Oh I have become exceptionally retarded. And, promisingly, our son (who turned 36 yesterday) said that at his job sites, and on his hockey teams, everybody is using the word “retarded.” Taking it back. It is a must-do in the name of the first amendment. We can stop saying retarded when Rainbow = God’s Covenant Again.
haha...and here am I on the other side of the world seeing it and reading it when I should have gone to bed...so now am still here at 12.30 am - 90 minutes past planned bedtime ( due to following some of the links in the article !). fascinating article BB! - I will read it again tomorrow ( or rather later this morning!). On a related note: interesting too, that DJT and significant others have referred to the "Occupation" ending with his election .....hmmm.
"Lutnick followed this appearance up with a sit-down at CNN, went into the den of vipers..." This 'interview' is a perfect expose' of so-called reporters acting (snottily) as though they had PhDs and decades of experience in 3 or 4 areas of science/finance ( in attempting damage control)...Why don't they just go interview themselves
Solipsist. From ‘solipsism’: the theory that the self is the only thing that has reality or can be known and verified. From Latin ‘solis’ - alone. And Latin ‘ipse’ - self.
Thinking about the Old World... the old buildings, the advanced society and tech we used to have... all the cabal's heavy ugliness of our modern world will be torn down and rebuilt.
It's so amazing already, and it's going to take our breath away as the frequencies amplify, as the truths come out, as the tech is produced... SO here for it, glad you are here too Feather! ❤️
Thank you for all of your valuable insight over the past few years as this has been extremely helpful at this time. Looking at the selections Trump has made over the last few weeks and assessing these selections using all you’ve taught us has brought no real surprise. I’ve researched each pick as I have time and watched with some amusement over the responses. The political elite are so transparent and their reactions give all their thoughts away. I’ve considered as each announcement is made, I wonder what road this announcement will go down and how it will fit into the overall narrative.
You are a blessing, along with many other gifted anons, to so many in this war and because of all your efforts, we have MUCH to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. A battle won in a war, nevertheless , but a won battle that comes with great hope for our future. God truly has given so many people amazing abilities for this war. God bless you, Fearless Tiger. Thank you.🙏🙏🇺🇸
My own theory: the bad guys have no idea who he's really going to pick, which is interesting in itself and that some have been picked to do a job, to go at said job like bulldogs and that some were a bit corrupt, know how the game is played, and hate it, and that there is no better monster than a monster tossed out of the cabal to go after the really bad monsters. And that some will be temporary, when their job is done.
Post Trump Win I am so glad to see you moving toward the Best that is yet to come. I am enjoying watching the Trump Train moving forward and seeing all the DS Rat Bastards shitting themselves. Glorious.
Gaetz made the machine blink. Awesome. 😎 This team is scaring the crap out of the machine. The point about the man sitting next to Trump at that wrestling match and the reference to the sword dance was eye opening, thank you! Dr Bhattacharya is very inspiring as well. The ugly scab must be torn off of the Covid lies and discussed openly so that we can heal as a nation from that blight on our world, just like 9/11. I was encouraged by Lutnicks personal connection to that horrible event. As to the scare event, it’s scary as hell with the puppet masters at the helm of our nuclear codes and I’m trying to be prepared but know it will be terrifying on some level no matter what because it has to be. Praying for Gods protection over his world and all the human race as we go thru this. And of course waiting for Kash’s name to be called. He gives me a sense of hope that few people do. Great article BB!!
[They] do not control the nukes. They actually control little. That does not make them harmless though, they can still do damage.
Fortunately so far, I think part of the Plan, Putin has absorbed the damage and used it as an opportunity to show some muscle and advance the Sovereign Alliance agenda, as well as the Scare Event -- which was always meant to be the threat of nuclear WW3. Well, here we are.
Do we know for a fact that no one in the Biden Admin has the nuclear codes? If I recall, Jon Herald’s Devolution made the case that [they] do not have that access.
But this idiot 2 Star General Buchanan a few days ago publicly makes this statement:
Thank God Putin is willing to remain level headed having to deal with these war mongers.
