“Direct path reasoning” Good point! Don’t PROLONG THE TEST. We are being tested for our survival. The test (shower heads) is fighting to re-elect Trump. Apply direct path reasoning:

- The room is filling with water.

- The test is to stay alive.

- Breathing through a tube in a toilet prolongs your life (test)


- Smash through the 2 way mirror and GET OUT!

And NOT a movie . . . .

- They cast a virus upon us

- They stole an election from the people

- They usurped our government

- The TEST is to drudge through 4 years of trying to convince people to “re-elect” Trump


- Expose the fraud, the crimes and the criminals and negate the fraudulent election. SMASH THROUGH THE LIES and demand no more elections until 2020 is corrected. (Direct path to victory)


Otherwise we will have to start studying for the next test. 2028.

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I love your energy.

Keep going!

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Thank you, Mr. Mann.

Will we be seeing you in Cali?

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🙏🏻 Trump, get to court, present your evidence and LFG 😂🇺🇸


- Expose the fraud, the crimes and the criminals and negate the fraudulent election. SMASH THROUGH THE LIES and demand no more elections until 2020 is corrected. (Direct path to victory)


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Good analysis, AW!

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So a reply to my reply, but really a question for @BURNINGBRIGHT.

IF - Direct Path Reasoning and Direct Path Action, is the best approach . . . Why have we been breathing through a tube stuck in a toilet for the last 3+ years? I DON'T GET IT !

Does Trump or does NOT Trump have evidence of the fraud (in your opinion), and IF he does, wouldn't it be a dereliction of duty to hang on to it until it served him best? I DON'T GET IT !

How can we take a direct a path? With what? To where? I DON'T GET IT !

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Doesnt matter the path, what matters is everyone makes it together as the movie clip states. The collective mind is the only path which is why this is taking sooo awfully looong.

Imo, its the only direct path because it accomplishes surviving and removal from the test. Both are key to what Q set out to do, minimizing casualties while taking down the DS & guaranteeing actual freedom dictated by our own choice.

The collective mind has an exponential growth component where once growth makes it thru the curve, it sky rockets to infinity. We're inside the curve and starting to come out of it.

The 2024 election is part of punching thru the glass because for Trump to win, the collective mind must over power the DS. Trump has stated this as he is the people's retribution and its our final stand.

However, should the collective mind expand enough leading up to the 2024 election, the plug can be pulled at any time, imo. The evidence of fraud is clear. Remember, the real end target is to minimize mental casualties from 4 to 6% of the WORLD population. Do you think we're there yet? No, but based on what Tucker C and others have said, 2024 is going to be exceptional in tension, acceleration, exposure, etc..., we'll get there.

When the election fraud is brought to court and Americans start to realize they didnt have to go thru the last 3 yrs then you'll see the Collective Mind explode here in the US. Til then, Bright is right, we should embrace the suck... it sucks ;)

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Well said, Stealth.

100% correct regarding the exponential nature of awakening. This is supported by mass psychological stats.

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You have hit the very center of what this is all about, Bright One: there is no middle ground, we are the power, and it's time to start acting like it. No more fear. As Dannion Brinkley says, we don't die. This is what we came here for.

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Much appreciated, Sarah!

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You don't need to convince the Republicans and conservatives. You need to convince all the Democrats and the liberals that are still glued to CNN MSNBC NPR Wall Street journal Washington Post etc. What is going to be done to make those people have a light bulb moment and stop with their Trump derangement syndrome? So far I've been minimally successful in changing liberal Democrat sheep minds. Most of them still think with emotion rather than facts and policies coming out of the House of Representatives.... they just don't want to see the truth because they are more concerned with sticking to group think...

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The awakening will, and IS spreading worldwide.

I don't think minds on the left are going to be awakened by us, but rather by escalation and acceleration in 2024. The worse things are perceived to be, and the more 'their' side is in power, the more tension assails their portion of the collective mind. Trust me, everyone has a breaking/shatterpoint.

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Actually, they are changing, and credit goes several places, including RFK and Elon....

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RFK Jr. may be a reverse pied piper, for us, and he is going to accelerate the lemmings off the cognitive cliff, en route to awakening.

