Bright one, I wish more people understood you. Maybe I spent too much time on X this week, but most are still so dug in they have forgotten how to take responsibility for their own sovereign minds. That being said, the more time goes by, the more I trust this Plan. I think of how far we have already come, how radically different all of this is from 20 or 40 years ago. It is a miracle and there's no other way I can describe it.

I'm good though. I can feel the energy shifts as they happen now. The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air.

In the meantime, just embracing the chaos over here.

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Beautiful comment, Sarah ❤️


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Hi Feather, thank you. 🥰❤️

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BB, I love how your mind catches the updrafts into the more philosophical and esoteric realms while yet staying tethered to the day-to-day, week-to-week chapters of the Information War. But I do stumble a bit every time when you use one of your favorite words “Bicameral”. The bicameral mind….”taking a Bicameral approach to these narrative patterns avails us well.”

Looking up the term eventually leads one to Julian Jaynes and his work: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. I am curious if that is where you fell in love with the word and the concept?

Or is it more that you adapted the meaning/word to “experience”…that is, how we introspectively make sense of the chaos narrative out there on the world stage…how we keep our bearings by asking questions in our pursuit of truth even in the face of contradicting “mainstream media evidence” (admittedly an oxymoron)?

It may be that you have written (and I may even have read already!… quick to learn / quick to forget) and am heading to your earlier posts to hopefully educate myself more deeply on exactly what you mean by your use of “Bicameral” ❤️

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Glad to hear I'm not the only one trying to grab water from a firehouse. 😅

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Thanks for the update.

But did you notice Trump enjoying the daylights out of the concluding operatic song fest with particular joy in the Leonard Cohen classic “Hallelujah!” This was a specific signal to Hillary’s cabal, who played this song while morosely mourning over her 2016 defeat around a piano attempting desperately to convey innocence despite the theme of King David’s transgressions.

God is good and what a blessing it is for those children of the Most High, who repent of their sins and have faith in the atonement provided!!!

Keep up the inspired good works…

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Thank God I never knew about that SNL skit (playing HRC) using Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”, mourning her defeat in 2016!!

I was more familiar with the news that Leonard Cohen died a couple days after the election than with HRC crying about loosing the election.

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The American Way is often tied to the Mayflower Compact, a short document which begins with the crazy making words

“IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland,…”.

What does it say about us that we are “loyal subjects of a dread sovereign?” I am a descendant of Richard Warren, a Mayflower man with tens of millions of descendants. Submission to tyranny is baked into this boilerplate declaration. For me, MAGA means we must tap into, honor, and practice, fight for, the original natural freedoms of America’s first people. The most advanced technologies to ever exist are connecting people around the world in a very primitive way with instantaneous words, sounds, sights, emotions. The two senses not shared are touch and smell, but I can nearly smell of death when a woman from Helene or Gaza, screaming and sobbing amongst dead and dying says it’s everywhere. Secret societies will not survive the internet because neither secrets nor societies have any place on the internet. The internet is the realm of raw culture. Trump is a creation of raw culture.

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BB, (not Bebe, lol) I love "The choice to know has been yours," and that full understanding of The Plan is not required for "choosing to know." Some of us know without fully understanding and we truly appreciate your presentations of patterns, signals, and foresight that assure us we are not alone in our choice to know The Plan is real and happening right now. Great movies often have surprises near the end when the "good guys" seem most in danger of losing, and in the midst of the coming crises required to complete the awakening, I believe there will be unexpected surprises and rescues from crises. Darkest just before dawn. Thanks for all your writings, both brief and not so brief.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

"It’s a beautiful story, ladies and gentlemen … whoever’s writing it."

This reminds me of one of the Kim Clement videos - I don't know which one, but the comment made was basically the plan was so brilliant, only God could have come up with it.

It is fascinating how we are interconnected to riveting story lines. One of the first dates I had with my husband, we went to see Saving Private Ryan. Theater was packed. Everyone is familiar with the opening D-Day scene, but what I distinctly remember is when that scene was over, there was a collective sigh from the audience because the scene had been so intense. I kind of feel like we are sitting in that audience - you know the story of D-Day and what happens, but to go through it, even peripherally, is stressful.

I admit to feeling the stress, not because I am eating black pills, but as Phil Collins sang, 'can you feel it coming in the air tonight?' Yes. Yes, I can. I saw Phil Collins perform this song once. He started off just standing down stage and singing with a head mic on. As the song progressed, he started a slow walk back to the drum kit to sit down to play the iconic drum fill. You could feel the excited tension in the audience because they knew what was coming and it did not disappoint. We are at the point where he's made the turn to start the walk back.

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This article drives a great message and ties so many of your previous articles that provide depth on a number of related topics together. This is one I will share anyone who want to quickly come up to speed.

I continue to be amazed and delighted by how your mind works and your ability to clearly put to words very complex ideas. Your writing is always so forward leaning and clear to me.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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The Uniparty is only playing good-cop/bad-cop... The result is always the same; people are royally screwed.

Trump gave himself away with Operation Warp Speed and his unconditional surrender to Israel. "Trumpf" is the name, but it's not about Jews, it's about people who are using Israel, too, just like the US, as a front...

Global control is coming to its completion:


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LOL trying to blackpill people while posting links to your own Substack? 🤣 Good luck with that.

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You should learn to keep your ignorance to yourself on a thread like this. It's better to let people think your a fool than to write your nonsense and remove all doubt.

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