While I could never articulate your message so beautifully, so powerfully, the fact that I totally get it is a testament to your thinking, observing, and educating skills, BB. Your take on this adventure through countless narratives and strategies of exposure is my North Star. You are an old soul faithful to the Awakening task…a mighty companion to have on hand! Thank You, BB ❤️

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This is one of the more encouraging comments I've received, in terms of the message resonating even if I sometimes wonder if the meaning is being lost on the journey there.

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So well said! 👏🏻

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Thank you, Kim ❤️

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Oct 13, 2023
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That was a very good read! Thank you❤️

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Great article! Pieces fit together as I read. The first one is about RFK Jr. Why is he so clear about prohibiting fracking, about gun control, and a woman's free choice on abortion? Even apparent support for righteous foreign wars? It is about narrative. In order to entrain both the right and the left, the white hat candidates need to mimic traditional democrat and republican views. In this way, everyday democrats and republicans get to examine their true values as they compare RFK Jr and Trump (who now, more than before, presents a totally Republican ideology) with the self serving uniparty who tells the public whatever is needed to get elected, then does woke and uniparty things.

The second thought is that I decided one day that I needed to read the Bible from cover to cover. I discovered that, while many stories that teach morals are found in the old testament, it had a deep-state god at the center, a god who repeatedly shamed it's people for breaking moral laws and repeatedly sent it's people out to smite the bad guys in "righteous" wars. I was horrified at the Old Testament big picture. I found that I could relax with the new testament where god was presented as an ever-loving god who lives in each of our hearts and speaks to us daily when we get quiet enough to listen. (I'm probably being reductive, but I'm still not quite sure what that means.) The point here is that it appeared to me that Jesus really did introduce a new "dispensation" which was built around love, and not fear, shame, and smiting. Your bible quote nicely reflects on the current info war in which the presence of the beast of the old testament is being exposed in every corner of every government and institution. Darkness to Light to open the gateway to the promised Golden Age. The US Constitution, battered as it has been by the dark forces still stands as a beacon of light, a reminder that the Light of god lives within each of us. We, inspired to shine by the Constitution, are the ones dispelling the darkness around the world. (disclaimer: I am spiritual but not religious.)

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I have had similar meditations on what appears to be the Evolution of God in the old v the New Testament. Perhaps He inspired the stories to be written so that we understand our own evolution from living in fear to living in love? What are your thoughts?

God bless 🙏❤️

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One thing that happened is that God found out that his people were not capable of perfectly keeping his laws. We are sinners, imperfect. Since keeping the law was essential to getting into heaven (as I understand it), God needed a better way -- one that would work for a fallen and imperfect people.

So he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16). Through God's grace, all that is necessary is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior -- something within the reach of all of us sinners. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. Noone comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6).

I'm not so sure that God actually evolved, he just observed that his Old Testament expectations of his people were unrealistic, and changed tactics.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14) ✝🕊🙏

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Hi Wild Bill! I propose that God already knew we were not capable of perfectly keeping His laws, even before Adam and Eve. But He did know that the narrative of the stories retold in the Old Testament and their effect on us, having seen the other side after Jesus died for us to save us and redeem us, willingly, would allow us to learn exactly what was said, that it had to be this way. We had to see our ancestors struggle and learn in order to understand what we are offered so freely, and to accept it as truth, and the only solution that 100% is effective and perfect.

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Love this back-and-forth.

And thank you for your continued support, SS.

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Yes! There has always only been one way of salvation - by God's grace, through faith. In the Old Testament, before the birth of Jesus, the faith was in the promised Messiah to come, the Christ. Paul makes that clear in his letters.

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Very interesting to consider.

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I was musing on how to best answer and you did wonderfully! God also foretold Jesus and the new covenant in the Old Testament. God, in the New Testament, expanded His Covenant to all believers of His Son (not just the Jews) and sent Him to fulfill His role for us. I know He has all of this in His hands. God bless, Wild Bill.🙏

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Thank you ALtab, and God bless You as well! 🙏

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Amen, WB!

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Wild Bill this brought tears to my eyes!!

I have often thought that the Old Testament was more of a story. A journey if you will of God’s children which we all are because of Christ. I find the Old Testament full of adventure and prophecy of what is to come. As I have read the Old Testament I have often thought thank you God I no longer have to live under that law. But it is still a very exciting read! Many lessons to be learned.