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All the different polls (Rasmussen, etc) are saying approximately 40% of the voting populace would still vote for Biden a second time!! I don't know what that 40% needs to see in order to wake up but that's how dire the situation is with the left's mentality

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Remember the poll questions are written to make the dems/left look favorably. Honest internal dem polls are what’s causing their panic. I’d bet more than 60% is dems are closer to the actual…. 😁Time will tell, of course.

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I don't believe polls. But don't know the truth. I do know people who only see certain TV programs and believe Biden is great and all R's are bad. They live in another world. They will be the ones who need a near death scare experience to "get it"! But I do hear a few people begin to question. And I find others who also see the world as I do. Lots of us out there, found that out before the recent elections as I gave out local GOP literature in parking lot of grocery store. Strength in numbers.

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Nov 29, 2023
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Good point….by NO means an expert! Where should I begin?

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Nov 29, 2023
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That’s interesting and it makes me question their role(s). Time will tell, however. Thanks for giving me a place to look again…🙏

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In my humble opinion, I see RFK , Jr. as a Democrat DJT. He is speaking to Democrats/liberals, just as Trump is

To me, it's about comms.

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The GOP Uniparty holds us back from making progress to fair elections in PA and sanity. No difference in my state, one party to the other at the top level and within the county. The grassroots of awakened citizens are the honest ones, not beholden to money contributors. RNC doesn't help real grassroots candidates that want to really work for the public.

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So what you need, Sandra, is more power to the real people. Check out Tactical Civics and the ORIGINAL First Article of the Bill of Rights--no more than 50 000 constituents per House Representative. It got confused with less/more and not quite ratified--but it passed the original Congress and we don't need today's criminals' approval. We work within our state legislatures to pass it. A LOT of local action is required.


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thanks! there are so many efforts going on. this is one i don't know about!

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I found some success just before the Nov 2023 elections. I knocked on the doors of any Asian immigrant name registered D, on my walk list from the local GOP. I realized they had no idea what the elections are about. They had no idea about school board, county, taxes that go up and affect their taxes or rent!! I asked if they understood, wanted an explanation, would they let me explain. Many asked me in (weather wasn't cold miraculously into Nov where I live. Many decided to vote R or register R or register to vote! i found different people living in apts from the names on my list and always asked if the new resident was registered. When they realized they had a stake, they had open eyes. We had a better turn out. But the mail in ballots killed us. Not sure how honest they are. Mailins are a problem as are the software programs in any machine. Better to not argue and keep a friend. They will see as events unfold, I think. (and pray)

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Nov 26, 2023
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Those entrapped in the ivory tower of academe may never wake up; they're not supposed to. The educational system will keep them in check with the threat of losing tenure/professorships. Only those who break free can possibly liberate themselves from that System. Only then can they possibly awaken.

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I am born in 1947, a widow. As a Marine in the Pacific my dad saw from the beach the flag raised on Iwo Jima. I am his daughter with deep patriotism. When I realized that Nov 2020 was a stolen election, I had no will to live, no country to live for. We have nothing if our elections were not fair. We were locked up within a few months, nothing open, how to fight? Why live? I had no children. I wanted to be proud of my country and flag. But there was nothing to be proud us. Enter becoming a committee woman for my ward GOP. I knocked on doors of VIetnamese who told me that this was communism. If they knew it, so did I. Thankfully God opened doors to others so my isolation and desperation lessened. Last week I had lunch with a girlfriend, I dared to mention at the end of our conversation that I knew of a retirement community where people who had had all kinds of shots for covid were coming down with it and either in the hospital or kept in their rooms. Friend could not accept the idea that our immunity is lessened with each shot we take. I mentioned Robert Malone who introduced the mNRA way to make these shots was not in favor of their use at this time. Friend had a reason for why I read from such a small group of people and did not have a wide enough scope to come to this conclusion. She had worked in pharmaceuticals. She gave my thought no credence. So I don't think the collective mind is anywhere near as far along as we would want. My friend will have to see it on TV to believe it, educated though she may be. I dare not discuss anything on the medical/political scene as my brother knows all things. I know nothing. So I live within the community of people who have eyes open, too. Waiting to be there if I can live long enough, to help those through the shock of awakening. It will have to shock people I know to open their eyes.

