(Author’s Note: Before getting into the meat of what I intend to be a lighter and more entertaining read than the more intense deep dives I’m sometimes called to write, I wanted to extend a heartfelt ‘THANK YOU!’ to those of you who sent over so many well wishes, blessings, thoughts and prayers for the announcement of the first true member of the Bright Army [not that I don’t love you all!] … my Baby Boy Bright, my firstborn, whom we welcomed into the realm of the real on January 1, 2025 in a serendipitous move that I hope helps to kick off the American Golden Age in style.
To those who have continued to bless my family with your ongoing support of this work—work I never thought I’d be doing, never mind for any serious amount of time nor serious degree of readership, and which has become a defining part of my life and, I hope, my legacy—you are more valued than you could ever know.
All of this work has been and will continue to be free for all, and it does take some serious time and mental energy to produce. If you find any value in it, Paid Subscriptions [cancel at any time] and Coffee Donations help justify the time spent.
Either way, your kind words and the sharing of this work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated by myself, Mrs. Bright or our new arrival.
So thank you, for making the ‘Bright Army’ far less of a meme, and far more of a community than I ever imagined.
Now … onto the piece.)
We’re officially on the cusp of what could be—what WILL be—a new American Golden Age … a story we’ve been told en route to its actualization.
And I feel pretty good about it, but that doesn’t mean our work stops. Quite the opposite … rather that it might truly be allowed to begin in earnest once the dust settles on the back of this ‘smooth transition’ unlike any transition we’ve seen before, and that only those in this awake and awakening community saw coming, and helped to push along, because we were called, trained and yes, perhaps born to do exactly that.
If you’ve been following my work for any length of time, you’ll be familiar with the concept of the War of Stories, which posits that a key layer of the Info War—THE key layer, in my personal estimation—is the narrative being laid over and under whatever Actuals are being translated to the Collective Mind of both American and Global society.
Many of my writings over the last few years have attempted to locate and then pull on the narrative threads that bind everything from the advent of the Trump era to the Q Drops, the Great Awakening and, yes the group of world leaders I dubbed the Sovereign Alliance together into an interconnected tapestry that I believe is being used to reverse engineer generations of obfuscation and mass psychological delusion foisted upon the free peoples of the world by the powers that have be and would be again, if they had their way.
As for the capital ‘WHY’ of the War of Stories, well, as I’ve argued many times before, human beings are imprinted with an innate ability and desire to connect to narrative templates. While we won’t get into all of the psychological and perhaps even spiritual reasons for this here—I’ve done that plenty in previous writings—the fact remains that it’s both practical and necessary for us to assign some semblance of order to the manifesting chaos that become of our daily lives.
By stitching together a relatively linear timeline of events utilizing subconscious storytelling techniques imprinted into us from the time we can form thoughts—at least, observe them—we can better collate, synthesize and ultimately project the stories of our own lives, wielding greater control over the minds that guide them.
And, as was the theme in my last feature at Burning Bright, the Micro is the Macro in this war both for and against the Collective American Mind, of which yours is a bright and glittering part. As such, it behooves us to learn as much as we can about the storytelling techniques that are on display by any and all players on the Game Theory game board, all the better to ensure that our minds are doing the mapping in this great war game rather than the other way around.
(Check out my last feature below.)
But before we get into the Game Theory of it all—the intention of this particular piece—it’s worth once more ruminating on the key engines that power ALL narratives, from the dawning of human writing to the ongoing fake and ‘real’ deployments in the War of Stories we witness every hour of every day.
As I have said before, the reason the Info War is populated by larger than life personalities—figures I refer to as Mind Movers—is the same reason the Deep State has been leveraging the cult of celebrity for generations. It works.
Why? Because aside from a narrative needing to be about someTHING in order to captivate the observing mind, it also needs to be about someONE.
Characters—human beings—are the key cognitive cyphers through which a story’s central themes can be encapsulated for and communicated to the engaging mind, as most human beings—apart from the psychopathic variety—are able to imprint and empathize onto the trials and tribulations of another … which presents both opportunity and significant vulnerability for emotional exploitation, something the system on BOTH sides of the Left-Right false binary has been wielding against us for some time, from the faux patriotism of the post-9/11 world order to the era of Nu-Liberalism covering its fetid, rotten communist core we’re just coming out of in the modern mass psychological battlespace.
From Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton, Our Boy Blue (Joe Biden) to Donald Trump himself, and yes, across the seas to the enigmatic Xi Jinping and the foreboding Vladimir Putin, ‘real’ people can also be cognitive cyphers to awakening. It all depends on who’s writing the story, AND who’s reading it.
But then, before I lose the thread, this post is meant to be somewhat light and airy—even fun—by merging the narrative and character-driven elements I often discuss with the Game Theory vernacular and theorizing I do a bit less of.
And while the signal can sometimes be lost in the engineered noise of the Info War, the core tenets of Game Theory—while being applied to psychological warfare—are first and foremost best applied in a strategic, gamified sense.
All of this thought experimentation might seem frivolous to some, but if you acknowledge that we're in a war that is running along multiple layers in the realm of the real and in the battlespace that is the Collective Mind both domestically and worldwide, and if you acknowledge that Game Theory is at the heart of patriot deployments from the Q Drops to the Devolution Operation, then perhaps we can learn something from very literal gaming templates as a whole.
From NPC (non-player character) memes to the constant fusion of pop culture and iconic narrative fused into the sociopolitical zeitgeist in the era of Trump and Q, anons are comfortable with game theory terminology. We are, after all an ‘army of digital soldiers,’ and we’ve been told by all the figures that count that this war is a fifth-generation one relying on asymmetric deployments.
In short, the enemy turned our perceived reality into a game through which they attempted to wield control of us on the Micro and especially on the Macro. Now, we’re the ones out-playing them, and that can only be done by cultivating an understanding of the core tenets of the game itself.
But before we get into our favorite Mind Movers and cognitive cyphers, I wanted to discuss one of the under-discussed aspects of high-level gaming—and by extension, game theory—and that is the temporal element.
As is the case with clock management in any major sport, time management is vital to the controlling/advantaged side in any game setting, whether that be simulation or reality, because the war for the future is a zero sum game, meaning that any time taken BY one party is taken FROM the other. This is at the core of forming an understanding as to the WHY inherent in the accelerationist mindset writers like myself believe is at the heart of patriot plans; essentially, by speeding up enemy plans, they are leeching perceived time from those plans and redirecting it/transforming it toward patriot/sovereign ends.
He who controls the clock controls the game, in other words, and in an Info War that sometimes doubles as a timeline war, he who controls the speed of deployments—be they actual or narrative—wields disproportionate power over their endpoints, as, once spent, that time—that energy—can’t be taken back.
This is why, as we get into the meat and potatoes of the Sovereign Alliance members and their respective ‘play’ styles, keeping the temporal element of the War of Stories top of mind will serve you well as you consider how each of the following men don’t just affect reality, but, perhaps more importantly, perceptions of it.
So then, what is the make-up of the Sovereign Alliance in Game Theory terms, and why is the sum of this group so much greater than its constituent parts?
Donald Trump … the Main Tank
If the Info War was an RPG (hint: it is,) then Donald Trump would be the Main Tank of the Sovereign Alliance.
And if you'll allow me to stretch this analogy a bit further, I think you'll get where I'm coming from, even if you're not a gamer.
So, when it comes to Role Playing Games, characters tend to be designed with certain attributes in mind that favor certain play styles.
For every darting, dashing rogue, there is a damage-dealing warrior class. For every battlefield-managing wizard or sorcerer, there is a ranged combatant, such as an archer or a sniper. And for every support class healer, there is a main battle tank.
The exact make-up of these archetypes varies by game and by virtual world, but, generally speaking, these are templates most modern gamers have been trained to recognize at a glance, and while each comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages, the key trait that separates truly great, long-lasting RPG games from flavors of the week is the overall game balance that creates the conditions to require a full squad or party made up of each archetype in order to thrive in the game world.
So, let’s focus on the unique attributes Donald Trump brings to the table that makes him an ideal Sovereign Alliance Tank.
Contrary to what the image might imply, the ‘Main Tank’ does not usually deal the most damage in the game world ... he is rather able to TAKE the most damage.
Big deal, you say. Who cares if he can take a lot of damage? What does it matter in the context of the group?
Well, that's where the term 'aggro' comes into play.
Short for 'aggression,' 'aggro' in the context of a virtual game world refers to base programming threaded into the enemies that inhabit the world—those controlled by the AI, NOT by human players. These are ubiquitous to RPG games, and yes, this is where the NPC (non-player character) term comes from, and the ensuing and enduring meme template.