Then there’s the indictments against Netanyahu and Gallant…which rightly should include everyone in our Congress who just go along with the Netanyahu insanity! Netanyahu is very unstable. It won’t be Putin escalating concerns over nuclear, it will be Netanyahu.
I checked that link and all I see is Scott Ritter's post, no comment from the idiot general.
Between Jon's Devolution and BB's 'Our Boy Blue,' our Badlanders have made a strong case that [they] are not in control. Nobody can say anything with absolute certainty regarding this 5GW, but if 'Biden' does have the nuke codes and really wants WW3, couldn't he just push the button? Apparently, he can't -- so [they] are trying to draw Putin into making the first move, because the USA will retaliate if attacked; but Putin won't play their game.
Neither the US ATACMS or Britain's Storm Shadow are long-range missiles, despite how they are portrayed in the media (300 km or 190 mi. for the supersonic ATACMS, 250 km or 155 mi. for the subsonic Storm Shadow cruise missile). Putin really cannot complain about Ukraine using whatever tools it has, regardless of 'permission' of the country that supplied the missiles. It's war after all, and these missiles were fired into Kursk in support of Ukraine's invasion of Russian territory there. But he can and does take the opportunity to ramp up the rhetoric and threaten the West. That sounds like a buildup to a Scare Event to me, and I believe it's all planned and Putin is in on it.
Netanyahu is Cabal, but it's not clear to me at this point how much autonomy he really has. He is in a fight to keep the leadership, and would probably be gone if the Oct 7 event had not happened. I believe that was a false flag, and in such cases we have to ask 'Cui bono?' (Who benefits?) The most obvious answer to that question is: Netanyahu and his allies in the Israeli government.
Trump is going to shut all that down (Ukraine and Israel), and it will happen before he is inaugurated, or so I expect.
As for all the 'critters who are Israeli pawns, I agree, and they should all be prosecuted for treason.
Ritter was replying to the comment posted above it:
(copy and pasted)
“A spokesman for the US Department of Defense Strategic Command (STRATCOM), Rear Admiral Buchanan, said the US would allow an exchange of nuclear strikes if NATO retained some of its arsenal to further deter potential adversaries.”
Col Macgregor weighed in:
9:55 in (the whole interview is very good / 27 min)
“buildup to a Scare Event to me, and I believe it's all planned and Putin is in on it.”. With you on that, WildBill, and thanks for your reply!🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊
Edit: btw…if you’re looking for a great movie, we just watched Hunter-Killer. Similar story to war hawks (on both sides, Russia and U.S.) and how saner minds prevail inspite of the war mongers on both sides. Loved that movie 🎥 💖
It is hard to imagine that anyone, let alone a command officer of the US Military, believes in such a thing as a 'limited nuclear exchange.' With the US and Russia keeping what -- maybe half of their existing stockpiles for future needs? About 2500-3000 each?
Don't they have any idea what an exchange of 5-6000 nuclear weapons with yield of 300 kT - 1 MT each (most Russian and American warheads fall in that range) would look like? Each about 50x more powerful than Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
You'd have to be a crazed idiot to believe that there would be much of anything left of the world as we know it after such a 'limited exchange.'
I'll watch the Macgregror clip, thanks for sending it -- WB 🙏💖🕊🕊 (an extra dove of peace, given the situation)
“Tucker Carlson delivered a chilling warning during his appearance on Clayton Morris’s Redacted. He asserted that the Deep State has made a calculated decision that plunging the world into World War III is their last chance to stop Trump from exposing their crimes.”
They are truly cornered now…and thus, the most dangerous. I trust The Plan and Trump 🙏💖🕊🕊
BB - I am not one to black pill, just the opposite. But I'm reading very upsetting things about Trump's Surgeon General and FDA picks. I'm mainly upset with Trump's actual words he posted on TS about Nesheiwat. He proclaims that OWS was "historic" and "saved hundreds of millions of lives". How can that be justified?
Yes, I have always given Trump a pass on OWS, as being what he was forced to do to prevent a ten year lockdown of America and a global reset by the cabal. But why can he not SAY OUT LOUD to the American people that it was PLANDEMIC, AND A HOAX?
