Good vs. Evil.
That’s what it’s all about, at the end of the day.
Some of us found ourselves digging in the dark after being alerted to crimes against children, others to systemic political and financial corruption, and yet more due to the slow creep, crawl and staggered malaise of the veil the powers that would be—the Controllers that make up the Deep State Cabalists in all their subversive, seeming might slowly raised up to cover a once-proud Republic—a once steadfast and shining, sovereign and strong world—in the haze of freedom’s fading glow.
However we arrived here, lighting candles and brandishing torches in the shadows, warding off as often as hunting down the lies of the craven crows that have taken so much from us, and so much more from those who came before us, and no matter how many details we find to disagree on, projections we quarrel over or directions we sail in, only to be turned back as another faux horizon is revealed to a movement as paradoxically tireless as we are exhausted, resigned as we are resolved, we are unified in common purpose.
Good and evil.
As simple and reductive as the terms are, they are eternal, plain and striking in all their naked glory and unglory. In all the truth they hold, and in all the meaning they conjure from the abyss of Man’s Memory, and perhaps his Maker.
And yet, while we all agree on the endgame—that being to free our Republic and our world from the grips of the systemic illusion I often refer to at Burning Bright as the Liar’s Sleep—the path we chart to get there, and the mechanisms we employ—and those who represent our interests in the true Truth movement—are as hotly debated now as they have ever been.
So, today I want to broach another difficult subject, as is my recent wont, my called-upon charge and—perhaps to my own detriment—my seeming fate in times such as these, as I’ve never been one to shy away from controversy, to step away from ledges before taking in the view.
I spend much of my writing and my public commentary discussing what I refer to as the Reverse Hegelian Dialectic. This is the grand, unifying theory of Burning Bright—the concept that marries my human, flawed, imperfect observational abilities with whatever foresight and hindsight I’m able to summon before passing them through a cognitive cypher I continue to hone through the directed intent of my own discernment, challenging discussions with my chosen peers, and not least of all, exchanges and engagement with this growing community in the comments section on this humble publication and beyond.
I also refer to this concept as the ‘Good’ Reset, and while I not only hold to this Macro reading of the ‘point’ of it all—that being, the end goal and endgame of the Sovereign Alliance against the Globalist Deep State—but grow more confident in its Directional certitude by the week, it is much more focused on the Direction than the Details, the Destination over the Journey.
And that Journey is not only rife with pain and difficulty, but also with controversy.
I have discussed the ‘What’ in much of my writing, the ‘Why’ in recent pieces and ruminated—and guesstimated—regarding the constantly-shifting and intentionally-obscured ‘Who’, but I’d like to touch on the ‘How’ today.
Because the ‘How’ seems to generate the most accusations, the most strife and the most ardent charges of ‘hopium’ and worse in this community.
The premise to those professing to be seekers of the truth and hunters of lies, but who are often very much in league with our ideological enemies can also manage to ensnare earnest MAGA, America First and freedom-loving patriots into their Doomer’s Prism when they examine the morality—more so, the supposed lack thereof—of the mechanisms behind ‘The Plan’ many of us feel was put into place long ago, and that kicked off in earnest when Donald J. Trump came down the escalator a few short and long years ago.
From the third-rail topic of Vaccine Damages and Endorsement—direct or indirect—that I attempted to address in ‘Trump’s Taboo,’ to the congruent Crisis Cascade I often project that is best driven home with the dual reading of the ‘Spider-Man 2 Effect’ and ‘Scare Event,’ to the understandable confusion that can arise when writers like me make frequent references to Patriot ‘control’ over the Game Theory Game Board, the mechanisms of the Fifth-Generation War we are in the midst of—that we are very much a part of—offend the seemingly-delicate sensibilities of some who would sooner forget that we are in a war than they would help us win it.
Still, while the intent behind questions certainly matters, I won’t pretend these mechanistic musings are without merit.
So then, if the ‘What’ refers to the Great Awakening—the Plan—and if the ‘Why’ doubles back in on itself with a moralist bent, harkening back to that good-evil old-fashioned appeal, what do we make of the ‘How?’
The term, ‘Machiavellian,’ is perhaps overused in the modern vernacular, as separated from the original holder of the name as it is from the original Macro, large-scale and damning progenitors of the sociopolitical term, but in a war as vast and meaningful to the future direction of humanity as the Information War, the Shadow War and the Great Awakening, it finds itself at least appropriate in terms of impact.
Depending on the charge, ‘Machiavellian’ can be used as a grudging, wry compliment just as it can be used to condemn the most cunning of the vile leaders, rulers, Dictators and Directors of human history. Put another way, it is perhaps most often and most fittingly ascribed to historical, political and cultural figures those of us in this community would count as our sworn enemies.
That said, the charge can also be turned back around, and used by Doomers, Blackpillers, Con Inc. and any number of increasingly-shrill and yet, increasingly irrelevant Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing in an attempt to paint Donald Trump and his allies—even many of us, individually and collectively—as immoral wagers of a cold and dispassionate Game Theory War whose real-world consequences are beneath our notice and care.
In short, what these ‘Machiavellian’ critics fully grasp in terms of the complexity of Fifth-Generation Warfare, they conveniently, inexplicably concede when it comes to applying morality to the very use of such admittedly-subversive, psychological and yes, even dishonest tactics.
