The Master explores Donald Trump’s mastery of Narrative Warfare, his Narrative Fighting Style and his importance to the Sovereign Alliance in this Fifth-Generation War against the Globalist Deep State. Start the series with Part 1.
The Shiny New Idea.
It’s a concept I was first introduced to while taking the requisite college courses that didn’t so much teach me how to become a better writer, but more so taught me that the best way to get good at something is to follow other people who are good at that thing, and to spend time doing it yourself rather than listening to professors bloviate about how to do a thing they themselves are incapable of.
But I digress …
There were SOME concepts from academia that stuck with me, if only because they represent cognitive cyphers that can be applied to other aspects of daily life, and now, some of those cyphers have come back to me as I attempt to find new and more effective ways of parsing the engineered chaos of the Info War.
The Shiny New idea is a cautionary tale more than a concept. It attempts to distill the bicameral conundrum that lies at the heart of most artists—that being the reality that ‘new ideas’ are inherently more exciting in their newness than old ideas, but that the inability to stick with an old or current idea en route to its completion has the potential to trap said artist into a creative death-loop of stagnation disguised as progress.
Essentially, the more we look for the new without understanding or ruminating on the current, the more we miss the forest for the trees, and on a long enough timeline, we might look back at all the once-new ideas we abandoned, because the newest of new ideas always seemed like the best directions to go in at the time, until, of course, such time as said new ideas were replaced with others.
So, while new ideas are undoubtedly exciting, necessary and yes, sexy, and should be explored fully, they should not be at the expense of the old, the lasting … the true.
The signal, in other words, must not be lost in the noise.
But the reason I resurface the concept today is owing to the fact that I think we’re seeing this ‘new ideas’ lure being dangled before the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind like a laser pointer to a herd of cats—engineered signal within the kaleidoscopic noise modern sociopolitics has become. And this ‘faux signal’ comes in the form of political proxies that are currently littering the game board in a manner we haven’t seen in some time.
What started with the proxy MAGA campaign of Ron DeSantis, (either a Pied Piper for us or a Judas Goat for them … or was it the other way around?) and morphed into the tech bro, ultra based parlance of Vivek Ramaswamy has now washed up along the desiccated, gaunt, dried out husk of a shoreline representative of the Nikki Haley campaign, which is as far a cry from the America First signal as Chris Christie is to a dietician.
Okay … so maybe even I can get caught up in the theater of it all.
In terms of the Actual Effects on the Collective Mind, I see the current Proxy Puppet show more as visiting a parallax effect on the 2024 election cycle, rapidly exposing the would-be obfuscation attempts by the Deep State Uniparty on a timeline decidedly NOT of their choosing, but rather on Trump’s, as evidenced by the confidence and direction of his Narrative Deployments both before and especially after the planned (engineered?) capitulation of each proxy on the game board.
Trump is exposing the noise, allowing it to drown itself out, leaving only signal behind.
The noise, in this case, is representative of MAGA-lite proxies who’ve only been dressed up as signal—a poor tactical choice by the System (if it was the System’s choice in the first place,) as doing so only further helps to define and solidify the underlying signal they’re trying to cover up in the first place.
This is a Finite Strategy employed in a game in which Trump wields the public Narrative with a mastery I’ve continued to explore in this ongoing series, and which shows no signs of abating until such time as Trump—and by extension—WE have decided it ends.
So, if there’s a white pill inherent in the recognition of this proxy parallax we’re seeing exposed in the current American political zeitgeist, it is the very fact that such proxies—and the concept of proxies themselves—are being exposed to an increasing plurality of the American public, many of whom have grown JUST weary enough to be wary, and just wary enough to be uncomfortable as the very Crisis Cascade the Establishment sought to weaponize against them—against us—on a longer timeline has been turned around by more cunning masters and accelerated in keeping with the ‘Operation Warp Speed’ of it all in order to engender the very awakening the powers that would be could not and CAN not suffer to actualize.
When it comes to Fifth-Generation Warfare, which is just another way of saying nonphysical, non-kinetic warfare, everyone reading these words is as much an expert in the various tactics and strategies it involves as any other soldiers.
We didn’t need General Michael Flynn or the Q Op to dub us or anoint us as warriors. We are by the virtue of that which we do, and that which we do, as discussed last week in, ‘Definitions of War,’ is to attempt to discern … and to be honest in the attempt at doing so.
Because of the moral bedrock that forms the foundation upon which all cognitive and logical frameworks are built in this decentralized network of Anons, citizen journalists and direct-path reasoners, we have each of us been conscripted through the force of our own wills and the momentum of our own actions into a high-stakes round of Game Theory where the Truth itself represents the Infinite Player we’re helping to guide and guard from its antithesis, that being falsity in all its forms.