Will RFK Jr be able to corral these bastards in? The FDA is and has always been an enemy of health and an enemy of the people. They work for Big Pharma, period.
The appointment of Dr Bhattacharya to the NIH is the biggest sign that trump wants this plandemic to be fully exposed to the people. Remember the intense pressure to get jabbed? In 2021 governors were giving out prizes for Gods sake to get people to take it. A very small percentage of the people actually refused the pressure. In my blue state almost everyone did the first round and still think it was safe and effective. My 13 yr old son got it from his doctor without telling me 😡 because he though I was stupid and misinformed. My sister got it so she could participate in her daughter’s school event. So stupid, but never forget the pressure! If Trump were to come out too early with the truth it would break a lot of people. Their OWN personal physician encouraged it, and I think it would break the model of the doctor patient relationship if it was known that the turbo cancers and ‘died suddenly’ was all because of a lie. The truth has to come from a doctor IMO, the sheep are terrified by RFK jr because he’s an ‘ANTI VAXXER’ because they still believe in the jab lies. Warp speed was never about the “vaccines”.
Silent Scorn - Thank you for that reply, you make a lot of sense. Yes, there was intense pressure, backed by the lie that it was "safe and effective". I hope your son remains healthy, since teenage males have been hard hit with myocarditis from it.
If a simple majority of the people would have refused to get it, the plandemic would have fallen flat on its face at that point.
I still have that mental image of the mayor of New York, deBlasio, stuff French fries in his face and talking up the jab. It was revolting and was my personal inflection point that I would never ever get jabbed. Thanks for your comment on my son, he’s having an internal battle with himself over his regrets over his decision. He dragged me through a lot of scares over him saying his heart didn’t feel ok and we ended up at a cardiologist who concluded he was under so much stress his heart was reacting but nothing physically wrong. I think he knows what he did could be a ticking time bomb but at 18 now, he carries that burden and won’t share it. It’s very sad and my heart goes out to him every day.
It wasn’t clear at first but the more I read about it the more it made sense. I wish more people did too. I think it’s hard to understand that Trump would have been blamed if nothing was done, and hard to fathom that a lockdown situation could have been prolonged. It’s a pretty drastic measure but there are so many sheep. Also we didn’t even experience the Covid camps in Australia, and then of course the ones they were planning for us.
The bioweapon jabs were always part of the WEF / The New World Order plans, but [their] plan was to wait for 2 years of lockdowns FIRST. OWS was about the lockdowns.
From all my reading elsewhere, OWS was about limiting casualties/fatalities to just jabs. By all counts, the NWO gang envisioned locking us down, isolating /quarantining us, (think interment (FEMA camps) for those who refused the jab. If I can find the article I will post it in a reply here. The v@xx facilitated getting our freedom back (to move about the cabin).
By President Trump releasing the vax quickly it ended tyrannical Governors’ excuse for lockdowns and removed their cover for the great reset with a destroyed economy. (As we know he already ended their wars and removed the camouflage that would have given them) It also forced them to release a vax under EUA that CANNOT be forcibly mandated, try as they might. It forced them to rush their agenda, which makes it way more visible than their usual slow incremental boiling water tactics, making so many mistakes and exposing themselves in the process. We all know every single time the vax is mentioned, President Trump emphasizes freedom of choice- he’s said no one should be forced and we have our freedoms three times at his last rally- now he’s saying no mandates. He’s already said no kids should take it. We all know that all the face diaper parents would have injected their kids with rNA GMOs no matter what Trump said.
If President Trump were to speak up about the injuries- they could seize on that opportunity with the countermove of locking us down again and blaming the injuries on Trump rushing the vax. Just look what they did when he mentioned HCQ- We’d hear an all out media tirade about how the injuries are Trump’s fault because he rushed it and if it wasn’t for him they’d be safe and effective. Not to mention, they’d leverage the Trump derangement syndrome they’ve created and associate ANY criticism of the injection agenda as “just a Trump supporter thing.” By removing himself from the equation, they don’t have that card to play, even though they still try, it’s uniting people across the spectrum. By not saying anything, he’s forcing them into showing their hand to the entire world while it wakes up average everyday people everywhere. I’ve wrestled with this all year and to me it seems that as tragic as this is, it’s the best possible timeline and way better than it would have been. The way that I and many folks were expecting this to happen 10+ years ago was them going door to door to force this thing into people and that’s just not happening and there’s no way it can at this point- way too many people are awake worldwide. If it weren’t for Trump, we’d already be in the camps by now.
