
"In the light of our many torches, they’re speaking without sound, as the watchers of the play—as the observers—have grown disillusioned with the illusion itself, as more and more see the faint flicker of strings leading up and away to spidered shadows splayed like fingers."

-- Burning Bright

"And in the naked light I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never shared

And no one dared disturb the sound of silence"

-- Paul Simon, "The Sound Of Silence," released by Simon and Garfunkel October 19, 1964

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Many of the songs of that time were stories of the planned future.

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Q: Future proves past. (51 posts)

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Wild Bill that is awesome!

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TY Kim!

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One of my all time favorite songs! 😊

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Mine too.

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sounds familiar

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The Overton Goal Posts, from Deny to Admit, is becoming so transparent and predictable [thanks BB]. I can really see the movement as it is happening. And I agree, America is not in the mood for the bullshit [thanks DJT].

Another educational masterpiece for the Truth Community


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Dark to Light sure comes to mind. The cockroaches have been crawling around and operating in the darkness for eons, and now that the light has been shined upon them, they’re scurrying around the room, unsure how to act. And in their desperate attempt to avoid the light and return to darkness, they are acting hastily and irrationally, exposing the inner workings of their dark world for all to see.

Excellent work in spelling this out for us in the way that only you can, BB! See you in Deadwood, my friend.

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Another masterful piece! You’ve shown us the moving Overton goalpost regarding Biden, and identified that Pelosi, by exposing their plot, has allowed us to clearly understand that it was a plot. (Wait until 911 plot is revealed.). Hmm….did they fear white hat control of the bumbling pedo? It’s so easy to picture shadows on the wall in the shape of spiderwebs, especially since we know there are many layers of control above Pelosi, et. al., and each of the layers is connected to other layers above and below as well as to all other participants in the same layer. It’s interesting that we are a week ahead of the DNC convention and chaos still reigns in the party. Yet, each exposure of secrets in the lives of these ‘selected’ ones increases the fear factor. What does the layer above Pelosi think now? What actions are necessary to pull the fat out of the fire? Is it finally time to reach the Obama, Hillary, layer? Guess we should start looking for comments by Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett or Huma Abedin to give us a clue as to what’s next. More light on the subject results in more coverups, lies and panic….at least among the would-be controllers…well it reach the upper layers in London City and the Vatican yet?

God bless our Fearless Tiger. Thank you.🙏🙏

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Great questions 😉

Speaking of the Vatican and the Jesuits:


It’s long and was written back in 2000…I skimmed the first part but part 2 slowed me down and became very fascinating…quite a bit about the Jesuits and the CIA, among so much more!!


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Thank you for the link! I am going to read that!

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You’re welcome, Kimbo!

I’ve been missing the puzzle piece for the very top of the pyramid…

The top secret orders of the Jesuits, the Black Nobility…their centuries of control. As Q said, the Plan was never just for our country, but for the world.


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Great exposure BB. The chaos is the canvas upon which we paint the picture. Most fear the canvas or chaos. Mainly due to the lies we have turned into culture and traditions from many generations past. The Song Remains the Same... Yet a new melody has been added which exposes the intent of the song to enslave. It shows the change of frequency to chaos from harmony as was conducted by the deep state in the late 1930's to 40's. From 432hz which is a harmonious to 440hz which is chaos. Part of the enslavement program, most will never even notice the change.

These small exposures, when collectively observed paint on the canvas or chaos for all to see if they open their eyes and hearts to see all the evil they have painted on their chaos canvas. With the recent exposures and the collective "quickening" we all feel, a crescendo approaching!! But we can't see exactly what that will be exposed as.. Too many puzzle pieces are missing at the moment to piece it all together. So much has happened in the last several years!! The drip, drip, of the tapestry, the players behind the scenes, the ever changing headlines of lies. All point to an exposure point in the near future, that the recently awoken and those of us who have been awake to the problems for decades can see in the flickering shadows of the cave walls. We know the full harmonic technicolor surround screen version is going to be coming to the theater near you!!! Some are in deep fear of the exposure while others wait with the anticipation of a child on Christmas Eve..

Many of us have learned to maintain the calmness within the chaos, we learned to embrace the chaos with a calm confidence provided by a direct connection to our creator. You can pick us out of the crowd in that we have already eaten the adrenaline candy and learned to process it as such. While everyone around us has the panic of fear plastered all over them, we have that huge grin on our faces calmly awaiting the next wave of change so we can surf our way out of the chaos... Great observations BB. Love this shorter form!!! Peace...