We’re doing this so effectively, and patriot guard rails have been erected so subtly, in fact, that the Establishment has been forced to retreat unerringly along previously-held mass psychological ground, having almost wholly given up the attempt to stand against the very tenets and philosophies that buoy this growing sovereign movement by putting forth its opposite, instead being reduced to dressing up said concepts in MAGA lite and faux MAGA skin suits in low-effort, low-probability attempts to redirect a river they recently gave up trying to dam up completely.
This recalls the ‘Overton’s Goalpost’ concept I wrote about last summer, and that I believe we can see emerging in various Micros and Macros in virtually all theaters of the Info War at present, from Ukrainian Proxy Wars to Bidenomics and the Bicameral Witch Hunt being undertaken by the DOJ against Trump and Biden simultaneously.
The ’Orange Man Bad’ refrain was always the most short-term of Finite Games to play, and yet, the fact that the establishment is attempting to trot it out again circa 2024—circa NOW—is as patently absurd from a Game Theory perspective as it is encouraging from a truth community perspective, as it demonstrates that, short of removing Trump from the informational field of play entirely—a prospect they have no doubt entertained and attempted to employ—they are running out of options.
Which is making them frightened. Which is making them stupid. Which is making them predictable … even to the aforementioned Normie Layers of the Collective Mind that were, up until now reticent to devote much psychological or cognitive energy to the attempt to parse the intentions of a system at once alien to them in its mechanisms as it is ever-present as a suffocating weight on their daily lives.
That combination—the increasing weight of the System of Systems on the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind in congruence with the increasing ease with which we might see said System rendered corporeal—is making the germination phase of the awakening that much easier, so much so that all Anons really have to do is sit back and watch as slow-blinking minds start blinking more rapidly as the light of a new dawn begins to sear itself into the forefront of their consciousness, and that each of us was born, called and ultimately trained in order to shepherd and guide when the time comes.
This recalls ‘The Sifting’ concept
discusses with frequency.This is why, the more cartoonish the political story in the west becomes—and make no mistake, it IS becoming cartoonish—the more confident we can be that the mass sweeping and targeting of the metaphorical Eye of Sauron has been inverted, and now represents the burning stare of the decentralized many on the centralized few.
Or did you think Trump Truth’ing in ALL CAPS was because the core signal-setter within the America First, sovereign movement of the west was angry and confused?
Of course not.
Trump is signal-boosting that which is painfully obvious to us, but which the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind are only just beginning to question.
We’re used to the concept of False Flags and limited hang-outs in this community, but how many of your sleeping brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and neighbors are versed in such subversive concepts outside of the occasional ‘gay frogs’ Alex Jones rant a friend tagged them in on TikTok or Instagram?
Thus, strange as this would have been to type even a year ago, I submit that one of the Macro concepts I believe is slowly being programmed into the American Collective Mind is that of Proxy Candidates and Proxies in general.
On the world stage, these include puppet presidents from Zelenskyy to Biden himself—which I have explored at length in the ‘Layer Cake’ series—but more recently and immediately, the GOP debates and primaries have made it strikingly apparent to all but the most dimwitted of voters that political parties and candidates are little more than shells for the systematized interests that back them.
With regards to the DeSimp and Vivekian shill parades, it was always less important to focus on the candidates and more important to focus on the players backing them, both financially and, perhaps more importantly, narratively—a contingent that includes most of the blue check Con Inc. brigade we call out with regularity, and that I take great personal pleasure in watching retreat from previously-held positions due to the inevitable wake-up operation Trump has provoked within their once-captive audiences.
For a slightly more colorful summation of this trend, here’s a recent clip of me in human form discussing it:
When it comes to Nikki Haley, by hook or by crook, she's being used to expose the fact that the Uniparty is very real, and is unified against Trump, which means it's unified against us. She is being used just like RON! was used before her, and like McCarthy was used before him, and like any number of faux freedom fighters will be used in the near future, whether they would wish it or not, and whether they are ‘ours’ or [theirs.]
This Uniparty exposure has been one of the twin refrains that have dominated the political and narrative deployments of the Trump Campaign as we have traversed the rocky waters of 2023 and entered the far more turbulent, more momentous waterfall that 2024 has already become.
And yet, contrary to the prospect that such proxies and obfuscation techniques would render Trump and Trumpism—would render all of us—somewhat buried under an avalanche of false patriotism and jingoism masquerading as freedom as recalls much of the conservative Bush era in the U.S., it seems that our movement—that the truth is growing more bold, more clear and more harmonious as the discordant notes of the various Pipers and Judas Goats on parade have done more to separate the signal from the noise than to blend it.
