So many good gems in this one for sure! What a perfect visual and title 'The Gordian Noose' ...

What I personally came away with in this read was that we forgot the standing, the position we have with how the government is supposed to be, we the people are the government. When we acquiesce, we are saying, it's okay, so we are setting precedent. With that said....now being awakened, we can truly see The Gordian Noose.....as they are their own doom...while we stand tall!

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This is a good way to put it. There is certainly some degree of permission we give to occupiers by not resisting/catching on to them.

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Excellent description of the psychological war the world finds itself in. I’ve heard many state that we can’t have another election until 2020 has been fixed; yet, the cheating has been going on much, much longer than the last couple of elections. Even if there was no evidence, how did the “political class” come into being? Also, without the propaganda of the media complex in addition to long term cheating, do you really think Americans are that dumb and keep voting in these mediocre people? So many still today react from a position of fear instead of applying (to the best of our ability) the various processes you’ve described in your articles to understand the game theories. Many apparently cannot grasp the long term good benefits of short-term setbacks, but The Art of War explains that perfectly. There truly will not be a way out in the end, however long it takes. One thing, too, I believe is we must not ignore either the micro or macro view as it takes both to succeed. God bless you! Thank you for using your gifts to educate many!

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Thanks for your comment.

I do agree that we need both Micro and Macro viewpoints. I tend to gravitate toward the latter, but I read all of the former put out by many of my friends in this community.

I do not believe decertifying the election in order to give Trump back the Presidency would be a net positive in the Mind War. I believe he must be reinstalled by the people in brute force/via election overload, and the 2020 election and those prior can be disclosed and "corrected" in hindsight.

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I’ve been one to dig in my heels for fixing 2020, but I have slowly come ‘round to this thinking of re-election. I just hope 1) that a revote won’t wait til 2024; and 2) that no matter how and when he comes back, the normies will all know by that time that 2020 was indeed stolen!

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For the record, I DO believe 2020 needs to be rectified, but I believe that justice will come AFTER Trump wins another election.

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Define Justice, please. For me Justice will be all the haters and deniers being shown the truth. And I can retire my foil hat! Any legal Justice will come when it comes.

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Both will occur.

Just because a crime isn't punished until years later does not mean it will not be punished.

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Das right, yup

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Thoughtful piece.

In essence what we Americans seem to be experiencing is a reverse mind control process.

But as you have observed, this Gordian Knot is not solely an American challenge. We should maintain a wary eye on things now happening, both simultaneously AND very fast, in Asia and Europe.

There seem to be three distinct reverse mind control stories taking place. All three seem to be racing to play out in a schedule inexorably linked to America’s midterms and their fallout. I think this is no accident.

It seems to me that Odessa and Taipei may well both be conquered from the West during this increasingly tumultuous phase.

Which brings me to my own slowly dawning understand, namely this.

The post WW2 (and subsequently the post Cold War) global geopolitical arrangement required that (a) Russian LEGITIMATE claims to Ukraine and (b) Chinese LEGITIMATE claims to Taiwan be sacrificed to the over-arching threat of American retaliation.

The USA successfully maintained that strategic imbalance precisely to maintain control over the entire world.

I sense that this era is now ending. The three separate reverse mind control programs are attempting to prepare all of us for this.

A relatively sustainable new global equilibrium may end up happening with three relatively equal super powers tending to their own gardens and minding their own business henceforth. There will be trade and international diplomacy, but in a dramatically changed world order.

This is how my own evolving consciousness is beginning to perceive what’s coming next.

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Interesting points. Kyle at Just Human refers to this as the Regions of Responsibility paradigm.

I personally call it the Sovereign Alliance. Same idea.

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Concur completely... It sad that the cabal has used our nation (in spite of the constitution) to lead the race to global governance through the widespread corruption due to “we the people’s” complacency. The brilliance of a free society, technical, scientific, etc., inventions stolen and used to destroy instead of improve is equally sad. We have to take responsibility for that and never become complacent again.

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I look forward to the New Restoration that is to come in the aftermath of the Great Awakening.

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Well said.