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Yes. In BB terms, the actual life of Jesus, and the new testament, act as, and were probably intended as a contagious (memetic) sci-op, which took 2000 years to penetrate every land and most religions, and some governmental constitutions. In my experience, the spiritual entity, Jesus, is still present in our world and continues to reinforce the memetic Psi-Op, nudging those of us who empower him through prayer and by repeating his memes, to shine our light brighter.

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"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

-- Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV)

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God is the ultimate (good) PsyOp ;)

One that exposes rather than obscures truth.

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A good start, but you need to go back and re-read the Bible, Old and New testaments with some more understanding, discernment, and thought. It is of whole cloth, teaching not just a loving, feel good god, but a loving, teaching, just and righteous God. When you leave out truth, justice and righteousness, you end up with the world we have today - Hell on earth.

Remember, the Founding Fathers, the majority of them, read the entire Bible at least once a year, continuously. It is what was the foundation on which everything in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution contained and were based. His Kingdom come, His will be done, on eath as it is in Heaven.

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I've never read the Bible in the first place, Howard, which is why I tend to be clear about that and appeal to passages on a lyrical and metaphorical basis rather than pretending I have a solid grasp on the whole work and the truth of it. Thanks for reading.

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You should. I was a lawyer for 20 years thinking I had all the answers, until I realized that most of them were wrong, then I started reading the Bible, and began to understand the historical and factual truth it contained. You really should try it.

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Yes we are to fear God!

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"probably being reductive, but I'm still not quite sure what that means" ;-)

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100%, Richard!

We're in a War of Stories, and we need to focus on the direction each character is moving the Collective Mind in rather than their specific, supposed viewpoints on every single Micro issue.

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There is no left and right. It is only us and them.

In the words of St. Paul today:

Brothers and Sisters,

whatever is true, whatever is honorable,

whatever is just, whatever is pure,

whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious,

if there is any excellence

and if there is anything worthy of praise,

think about these things.

Keep on doing what you have learned and received

and heard and seen in me.

Then the God of peace will be with you.

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One of my favorites: Philippians 4:8.

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Thanks for sharing this and for your continued support, Kelly.

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Hi BB! I think this was your best yet! Sending you love and blessings for continued inspiration. Thank you from my heart to yours.

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My thoughts exactly!

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Thanks so much, Cynthia! Like I always say, every time I think a given piece is going to make people mad or confused, some folks claim it as their favorite, yet!

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BB, absolutely the best 5 minute video clip I have seen that fully encapsulates precisely what is happening to those of us that are "fully awake" and 'watching the show'. Everything has to suck soooo bad that people will trip over each other to vote in Trump. Actors act and Gaetz and McCarthy are in full Oscar mode.

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Thanks so much, Michael! I'll try to include more relevant clips in future posts, since people seem to think it enhances the writing.

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Yes! Polish the trophies!

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Well now.....I wonder how long fake stories have been told to us, decades, since the beginning of time, hmmmm....it's about time being part of the greatest story ever told in that little by little we are unraveling all the lies, the manipulation, the horror of it all. Burning Bright you have made it clear that 'the story' is how we understand our day by day life events. Now knowing that the mockingbird media, the so-called experts on health, education, even religion have stunted our growth in our minds and hearts, to the extent that for the longest time we haven't even questioned anything.

Thank you for YOU, your writing and your discernment...keep on keeping on my friend...we are listening!

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I think the War of Stories IS the current war ... and I think it likely always has been.

Thanks, EH!

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“ it's about ‘time’ being part of the greatest story ever told”

That is a fascinating ponder!

I sometimes have long thoughts about Time 😊❤️

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YES!!! 'Time' would be an interesting subject to tackle...great thought Featherjourney!

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My brother (who is smarter than I am :) figured out that the reason Einstein’s Theory of Relativity couldn’t work out was because of Time.

Personally, I think Time is the great illusion.

When Q said, You are watching a movie, I did think the implication had to do with the “world out there”, projected from our Mind.

