BB - Your insight is compelling. I was 13 when The Day After was shown on network TV. I remember Sting's "Russians". I clearly remember Reagan's Evil Empire speech. The Rambo movies, Rocky IV, and all the continual casting of Russians as amoral killers...

The constant fear-porn stoked my prejudicial opinion that 'The Russians' were warmongers and a deadly life threat.

Despite all of my conditioning, Putin never quite fit that mold for me. But it wasn't until Trump was elected that I saw him as a Russian Trump minus the internal headwinds DJT faced from the DS.

Your writing is eloquent and engaging, and more important, it's meaningful. Thank you.

I'm off to Part II.

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"Red Dawn," the original, had a RUSSIAN invasion to our heartland. I remember feeling a surge of righteous patriotism as the teenaged heroes (being one myself; not a hero) fought against the SOVIET Army!

Only many years later, I realized what a complete fantasy it was!

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They have had a long time to cast their illusions.

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Stellar work, BB. I'm enjoying this series very much. We're long past due to learn the truth about "our brothers and sisters in the Far East". Thank you so much for your contribution to Our Great Awakening. God Bless you.

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Thank you so so much for digging into this topic!!! Russian history is a passion of mine, having discovered it officially in high school. It has been frustrating to watch people assume things about Russia/Russian culture that are not true. So many fellow Americans still carry the effects of Cold War programming that Russia is the enemy when in fact it was the Soviet Union that was the enemy, including of Russia itself!

I pray that one day America and Russia can be friends.

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I believe your prayers will be answered in the coming years.

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Tell Putin, the Cossacks are on their way.

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Thank you for helping us to begin to see through another big lie from the Globalists!!!

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The enemy of my enemy....is my friend. I can't help but think of the script in the movie Sum of All Fears, revealing a plan by the Neo-Nazis to blame Russia for the Nazis black market bomb on Baltimore. In the end the truth revealed and the US and Russia align. One of the tracks in the movie was played at the RNC in 2020...Nessun Dorma, "Let no one sleep"....are we awake yet?

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Excellent example. The narrative has been seeded regarding Russia on both sides for a LONG time, now. But I don't think the manner in which Russia has reintroduced itself to the Globalist Collective was something they saw coming.

The script has been flipped.

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Wow that’s a very apt observation! 😊

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Awesome work. Well done.

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Thank you for these articles on Russia. I am a Russian American and two of my great grandfathers were Royal Guards for Nicholas II. My family fought the communists. I always asked why can't Russia and America be allies. Why is Russia painted the enemy of America for decades. Especially since Russia has helped in both WWI and WWII and fought ISIS in Syria, helping then President Trump and the US. I have so much pride in my Russian heritage and everything you talked about in this article resonated with what I knew and felt. Russian people are strong and resilient and have had to deal with a horrible fate.

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This is really cool to hear and I'm glad you're enjoying the series, Diana.

Amen to a US-Russian-allied future.

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I agree so much with what you said, as well as BB. I am glad for the these articles.

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Thanks for reading, pas!

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Wow that is really incredible Family history

And I ask the same things Russia in America be allies

Every country has some bad people just like we do in the United States right now and I see or what I have seen is that president Putin has really been trying to clean up the swamp as they call it in Russia I don't know if you have seen the Oliver Stone interviews with president Putin it really woke me up to what an incredible leader he is

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Burning Bright: NOW I know why you are a tiger!

You've capsulized why the cabal is afraid: "If the American spirit is best characterized as being clad in courage, the Russian spirit is born of resolve."

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Would it be possible to jog the Substack system to, maybe create audio files? Very much enjoy your channel and the clarity you provide.

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We can consider doing this in the future, for sure. Patrick Gunnels has read much of this series, but you'll have to hunt through his video feed all the way back to January to find each one.


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Yes Patrick does a lot of great readings Very enjoyable and adds a bit of flair with his incredible personality

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I've read ALL DEVOLUTION SERIES, 4 CHINA SERIES, 4 RUSSIA SERIES. Can't get enough of your uplifting, clear thinking, easy to read , insight. THANK YOU.

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Thanks so much for your encouragement, and for your support for this newsletter, Kathleen.

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I've long been fascinated with the history of Imperial Russia, especially the family of the last Tsar, St. Nicholas, including their martyrdom.

(No! I never bought into the "Anastasia" hoax!)

It was Tsar Nicholas's grandfather, Tsar Alexander II, who freed the serfs in 1861. Despite this, he was assassinated 20 years later. Ironically, it was Lenin's older brother Alexander who was hanged for participating in the assassination. This profoundly influenced Lenin's political future.

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Certainly seems like the overthrow of this family was the beginning of a long end to Russia.

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Quite an evocative insight....cannot wait to

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Thank you!

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Beautifully written. Sheer perfection.

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Thanks so much, Kathy!

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In his 1951 classic, "True Believer," Eric Hoffer included a chapter about the "unifying agents" to draw and to hold a group of people to a mass movement (cause, believer-ship, cult, etc.). According to Hoffer, the most reliable of all unifiers is hate.

"Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifyng agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil."

[This little book was handed out to visitors to the Eisenhower White House.]

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Well said, Ken.

The Hegelian Dialectic codified.

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Wow, BB. What a picture you paint. Maybe I will try to translate that to canvas one day. So good. In a way, you remind me of C.S. Lewis. Your writing is similar in that it requires concentration and draws in imagination.

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High praise, Laura. Thank you for reading.

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The true original Globalists...conquerors and the British Empire!

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