The Cuban missile crisis just about met all the requirements you listed. Real "Scare Events" carry a high risk of "malfunction", thus the event must be a carefully engineered illusion. In order for such an event to work for the nationalists, it would seem control of the media by us is required.

Don't discount a dramatic "ET" reveal as being a possible "scare event". Imagine ET showing up with politicians, internationally, at the same time. Throw in a few holograms of their "spaceships" hovering above a city or two, accompanied by a carefully scripted narrative.

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Certainly a few deployments that could fit the criteria. I just see nuclear being the easiest/most likely.

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So an 'ET' event? Hmm.... Perhaps the reason behind the fairly recent emergence of UFOs once again in the media...a precursor to a possible said 'Scare Event'? My thought is simply IF there were such 'creatures', God created them as well. <3

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I can’t help but think of an event written thousands of years ago that will impact the globe in a twinkling of an eye. When the saints will be caught up in the air to meet their savior. When the earth’s population left behind will wonder where so many disappeared to. When the void of those saints impacts the stability of all aspects of life. I pray this will be the ultimate unifying event that wakes millions from their sleep. But for those left, there will be many more trials and tribulations to face. I am secure in my future no matter what happens next. Thank you Burning Bright for your insight. Peace and blessings

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Thanks for reading, Jim!

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I am too! It will be glorious! I pray that we still have time on this earth though, to see justice in the world. But if not, I pray as many as possible will awaken to the Truth of Jesus.

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Jim. Formerly of Kalispell?

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No sir.

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First, excellent job Burning Bright!!

I remember, as children, at school we were taught to get under our desk so that we might survive a bomb event. Terrified and awake we were. You’re so right, we need a massive scare that hits the world all at the same time!!! Imagine sitting in an airport waiting for your plane and all of a sudden 2,000 cell phones bleep out an alert!!! I’m not kidding, my first instinct will be to find a desk!!

Okay, a question for you. There are a large percent of us fully awake and waiting (half anxious and half excited) for this scare event. So back to the airport, the phones are bleeping and people start to scatter. Do the awake yell, hey! Relax, this is a scare event!!! I’ve been waiting for it!!! Nothing serious will probably happen, this is your alarm clock!!! Or, do we use our lessened level of panic to look around and make sure old ladies aren’t getting trampled and babies aren’t left abandoned in strollers. So we access and jump into an assistance role. Yes, our hearts too will be pounding. Of course I know which response is the correct one, but the awake need to think about the role we play when (if) this event occurs. And yes, our faith may (will) assist us as we know who is in control and we believe our end is really our beginning. Our faith too will help us properly respond to a scare event. I’m wondering what you think a fully awake response to this event will look like? Or should look like?

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The fully awake response should be a tacit understanding that literally nothing bad is actually happening, so it should be to caution and project calm to your surroundings.

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Thanks. Right....perfect answer. I’m not a calm person by nature but I am authoritative and strong. People follow me based on my confidence. I’d just like to get them all stoned until it’s over! Know what I

Mean? I don’t like suffering.

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😂 honestly Lisa that’s not the response I expected 😂😂😂😁

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It seems that a nuclear event, as you note, truly does meet the four criteria you’ve mentioned. I will put forward one other possibility I’ve talked about with my husband for over 20 years. I believe this possibility would also meet the criteria, and that would be an invasion from space. Unknown attackers of the entire planet would reach the “entire planet.” When I first considered this; we didn’t possess holographic technology (to my knowledge), but now we do. Could it be employed by the good guys? Don’t know, but it’s the only way I thought the cabal could successfully usher in the NWO…or, maybe to fully awaken and unify the vast majority of humanity for good?

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Lots of folks discussing that. The thing is, I believe that would be [their] deployment, not ours.

And I don't think it would work. People are barely reacting to all of the "UFC Disclosures" coming out of the pentagon and MSM lately. I don't think folks would bite.

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Concur, but at the time I first considered this (20 yrs ago), it was years before Q drops and Patriot information armies. It would likely have succeeded then. I doubt that the good guys could have that capability at this point. Of course, if the blue beam images could be done worldwide…

Thanks for clarifying, and thank you for all your hard work!🙏

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Look what happened with War of The Worlds.

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That was a very scary show when I watched it as a kid. Very realistic and might have been the basis for something I’ve said for decades. If a cabal wanted the world’s nations to bow to a global government, create an alien invasion. That fakery is doable now.

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I found Fr. Mike's homily for today, coincidentally, on a topic very similar. ....complacency ......could that be synonymous with 'sleepy'? .....and, the ways to shake that complacency having similarities to 'waking' a sleeping / complacent population.


...an aside: "it is a worthwhile exercise to consider how the Collective Mind can be guided, so that you might remove yourself from it."

....my way to remove myself from it......stay close to my ......the thing .......the One......Who is able to make me not fear death! ✝️ ❤️

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Appreciate you reading.