This is, after all, a world of duality and yet God is the Oneness, the singularity. Making our way back to the Oneness…to Love. God didn’t create fear…that’s a condition we made up when we found ourselves separate from the Oneness, from God….yet only what God created is Real….it seems to be taking a long long Time to return to that perfect state of Oneness, which is our true Home…

Have a nice evening, EternallyHis ❤️🕊

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Wow!!! Well said Featherjourney, I really love this!!!! Now you got me thinking, and that's a good thing...and you too have a great evening my friend 💗

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Once again (and again) fearless tiger, you dove right to the bottom line: it IS fake, however, it doesn’t matter as the awakening world IS waking to the evil we fight and are in the process of winning. One of the most powerful points you’ve made in this post relates to the question asked of God. Why WOULD He release that evil back into the world after a thousand years? I’ve asked this question my entire adult life; always told it’s to God’s glory’ and it is, but still I have always wondered, why? You may have just answered my question. Without darkness, would we ever appreciate the light? I think not and it’s obvious we live in a universe of duality, therefore we must have the ‘negative’ in order to appreciate the ‘good’. Nevertheless, you are also correct that mankind is created for stories (like we’re also created to have music in our souls and beauty in our world) and that explains why the evil we face has corrupted our stories, soured our music to embrace discordant ‘songs’ as well as destroyed beauty for Rockefeller Center-style ugly architecture. The anons and citizen journalists are the persistence in this war, not giving up when the citizenry continues to slumber, repeating the truth continuously until the light comes on. You are a true catalyst for truth in this battle, and have brought so many forward to begin their journey. By joining forces with other gifted forces, you all represent an unbeatable force. Your gifted mind and willingness to teach your readers is a blessing and a played forward moment in this time. Yesterday’s headlines was initially shocking…but only for a few moments because they faked this before. I’m at the 40k level observing more and more waken. God bless you, Tiger, and thank your wife again for her support of you !!

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Beautiful comment, ALtab ❤️

“…asked of God. Why WOULD He release that evil back into the world after a thousand years?”

Like you, I have pondered this….My take, One of the most amazing Gifts God gave to His Creation is Free Will. I read somewhere once that “ Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time” …in reference to how we advance of the path of spiritual enlightenment.

As you pointed out, the darkness can deepen and strengthen our love of the Light, but still we must choose the Light in all our ways.

Love and Light to surround you ❤️🙏Always 😉

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And you, too, Feather! I hadn’t thought of relating our free will to the question! Great point! Blessings and light for you, too. You are such an inspiration!🙏🙏

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Free will is the unique gift God gave humanity.

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Shakespeare said, "There is no good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

I don't agree with subjective morality; that said, I think it can be transformed and used for our purposes:

"There is no real or fake, but thinking makes it so."

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As an amateur architectural historian, don't even get me started on "modern" and post-modern architecture. Rockefeller Center is, imho, a very neutered Art Deco building. It doesn't possess the glamour or panache of the Empire State or Chrysler buildings. RC is a rather drab precursor of the "International" style. What is even worse is "brutalist" architecture (think Soviet buildings).

One of my heroes, the late Sir Roger Scrutiny wrote/spoke extensively on why aesthetics mattered in the broader culture. He wrote:

"Beauty is vanishing from our world because we live as though it did not matter."

Roger Scruton, Beauty

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Well said, Amy!

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Why, thank you, El Tigre!

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Rockefeller Center reminded me of Soviet architecture under communism. Why I used it as a recognizable example….no soul to totalitarian regimes and expressed in the arts!

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Very much so!

Architecture of oppression.

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Wow! Truly is one of your best! What a time to be alive! Scary, traumatic,but enlightening and exhilarating all at once. Thank you, BB

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Thanks so much, TT!

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We are saving ISRAEL for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


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It's a fascinating post. Not sure what it means.

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What do you think that means?

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I've been wondering that myself for quite some time now.

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Me as well AmysBees . Ironic or just plain coincidental I found your reply as I was drizzling pure raw Honey over my bowl of steel cut oats topped with fresh blueberries . Go figure . LOL

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Psalm 23

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Thanks John!

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A very logical, reasonable and mature response to what is happening. We must always keep sight of the big picture.

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Thanks for reading, Erik!

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BB, I love your mention of Revelation 20:7 because I think we are living in those days. Most people of faith that I know have been taught, and believe, that they will be raptured before the great tribulation. I believe that all happened leading up to the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. I believe there is plenty of proof that the Millennial Reign of Jesus has already happened, and we have been taught that it was the "Dark Ages". Dark Ages for who? Satan twists everything. I am very excited to be alive and witnessing Dark to Light. I appreciate you and the Badlands crew so much. May God bless you!

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Thanks so much, Dawn!

