Mar 12, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Each part you write is somehow even BETTER than the previous one!!!! Amazing!!!!!

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Thank you! I'm so happy so many have found the writing some mix of informative/encouraging.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I tried to explain the Ukraine conflict in the light of sovereignty to a Russian professor at the liberal arts college near me. I am bad at redpilling to be sure because she deeply opposes Putin. I could probably never bring her to read your series, and she unwittingly reinforces my acquired distaste for contemporary academe. Your series resonates with me as a Russophile and student of the language

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022Author

I'm no longer in the University world, but I did go to University. For many of these professors, the mass formation psychosis is not only solid as stone over decades of institutional reinforcement, but the consequences of stepping out of line with Academia are discouraging to free thought.


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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Ironically coming from a vast majority of those who consistently plead for one to "free their minds"!🤔🤔🤔

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An exceptionally good mind combined with exceptionally good writing skills!

This has been a great read - Thank You.

The conflict I have experienced with family members so hypnotized by the msm has been growing more intense lately…the slightest alternate remark on my part triggers a surprising emotional intensity on theirs. In the context of what I have just read here, this makes so much sense; I finally find a way in my mind to remain detached and will adopt a new strategy of just planting a seed. I can see the mass formation psychosis beginning to crack with them which explains the fairly new intensity of their defense against any threat to their brainwashed world view.

I just reached the top of a new peak and the view is far more encompassing…and oddly, more peaceful.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022Author

I think we've all been there. We have to see such family and friends as victims of mass formation psychosis rather than enemies.

Here's an analogy. If you find someone wandering around in the dark, and if they've been in the dark for years, you don't light them on fire. You don't even blind them by bringing a torch right up to their eyes. You light the torch and lead them to it.

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

i have been up against the fam as well and what you write here is quite helpful as is of course this wonderful series

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Excellent. True. I only want to add, that God, the Creator and His Son and His Spirit have real POWER and TRUTH and LIght. THAT my friend, is the end game. Follow the narrow path.. what a thrill.

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E37……….are you really sure you’ve codified the end game? In order to make a statement as you have, assumes you know the beginning, middle, and end of the Creator’s mind……thinking process. Do YOU really know all there is to know? You identified God, then a Creator and his son, then the Spirit, what about us…..the created, did you forget?

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Lou, I only know what He said to me as I was wailing about the state of my beloved country and more, being confronted by the face of sheer evil. I asked what I should do. He said very clearly, “Have Faith.” I laughed. Sounded so easy. I replied, “ OK.” That was November 2020. And weeks later I weakened again, and cried more and asked Him again. He said, just as clearly, “Be patient.” ‘Okay’ I am still being patient. But still around Christmas 2020, I weakened again, and He said, “Expectation. You know how the Virgin Mary is expecting the Christ-Child. There is NO doubt that the baby Boy will be born. That is what I mean by expect.” Lou. My relationship with The Holy Trinity is very real and true. It is IMPOSSIBLE for me not to believe as I do,because of all the evidence He has given me in my life. If you only knew. I hope you will. E37. TRUST.

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Good for you.

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Mar 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

You are making my mind a little less discombobulated with each writing. Thank you.

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Many thanks for a great piece ( as usual ) that is truly helpful in discerning current events. English was my most challenging subject throughout school and even though i am an avid reader I still fail to grasp the rules of literature / writing. You have a larger impact than you may realize.

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Burning Bright, like your article's message, I have good-bad feedback leading to all good:

1--Your use of the possessive of "Nazi's" for the plural "Nazis" surprises me. You must have been absent for that school-day grammar lesson. Petty, huh? But highly irritating like sand in the eye.

2--Yet your word choice paints so graphically the concepts you are teaching us like mind war. You are a poet constrained by the substack medium. Example:

". . .a longer game, planting seeds that, once flowered, will form a latticework that ensnares the invisible enemy in too many simultaneous traps to escape. Remain still, and they are paralyzed, and therefore, defeated. Twist and thrash, and they’ll tear themselves apart on the thorns their barbed lies have sprouted." W o w !

Ergo, I applaud your truthful message, sand and all.

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Mar 15, 2022·edited Mar 15, 2022

As an editor I noted certain matters in the series & have held my peace for the moment. Writing/publishing in the online digital formats is not friendly to those of who notice/are aware of such matters. AI checks are still unable to cope with the intricacies and richness of English.