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Gordian Noose!?!? - Com'on man, I had to look that up! Geeze :)

Nice piece. I still can't rationalize and come to terms with as you say " . . patriots not only KNEW said election fraud was in the offing—as they projected—but that they could have put a stop to it through overt means, but chose ultimately to catalogue it, document it, highlight it and ultimately expose it en route to opening the door for the biggest ‘awakening’ operation of all time . . . " so are you saying they did NOT catch the "act of the crime" and can not prove who and how it was pulled off, so they are just exploiting the after affects just to teach us a lesson? That doesn't add up to me, nor do I think it would legal or anything Trump would intentionally to do to us. I think they thought it was going to happen, did not know how, did not know the intensity and got blind-sided by the pure scale of the cheat. I don't think we can honestly believe that they set up a way to catch and catalogue the treason and steal AND still let us go through all this pain. That is what doesn't add up. That is why they scrambled to put Devolution and COG in place after the election. A fall-back. This would also support the "narrative war" that is being waged in the absence of any real proof. The "catching of them all" STARTED after the steal. Not before. No sting.

That said - I am conflicted with much other "indications" that would "suggest" otherwise. Maybe I just don't want to wait till 2024 to get Trump back. To me, as I said before, running again is an admission that Biden won (or at least got away with it) and that Trump was the weaker player. - See why I can't sleep at night?

B R I G H T - Being Righteous In God's Hands Together

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I don't agree at all, actually, but I definitely respect this viewpoint.

I believe a national exposure campaign has been planned, and that patriots also wanted to expose the systemic corruption inherent in our voting systems.

I also think COG and Devolution are far too complex to have been a last-minute decision.

Trump projected this in advance, and I do not believe he is caught unawares.

Thank you for reading and for your thoughts!

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I to believe this is exactly what happened. It was a wake up call and has done exactly that!

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B R I G H T -- Wonderful!

The White Hats knew, I think for many years, what was unfolding here. They were actioning a Plan to defeat evil, along with 'friendly' forces elsewhere in the world. They chose Trump as their champion, and knew that he would win in 2016 and that it would be necessary for him to 'lose' in 2020. They know 'who did what,' they didn't get blind-sided, and they did not rush to put Devolution/COG in place after the election.

These were all part of the plan, and Trump was basically hired to play a part -- a very important part -- in this play. 'Catching them all' has many levels and many aspects. The white hats know, and have known for a long time, who [they] were and are. They (the white hats) are engaged in a long-term, complex plan which must be played out, even at significant costs along the way, so that victory can be assured. Evil cannot be destroyed piecemeal -- it must be dealt an overwhelming and conclusive death blow.

It's hard for those of us watching the 'battle in the mists over the lake' (Righteous Russia #8) to be patient. But it will be worth it. And, it will get worse before it gets better. Destroying the evil that has been built up over the last 200 years at least (there is good evidence that it has been happening for much longer, even back to Biblical times) is not something that will happen overnight, nor without trials and tribulations. But God wins in the end; and regardless of whether what we are witnessing is the End Times or merely a battle along the way, what is happening now is necessary and important.

"What we are watching is a titanic war being fought in the mists over an eternal lake. We stand on the shore, observing flashes and plumes, gouts and gusts and storms raging over the roiling waters. We cannot see who is fighting at all times. We catch glimpses of leaders and enemies, and sometimes the two merge and meld back into the vapors, leaving behind the ghosts of images we puzzle over while the discordant sounds of their tumult resumes in the smoke.

But water tells the truth. And if we are calm and quiet, keen of mind and purposeful with our discernment, we can read the ripples that come back to shore, and see what story they tell."

-- https://burningbright.substack.com/p/righteous-russia-part-8

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Thank you, Wild one!

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

It alls seems quite overwhelming, until you start paying attention to the patterns.

I have confidence that we are witnessing a plan long in the making.

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OK - so I guess Dev/COG wasn't rushed. But most likely set up in advance as a fall back should the worse happen. Are you telling me that Trump knew all along as he was campaigning in 2020 that he was going to lose (or walk away)? Makes me a bit miffed having stood in line at one of his rallies for 14 hours. I try not to be a doomer, and the intent here is not that. I have lived through the JFK assassination, Viet Nam, MLK and their associated social Info-ops to cover them up, many US interventions WW, 911, Vegas and more. All knowing what was really behind them .. . . and then they just fade away into history without the truth coming out. I fear that may the path we are on with is issue as well. I might be too focused on the election, I as many others feel, there is no path forward until that is exposed and corrected. For Trump to effectively say "Well I guess I will have to do it again because we couldn't prove and act on the fraud the first time", is just another gut punch to me. There may be a Red Wave in Nov. or they may be the cheat of the century that we will rationalize away as a major Red Pill and part of the plan. Either way, if the "white hats" really know what happened in 2020, and can prove it, is one of those things that "just doesn't add up". I don't profess to be the "brightest bulb in the array", but my gut tells me we will never know.