When you 'aggro' an NPC, or a group of them (known as a 'mob,') you're triggering them to attack, yes ... but you're also triggering them to act on their innate programming. This isn't a choice for game world NPCs. It's simply what they do, as they are designed by and OF the system.
A battle tank character is one who isn't particularly strong or fast, but who is meant to 'aggro' enemy mobs, drawing the slings and arrows (literally) of the bulk of the enemy forces so that the rest of the party might get into the ideal position that suits their respective play style (read: their WAR style) most, since they cannot withstand the sheer avalanche of damage the tank is able to endure.
Now apply this template to Trump vs. the Media, the DOJ, Hollywood and the Globalist Hegemon.
The Deep State aggro'd Trump the Tank. In addition to wasting precious ammo, they missed the rest of the squad getting into position.
In essence, by attacking Trump on multiple layers of reality at once—from the narrative and mass psychological to the legal and yes, even the kinetic—the Deep State unwittingly accelerated its own demise by provoking the very exposure Trump was activated to trigger.
And make no mistake, while the Main Tank may not be the biggest damage-dealer of the lot … he can still pack a hell of a punch, especially when his enemy is close enough and exhausted enough from their own attacks to respond to his inevitable—and inevitably devastating—counter.
I wrote about this narrative fighting style at length in the long-running Master series, which you should read.
Vladimir Putin … the Warrior
As I said before, role templates are ubiquitous in modern gaming, with players choosing character archetypes largely based around the attributes said character brings into the game world.
That said, when it comes to games built around team-based or group dynamics, these specific strengths and weaknesses become magnified, with the best teams in role playing strategy games able to not just leverage individual player skill, but MUCH more importantly, TEAM synergy.
So, if Donald Trump is the 'Main Tank' of the sovereign alliance, designed specifically to both provoke enemy psychological and political combatants while absorbing 'damage' by implementing the Devolution Operation so as to let the rest of the squad get into their ideal positions, what does that make Vladimir Putin, another key figure (if not the prime leader) of what I dubbed the Sovereign Alliance several years ago?
In Game Theory terms, the Warrior class tends to be focused around sheer damage output. This role is often referred to as the 'DPS' role in strategy games, which translates to 'Damage per Second.'
Where the Main Tank thrives by being able to withstand damage, he isn't himself typically capable of dealing a ton of it. That's where the Warrior class comes in—not quite as robust as the Tank, but absolutely devastating when it comes to wiping out large swaths of the enemy’s forces.
Whether you're talking about the Actual (the Special Military Operation in the Donbas,) or the mass psychological (Russia's exposure of the coordination, corruption, hypocrisy and MOST of all, the sheer ineptitude of the Western Globalist Hegemon,) Putin has done irreparable damage to the Prussian Proxy System AND to the standing of that System in the Collective Global Mind, with everything from Economic Sanctions to ironclad Military treaties (think Article 5 in the NATO Alliance,) to unchecked, 'crisis' based immigration now in the line of fire from the rising populist sentiment spreading like wildfire across the globe.
In the face of the sneering vampire class in Brussels and in Washington DC, in other words, Putin has marched forward, while Trump ceded center stage to him ... for a time.
Thus, if Trump has been the prime shield and armor of the Sovereign Alliance, Vladimir Putin has been its sword.
In the end, you need both to make a knight capable of demanding peace rather than requesting it, which I wrote about extensively in the series that started it all at Burning Bright, and which likely warrants revisiting above anything else in these digital pages as the next chapter in the story gets rolling.
Xi Jinping … the Control Wizard
Donald Trump can be considered enigmatic by friend and foe alike … the former because they often underestimate his ability to fall ass backwards into success after success on both actual and narrative levels, the latter because they often underestimate him to their own detriment, later finding themselves on the losing end of those same deployments as the Orange Man sits across from them wearing his earned and knowing grin.
Vladimir Putin can be considered enigmatic in a slightly different fashion, as his relatively controlled demeanor compared to Trump paints the picture of poise and even threat—like a tiger coiled to spring, but not in any rush to do so.
But of all the members of the dubbed Sovereign Alliance, I believe Xi Jinping is the one friends and enemies understand the least, with many often unsure which position he occupies on the game board relative to the Chinese leader, and I believe that aura, that strategy is baked in, and is a feature of the Xi template rather than a bug.