Thanks for putting your mind with others to help us along out of the isolation. And make sense of the chaos all around us. I am hanging on. The bottom line for me is fair elections for a Republic like ours based on the original Constitution.

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What a fantastic story, Sandra.

I think we've all experience dark times in the last few years, but it makes our individual, and eventually our collective awakening all the better.

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What is about to come will take a fortitude most aren't even ready for but will be reinforced I feel when the need arises. Those of us that have been awakened are stronger than we realize. Those of us that "listen" have strengths necessary to overcome what is next.......and it's coming really soon.....we all feel it and we will be prepared for it. I will not live on my knees for anyone and took an oath to protect our sovereignty with my life long ago. I'm not alone with that and share this resolute mind set with many other loyal warriors willing to stand on the front lines. That's a fact and I pray to God it never reaches that point but there are millions of us with a warriors resolve if needed.

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VERY well said. We're stronger both individually than we have been led to believe, and especially together.

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Together is the key to success. I think that's part of what Q is about.

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Also, my late husband who was older than I entered the US Army at age 17. spent 22 yrs in the service, in battle sometimes. I am aware of the vets and their deep feelings. When my dad saw the barracks hit in Lebanon he was ready to call and see if he could serve in some office capacity in his retirement. No matter the branch, the service is deeply ingrained, I realize. I listen to a lot, process what I can of past history that I never knew, and am not going to waste my life waiting for others to act. But praying there is something national that will allow the efforts of the awakened citizens to come to fruition. Like in PA groups have found where fraud occurred. We are stymied by the courts. We don't know where to get justice, but have galvanized many who know the truth about the lack of election integrity. Something higher up, has to happen to ripple down to allow justice.to be done. We have to do what we can to dig ourselves out of the hole we are in. God can change hearts and give us strength. Thanks for your faithfulness for this country and your family and friends! Lots more of us than them are finding each other! Perhaps that's the plan as we see things play out on the national stage.

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Thank you for your late husband's service.

Keep the faith, Sandra!

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Thank you for your sweet thought! You, too. We are in this together as people open eyes, ohh so slowly!

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Thank you for sharing...

Yes, TV has become g o d for many. Malone: true scientific patriot. 🩶🤎🩷blessings to you. Truth.beauty.patience...

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Firstly, let me thank you on behalf of your family for your father's service. My late dad was a paratrooper who also served in the South Pacific (New Guinea and The Philippines).

Secondly, as for your pharmaceutical friend, just wait. If she has a discerning mind, questions will arise, slowly but surely. She may try to ignore the niggling in her mind, but eventually she may finally come to the question we all have faced: What the Hell is REALLY going on here?

At which point, when you're both alone she may ask you the question that has been preying upon her heart, mind and soul.

Be ready for her.

Granted, that day may never arrive, but when it does just be ready with baby spoonfuls to help slowly awaken her to the truth of it all.

I have personally found that very thing happened to me one night years ago when a late friend asked me, "What do you know about Q?" The Epiphany arrived!

There will be, unfortunately, those who no matter how gently you drop crumbs for them, may never awaken. We have to be willing to leave them behind, as painful as that may be. (I personally am dreading this day for a dear unawakened friendship is quadruple jabbed.)

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Dad was in the 4th Marine Division Pioneers that doesn't exist anymore. They stormed the Marianas, Iwo, Saipan, Tinian ( and he missed Roi Namor as he was back in DC in aerial reconassance school and had to battle his way back to his company in the Pacific). He landed on day 1 on Iwo (not first invasion group but day 1, and rose to acting company commander due to "attrition" on day 1. He told me a few years before he died that he saw the original flag actually put up on the volcano on day1, and what a lift it gave him. He teared up in later years when he stood for the flag. I do, too. Even before I knew this story. I've lived overseas and got tears in my eyes when I saw our flag at our embassies.