I'm certain I read an article, but looking back, all I found was a post on Telegram that someone reposted from an X account by Kag Drogo. I'll try to share it here.
I should have put "my college buddy in quotes". I follow Kag on Telegram, and someone else on Telegram was his college buddy, who shared the X post on Telegram. 😊
Have you ever played with a laser pointer and a cat? That's how I look at Trump's antics. Drawing attention to things no one ever thought to care about.
Great read, BB! You have been a wonderful guide through the Shatterpoints. Love the cognitive cypher signposts, marking the trail ahead, often traversing challenging (emotional) terrain but then the vista of clear views…getting our bearings, eye ever on the summit of The Great Awakening - The mind heart and soul journey of a lifetime! 🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊💫
Oh I have become exceptionally retarded. And, promisingly, our son (who turned 36 yesterday) said that at his job sites, and on his hockey teams, everybody is using the word “retarded.” Taking it back. It is a must-do in the name of the first amendment. We can stop saying retarded when Rainbow = God’s Covenant Again.
If true, it will come none too soon. Saw my first hockey game in a long time last night, and it was boring and corporate and it sucked.
I LOVE that!
“but the beast blinked and the American people saw it” !!!!!!!!🔥🔥
Story of stories🔥
greatest line ever
I woke at 5 am. ...why did I read this ! Now I'll never get back to sleep. Oh, to be born in such times!!! ❤️🔥😎
haha...and here am I on the other side of the world seeing it and reading it when I should have gone to bed...so now am still here at 12.30 am - 90 minutes past planned bedtime ( due to following some of the links in the article !). fascinating article BB! - I will read it again tomorrow ( or rather later this morning!). On a related note: interesting too, that DJT and significant others have referred to the "Occupation" ending with his election .....hmmm.
Lutnick's story is amazing. I want to know what exactly happened on 9/11. I think we will finally learn the truth.
Mike S. FDNY [ret]
The facts are out there about 9/11. People who want to know, know. The easy fact to say about it is it was an inside job by the Bush/Cheney regime.
…..and very many more on that list, Dave!
Bush/Cheney... you mean CIA?
EXACTLY 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! What a beautiful day to worship the triune God!!!
Amen 🙏✝🕊💖
"Lutnick followed this appearance up with a sit-down at CNN, went into the den of vipers..." This 'interview' is a perfect expose' of so-called reporters acting (snottily) as though they had PhDs and decades of experience in 3 or 4 areas of science/finance ( in attempting damage control)...Why don't they just go interview themselves
Solipsist. From ‘solipsism’: the theory that the self is the only thing that has reality or can be known and verified. From Latin ‘solis’ - alone. And Latin ‘ipse’ - self.
Thanks, was just about to look up!
Thinking about the Old World... the old buildings, the advanced society and tech we used to have... all the cabal's heavy ugliness of our modern world will be torn down and rebuilt.
"Build Back Better"?
I'm here for it. 😉
Make America Beautiful Again 👍
“Technology isn’t going to solve the world’s problems until consciousness shifts” HeartMath Institute
Consciousness is on the rise! What a ride!! WWG1WGA ❤️
It's so amazing already, and it's going to take our breath away as the frequencies amplify, as the truths come out, as the tech is produced... SO here for it, glad you are here too Feather! ❤️
We are anchors of Light in the blue Northeast! Thank you for your company in consciousness 🙏❤️💫🎵 ❤️
Thank you for all of your valuable insight over the past few years as this has been extremely helpful at this time. Looking at the selections Trump has made over the last few weeks and assessing these selections using all you’ve taught us has brought no real surprise. I’ve researched each pick as I have time and watched with some amusement over the responses. The political elite are so transparent and their reactions give all their thoughts away. I’ve considered as each announcement is made, I wonder what road this announcement will go down and how it will fit into the overall narrative.