As I have pointed out on several occasions on my various podcast appearances, it is exceedingly rare—if not impossible—to find a clip of Donald Trump referencing his supposed enemy-in-waiting in Xi Jinping without informing all listening audiences in one of his famous winding asides that, of all his political counterparts, Xi is the ‘smartest,’ and a figure Trump ‘knows quite well.’
As for the template and role I believe he serves in this emergent sovereign mesh of abstract and actual power projection on the game board, Xi is the control wizard or sorcerer of the bunch, a position that comes with serious potential, and one that is often not recognized by the opposing side until it is too late to do anything about it.
In the context of an RPG game, the control wizard isn’t JUST a figure that casts spells, but one that seeks to control the very terrain—the conditions—in which the battle takes place. From changing systems dynamics—think weather modification in a virtual world, physical augmentations for allied party members and counter spells that weaken enemy combatants so the Tank and Warrior might do their work more efficiently—to changing the very rules of the game in a finite space and time, the control wizard is key for the enemy to take OFF the game board before he establishes his position, as, once he has done so, the battlefield has often shifted too dramatically to move back.
Applying this framing to Xi Jinping where it concerns the Info War and this Fifth-Generation War against the Globalist Hegemon can be tricky, but when you reframe the ‘Trade War’ between he and Trump and note the net effects of the severance not of mutual cooperation, but certainly of mutual dependence that accelerated during the Covid lockdowns between the American and Chinese economies, one begins to see that said severance is actually mutually beneficial for both American and Chinese interests, with the former able to focus on boosting domestic manufacturing rather than relying on cheap foreign labor just as the latter uses Trump’s tariffs to don the narrative shielding required to kick the Globalist oligarchy OUT of China once and for all, reducing the ability for said hegemon to exploit its peoples to enrich themselves.
What is particularly genius about this particular play style is that the opposing side rarely notices it until it’s too late, with the bulk of their attention typically focused on the Tank and Warrior classes.
After all, the enemy we face isn’t relegated to financial, clandestine, military and even narrative rails, but also globalist ones, with dominion, usury and interdependence being used to trap the world into a mesh of globalism designed to benefit stateless oligarchs and corporations to the detriment of the free peoples.
Now observe the establishment’s halting turn on the very nation they once praised as the future of the Globalist world as the rug gets pulled out from under them, and as Xi puts his support behind Putin and others in the emergent BRICS nations and the Global South in keeping with a vision toward multipolarity rather than subjugation that stands as the true underpinning to the much-demonized ‘Belt and Road initiative.’
When one digs into the history of Xi—as is the case with every member of the Sovereign Alliance—one comes away with the impression of a shrewd, cunning and impossibly patient master in waiting, and one who will not be easily turned from the field now that his position is set, and his spells are cast.
Mohammed bin Salman … the Cleric
If Donald Trump takes all these slings and arrows for us, and for the emergent Sovereign Alliance … if Vladimir Putin deals the damage that needs to be dealt on an Actual and mass psychological level to an entrenched Globalist enemy long in need of routing … and if Xi Jinping has prepped the economic and geopolitical battlefield in such a way as to trap the Hegemon in their own game loop, Mohammed bin Salman may have one of the most understated and yet, absolutely essential roles to place as we project into the far past and use it to inform—to manifest—the future we want to see.
In ANY RPG or game module built on team dynamics, the Support Class is the least appreciated and MOST essential to solidifying a sustained team presence on the battlefield.
This archetype is typically represented by a traditional healer character, one capable of boosting the flagging reserves of allies through rejuvenation and augmentation, specifically when it comes to defensive abilities.
The Middle East has long been what I refer to as the Kobayashi Maru (ie: the ‘Impossible Task’) of geopolitics, and I do believe that has been quite by design. After all, there are few things more deliciously destabilizing and eternally enriching for the Globalist War Machine than … well, war itself, and generations of Man has been gaslit with the tragic inevitability that, just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so there will forever be war in the lands peace forgot.
Well, as my friend
discusses more frequently than anyone, Mohammed bin Salman may finally be helping to put a stop to that inevitability.By planting himself and the resurgent Saudi Arabian Kingdom at the heart of a zone known so much for destabilization that it has become its most steady state, MBS may actually have the economic, military and yes, fundamentally spiritual-religious authority to help establish and maintain a mesh of peace in a region bereft of its song for far too long.
