them now. As you have often reminded us, BB, question everything. And during this greatest war (cabal vs humanity), our greatest strength has been our inquiring minds…we want the Truth as we discover the lies. ❤️🕊🌎

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BB, the oldest script(s) are the most necessary for navigating this War of Stories. Why do you think the mantra "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" has been Q's refrain? YHWH declared the end from the beginning my friend. Serve yourself by making, then taking, the time to read and understand the Bible. It is the very Word of the true and living God my friend. Shalom!

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

God has truly gifted you with a very unique mind and, therefore a very unique view. This viewpoint, ‘mind over matter’ or ‘logic over emotion’ demonstrated in the Righteous Russia series, (my first exposure to that mind) is what drew me to your series, leading me to decide to support your work. Since then, you’ve taught your readers and listeners how to see the actual without panic, to observe from the macro perspective and that is a blessing to all of us who follow. Your ‘mind melds’ with Patrick, Just Human, etc., has encouraged us to question everything more responsibly and, as you often state... the core of the truth/narrative /story is exposed because of the different perspectives and conclusions. That matters, because like you, questioning ‘everything’ we’ve been programmed to believe is an inherent trait for many; I’d posit the more creative of the species. For example; why would I ever consider an actor might know more about anything than me (except acting, which, down at the core level, is lying about who one is)?

No matter the differences between ‘we humans’ is tiny compared to the commonality we share...in this war, it’s the right to be individuals, each special and unique as we’ve been created, not cyborgs made from the evil blending of man and technology into an autonomous system of slaves.

You said it best at the conclusion, “Don't focus on the noise.

Expose it. Cut through it. Starve it. Distill it.”

Amen! God bless you.🙏🙏

Defeat it.

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[Cross-posted from Badlands because I do think it is important ...] 🙏🏻🕊️🙏🏻

🙏🏻✝️🕊️ Under God's watch, NO parent should EVER have to say such things about their children, NEVER:

** Heartbreaking: Irish Father shares relief his 8-year-old daughter was killed by Hamas rather than being kidnapped by Monsters ‘Death was a Blessing’ ** 🕊️✝️🙏🏻


🙏🏻✝️🕊️ Please take a time for praying for this marvelous father and his innocent daughter, and for each and every family who has lose any beloved member or friend !! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

🙏🏻✝️🕊️ May God have Mercy and pity to [Them] and bless all of those who are fighting for His Word and HIS Truth, and more over ALL of those who are suffering and grieving at the hands of this EVIL people ! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Yes, "In the end THEY want War, WE want Peace". They have great skill in mixing "Macro truths with Micro Lies" to get us EMOTIONALLY to want WAR. They do not care what side we pick. They just need the "CHAOS". I am just restating BB's words

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Dear Burning 🔥 Bright 🌟 God is deepening your communication skills to teach us and inspire us. I celebrate for you and for us this beautiful gift.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Excellent writing. Thank you for the light!

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Just a heads up, Hegel's philosophy has nothing to do whatsoever with globalism or psychological warfare. One can read his philosophy of right, his account of a just state and political life, where he even explicitly argues that the notion of a global governance or law over and above individual nation states is incoherent. It's very conservative compared to contemporary political standards. Hegel was emphatically Christian and considers Christianity to be 'the revealed religion.' The system of Logic, Nature, and Spirit are directly drawn from the Christian trinity. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis and all such things are not even attributable to Hegel.

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It seems more people (and news sites) become to be aware/awake about the stories, especially regarding the warS ones !


"It's all about provoking your reaction"...



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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

A certain letter of the alphabet once told us “THE NEWS IS FAKE. THE WAR IS REAL. (Drop 4585). I believe your excellent dissection of this very concept in this article is exactly what they meant by the aforementioned post. The Actuals can be very real, but the Stories being spun out of it MUST be questioned.....especially when the “storytellers” are the very people who’ve already been proven to be liars.

Thanks again, BB, for another very well-articulated analysis, and a timely reminder of how important it is to understand rather than react, especially when the stories tug at your heartstrings. Peace, my fren!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Burning Bright is a great philosopher of the awakening age.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Many years ago I was called for jury duty. I didn’t have to participate in a trial but another attorney invited those of us remaining to participate in a “practice” trial for the afternoon on a case that would be going to trial soon. We dutifully sat and listened to his arguments and we’re fully convinced by him that the defendant had perpetrated the crime, no doubt in our collective minds. He then proceeded to present a second set of arguments and lead us to the conclusion that the defendant was truly innocent. Afterwards my emotions ran the the full gamut of being dumbstruck, embarrassed, angry, and frustrated that I could be so easily swayed. Nothing on the scale of the narrative BB is talking about but absolutely the same tools and techniques being used.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Absolutely brilliant and timely, El Tigre!

40 years ago, watching Tom Brokaw on NBC Nightly News, the Hamas attack on Israel would have barely registered beyond, "Why is Hamas so stupid? Israel can wipe the Palestinians off the face of the earth , as a dog shakes off so many fleas."

30 years ago, watching CNN after the first Gulf War, I'd be like, "Will they never learn? We had to go in and kick some ass in Iraq to "free" Kuwait."

20 years ago, watching Fox News after 9/11, I'd think, "More proof of why we have to defeat terrorism."

A decade ago, (still) watching Fox News, I'd be thinking, "Israel, our greatest ally, was attacked. We have to help them! They're the only stable democracy in the region."

Today, I'm at the point of reacting with, "WTF?," followed by "This is complete bull shit."

Whereas, in the past, I would blithely accept the news accounts and react accordingly, now I watch with a more skeptical eye. After my initial reaction, I take a pause and intellectually work backwards.

First Question: "How is this even possible?"

Given the extraordinary security measures surrounding Gaza, I immediately sensed a false flag.

Second Question: "What are their tactics?"

The "beheaded babies" story set off not just alarm bells but explosions of, "Where have I heard YHIS before?" My first thought was the WWI propaganda shoeing the "evil Huns bayoneting Belgian babies". (Lies.) Second came the girl who gave us the "babies taken out of their incubators and left to die" story (Lies.) This is called Atrocity Propaganda.

Third Question: If this is a False Flag, whether an outright hoax (I'll leave that to you) or a mass casualty event (i.e. attack on Pearl Harbor), "What is the purpose behind it?" Invariably, it appears to be either gun control of to force us into war.

Lastly, I distill it all down with "Cui bono". Who benefits from this? With what's going on in Israel, it appears to be another vehicle for them to launder money.

False Flag. War. Rinse. Repeat.

Sorry for the dissertation!

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

The infinite player will see the age of disinformation yield to the age of integrity thanks to strong efforts such as yours!

We will become accept at tearing down what is not true.

I salute you, soldier.

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