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Again, I just don't agree with your reading of the situation, but I do respect it.

Trump's comments leading into 2020 absolutely did project him losing.

And when you look at the last two years, the national polling has utterly imploded on the ruling class.

By design, IMO.

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I think that Trump losing 2020 was part of the plan. You being there with thousands of other patriots waiting to hear him speak was an important part of the plan too, though likely few if any of those of you waiting knew that. (Most of us did not, at the time, either; so don't blame yourself for 'not being the brightest bulb on the circuit.')

I've lived through all the same stuff you have so we're probably around the same age. I do think that when the dust settles on all this, there will be a Time of Reckoning, where misdeeds past and long past are brought out and put on display for all to see, lest we make the same mistakes again. Folks like J Edgar Hoover will have to be tried posthumously, those still alive (Clintons, Obama et al) will pay the price for their crimes.

I believe that Warp Speed was not about the vax -- it was about pushing down on the throttle to accelerate the Great Failure before [they] were ready, so the White Hats could then hijack the program and depose [them]. I learned this from Burning Bright's 'Spiderman' post -- which contrary to another comment here today, I thought was very effective. The Spiderman video was not intended to be literal -- no 'superhero' stuff ever is. But as an allegory of where we are, it was very on point. Trump and the White Hats pushed the throttle (of runaway spending) to the firewall, and then Trump stood down to allow 'team Brandon' to catch the flak when the system collapsed. As it is now in the process of doing, by my estimate 5-10 years before [they] were ready.

The White Hats could easily have done one or all of several things to prove fraud and 'take back' the election for Trump. They did not, and Trump voluntarily stepped down, so that the Plan could play out as it had to. There are no shortcuts in this war, it must be fought to total victory; and when the time comes, the majority of the Normies must be brought along to see what happened. 2020 was not yet the time for that; but our day will come. Keep the faith and keep learning. I learn new stuff every day and I think everyone here does too.

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I do believe you are on your way to earning a PHD in Bright University, Wild Bill.

You have fully grasped my idea regarding Operation Warp Speed and Accelerationism regarding counters to their plans.

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Thank you for your reply. it does seem we are about the same age. My life experience thus far is probably why I vacillate between believing we are witnessing the execution of a very well thought out plan, and believing we were majorly screwed . I mean since 1945 when was the last time corruption was exposed, corrected and people held accountable all within the life time of the people that lived through it? (Don't say Nixon. That whole thing was a globalist operation and he was in on it). But I guess one could say in the past the symptom of corruption was the focus and no one was really trying to get the root cause and "system of corruption:" - I guess like we all believe here? Thanks again for your comments and I will endeavor to be BRIGHTer!

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I don't believe we've had someone with the MIL INT backing Trump has in the White House ... ever.

I believe JFK did what he could, but the apparatus was too complex for him at that time.

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The world since 1945 has been one great 'Prussian' operation. Korea, Cold War, Vietnam... Eisenhower warned us about the mil-industrial complex which was (still is to a significant degree) the 'fruiting body' of the slime mold in the USA. Trying to kill the mold itself was an exercise in futility, if we did not even know it was there. All we could go after was the visible stuff -- a world-wide game of Whack-a-mole, basically.

But now, [they] are not being at all subtle and what they are doing exposes them in ways never before seen. For some time now the 'good guys' have been working on a plan to take [them] down. Or so the evidence would have us believe.

Of course it is possible that none of this is true, and we are screwed as you say. In which case it makes no difference what we do. Given those two possibilities, IMO we should choose the path that holds out the possibility of a favorable outcome. If we are wrong, we're no worse off than we already were; but if we are right, and there is a plan, then we will be prepared to assist and be a part of it however we can, when the time comes. To me at least, that choice seems the more rational one.

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This is so close to my darkest thoughts, but I won’t let myself go there. It was comforting to see you went there, only because I would not. This whole thing, allowing treason to live and breathe freely, It does at times feel too complex to have been planned. However it depends how far back we look, let’s say 1913? The start of the Central banking system? To me, this is when we let the monster in through our door. I think this monster has been both indulged and chased for a very long time!!

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The monster has been around for a very long time. In the USA at least back until 1860 (Lincoln). Elsewhere well before that.