Donald Trump and his allies may get the credit for the Abraham Accords—and certainly they deserve it—but without the Kingdom to uphold them, it is little more than a dream to be swept away by the whims and wiles over desert dunes.
Isn’t it something that the Saudi Purge effectively kicked off what most in this community recognize as the beginning of a mass counter offensive against the Globalist Deep State?
Isn’t it something that Donald Trump participated in an ancient warrior’s rite with this man and his lineage?
The cleric may be known as a healer, a ‘support,’ and a non-combatant by many, but without him, all the victories in the world amount to nothing is the peace that comes on the back of them is not a lasting one.
I wrote about Peace as the ‘Impossible Task’ some time ago, and would implore you to add it to the list along with the others.
BONUS … the Ranger?
And if you’re looking for a bonus figure—one as enigmatic as the others and perhaps even more manufactured, and I don’t mean it as an insult—perhaps Elon Musk enters the chat as the Ranger of the group, able to harry and harass enemies on multiple layers at once, never staying in any one fight too long to stagnate, and never giving away his movements in advance of making them, instead picking and choosing his spots to alternatively stress the enemy or augment the various battles his compatriots take part in.
In other words, the Ranger is the ultimate force multiplier on the battlefield, able to hit without getting hit, to appear without being noticed, and to tip the scales without taking on the brunt of the action himself.
He doesn’t quite fit the bill as a member of the Sovereign Alliance—hard to do that when he contracts with one of them—and yet, his mark on the Info War and perhaps on the next chapter of American history will be profound, for better or worse.
So perhaps he’s earned his mark, or will yet.
Either way, I hope you’ve enjoyed this strange, fun and possibly also quite relevant thought experiment, and the next time you see any of these figures on the game board in the ongoing War of Stories, I would implore you to pay particular attention to the effects said deployments have on the temporal element of the game, from the acceleration of the one side to stagnation of the other.
Ultimately, as I have said many times before in these writings, WE are the power whatever patriots are active on the game board are trying to project, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun watching these cyphers go to work in a war unlike any other, and one whose stories I’ll continue to chronicle to the best of my ability, so long as you enjoy the chronicling.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Bright Retrospective
Two years ago this month, I wrote what remains my most-read feature at Burning Bright, which attempted to analyze the origins of the most infamous and influential information dissemination program of all time in order to project its future.
I think it's held up pretty well, and ahead of Trump's second (public) inauguration, now's as good a time as ever to revisit 'We are Q.'
"The Q Op and the Q Drops did not create the truth community, nor the Anons that made it up. It didn’t provide answers. It did something much more powerful and effective:
It asked questions. The right questions, and at the right time.
In so doing, the Q Op did exactly what it was designed to do: it activated tens of thousands of nodes and ‘organized’ or provided a framework and direction to the most powerful decentralized citizen intelligence network of all time. And there's no putting that genie back in the bottle."
Burning Bright’s goal is to provide a valuable resource for Truth, Discernment and Logic-Based Positivity, and all of my content is free. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a Free or Paid Subscriber.
Want to submit a one-time donation? You can do so by buying me a coffee!
ALL members of the growing Bright Army are appreciated.
The truly interesting part of ALL of these men leading the World into a world they've never known, is the FACT they have all been attacked kinetically by the very ones they are taking down.
President Xi - lost his father in a murder by [them] and has been under [their] control until the strings were cut
President Putin - has been lied to by [them] extensively and lost many countrymen in the fight to join the World.
President Trump - multiple assassination attempts, perhaps the murder of his ex, the constant attacks on his family and the extreme attacks on America (9 11 and 1913 come to mind).
Elon lost his beloved son to the Woke Mind Virus.
Prince Salman's entire family wanted him dead, lead by his own father.
Kim Jung Un was under control of ...? MBH
And the People of their respective countries have born the brunt of it in for seems time eternal, spilling into the entirety of all Nations.
Tis time to rectify this with Retribution, Success and Crystal Clear Transparency of REAL events, REAL truth, REAL history.
May the FORCE, as in God Almighty, be with them all (and us) as we, the world, enter this New Golden Age.
Great article BB.
*Tips hat
Much Love
Best wishes for your new Baby Bright!
I given up reading best selling novels because I enjoy reading your works much more.
Hopefully you and others will be known as the true writers of our history (which combats what the fake historians are hoping is recorded.) Can’t wait for our bright future and your next written installments as we move forward to Make America Great Again!