Yes, for my friend, I will only speak to her when she brings up a subject. I broached it with things coming out, thinking she might have a more open mind. But, alas, I was wrong. It is so strange that those of us who accepted the truth have to keep quiet and let others find out for themselves. But they can't understand what I have done with my life since Nov 2020. Have I learned a lot and sought to listen to suggestions given to me. Am working in my local area and taking part in online election integrity programs on zoom. Audit the Vote, too. We connect with each other with DM and keep in touch. Seems I am one of the oldest ones in the conservative group of awake ones. I grew up knowing about the Constitution. Born in Phila and living not far now, I took my guests to Independence Hall so many times and learned the story well. But now I know there is more to the story. I always wanted to meet Ben Franklin, what a mind he had. Long ago read biographies of the founders. The young people today live in a different world. So glad I grew up when I did. Just hope I live to see this whole thing bring us together as a nation. Communism breaks down the family. More are waking up, but slowly.

I see people in the pharmacy getting another jab and cringe. But say nothing. I pray they will live. I will never get another shot of anything unless really needed to treat me. I pray for all the babies getting all these immunizations. I read they are not necessary except for some. I know a lot of autistic children.

Take care. Let's see where this all ends, before or after Nov 2024! Future generation have to keep this country free.

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Brilliant as always and yes I agree it’s up to us to do our share. We have been asleep for too long letting everyone else take care of our problems and not paying attention! Time to wake up spend more time at school boards and local elections and doing what we can to show people the truth.

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Thanks for reading, Judy!

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The trick is to get parents to school board meetings. Good luck.

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I know it’s not easy! I live in Temecula and we have done a lot here. The State is not happy with our new school board and is trying to take them out by spreading false info. We did get on 3 new members and now it’s time for a lot of prayer

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Fantastic to get 3 on. Prayer and action. The parents don't understand or do agree with this trans stuff. They have been brain washed. We have one district holding the line, others around us are totally lost. Keep up the prayers for strength.!

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Once again, Fearless Tiger, you have identified and delivered the essence of the war we are in. Driving across country yesterday, we were able to listen to the Wednesday podcast with you, Ghost and Chris Paul and you three demonstrated how minds, working together, can strike an unique thought along the energy created by our collective minds. (Much like singing in groups actually changes the neurons in people’s brains, according to a neurologist speaking at the Nashville Sing Conference last year.)

You also have captured several key elements in this battle for our bodies, minds and souls:

1). Trump is not the savior. He’s the catalyst and symbol of the good in this ancient war between good and evil.

2). We have to be on this side of truth, peace and justice. There is no other option.

3). It WILL take all of us together to win, determine justice and rebuild.

4). Using direct path reasoning, we must be the breakers of the Ouroboros cycle! No test. Period.

5). More than 50% of the world’s population is awake at some level. That’s a good thing! Evidence in Europe, South America and Africa....

6). History will show that all of the anons and the citizen journalists are the key element in this war. Incorruptible and tenacious, each of these individuals in whatever role they play are another gift to mankind. Gifted and seasoned by God for this time and purpose, you are the ones carrying the burden of finding the truth (in whatever form God intends...).

Discerning truth can be difficult, but a good place to start is with the MSM and their pollsters. The opposite is normally the truth and that observation is what brought me to your Righteous Russia series in the first place...why I’m still here is due to your unique insight and ability to teach us all.

God bless you, Fearless Tiger!🙏🐅🙏

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“Incorruptible and tenacious, each of these individuals in whatever role they play are another gift to mankind. Gifted and seasoned by God…”


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Thanks so much, ALtab.

I often remark on this with Mrs. Bright: I call it the mind-meld. Often, the talking points we think of before the podcasts end up being discarded within the first few minutes, and we end up following the collective muse.

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I share things with my cousin in Vienna. She gets it! Appreciates the writing or videos I sent. She will get no more jabs. I also share some things with French cousins. They get it.

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Wonderful! It will take patriots in all parts in the world!!