The thing to remember here Lisa, is that when [we] choose to fight [them], it is absolutely imperative that we do so at a time and in a place of [our] choosing, and with the power and plan to assure total victory. Anything else and we will be in a far worse situation than we are now.

The consequence of this is that [they] must be allowed certain victories... J6 'insurrectionists' jailed for years without charges in horrific conditions comes to mind.

Another thing to remember is that [they] play a part in this, [they] have power and intelligence, and a plan of their own. As it was in WW2 for instance, our side will not win every battle, the losses at times almost too much to bear. Our side must act in accordance with the Plan, considering [their] moves and counter-moves. We must be intrepid and courageous in the face of our losses, confident in the strength and wisdom of those fighting for us. In the end, many (though perhaps not those who have read BB's 'Righteous Russia' series) will be surprised to discover who actually has been fighting for us, and who against.

But in time it will all come out. Have faith, have courage, and as BB would say, stay Bright.

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This is important to keep in mind.

My belief that Patriots are actioning a complex and ultimately effective plan does not mean the enemy does not get a vote. We are at war. I believe it is immature and naive to assume there will not be losses en route to victory.

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Excellent reply. Thank you. Good points about winning and losing battles.

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This reply is in response to American Wings.

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I think the veil has been lifted enough for everyone on both sides to see how insane and un American these people and policies are.

We have great America first candidates running. They aren’t afraid to stand up to the media and they will do the peoples business.

We the people are un afraid, unapologetic for our beliefs and we no longer listen to the media. If you have been booted from Twitter or Facebook or you see how everything President Trump said would happen has happened or is about to happen, that’s reality giving those who could see the writing on the wall, a big old truth slap in the face. They see it, they hear it and they are living it right along with us. It’s a Trump form of unity.

I believe in God. I believe in prayer. I believe we have special warriors doing his biding all over the world. The worse thing they did was to try to mess with our children. God’s children and parents are done with this crazy, evil garbage. Nancy Pelosi says it’s all about the children. She lies. She could care less. Trump did everything in us power to protect and rescue the children. End the end it’s the children that matter most.

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Thanks Deborah! Eyes on the prize.

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Amen!! 🙏

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BB your writing is such a work of art. Like a complex painting, I’m curious if your readers see what I see, did I take away your message properly? Just like in the painting, we see what we see, all coming away with our own perception. I actually read your writings and then just as eagerly read the comments. It’s amazing to see what others see. I choose to see all of this as a chess game. I’m beginning to see the chess pieces used by the white hats. For example, Truethevote and Greg Phillips, this is one chess piece meticulously moved and purposely timed, (the China invasion into our elections). This chess piece tells you a great deal about our white hats, and where we might be in the game. I also believe the chess piece (Arizona audit) was used and it’s timing for educational purposes. Processes were exposed and we learned how they cheated. That piece was soon cleared from the board. The most exciting aspect of the game of chess, which pieces your Opponent uses, and when. Each chess piece move lends incite has to how long this game has been played and how distant we are from the end. I can still see a lot of pertinent pieces on the board. The dead weight (this is my name for the normies) has kept this game at a very slow pace. The chess piece (reversal of election deniers) is now in the hands of our opponent. Not sure if the piece will be moved, or set back down on the chess board. A few more sacrificial pawns in front of the pieces with power.....the momentum building...we know, once exposed, things must move quickly.

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Using your chess board analogy, it is important to know that a chess master understands the importance of sacrificing a number of his or her pieces as part of an overall strategy; one being the brilliance of convincing your opponent that they have the upper hand and like that of a dog who barks and chases after a car thinking the car is afraid and is running from said dog!

I love the Gordian switch up from knot to noose! There is an old saying, “ if you give a man enough rope.. he will hang HIMSELF with it”. Yes, it appears the evil Cabal have been baited into the chase leading to the gallows where the noose has been already prepared!

Keep up the excellent writing BB!! You. Rock!👆☺️🙏🏻👍

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Yes the strategy of chess!! Sacrifice being the key word! I’m a bit of a card player when it comes to chess, the bluff strategy can throw the opponent. But keep in mind, this game we’re playing involves many boards. 5D chess if you will. But I’m beginning to pick out the moves which means the pace Is picking up....it’s brilliant!!

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Thanks Alan!

And yes, too many misunderstand my appeals to "victory" as being of the "flawless" variety.

That is not the case in war. But we will win.