You are a blessing, along with many other gifted anons, to so many in this war and because of all your efforts, we have MUCH to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. A battle won in a war, nevertheless , but a won battle that comes with great hope for our future. God truly has given so many people amazing abilities for this war. God bless you, Fearless Tiger. Thank you.🙏🙏🇺🇸
"The political elite are so transparent" -- this is a trait of a player who is losing the game badly and knows it.
When [they] think they are winning, they say little and act with apparent impunity.
The louder they scream, the closer they are to the end.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🐷🐷🐖🐖
My own theory: the bad guys have no idea who he's really going to pick, which is interesting in itself and that some have been picked to do a job, to go at said job like bulldogs and that some were a bit corrupt, know how the game is played, and hate it, and that there is no better monster than a monster tossed out of the cabal to go after the really bad monsters. And that some will be temporary, when their job is done.
Great read.
Post Trump Win I am so glad to see you moving toward the Best that is yet to come. I am enjoying watching the Trump Train moving forward and seeing all the DS Rat Bastards shitting themselves. Glorious.
Love your work. Keep it Bright.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
I see you posted this at 7:17 am, BB! Signal?
Gaetz made the machine blink. Awesome. 😎 This team is scaring the crap out of the machine. The point about the man sitting next to Trump at that wrestling match and the reference to the sword dance was eye opening, thank you! Dr Bhattacharya is very inspiring as well. The ugly scab must be torn off of the Covid lies and discussed openly so that we can heal as a nation from that blight on our world, just like 9/11. I was encouraged by Lutnicks personal connection to that horrible event. As to the scare event, it’s scary as hell with the puppet masters at the helm of our nuclear codes and I’m trying to be prepared but know it will be terrifying on some level no matter what because it has to be. Praying for Gods protection over his world and all the human race as we go thru this. And of course waiting for Kash’s name to be called. He gives me a sense of hope that few people do. Great article BB!!
[They] do not control the nukes. They actually control little. That does not make them harmless though, they can still do damage.
Fortunately so far, I think part of the Plan, Putin has absorbed the damage and used it as an opportunity to show some muscle and advance the Sovereign Alliance agenda, as well as the Scare Event -- which was always meant to be the threat of nuclear WW3. Well, here we are.
Do we know for a fact that no one in the Biden Admin has the nuclear codes? If I recall, Jon Herald’s Devolution made the case that [they] do not have that access.
But this idiot 2 Star General Buchanan a few days ago publicly makes this statement:
Thank God Putin is willing to remain level headed having to deal with these war mongers.
Then there’s the indictments against Netanyahu and Gallant…which rightly should include everyone in our Congress who just go along with the Netanyahu insanity! Netanyahu is very unstable. It won’t be Putin escalating concerns over nuclear, it will be Netanyahu.
I checked that link and all I see is Scott Ritter's post, no comment from the idiot general.
Between Jon's Devolution and BB's 'Our Boy Blue,' our Badlanders have made a strong case that [they] are not in control. Nobody can say anything with absolute certainty regarding this 5GW, but if 'Biden' does have the nuke codes and really wants WW3, couldn't he just push the button? Apparently, he can't -- so [they] are trying to draw Putin into making the first move, because the USA will retaliate if attacked; but Putin won't play their game.
Neither the US ATACMS or Britain's Storm Shadow are long-range missiles, despite how they are portrayed in the media (300 km or 190 mi. for the supersonic ATACMS, 250 km or 155 mi. for the subsonic Storm Shadow cruise missile). Putin really cannot complain about Ukraine using whatever tools it has, regardless of 'permission' of the country that supplied the missiles. It's war after all, and these missiles were fired into Kursk in support of Ukraine's invasion of Russian territory there. But he can and does take the opportunity to ramp up the rhetoric and threaten the West. That sounds like a buildup to a Scare Event to me, and I believe it's all planned and Putin is in on it.
Netanyahu is Cabal, but it's not clear to me at this point how much autonomy he really has. He is in a fight to keep the leadership, and would probably be gone if the Oct 7 event had not happened. I believe that was a false flag, and in such cases we have to ask 'Cui bono?' (Who benefits?) The most obvious answer to that question is: Netanyahu and his allies in the Israeli government.