I'm no Biblical scholar, but I really like paying attention to the passages that come across my psyche organically.

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I disagree. The Beautiful and Righteous reign of the King of kings upon the earth has yet begun; but will when he descends from heaven and steps upon the Mount of Olives.

“And when he (the resurrected Christ) had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey away.” (Act 1:9-12)

Truly, the very best is yet to come.

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I appreciate your thoughts, Tim. I believe our true history has been hidden from us. I do not know our real history but I have developed theories, and I do believe "The Best Is Yet To Come".

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Thank you, Dawn. My wonderful wife is named Dawn, too.

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For those who may be interested, here's a book that explores the idea of the Millennial Reign being in our past. I recommend it. https://www.amazon.com/Tartarian-Millennial-Kingdom-Allan-Cornford/dp/B0B1144RCX

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"Everything is fake. Everything is fine."

Steve Pieczenik explained this to Alex Jones and the Infowars audience from late 2020 to January 2021.


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Thanks for sharing, Diana.

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The best part of the narrative upheaval is when one side outshines the other. Case in point, Biden impeachment inquiry begins, Feinstein dies; distraction, McCarthy ousted; trouncing the distraction. Everyday [seems as if at this point it's hourly] brings something new for the sleeping masses to digest.

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Right, AP! And I think the Collective Mind is beginning to recognize these distraction attempts and counter narrative deployments.

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I agree BB, the whole damn thing needs to be brought down on their heads. I am 100% with Chris Paul and think that No Speaker resulting in No $ to Ukraine and No Government Funding would be fantastic. As I commented on Chris Paul's podcast yesterday: I have been saying since the 1980s that we need to cut 90% of all government agencies (and jobs) and no one would notice any negative consequences (the people that lose their jobs could finally get real jobs).

Once we get the 1st BOOM all the shit is going to com tumbling down... Glorious.

Stay comfyAF.

Keep bringing the heat.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Chris and I tend to align quite a bit on how we see the Macro.

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Well done, El Tigre! You have given us all some delectable food for thought on this, the Lord's Day.

Firstly, let me say how pleased I am to see you have joined your illustrious predecessors in reading what is the most commonly cited, and used for inspiration, by some of the greatest writers in the English language. (Back in college, my English professor told the class that most famous quotes come from one of 2 sources: The Bible and Shakespeare.)

You certainly picked a challenging, if not the most challenging, book of The Bible: The Revelation of St. John (aka "The Apocalypse"). Interpretations of it's vivid imagery range from absolute literalism (and thus accepting every verse as fact) to a coded message to the early Christian Churches to stand firm in the face of violent persecution by the Roman Empire. Imho, each reader must come to their own prayerful/thoughtful interpretation, thereby attempting to understand the message contained therein.

Personally, I find looking to the original language (Hebrew and Greek), and then looking at which translations are closest to it. I find biblehub.com an excellent resource:


Second, for me the constant question "Why"? raises during this 5G War is, Cui bono. "Who benefits"? The Q drops were a graduate level program on Aristotltean dialectics, teaching us all to dig deeper. Meanwhile, <they> think we're still watching shadows in a cave.

Sometimes the hardest part about listening/reading/ watching a story is waiting for the denouement . I feel we are currently building to that exciting final moment.

As for Israel, it's all too strange to get worked up over. Something tells me there is far more to this than meets the eye. Again, "Cui bono".

While everything is indeed "fake," the day-to-day reality of living under "Bidenomics" is proving ever more difficult for our decent hardworking fellow citizens. The stress of it can make the waiting for the day when sovereignty is restored that much more difficult. There are many Americans already past the breaking point, facing hunger/homelessness on a daily basis. These desperate people, more than anyone else, need Trump back now. They can't wait another day.

The stress is building in my household as well. I know that only through faith, hard work and frugality will my husband and I come out the other side. Unfortunately, unlike the younger adults, time isn't on our side. We all need this Regime ("Kabuki theater') to end immediately.

And so, I'll close this discourse with one of my favorite quotes:

"Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look."

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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Very well said, all around, AB.

I often try to ensure that I'm being clear that this transitionary period does indeed have Actual damages being suffered by sovereigns around the world, but I hope and believe we're in the midst of a transition, and a demolition of the old systems to pave the way to the new.

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Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, El Tigre!

Your writing is like enjoying a fine meal; savoring each bite and finally letting it all be digested.

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