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I agree with this reading. While it can be frustrating, I personally feel that we must adapt our mindset to feeling honored that we are being clued in and aware of the game being played, while others are merely being moved along with the momentum and direction of the Collective Mind.

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Burning Bright! You must be a 110 year old sage! You are intelligent, wise, experienced and absolutely fascinating to read. How old are you really? Fan and friend, Cynthia

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I am only 109 years old, actually.

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That figures. Can't wait to read your next level of writing when you are 110!

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Thanks for sharing your insightful perspectives. I appreciate them very much. I find them very uplifting additions to my list of reasons to be at peace in all this. Bless you.

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Thanks for reading, Joe!

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Absolutely. Finding and keeping the peace is so important. Can’t think rationally when we are frightened or stressed. Keeping it simple and not overthink helps

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Having a natural tendency toward "doom-ism" myself, I'm finding these essays to be very encouraging. The "Gordian Noose" metaphor works much better than the Spider-Man 2-based one did, I think. (That's the fault of Spider-Man 2's implausible plot elements at its end,.)

I also appreciate the contrary views of some commenters, which--more often than not--serve to vindicate BB's views. Could that be called "Assisted Bicameral Thinking"? ;^)

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Much appreciated, Chuck!

I love the engagement of the BB comments section. Big bonus.

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Agree! The power and fluency in your writings is absolutely eloquent. God bless you patriot.

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Much appreciated, Carrie.

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Gordian knot/noose... perfext analogy. Excellent piece, yet again. Much obliged...

I can't help but listen to the narrative of [them] setting the stage for a post-red wave cry of foul-play claiming MAGA stole the elections...

makes me laugh hysterically at the thought that through their own complants would promote a time to actualy shed light for ALL to see on ALL the rigged systems put in place over many decades. Dem-Rino-[DS].

"YEA! LETS Tear into those REPUBLICAN machines to see how they cheated !!!!! We can't let that stand ! ! ! ! ! "

*chuckle* all the while handing them all the mountains of evidence currently being complied.

Nooo. Can't be... they wouldn't be THATstupI'd?

still. The thought does make me laugh...

I'm telLin ya, man, ya need a taller hill for that light...

GREAT WORK! SPREAD It wide yall !

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Haha. It is pretty funny if you can look at it from certain angles.

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Thank you Burning Bright and everyone here. It is a joy to read and think again!

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Happy to have you here, Victoria!

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Wrong place but this is my only posting option BB. Re Elon: the extra high price (no debate he is overpaying) is a payout to certain large shareholders... for whatever that is worth. Also kayfabe is not just for red hats... he is way over the top with it relative to twitter. And they are over the top in "oh noes bad Elon" ... Also it may be safer to have twitter innards in private hands to bury the nonsense that went on in an ostensibly cutting-edge US publicly traded company at the top of governance & ESG ratings. So Elon may reflect important cleanup and payout functions at the end of an op or a phase of an op. Maybe? Also: twitter has SUPERVALUABLE periscope videos from Jan 6th that have all sorts of goodies there, i watched it live on periscope - treasure trove of user videos, especially the start of that op at capitol. Also.... all the bitcoin bullshit, China dependency... My whole point is that it is a mistake to read Elon simplistically. He is beyond just useful - he is a player in the game and there is plenty to suggest he is on either team, assuming there are only 2 teams... We just do not know. I appreciate your content BB.

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Oh I totally agree with this. Didn't mean for it to come off that I don't consider him a player in this game. And a major one. I just like to play devil's advocate to say that, even if he was not, he is being run by people who are.

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All good, was posting here while listening to you on a rumble show. This is from a tweet, below. I am guessing this scale of "player" is not independent, maybe not even under the control of whims of a single "face" character. This is national level strategic infrastructure:

Elon Musk


Oct 20

Replying to @Teslarati @13ericralph31

SpaceX has more active satellites in orbit than rest of Earth combined, tracking to double rest of Earth soon

Oct 20, 2022 · 7:30

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thanks again BB, I needed that after a particularly shitty weekend , where i seemed to moan (which isn't really like me) constantly .....look forward to watching you and Co. on the repeat of Devo Power Hour on Thurs morn after my night shift

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Much appreciated!

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Great stuff as always. While I agree that whatever happens in November is going to be huge, I don't think there is a more important Potential Event looming right now than when the Vax Die-Off enters the Overton Window. (Or is that an Actual Event?)

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The vax stuff is very difficult to parse, but I'll be watching that, of course.

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