Bravo, BB. Fantastic. Your writing is a gift to humanity. God bless you

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Once again, clear spoken and concise, keeping the heart maintaining its hope.

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"Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.". ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

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I literally have this exact quote going into a Sunday piece.

Great minds …

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Superb rendering of this complex subject. You are a much appreciated light that expands my ability to see. Thank you for your efforts and remaining available, for free, for all those who really can't handle ANY additional expense at this moment.

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Thank you!

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The art of "storytelling" is alive and well with you my friend! Exceptional and mind-blowing piece!

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I am usually out of breath after I absorb your clear thinking and syntax! I am a theologian (seminary degree) which informs me greatly from both a micro and macro view...love this series! Carry on fellow patriot!

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Thank you for reading!

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Holy shit you are an amazing writer. It's so good it has brought me to tears more than once.

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I've been blown away by the support. Hopefully inspiration continues to strike in the months ahead. If I can provide any well-reasoned hope during these times, and if I truly see it, then I will.

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In what seems a world gone mad your analysis offers great hope and many points to ponder. Thank you.

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“Trump is not a man who will sue for peace. He does not plead. He does not beg. Trump will not request peace. He will have it, and Vladimir Putin will share in it.”

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Totally mesmerizing, believable, heart warming, & comprehensible. You are amazing at what you do & I cant get enough of it. Let it be the truth in all its glory.

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Thanks Kathleen!

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Thank You BB 👏🙏

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Nice work Patriot. God-given sovereignty.

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Thank you!

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I believe Trump will allow all of this to play out until both military AND psychological missions have been accomplished, and, unfortunately for our fellow, unawakened and utterly unaware man, the psychological mission will not likely be accomplished until 95% of humanity is crying out for new leadership—or old leadership—to respond to the cascade of crisis.

BB, this is a great insight and well written. It is my belief and understanding that a tipping point for humanity will be reached before your threshold. There are powers working behind the scenes that involve the exposure of the DS on all levels. This also is what Trump will accomplish.

Your writing and clarifying insights are greatly appreciated, thank you.

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Much appreciated, Richard. Sounds like we align on a lot of this madness.

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There is no doubt in my mind, as of today (Feb 21, 2023), that you are right on every point. I've seen little evidence to contradict your overview.

What a time to be alive! Waking up to the realization that everything I've been taught about the world, politics (and religion?) were lies. Extremely shocking? Yes. Painful and humiliating? Yes. But ultimately freeing and empowering? Yes and yes!

I pray I am still here when it's time to finally see the light of the new dawn as humanity enters into a newly unleashed and unchained time of innovation, creativity and brotherhood accomplished in faith, love, and hope as (I believe) our Creator intended.

I will continue to pray the scales fall from all eyes, that we have discernment in all things, that the exposure of evil be complete, and that justice prevail.

Bless you and the Badlanders for all your work and shared enlightenment!

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Thanks for reading, Obeekaybee!

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Magnificent. I'm in - mentally, morally, emotionally, spiritually, KNOWINGLY. Thank you, BB.

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Thanks a lot for reading, Archie.

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I agree

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Thank You For Being A Bright Light In My Life Along With Your Heartfelt Growing Bright Army Family of Supporters . Your Posts are Rich with Faith Hope and Love For The Vision Of The Future You Help Us to See Through Your Intuition and Wisdom. We and Thank You Enough Brother and Friend.

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Thanks so much for reading, Dale.

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