Thanks BB for another enlightening article. The DS Rat Bastards are getting hit on so many fronts at an increasingly accelerated pace that they cannot keep their story straight across all their "leaders" and MSM mouthpieces. It really is fun to watch them sink themselves. Glorious!

I believe that Trump and team have been flipping members of the System of System since he won the presidency in 2016 (or shortly there after). This puts the DS Rat Bastards in the worst possible position. They controlled many across the world through blackmail. This allowed them to control everything, or so they thought. But once you cut the strings of the puppet master and show the might to eliminate all the "masters" the world moves in a very different direction. While some are just evil, their fate is sealed, but for those held against their will (and morals) think about how elated they would be to turn on their puppet masters. Or if they were subject to a lifetime of torment (Hunter…) what they might be willing to do to help (or get revenge).

Zelenski has always stuck out to me since the time he verified his “Perfect” phone call with Trump. No way he would have done that if he was a DS Rat Bastard.

While we may never know all the details, I do look forward to what is revealed. I am sure some will validate what we currently “know” but some will Blow Our Minds too.

Love your work (print and videos), please keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Sorry for the delayed response, but thanks for this take and for reading, Joe.

In order to suss out the puppet masters, we need to watch the puppets.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

And taking the Prussian influence one layer back further is the machine behind the system of all systems. The Washington Treaty of 1871 paying $2.3 B to the Bank of England at 6% interest paid in silver and gold specie. The Bank of England was owned by Prussians and located in the City of London founded by Julius Caesar as an international merchant and banking center exempt from taxation and local laws and honored by English royals. The roots of the City of London is the Vatican City or the heart of the Holy Roman Catholic Church derived from the Roman Empire. Our debt based fiat Central banking system was adopted by the Roman Catholic Church from the Babylonian money magic system. The Knights Templars instituted it and carry the symbology of the Kazarians (latter became Prussians) who infiltrated the Church and Jewish faiths. The Jesuits were the first intelligence arm of the Church. Crusades we’re designed to rip the family apart by promising heaven for the sacrifice and thereby traumatizing the young males with PTSD for a life of isolation and separateness. Bio weapons and advanced directed energy weapons are the latest generation of kinetic war. And the 5G psychological operation is a cover to control the awakening and never let us see the machine behind the system of systems. The Bank of London stockholders reinvested their earnings back into America and funded the railroads and oil. America responded in kind to yield the largest GDP explosion the world has ever known. 2 World Wars later America rebuilt the industrialized world. Our world economy is now mature w only technology left as a frontier for an idle life bumping up against a finite market. With the debt based fiat currency system failing they must destroy again in order to rebuild as the churn and turbocharge the human endeavors. But the Collective Mind is waking up and seeing through their charade.

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It's a necessary challenge each of us have had to go through as a consequence and reward for the awakening to reframe everything we're been told about our world, our nation and our history. But it's not one I'd trade for the world.

Thanks for reading, Bill.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

to Quote a Famous UK TV Character called Alan Partridge 'Back of the net' when I see B.B.'s substack email in my Inbox.......a highlight of a very boring week working Nightshift in a factory surrounded by TDS suffering Normies/Sleepers

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This is really gratifying and encouraging to read, GK, especially when I'm running on cognitive fumes.

Thank you for reading.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

We truly do have better writers, and you are at the top of the heap, BB!

I believe you are spot on about Zelensky. Another example of his actions that lend credence to your theory about him is the interview Zelensky did with Brett Baer. Brett fed him a question about Azov Battalion which teed Zelensky up to deny they were nazis, but instead of hitting that softball out of the yard, Zelensky openly admitted they were nazis with his (I’m paraphrasing) “they (Azov) are what they are (nazis)” answer. Fox News scrubbed the clip, but major damage to [their] Narrative was done. Net Effects: major win for the Truth, all thanks to Zelensky.

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Zelensky is the best and most effective puppet currently active in the Info War, aside from Biden himself.