Trump is going to shut all that down (Ukraine and Israel), and it will happen before he is inaugurated, or so I expect.
As for all the 'critters who are Israeli pawns, I agree, and they should all be prosecuted for treason.
Ritter was replying to the comment posted above it:
(copy and pasted)
“A spokesman for the US Department of Defense Strategic Command (STRATCOM), Rear Admiral Buchanan, said the US would allow an exchange of nuclear strikes if NATO retained some of its arsenal to further deter potential adversaries.”
Col Macgregor weighed in:
9:55 in (the whole interview is very good / 27 min)
“buildup to a Scare Event to me, and I believe it's all planned and Putin is in on it.”. With you on that, WildBill, and thanks for your reply!🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊
Edit: btw…if you’re looking for a great movie, we just watched Hunter-Killer. Similar story to war hawks (on both sides, Russia and U.S.) and how saner minds prevail inspite of the war mongers on both sides. Loved that movie 🎥 💖
It is hard to imagine that anyone, let alone a command officer of the US Military, believes in such a thing as a 'limited nuclear exchange.' With the US and Russia keeping what -- maybe half of their existing stockpiles for future needs? About 2500-3000 each?
Don't they have any idea what an exchange of 5-6000 nuclear weapons with yield of 300 kT - 1 MT each (most Russian and American warheads fall in that range) would look like? Each about 50x more powerful than Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
You'd have to be a crazed idiot to believe that there would be much of anything left of the world as we know it after such a 'limited exchange.'
I'll watch the Macgregror clip, thanks for sending it -- WB 🙏💖🕊🕊 (an extra dove of peace, given the situation)
💖🕊🕊 👍
“Tucker Carlson delivered a chilling warning during his appearance on Clayton Morris’s Redacted. He asserted that the Deep State has made a calculated decision that plunging the world into World War III is their last chance to stop Trump from exposing their crimes.”
They are truly cornered now…and thus, the most dangerous. I trust The Plan and Trump 🙏💖🕊🕊
Above quote from:
BB - I am not one to black pill, just the opposite. But I'm reading very upsetting things about Trump's Surgeon General and FDA picks. I'm mainly upset with Trump's actual words he posted on TS about Nesheiwat. He proclaims that OWS was "historic" and "saved hundreds of millions of lives". How can that be justified?
Yes, I have always given Trump a pass on OWS, as being what he was forced to do to prevent a ten year lockdown of America and a global reset by the cabal. But why can he not SAY OUT LOUD to the American people that it was PLANDEMIC, AND A HOAX?
Will RFK Jr be able to corral these bastards in? The FDA is and has always been an enemy of health and an enemy of the people. They work for Big Pharma, period.
The appointment of Dr Bhattacharya to the NIH is the biggest sign that trump wants this plandemic to be fully exposed to the people. Remember the intense pressure to get jabbed? In 2021 governors were giving out prizes for Gods sake to get people to take it. A very small percentage of the people actually refused the pressure. In my blue state almost everyone did the first round and still think it was safe and effective. My 13 yr old son got it from his doctor without telling me 😡 because he though I was stupid and misinformed. My sister got it so she could participate in her daughter’s school event. So stupid, but never forget the pressure! If Trump were to come out too early with the truth it would break a lot of people. Their OWN personal physician encouraged it, and I think it would break the model of the doctor patient relationship if it was known that the turbo cancers and ‘died suddenly’ was all because of a lie. The truth has to come from a doctor IMO, the sheep are terrified by RFK jr because he’s an ‘ANTI VAXXER’ because they still believe in the jab lies. Warp speed was never about the “vaccines”.
Silent Scorn - Thank you for that reply, you make a lot of sense. Yes, there was intense pressure, backed by the lie that it was "safe and effective". I hope your son remains healthy, since teenage males have been hard hit with myocarditis from it.
If a simple majority of the people would have refused to get it, the plandemic would have fallen flat on its face at that point.