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Powerful words, how do those of us awake to the deceptions expose the deep state without causing cognitive dissonance to those listening to us. We preach to our own choir and receive the accolades yet our words inflict the cognitive dissonance of those who still believe the lame stream media has some truth within it. We applaud the documents of our founding fathers yet we follow the document intended to restrict government as if it applies to We The People. The constitution is not for We The People... The Declaration of Independence is for we the People. The constitution is a contract to restrict the federal government We The People created. To limit the governmental powers so We The People can create freedom. There is no Freedom when there is a political tiered system with two levels of justice. One for a so called ruling class that was never supposed to be. And one for the populace. The key to understanding these is knowing juris-diction. We literally have pirates driving around and pulling We The People off of the Land Jurisdiction and into the Water jurisdiction so they can rape and rob us... And the masses of the populace acquiesce and allow these injustices to occur. Heck we Celebrate our own demise, and cheer on those responsible for the criminal behavior. Governments are the biggest criminals ever.

Just some thoughts on where we are that your article welled up from within me.... Peace...

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I understand the frustrations here, GW. I think 'frame and support' is where we come in. We can't really change unawakened minds at this stage of the game; we CAN, however, be here with cognitive, emotional and spiritual support as the War of Stories accelerates their own individual awakenings as we watch.

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BB, the only way I've found to deal with those who are prone to cognitive dissonance is planting seeds of thought with simple questions. No answers just simple questions. Something like, that's an interesting thought, I wonder what the opposite of that looks like. and change the subject or walk away. I've used this technique on several people who had previously been cognitive dissonant. That seed will germinate and they usually come back asking questions from a different perspective.

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100% agree.

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We all can get frustrated, or just plain too sick/tired of fighting the good fight.

My personal "prescription" is to simply walk away; take a break: read a book, work on a hobby, or go out for a walk.

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Exactly why God is needed to win this war. There’s a reason DC and the branches of government are ALL filled with lawyers. It was intentional.

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Yea, really makes me question who really won the Revolutionary war!!!

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Yep, I’m to the point where I question everything and come away with many more questions than answers. Sad commentary on me.😁

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Sad commentary on where our country is... You are right to question everything. All wars since Napoleon have been funded on both sides by the same bankers. The winners of the wars write the history. Our revolutionary war was after Napoleon so who really won? Our courts are controlled by the Crown of England... To me that says England won not us...

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….and that’s why God has gifted so many for this worldwide information war.👍👍

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Seems on podcasts or videos I've heard the Crown was in control before and after the Revolution, responsible for Civil War. We had War of 1812, 2nd War of Independence. I get it now. The Crown was in the background all the time, til Trump stopped it.

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The crown still controls our courts. The original 13th amendment was the Titles of Nobility Act, it basically stated if you hold a title of nobility you have to renounce your citizenship. Also no title of Nobility can hold a federally elected office. The act was written in the Statutes at large but they couldn't prove ratification by the required number of states. This was in 1811, The War of 1812 burnt down the capitol and all evidence of amendment ratifications. Sound familiar? Modius Operandi... If you don't like the outcome start a war and burn down the evidence... Peace...

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My late father was a lawyer.

More of the Atticus Finch model than the DC swamp creatures.

He would be completely disgusted by what is going on in this nation.

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To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my absolute favorite books and I am thankful your Dad’s that caliber!! You’re blessed!!

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Oh my goodness BB....reading this I visualized a voice coming through the Emergency Broadcast System talking to us with these very words, filling our minds and hearts with hope, unity, and purpose! Thank you for that my friend, you ROCK!

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Thanks so much, EH!

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I love it BB, a direct-path thinker.

There is a reason we are Awake and there is a reason we are here.

I love the storm circling around us. With God's help We the People will prevail and He will triumph over evil.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!!!

God Bless!!!

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Amen, Joe!

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Fantastic piece! Thank you for all you do.

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Thanks for reading, Lorraine!

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Burning Bright - the great MAGA Actuary 👍🇺🇸

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Haha thanks LJ!

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Thank you, BB, for sharing your thoughts with us…your mind is a wonderful innerscape of insights. No matter the storm, there is the always the bright and welcoming horizon of Light.

The enemy advanced for many decades under cover, in secret. They thought Time was on their side…slowly, slowly capture the minds, control the media, color all that is good in ugly shades of division and fear, flip our moral bearings into fighting each other while they pursue their dystopian dreams of control.

