Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

The confusion about which you write is very real. My experiences have been that when I hit that place of confusion, tiredness, burnout -- it means that the current resolution is around the corner. Being in the end of the current battle is when we are the weariest. It is my prayer that you will find yourself with a new level of perseverance as you / we wait for the next victory that will give us the sustenance we need for the next battle. I read a meme yesterday. Rest is a weapon given to us by God. The enemy hates it because he wants us to be stressed and occupied. Take time to rest. Whatever that means for you -- maybe a quiet cup of tea with some Benson Honey Farms honey. Maybe it is taking a walk with Mrs. Bright and talking about anything other than this war. I will be praying for you -- for strength and perseverance -- to endure to the end and I believe that end will come much more quickly than we think. Keep shining your light, Burning Bright, for you do light the path for those who are coming along with you. You and the rest of the Badlands group, and the Patriot community as a whole.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Questions! Fearless tiger: you have arrived at the crux of the way we first become aware! Questions are key to realizing there is more than what we’ve perceived for our entire lives! (I was elected to a position and got a good job on the basis of a single question in each case.). We will pray for you as you hack through the tangled branches for us to follow! You see; your writing opens doors in our minds and you’ve acknowledged the collective mind, awakened and aware, clear-eyed is what they fear most! As I have said previously, God has gifted and prepared you for this very role, has opened your eyes and has given you the gift of painting pictures with your writing, and he has given you a questioning spirit plus the mind to understand and the willingness to teach! And, oh what a mind!

God bless you!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Many of my patients , who were confused by events surrounding Covid,would ask me “ what is going on? “ .

The next question was always “ why?”.

Many were starting to awaken to the prospect that the “ matrix “ was glitching. They just didn’t understand that they were inside it.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

I love your metaphors, the poetic essence of your analogies. If I was (yes, I was a little) weary with the narrative twists and turns coming at us with increasing speed, then reading your reflections has just renewed my energy and in a calm way.

If I was ever on the eve of a great battle ahead of me, I would want you as the leader, inspiring our hearts, minds, and souls!!

It is indeed a “Strange War”…

While there is no question of giving up, there is often the need to look to each other for balance…for a little more light to illuminate away the troubling thoughts that have edges that catch us up into distractions and tempt us into disappointment.

Btw, I really enjoyed your chat with Chris re the Matrix! We’re going to watch Looper (again, but it’s been awhile) later today…homework for the next Story Hour!


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I felt overwhelmed last week and realized I gotta pull back. Alot is going on and it's easy to get caught up. I felt like I needed a break. You were doing 1-2 articles a day, plus the shows, so it's no surprise you felt overextended.

Sometimes I feel honored that I know the truth, and sometimes I feel like "why me".....but when in doubt(Satan's favorite ploy) I ask God for peace, tranquility and serenity.... and he brings it. But if I didn't have the faith that I have...I wouldn't know the truth, so I hold on to knowing " if he leads you to it, he'll get you through it". Hope you find your middle ground! 😊

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

This war is a long, slow burn that has been going on at least since JFK, if not back to Babylonian days. You, and so many others, are at it day in and day out. Things are coming at us so much faster now with more clarity. Less frequent are the instances where we say “what does this mean?”. We have the pieces fitting together and can see the whole.

You need to take some time for yourself and try to unplug..... a hike in the woods, a walk on the beach, a two-hour massage, a full day or weekend away from it all! Recharge your mind and body - because we NEED YOU in this battle! Just remember, put on your own emergency oxygen mask before assisting others.

Take a well deserved break from the front lines BB, you deserve it! We’ll still be here patiently waiting while you recharge.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

It provides me great comfort to be reminded that sifting through all the Natatives and the multitude of lies that has been our "reality" since birth can be overwhelming that the simple Truth is that God Wins. We have each been awakened for a reason and prayer helps us discern the Truth.

Keep up the great work!

God Bless!!!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

A college roommate calls me every year to “catch up” (my goodness, has it really been fifty years since we graduated!). He and I took very different paths. He led the normal life - good paying job in hospital administration, marriage, three children, nine grandchildren, recent retirement, finally scratching the travel itch, etc. I led the minimalist, stress-free, solitary life - steady job, no marriage (long story), but lots of time to delve into the what’s, who’s, and why’s of the world which surrounds me and is incrementally suffocating us all.

Larry got firmly embedded in the Matrix that the Matrix-managers expect of those so immersed in the minutia of living the normal life that they have little time to question much of anything they’re told. He’s accepted most liberal narratives, watches CNN for his news, voted for Biden, and proudly took all of his jabs “to protect others”.

I do my best not to step on his cherished false beliefs. He is, after all, my best surviving friend. He’s loyal to a fault, and I’m honored to return the favor. Over the years, I’ve given him very useful health advice. He’s learned to trust me as a biological researcher and self-taught naturopath, but he’s never asked my opinions about anything of a political nature. I’m pretty sure he already knows that we’re on opposite sides of that spectrum, and neither one of us wants to spoil what should always be a pleasant and uplifting yearly conversation.

But, out of the blue, he asked me what my opinion of the Ukraine situation was. I paused briefly, in a mild panic. Do I tell him what I really know and think? Do I potentially tarnish what had been a typically friendly telephonic exchange?