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BB, your words were potent: "...the enemy doesn’t just lack an opposing story … they have NO story at all, which means they have no central, gravitational well from which to project power." Earlier you had said "...chaos as convergence—convergence of the many narratives..." I view the battle as my world vs Earth. Earth is the game board. "My world" is all the stuff that has been pumped into me over the decades, mostly lies. There are so many conflicting narratives that what I experience is chaos in my brain so I can't see what's right in front of me. And yet Earth remains the game board. The lies annihilate each other. They can't harm the game board. The artificial chaos in my hamster-wheel brain begins to calm. And I awaken with my feet on Earth, able to think for myself. The gravitational well is my heart, my willingness to step forward as a sovereign individual.

Trump and the Anons don't need to be "right". All we need to do is annihilate as many lies as possible. When all the players on the game board are eliminated, I stand free. The True Infinite Game is to eliminate all narratives so we can see and navigate Earth freely. Oddly, this is the same as the objective of meditation.

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Can I just say how much I love the Overton's Goalpost concept? Such a brilliant and concise way to explain something that at first appears very complicated, but when you step back, it all comes together.

Different topic: have you noticed the recent presidential memos on WH.gov delegating certain function and authority to the cabinet Secretaries - State, Treasury, DHS, DOE? (One recent memo pertains to 'rebuilding economic prosperity and opportunity for Ukranians Act'.) Apparently this can be done, but it is interesting because there are a lot. Who is the architect?

Maybe I am reading too much into it, but it seems to me this is not normal.

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That sounds strange to me as well.

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BB, is it the light so much more now shining on the game board or a move on your part to more clearly clarify that makes this one, once again, better than the ones before it? 😆 Thanks, as always for your narrative clarifications and patriotic energy!

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BB, I love these words of yours: “… if your ultimate endgame is simply the acceleration of the game itself to its endpoint—the Truth that makes up the board itself— then any attempts to cover it up, to keep the game going indefinitely, is the move of a Finite Player.

This is the beautiful, logical paradox at the heart of the Info War—the war between the forces of light and darkness. Between us and them. The Infinite Player CAN play the game forever, but does not seek to, while the Finite Player CANNOT play the game forever, and so, seeks survival above all else.” ❤️

After enduring [their] weapons of distraction and then growing wise to their manipulations, the tables have turned! Here we are and nothing can stop the Awakening … this has definitely put them in survival mode…gone, their luxury of hiding behind layers of deception while they enjoyed the show of their making.

How those veils of lies have thinned…exposure leaves them in survival mode.

I don’t think they are sleeping well anymore…while We are feeling well rested.

Altogether a classic BurningBright piece.

Thank You 🙏❤️🕊🇺🇸🕊🌎

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My thoughts as well -Truth is the game board. A beautiful analogy.

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Tension causes tempering.Tempering creates strength. Strength gives endurance. YaHoo.

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I love what you said about "chaos" because in this dimension, you will always have chaos before something amazing, beautiful, magical, or mystical coalesces in some magnificent gift and any successful outcome. "The Lord of Chaos" destroyed the world and then remade it with the very thing we must do (Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time) and it seems that the "hero's journey" must always have a Lord or Queen of Chaos in the story or both. The feminine and the masculine is in the mix on both ends and now since the whole world is involved, it must be in each of us also. Thanks Dear Burning Bright. Sharon

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Robert Jordan……RIP - such a gifted writer. I read the Wheel of Time series twice 💜

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I loved that world and the end turned out to be brilliant and contains elements of what I envision for the end of this dimension will hold

Balance of Divine feminine and masculine energies will be key.

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Rand, Mat, and Perrin were taveren-agents of chaos

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Yu are right. Like Q

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Outstanding article BB. The DS Rat Bastards are coming apart at the seems and it is glorious to observe:-)

Love your work, she travels to GART.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I appreciate your story narrative.

You have captured the essence of the moment we are experiencing now. Good to know we are in this together, doing what we can. Thank you.

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Thanks, BB. Say he see Dan Scavino mentioned on more than one occasion. But I don’t know what he is currently doing, or what role he plays in the war. Would someone here help me?

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Idk if I’m a expert, but Scavino regularly posts seemingly random videos and such on social media that anons find by the timestamp or length of the video tie directly to a specific Q drop that always is relevant to a current event. It’s a lot of fun and informative to follow.

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Thank you. Where does he post these videos?

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Well, on X and on instagram. But not all of them are relevant to Q as far as I can tell. The x22 report is where I found out about this, and the narrator of x22 is the one who points them out. X22report.com if you haven’t already heard of it. 😁

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I really appreciate your "cognitive cyphers," BB. Your Overton's Goalpost has been very helpful to my thought processes when observing all of this political theater. It kind of works like a stain on a microscopic specimen, making things highly visible.

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Check out NewsTreason on Rumble for an even deeper dose of red pilling.

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