This is why I’m personally less taken with the tired—albeit amusing—colored hat games this community is want to play with figures like DeSantis, Ramaswamy and Haley—with more to come, no doubt—and more taken with an examination of the Net Effects of these deployments on the Collective Mind we are ostensibly trying to wake in greater numbers en route to the twin revelation and resolution that the 2024 election could represent, even if it doesn’t go our way.
Far from being a doom-tinged take, however, I see the very prospect that the Deep State may—and likely will—try to effect the steal once more in November 2024 as being representative of the final nail in the coffin that is their illusory mandate to rule.
This will be exposed in increasingly-cartoonish fashion not only because the Uniparty has far fewer forms of power projection at its disposal than it had last time, but because it will be attempting to obfuscate said public mandate on a mass psychological landscape that will be coming off a victory cascade for Trump and the America First movement that kicked off in JANUARY and shows no signs of abetting, no matter how many Military Industrial Complex shells masquerading as shills they trot out and parade around on marionette strings in the interim, and no matter how many Democrat operatives they get to commit election fraud on the machine’s behalf.
Similarly, the Witch Hunt Saga can be viewed in a less frustrating, and more inevitable manner with this framing, if one allows that the ‘point’ of it all from a mass psychological lens is to aid in the continued exposure and mandate for reform of ALL key vectors of power projection from the System of Systems.
After all, I said recently that I trend along with my good friend
for his Bicameral readings of the DOJ, in that, if there is any sort of plan in the offing, the Trump Witch Hunt is a part of it.This doesn't necessarily mean that patriots are in full control of all the Actuals to spin out of said Witch Hunt, but when you pay attention to the twin signals in the noise—namely, that Trump is innocent of his alleged crimes, and that the Supreme Court stands as the ultimate backstop to this ongoing miscarriage of justice—you get less reactionary to deployments like these from an Actuals perspective.
What's more, said Narrative Deployments are a massive net win for Trump's standing in the Collective Mind.
Net Effects framing allows us to see Trump as a cypher through which patterns are being exposed to the Normie hivemind, and while it's very likely that the rug pulls will continue until such a time as the Collective Mind demands wholesale changes to our election systems and all systems ... Trump IS doing a masterful job of putting his popularity on full display, sucking up the full might of the electorate by using the concessions—and very public submissions—of intra-GOP rivals as stepping stones to the increased appearance of mandate to lead, all while Biden continues to crash and burn in the War of Stories, with his establishment defenders alongside him.
With the momentum Trump has already built up in JANUARY (again, absurd) of the 2024 election cycle, it really appears as though he's putting on his best and boldest bluff in an attempt to get the System to drop the last vestiges of its legitimacy mask in order to subvert the democratic process in even more clownish fashion this time out.
I have forwarded the theory that, as we get deeper into 2024, and as Trump’s ascension in the public mind is further codified through the utter domination of Trumpism in the War of Stories, the further the establishment is backed into a corner in which the only option that remains to them will be the ‘Palpatine Paradigm,’ recalling the eponymous emperor of the dark side from the Star Wars Saga.
In short, we’ll truly know we have the Collective Mind—and the Establishment that has enslaved it for generations—where we want them when Biden—or whatever puppet they have installed in the interim—declares through filed fangs that he IS the Senate, in one fashion or another.
And just in case it's being lost on anyone, the following pincers are being effected against Biden and the Establishment at the same time that are making this scenario increasingly likely:
Nationally, they're being prodded into sending federal troops to put down what they deem to be a States' uprising.
Internationally, they're being goaded into kinetic action in one of the trade super highways of the world, one that borders the Saudis and which Russia and China continue to traverse openly.
In other words, the Deep State (through their Proxy President) are basically staring down the barrel of the following lose-lose scenario:
Allow States to redefine their own sovereignty and independence from federal oversight while allowing for the continued emergence and development of a multi-polar world order.
Kickstart Civil War 2 on the doorstep of the 2024 election (the most contentious election in American history,) while following it up with escalation toward World War 3.
All while Trump continues to manage the Narrative and psychological intra-MAGA feedback loop to push the Overton Window in the direction of sovereignty and the solution phase represented by Agenda 47 … which, I have a sneaking suspicion will look a lot like the Justice Phase Anons have dreamed about for years, now.
After all, his main campaign platform in 2023-24 has been the weaponization of the DOJ and the System of Systems at large against him (and by extension, the movement he represents,) and a three-judge panel comprised of two Obama appointees and one Biden appointee solidifying a gag order while he's on the campaign trail, a lead prosecutor occupying more tabloid headlines than legal headlines while pursuing said charges against him, and Jack Smith’s steadfast devotion to making his trial the least transparent in American history while Trump calls for the opposite loudly and proudly only continues to cement the ultimate and memetic truth that Trump has forwarded for years, and whose signal grows stronger and most self-defining by the day:
They aren’t after him. They’re after you.