Operation Warp Speed!


The Great Awakening ❤️

“ when observing the tenor and panicked nature within the enemy matrix….Yes, I/we do sense…the twitchy cackling, hissing and spitting of jackals and hyenas, and the panicked flight of carrion crows!”

Time is on our side now! We are in a partnership dance with The Infinite Player on the game board. Truth wins! 🙏❤️

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Thanks so much, Feather.

This community is going to me more important than we realize when the shatterpoints spread.

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I can already see that the Vatican is going to have to be exposed. I hope people will not choose to abandon the Christ Prescribed Apostolic Faith. We must remember: from the beginning we have all been sinners, church leaders in particular have fallen prey to the evils of the deadly sins. This does not change our relationship with our Triune God or the efficaciousness of the sacraments. The Word of God and the catechism were meant for times such as these. Thank you BB. Love and fellowship to you and all.

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I think the awakening won't JUST spread worldwide, but will involve ALL aspects of the System of System, and that very likely includes falsity within the religious apparatus. Thanks Kelly.

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It brings to mind an email sent from my husband’s stepfather to his children. It contained a link to an article in The Atlantic (immediate eye roll from me). The aricle was a photo essay on the atrocities in Gaza. Not to dismiss the humanitarian aspect, but his email was to persuade his children to “pick a side”. And as all the political arguments go, his is the right side. We did not respond with our thoughts as we knew the trap. We have been going through the pick a side moments for years. I am grateful my husband and I remain on the same side: the side of truth and sanity. Note: my husband was kept away from his ailing mother for the covid years due to being unjabbed. He finally got to visit her when she was near the end of her life. More insanity.

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Once you see that the MSM operates on the basis of emotional manipulation, it's easier to Defect. Unfortunately, some think they're exercising discernment, when all they're doing is waiting for an authority figure (or publication) to come along and reinforce their underlying biases.

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I lost the love of my life due to his living in assisted care and being locked down in his room. He was rebelling that his rights were being violated. In order to keep him living there, he was sent to a senior psych center as I call it and put on Ativan for 2 weeks and send back to loneliness in a room. Too looped to eat he wasted away. I couldn't visit, had no authority to take him home to me, and his daughter had no desire to have him with her. Although up in years, I think he would be alive today had the place not been on lock down and I had no access to be with him in person. Horrid way. I feel sorry for your husband. Many were in your spot.. Inhumane. The worst separation since the holocaust.

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Very sorry for this loss, Sandra. I pray that we'll see the justice and catharsis we as a society (and you as an individual) deserve.

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As i listen to many of you who are doing the deep digs I choose to believe justice has to come or we are completely lost! There are many who lost more than I did. The vision of our founders is powerful. Praying it will be returned, but as I learned the cabal was already at work then! The foibles of mankind will always exist, there is no perfection, but I sure hope to return to normalcy beyond what I have known. Utopia is impossible to achieve. The Bible is always relevant IMHO because the nature of man is imperfect, the love of money is the root of all evils. Gracious, how some people get lost in greed and power. My state of Uniparty PA is a prime example. Keep up the good work, BB!.

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Thanks Mary!

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Good Stuff Bright. This war happens on so many levels of society. The so called Christian church side has to get away from their programming derived from their collectivism on their views on truth and history.

The business leader has to make decisions based on what he wants to do, not what will ingratiate him to the collective. The father has to decide what is long term best for his children not based on what the collective is directing his children to do in the boorish collective mind.

Forget politics, we can't trust any words they say until exposure happens, which will lead to transparency and it will lead to a proper fear/love of God and the people.

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Thanks for reading, Jonathan.

Individual sovereignty radiates outward and upward.

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I would just change your last line:

To a proper Love of God and the people” ❤️

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The wicked need to fear and the people who love God truly will be good to their fellow man. DC does not fear God, He is their Judge. When all the empires of the world see Jesus riding in on His White Horse it will be too late. And He is coming...

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“Fear” is considered a gift of the Holy Spirit (one of 7) Isaiah 11:2. It is meant as respect, reverence, caring that our father loves us and wanting to do right by him. Similar to how we are to honor our father and mother here on earth.

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