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Ahhh, so A.I. (artificial intelligence) does the proofreading for this series? Not so smart imo. Cannot replace human nuance with computer code, not to mention AI destroys jobs.

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Well, I am using AI as a general term. I don't know if BB is using Word or Pages & then uploading to substack. Those word processors still unable to catch grammatical errors such as you noted because they recognize the word as spelled correctly. However, were I editing for BB my final check would be on screen since it is intended to be read online.

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Good. You and I are old school who practiced visual proofreading for our school-day lessons. I have noticed certain persistent spelling/grammatical errors from writers who learned with computer spellcheck:

1--"who's house" instead of "whose house"

2--"he had went" instead of "he had gone"--"gone" is totally unknown to these writers

3--"payed" instead of "paid"

4--"loose the war" instead of "lose the war"

All these errors are exacerbated by computer programs that only check spelling/grammar by letter order, not nuanced word context. So these computer dependent writers see the computer acceptance as the correct spelling/grammar. They don't see the computer error at all.

They often excuse their errors saying who cares if their point is made.

Not I, for logically structured spelling / grammar in writing are crucial to making a persuasive point.

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Mar 15, 2022·edited Mar 15, 2022Author

I appreciate feedback, of course, and double checked all of my articles, wherein none of the example errors you have listed here occur. So, I'm not sure where the errors are but appreciate the read either way. I make mistakes, of course. This is something I'm doing to contribute to the community, and none of it is behind a paywall. Always happy to fix if something is pointed out to me.

I did fix the "Nazi's" error you pointed out. Thank you.

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Mar 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Burning Bright, yes indeed you corrected the "Nazis" error. My above rant with other errors is replying to poster Roberta Stefani who started our tangent discussion on computer spell check dependency. No offense toward you intended. I appreciate your excellent analysis of current deep state war games.

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

As you wrote before, the Russians have the powerful weapon for PEACE of the Orthodox faith. They just came through 100 years in hell. Who else can say that?

Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and locked and sealed it over him, so that he would deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be let out for a little while. Rev 20:1-3

Revelation 20:1-3

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I don’t know who you are or where you’ve come from, but you’ve just lent some much-needed intellectual credence to the cause of truth. When the student is ready the teacher appears. Seems to be a pattern in this movement. 😉 We needed to attract more heady thinkers to the side of truth, taking it from the basement to the ivory tower. And... here you are.

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High praise, and much appreciated. Thank you for reading.

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

This is the first of your articles to which I am so grateful to have been exposed. I completely see where this is going, and I have fallen in love with that direction. It has always been a war for the minds of the normies. When the truth hits them square in between their eyes, they will know it is true and know all else is false. The past few years have primed them to get it once it happens. Just brilliant!

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Appreciate that! Hope you work your way back through the other entries in the series and find them insightful.

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Just discovered today... beautifully written, powerfully argued and very much to the point of a perspective which brings much to light. Many thanks. Well done!

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Brilliant!!! Or should I say Bright Brilliance. So true. But again, as long as we focus on our Faith in one True God, we will NOT experience whiplash! I LOVE what is happening, not knowing who to trust; even beloved Trump says things that he knows he must say for effect. The ONLY words we can hold on to like clutch a tree in a wind storm is our faith and the small still voice speaking to us in our hearts because He is in me as He is in His Father and His Father is in Him and as one, they have the real POWER. This situation has revealed to me how many beautiful faithful people we have in this country. I dare say most of the people who are awake are so because they all have God in them guiding.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

First I've ever heard of Burning Bright and what a heck of an introduction via Mind War.

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Glad to have you! Stick around.

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Excellent again. You’re quite correct about this ‘mind war’. As the saying roughly goes: there’s no such thing as bad publicity. The key here is where the truth lies. The globalist propagandists – on the current Russia issue as on many others – are being forced to weave layer upon layer of lies, obfuscation and downright bullshit to prop up their narratives. The ‘good guys’ have no real need to counter much of this; it is enough that there are genuine counter-moves, and a long enough timeline. Inevitably the truth seeps out anyway – and when appropriately pushed, the liars-at-large have absolutely no chance of maintaining their delusions. I think you have absolutely nailed this.

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Of course, maybe I could have explained it in 112 words as you did ... but I went with 4,000 instead ;)

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Lol, your 4000 was way more entertaining than my 112, genuinely looking forward to your next few thousand!

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Wow! You hit the target again! So astute! Thank you!

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Thank you.

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