The American people can’t just see that, now … they can feel it.
The wolves aren’t just loping over the blood-streaked hills. They’re in the house, now—have been for quite a while, we’re coming to see—and their hot breath is making the collective hair on the nape of the Collective Neck stand on end.
Trump cried wolf during his first term. He let the wolf take the stage in his second, which we’re—to use his own words—kind of in the midst of now.
Full Speed. Full Exposure.
What WAS the only way REMAINS the only way, if you have the eyes to see it and the will to embrace its necessity and its inevitability, as well as ours.
As for the puppet currently occupying the White House set who ostensibly represents these dark and repressive designs, I've said it before and I'll say it again:
The single biggest Devolution or 'Patriots in Control' proof we could get in 2024 is if Joe Biden bumbles and gaffes his way into another D-party nomination despite bloody and breathless screams to the contrary by the very people who installed him in the first place, all while these proxy MAGA candidates fall like the dominos they are, one after the next.
Somewhere along the line, the carrion crows in the Establishment found out Joe isn't really their candidate, after all, that he's been hemmed in on the game board and that he's accelerating the Great Awakening beyond anything we could have hoped, and they could have feared.
That's why you might detect a bit more wry humor in Trump's takedowns of the POTATUS than the venom with which he greeted former Deep State scions like Clinton, Obama and Bush.
Trump knows Joe is doing just fine ... in helping to grease the rails for what Mike Pompeo described as "a smooth transition into a second Trump Administration."
Trump isn’t a God King, despite ironic claims to the contrary. He isn’t the solution. He’s a signal and a cypher. THE signal and THE cypher of this current time, because he’s the lead character in this current Story. And the story is the war.
The Signal, in other words, IS the Noise.
We're going to look back on the Devo term as the mass awakening-sifting term, and we’re going to be thankful for it.
And as this process—as this War of Stories—continues, there will be more awakening minds joining us in the light of a new sun than we could possibly imagine in the months and years ahead.
The more Narratives and Actuals escalate and accelerate, the more mass psycho-spiritual friction ensues, resulting in Shatterpoints forming within the Collective Mind.
Shatterpoints we were born, called and ultimately, trained to smash through.
We're the virus, now … and there is no vaccine.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Continue on to Part 12.
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Another wonderful journey into Reality ❤️
I had to look up parallax effect:
“ the effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions, e.g. through the viewfinder and the lens of a camera.
"what you see in the viewfinder won't be quite what you get in the photograph because of parallax error"
I learn quite a bit from WildBill’s comments. He is fond of Miyamoto Musashi quotes, one in particular fits this parallax effect - optical illusions as distractions, we might say (or I say if I’m getting the hang of it?)
BB, love your phrase: “Kaleidoscopic noise modern sociopolitics has become”!!
A great capture of the minefield of “news” we navigate every day…(even though most mornings I have the thought: maybe I’ll take a break and not tune into the theater of politics today…just a thought ; )
Signal wars…Trump will always win and becomes the pure frequency tone amidst the “kaleidoscopic noise”…like true north in the frequency vibration realm.
We are rooted in “the moral bedrock” and the true MAGA mind by now sees right through the masquerade of the proxy “MAGA lite and faux MAGA skin suits in low-effort, low-probability attempts to redirect a river they recently gave up trying to dam up completely.” (Love that, BB!)
Our education about Proxy Everything has been excellent, thanks in large part to you, BB, and all the other Badlanders.
The “Justice Phase Dream” in the hearts and minds of MAGA numbers with Trump the skillful Master Player on the Gameboard is inevitably nearing the quantum energy of manifestation.
We are watching a movie and we are going to love how it ends with a sovereign new beginning of American creativity ❤️🙏🇺🇸🕊🌎
Another term I finally had to look up to understand BB. Didn't have time before.
"Memetic warfare is a modern type of information warfare and psychological warfare involving the propagation of memes on social media. Wikipedia"
I've read a lot of thick books earlier in my life, James Michner's books, for example, I lived in another world most of my life. 5th generation warfare is a new concept that I see has been on-going but not understood by me. As i look back, I see it at play by all the things I couldn't accept as changes to my way of understanding The Constitutional limits of our gov't and what was actually happening. No wonder I didn't understand. Was always an outsider. Glad I found a lot of younger people now who are awake. Go Badlands! Just explain to newcomers or us oldsters more of the terms in use today. I haven't gotten all the new terminology yet. Thanks!