Why do Donald Trump and his chosen allies engage in public deception, obfuscation and subversion, when these are the calling cards—the mechanistic sins—of the very enemies we seek to overthrow, and take the world back from?
Why use the weapons of the enemy against them?
Because it works.
More so, because the enemy gets a vote.
And perhaps that is a point I have failed to draw enough emphasis to in my own writing and commentary—a foundational truth that, while implied in the very acceptance of the Info War, Sovereign Alliance-Deep State paradigm most of us agree we currently exist in—has not been driven home.
Whether due to the understandable confusion of ‘Patriots are in Control’ rhetoric—some of it absolutely and earnestly delivered by myself and other minds I have the utmost respect for—or due to the accidental engagement by readers, viewers and truthers with subversive elements within our community, there seems to be a recurring failure by a subset of this movement to grasp the following dichotomy, which is a paradox in appearance only.
The harder [they] fight, and the more ‘damage’ [they] inflict, the sooner, and the harder [they] fall.
I touched on this seeming paradox in ‘Irregular Hope,’ but the concept bears repeating and fleshing out, as, while tinged with hints of hopium and wishful thinking, the very tenets of Game Theory and Fifth-Gen Warfare—as well as the core logical and philosophical foundations of the ‘Good’ Reset theory I advance around these parts with almost-tired frequency—hold it as not only being the most logical reading of current circumstances, but also bestow its moralist armor at the same time.
From Donald Trump’s willing—and temporary—abdication of the highest seat of elected power in the world, to his intentionally-obfuscated messaging regarding vaccines, to the patriot-engineered (you read that right,) collapse of the U.S.—and world—economy, and thus, of the petrodollar and fiat central banking system the powers that would be have used to enslave us for generations—perhaps for centuries—the collective fire we as a society are experiencing on many fronts has not been delivered unto us BY Patriots, but rather by [them,] and by our own previous ignorance, arrogance and inaction.
And while this fire carries with it costs ranging from the financial to the psychological to the occasionally-morbid, I truly believe that there was no painless way for the sovereign collective of humanity to undergo the psychological and even spiritual metamorphosis that is needed on both an individual and societal level than to experience its absolution, and its deliverance.
The same fire—the same strife and difficulty of an engineered and allowed crisis cascade and systemic collapse—that will set us free, will burn [them] away.
Because [they] are a system. [They] are THE System, and the System is our enemy.
Mine. Yours. America’s. Russia’s. China’s. And all free folk.
For we have not been free, but rather in name only.
If you’ve been digging in the dark for any length of time, in any of the theaters I described at the start, or in any that I left aside for the time being, you know that to be true.
This collapse. This Reverse Hegelian Dialectic, with all its tricks and traps, jabs and ripostes, strikes and counters is not our punishment. It is our reward.
The enemy gets a vote. They get to decide the manner and the mode in which they meet their collective and collectivist end.
That isn’t meant to be lyrical or poetic. That is what I believe, because I have developed and continue to develop the eyes to see the world around me. The real world, and not the one they’ve propped up in its place.
When I look around, above and below the strife you and I suffer, and the hardship they have thrust upon us and our friends, families and children, I see Systems crumbling. From the forced mergers of Fortune 500 companies to the contracting of Big Tech, from the embattled legal theaters just beginning to emerge in the realm of Big Pharma to the exposures trickling—soon to be tumbling—out of Ukraine, from the reveal of corruption in the highest office of the land—an office fittingly, serendipitously and INTENTIONALLY occupied by the most clownish, compromised, utterly caught charlatan of the lot, the fire that some see as burning away all it touches is only eating away at the rotten timbers of the cage they’ve long held us in.
This fire that is ‘The Plan,’ the Sovereign Alliance and the Great Awakening may threaten us, but it will consume them.
THAT is what the Process Paradigm is all about. Taking in the fire. Taking in the jeweled facets of the flames and tracking their progress, careful not to be taken by them or to be cowed as they do the work they’ve been set to do. As WE do the work we’ve been set to do.
To burn away [their] world, one lie at a time, one exposure at a time, one System at a time, until the molten net is unmade, each charred link flaking and flitting as motes of ash on the winds of awakening.
So, the enemy gets a vote.
But, much like the digital illusions of Democracy they’ve dangled before our eyes for generations as they’ve stolen the Republic out from under us with an endless procession of Prussian Puppets, algorithms and Media Shielding to massage it all in, that vote is as inert as its ending is inevitable.
When you cultivate the eyes to see it and the cognitive cypher to analyze it, the truth is as blinding as it is freeing.
On a long enough timeline, either we win, or [they] lose.
Count the ends, and consider the means, but don’t lose the one for the other.
Winning happens very slowly … and then all at once.
Admire the cleansing fire without being caught up in it. We’ll never see its like again.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
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Thank you for another excellent piece and another reminder that patience is required, but will be rewarded and worth it. Each day I thank God in my morning prayers for the gift of being alive and awake/aware at this historic moment. (Remember, Self, You're going to love how this movie ends, You're going to love how this movie ends, You're going to ....)
Almost 3 years ago, I expressed to my 40 yo daughter that society had entered a war of Good vs Evil. I was distraughtly declared a member of the Q 'cult'. To this day, I stand proud to be a 'member' as we witness the encircling flames continue to rise....