How annoyed the puppet masters on the other side must be.

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When I read your articles I feel like I reconnect with you and my fellow patriots. I'm ending a month long vacation with friends in their mid seventies that are vaxxed and watch MSM. The medical system is killing her with her treatments for asthma and they are typical sheep. But I don't want to judge them so I prayed for grace.... and God showed me that my friend is deathly afraid of the truth. She made a statement about not wanting Trump back because she wants peace. Well fuck that...I feel like we're in the fight of fights so I said..."Trump is the only president in my lifetime who hasn't sent our kids to war. You Don't Like Trump you must love war and the death of our kids. " The gloves are off and I'm sick of scared sheep. Especially when she's married to a pastor! They prove to me that organized religions have controlled and mislead people for centuries. Ty God for giving me the courage to see the truth! And thanks for you BB for always bringing it in your writing. Your future is brighter than you know!!!👍🙂

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Thanks for your kind and consistent words of encouragement, Deb. It's always great to know these writings are making an impact, even when it can feel like the work gets lost in the noise of the Info War.

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Organized (almost all) religion is corrupted by Satan. Just look at the surprised looks on the faces of Church Board members when you remind them of Christ's instructions to us (and therefore the Church) in the Great Commission. They would rather spend their time organizing the next social event. Satan's influence is clear in these situations.

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Thank you for that. I totally believe this! And it came at a time when I'm feeling doubt. Your comment, I believe, is divine support!

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Love that mind of yours, BB ❤️

Honestly, reading your thoughts and following your insights does make the movie far more interesting! Thank you for that ❤️

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Together, we're doing live commentary on the greatest story and greatest movie of our lifetimes ... even if we don't always know where it's going.

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Another good read. My favorite part is when you point out that Zelenski is an actor after all. I never considered that Zelenski could be part of the plan, but it makes sense to me.

Thanks for another good read. I didn't realize how much I needed intelligent reading like you provide. It really gets my mind going.

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Sometimes the War of Stories can be a little on the nose, and I think Zelensky is one of the prime examples of this; thanks for reading, Catherine.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

OMG to quote a modern acronym I actually hate, just when I think you have described the optimal mindset to approach the 'war of stories' you lay out this marvelous post. Thank you in advance for for your work/art and language that assist me and the community in navigating these troubled waters to our desired harbor. You Rock!

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Thanks so much, David. Really appreciate that.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Thanks B.B. as always great sub-stack!

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Thanks for reading, Reaper!

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

BB, this is amazing work. You keep outdoing yourself! I watched you from the beginning as a tiger and can't get enough of your mind moving. Please please please consider putting your writing into a podcast. Sometimes your breadth of articles make me impatient to scroll to the end as I am the type that has to multitask rather than sit in front of a screen. You have a beautiful voice and articulation that should be shared on different platforms. Thank you for opening my mind.

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Thanks so much for your consistent readership and support, Laura.

I do want to consider getting the posts into audio format. I'll keep it in mind and will try to find the time to implement that in the months ahead.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

I agree my friend. Zelensky is a Judas goat being used by Trump just like Biden.

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100% :)

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Always a great read BB.

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Thanks so much, Poppo!

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"the irony is delicious, right?"

My favorite line in today's fabulous read. Yes it is. 😊

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Haha we have to take all the wins we can discern, right?

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Thanks for this article. I find your analysis to be comforting and to help reduce the stress of all of this. It is strange but I literally hear your voice in my head as if you are reading this to me. I may need medical help.

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Thanks so much, Ron. That's the goal!

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Brilliant 🙏🏻 as usual.

Been awhile but glad to be able to find real reading time again. Catching up slowly.

Love your work and enjoy very much the collective works of the great talent inside Badlands media.

Continue to enjoy the journey.

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Thanks so much, Kathy!

I'm catching up on the comments section as well.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Yep, BB... it was a hell of a paragraph.

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Haha ... something I'm known for, for better and worse.

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