Yes, something inside me urged me to take the risk and plunge straight into that bubbling cauldron, with him in tow. For the next ten minutes I explained what the mockingbird press refuses to be honest about. He didn’t utter a word or even a sound the entire time. I paused again, fearful that I’d overstepped the bounds of what had been an off-handed invitation to share a few thoughts about something that he believed might lead to WWIII.

But, instead of making an apology or attempting to limit any damage that might have been done, I finished my thoughts on the subject as abruptly and unapologetically as I could with a heart-felt “Putin is doing what needs to be done, and I wish him well.” His sheepish reply was “Wow, I had no idea! I guess I need to do some homework and lots more of my own thinking.” Needless to say, this response was a tremendous relief to me and I said: “Go easy on yourself. I have the time for research and you have patriarchal responsibilities for sixteen family members. I can’t help you with those obligations, but I’m always willing to share what I can uncover about any subjects of mutual interest. ”

I agree wholeheartedly with BB’s approach to the eradication of the System of Systems and the individual parts we can all play in that effort. Honest questioning by an exponentially growing number of freedom-loving people is the Achilles heel of the Matrix-minders. One question asked and then answered from a more truthful perspective can truly open a mind to ask more penetrating questions and seek answers more earnestly.

We can do this one inquisitive soul at a time…

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

"But I am but one mind. One torch. One light in the dark. And just as I must remember that I am not alone, so must each of you take heart in the knowing that you are not followers in the war between the light and the dark, but leaders, and turners of tides, placed in the here and the now with purpose that is as much chosen as it is fated." There is loneliness standing within my circle, isolated yet belonging. There are torches in the distance and I have hope.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Ditto to your thoughts, musings, and writing. We're not alone, though it feels like it at times. It's natural to become weary. We can only be on top of our game for a while, or else, we wouldn't recognize it when we weren't on top of our game.

The days, the events which we are aware of, they ebb & flow, much like the tide. It's natural to be overwhelmed. After many years of running myself ragged for others, job, spouse and family, I've finally realized that to say "no" is a good thing. It's okay. Taking time to decompress is a marvelous, natural remedy.

Glad you are stepping back, even if only for a short time. You take care of yourself. We need you, Burning Bright, in this Information War.

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you’re right. We all have our own unique journeys to the truth. And each of us explores these with the tools we have available. Our unique individuality - those unalienable rights - keep this intact. And the system of systems across all cultural and national landscapes is the problem. Across time also. Back to the beginning of this system of systems and the original con. The original ruse - the civilizational aristocracy which offers to exchange our precious and dangerous freedom for their gain. In return for peaceful slavery. This slavery does not seem too peaceful to me.

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BB Thank You! The clarity, insight and inspiration are palpable. Never doubt your resolve among us, you provide strength for the journey, we are with you. We are forgetful, you help us reflect and remember. We are not, as the Analyst described those in the Matrix "Craving certainty", we are in this fight with you for change, awakening (exposure) and to be apart of the solution to this insanity. This ride although daunting, is inspiring due to your insight. It's impossible to Imagine what life would be at 75 yrs. without you. Indebted mc

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

You know that building-Communism thing where they target children's minds first because [they] know they are so impressionable and have no mature perspective yet? They begin a sort of "this is the Year 1" thing with them, skewing the stories of history and culture because children have not lived long enough to question it. It's a huge vulnerability for us, but it occurred to me reading your lovely essay that this is also their downfall, because we can do it too. And, they must KEEP indoctrinating, forever, in order for their plans to work, while we have the ability to create loving families to protect our children and their young minds. The moment one of us learns to see [their] story as the manipulation it is, [they've] forever lost that specific person. The moment a parent learns it, their children will be raised with truth too. With enough of us, a critical mass awake, long-standing stories like "history" and others taught in "school" can be transformed. I think we have reached that critical mass.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Brilliant 🙏🏻 as usual.

But I say to you - you are an artist, be it an artist of words but a true artist regardless. Whether one is an artist of paint, sculpture, music, theatre or words it pulls at you from deep inside the soul, sometimes with sheer wonder and at times in great pain. It needs to for that selfless moment to spring forward at the right time for all the world to see your full creation.

It also requires rest, contemplation and complete emptying of the mind from time to time. You must do this - find the balance to avoid the exhaustion. You are a wise tiger 🐅 You do not need to be all things to all people. Your tribe, we understand!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Thank you. I’m sure many feel the same as I - that we are nearly soul mates - that you put in words what was already in my mind.

I spent all day yesterday thinking through - what I had entitled - We Are All Neo’s. Although our What’s were different, and assuredly our levels of involvement to date - we are all Neo’s to our family, or friends, or our workplace or any other sphere of influence. Each of us are planting seeds and taking leadership in this war against The System/Satan. I feel you have been blessed for this time. Let’s keep adding torches!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

There is one question that keeps coming to mind . Is China friend or foe? In one thought they own us and are about to claim it’s prize then in another thought they are taking down the system of systems. The fog of war is so dense that no light can penetrate. Thanks BB but take this beautiful Sunday off and enjoy your family. We all need a day of rest.

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