It's interesting when different folks are writing/speaking about the same topics. Collective Mind, indeed.

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Can they hurry the fud up ? 😉 Being wide awake in the matrix is like living in an insane asylum where the residents believe I am the only crazy inmate 😂

God bless us all!

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Totally get it, Steve, haha. Thanks for reading.

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Hey Burning Bright, what about vaccinated people finding out they've been poisoned? Either real or imaginary ?

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Very difficult to parse the vax data, since so much of it has been withheld.

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The problem with that is that it was like Russian roulette. So many people were seemingly unaffected by the jab.

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I hear you! What I'm saying is that the WHO, Pfizer and Public health officials will state "We poisoned you" .Exposure like that in some way.? A conspiracy to poison the people...That would shock the World

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Yes. Depended on the lot one took, sort of like playing Russian roulette wasn’t it?

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Yes I agree, and by design.

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Good morning, BB. ;) I must get caught up on my reading! Of course we've had some major developments since you published this that may have swayed your analyses. The twitter files have had their impact on those who know. How much longer it might take to permeate normie consciousness may be too slow. And did the preconditioned masses even realize what happened on Jan 3th through the 7th? Did they really hear and see? Certainly their subconscious bias must be tossing and turning a bit. But not with the swiftness and impact of a scare event.

My only concern there is that if Russia in any way shape or form takes the blame, the Alliance will NEVER be received; that a 'proof' today within the context of a lifetime of propaganda will not be overcome. In fact, those who have suffered may never come to understand much less appreciate 'game theory' or 'the art of war'. Meaning the scare event could be 'the time' for the real enemy to take the full brunt of responsibility, and we enter in against them with all the ammo we've accumulated-the final show down. (?) "Timing is everything" ...And thank you, BB, God's Grace on you.

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I could certainly be wrong on the mechanism of a Scare Event.

But I still think we're in for a major psychological event.

Thanks for your reading and support.

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I fully expect you're right. ;) I can think of several. I guess to eliminate country vs country it would have to come from off planet? Yikers!

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Once again, your take is one that I grasp immediately as a recovered addict. Rock Bottom is a bitch, but it's the only way.

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Good way to put it, Michael. Sometimes the darkness is a necessary teacher.

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I am of the mindset that this is more of a when scenario not so much an if scenario. There is much information leading us to this type of an event. Most here already have a clear picture of the why although i doubt we will know the when until it is "when". I am unsure how anyone would think anything less than what you have laid out here would create the impact needed to save us all. The clarity you bring to the topic is much appreciated, along with your humor...

- "Excellent work, Burning Bright. Truly you are a scholar among scholars." - I love this💞

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Thanks for reading Samantha!

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I wonder if/when they'll whip out Project Bluebeam for some extra panache? 🤣 With so many proxy players, like a typical cat, doesn't like to get their little paws wet, the NATO thugs don't mind shitting in someone else's litter box with ultra-destructive weaponry. Not their neighborhood, though it could assist in population reduction and decimating pesky evidence....☻ Russian opponents have no loyalty, nor love, for that land or its citizens. They are the nuclear blackmail aggressors, but my gut doesn't think that route is the scare. No sauce, merely spitballing. Something must be destroyed for the shock and awe, but would there be an "accidental" immediate reveal of truths? For awhile they would assassinate Trump, but maybe California will fall into the Pacific instead...🤭

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Certainly a popular theory around these parts. I don't subscribe to it, but all possibilities in mind.

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Just a thanks. I enjoy very good writing as I see you must:)

I have been finding substack a treasure and someone dropped your lustrous pearl my way....blessing

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Thanks for reading!

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Like him or not, I will use Juan OSavin’s oft used phrase, We must and will go through a near death experience. What I wonder is, how many will apprehend and appreciate the meaning of such an event. Will we be unified in our understanding? That would be weird. You can’t get a roomful of random people to agree on most anything!

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I'm thinking that the scare event will be military forces worldwide engaging "UFOs" and "Aliens" in the skies above us, perhaps all over the world. I suspect the timing will be around December 5th based on the "Temporal Marker" of the Trump/Joe Rogan interview plus 39 days. (See Clif High)

UFOs and Aliens are in quotations for a reason. After the event we should know whether the quotations can be removed.

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It feels like such a dumb storyline, but it's possible.

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I love reading everything you post. You write like a poet. I just wanted to say that in criteria no. 4 you wrote “with special emotional and cognitive attention being paid to whatever persons or parties are believed to have averted it.” That makes me think that if the event must be sudden and happen during a very short period of time- it has to happen after DJT is sworn in as president or at the very least after he’s officially elected. Just my 2 cents. Thank you for everything you and all the folks at Badlands do.

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It's certainly possible. I've been thinking just before, but yeah, this could work! Codify the public mandate to lead.

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Time to rewatch Dr. Strangelove

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