I still have that mental image of the mayor of New York, deBlasio, stuff French fries in his face and talking up the jab. It was revolting and was my personal inflection point that I would never ever get jabbed. Thanks for your comment on my son, he’s having an internal battle with himself over his regrets over his decision. He dragged me through a lot of scares over him saying his heart didn’t feel ok and we ended up at a cardiologist who concluded he was under so much stress his heart was reacting but nothing physically wrong. I think he knows what he did could be a ticking time bomb but at 18 now, he carries that burden and won’t share it. It’s very sad and my heart goes out to him every day.
"Warp speed was never about the “vaccines”.
I wish more people understood that.
It wasn’t clear at first but the more I read about it the more it made sense. I wish more people did too. I think it’s hard to understand that Trump would have been blamed if nothing was done, and hard to fathom that a lockdown situation could have been prolonged. It’s a pretty drastic measure but there are so many sheep. Also we didn’t even experience the Covid camps in Australia, and then of course the ones they were planning for us.
Here is a piece from Burning Bright, Oct 2022, showing an analogy between the movie Spiderman 2 and Warp Speed:
Thanks! I’ll check it out 😊
The bioweapon jabs were always part of the WEF / The New World Order plans, but [their] plan was to wait for 2 years of lockdowns FIRST. OWS was about the lockdowns.
From all my reading elsewhere, OWS was about limiting casualties/fatalities to just jabs. By all counts, the NWO gang envisioned locking us down, isolating /quarantining us, (think interment (FEMA camps) for those who refused the jab. If I can find the article I will post it in a reply here. The v@xx facilitated getting our freedom back (to move about the cabin).
Yes please do post it here! Thanks.
By President Trump releasing the vax quickly it ended tyrannical Governors’ excuse for lockdowns and removed their cover for the great reset with a destroyed economy. (As we know he already ended their wars and removed the camouflage that would have given them) It also forced them to release a vax under EUA that CANNOT be forcibly mandated, try as they might. It forced them to rush their agenda, which makes it way more visible than their usual slow incremental boiling water tactics, making so many mistakes and exposing themselves in the process. We all know every single time the vax is mentioned, President Trump emphasizes freedom of choice- he’s said no one should be forced and we have our freedoms three times at his last rally- now he’s saying no mandates. He’s already said no kids should take it. We all know that all the face diaper parents would have injected their kids with rNA GMOs no matter what Trump said.
If President Trump were to speak up about the injuries- they could seize on that opportunity with the countermove of locking us down again and blaming the injuries on Trump rushing the vax. Just look what they did when he mentioned HCQ- We’d hear an all out media tirade about how the injuries are Trump’s fault because he rushed it and if it wasn’t for him they’d be safe and effective. Not to mention, they’d leverage the Trump derangement syndrome they’ve created and associate ANY criticism of the injection agenda as “just a Trump supporter thing.” By removing himself from the equation, they don’t have that card to play, even though they still try, it’s uniting people across the spectrum. By not saying anything, he’s forcing them into showing their hand to the entire world while it wakes up average everyday people everywhere. I’ve wrestled with this all year and to me it seems that as tragic as this is, it’s the best possible timeline and way better than it would have been. The way that I and many folks were expecting this to happen 10+ years ago was them going door to door to force this thing into people and that’s just not happening and there’s no way it can at this point- way too many people are awake worldwide. If it weren’t for Trump, we’d already be in the camps by now.
I'm certain I read an article, but looking back, all I found was a post on Telegram that someone reposted from an X account by Kag Drogo. I'll try to share it here.
My college buddy Chad breaks it down excelent!:
I should have put "my college buddy in quotes". I follow Kag on Telegram, and someone else on Telegram was his college buddy, who shared the X post on Telegram. 😊
Have you ever played with a laser pointer and a cat? That's how I look at Trump's antics. Drawing attention to things no one ever thought to care about.
Or, the way a cat plays with a mouse before administering the coup de grace, and eating the critter.
More awesomeness BB. Getting to be a habit with you, My Friend...
Great read, BB! You have been a wonderful guide through the Shatterpoints. Love the cognitive cypher signposts, marking the trail ahead, often traversing challenging (emotional) terrain but then the vista of clear views…getting our bearings, eye ever on the summit of The Great Awakening - The mind heart and soul journey of a lifetime! 🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊💫