Not an expert???.... To me, you are a leading expert on inverting our view, showing us that the actuals are nothing more that the frosting on the cake, the shiny objects upon which narratives can be hung. You show us that the true war is being fought over which narratives dominate our minds. When we understand the true challenge, we are far more prepared for battle.

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You said it even better than I could have! Awesome read BB! Expert par excellence!

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Thanks Anna!

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Humbling to hear you say it, Richard. At the very least, I think the series has given people some new ways of approaching the Russia subject.

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Okay right from the start, I spit out my morning tea at, "Old Yeller approach" 🤣 and I haven't even read the article yet! Looking forward to it. 😊

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Haha well ... the analogy sort of fits more by the week.

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❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥“The continued exposures and RE-exposures spilling out of the Trump Witch Hunt have the potential to recontextualize not just the entirety of the Trump Admin to the Normie Hivemind, but also to seed questions as to why the Deep State didn’t just fear him … but him AND Putin, so desperate were they to poison the well on any relationship between the two before such a pairing bore the most unkind fruit for them, and most promising for us.

Won’t it be poetic—planned, even—if the story that largely started it all in the public mind is the one that undoes them?

Seeding. Germination. Harvest.”

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Took me a bit to get around to these comments, but thank you so much, Kelly, as always.

Boomerang intensifies.

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I haven’t finished reading yet…there is so much to savor in this article / essay!!

I love reading a BurningBright essay!!

Because there are things going on in my personal life that have eclipsed my usual daily attention (and about 2 weeks have gone by now) I had this little worry in the back of my mind that I may be falling woefully behind…I read this today and feel completely caught up in a comfort zone of keeping my bearings.

I love your background in martial arts and thoroughly enjoyed the video clip explaining the discernment of “initiative” in your opponent. Having taken Tai Chi for a number of years, one of our practices was Push Hands - fine tuning your read of your partner’s chi and intention. Your video explanation of initiative added depth to my memory of that Push Hands practice!!

I left off with: “the story has been threatened, not the war, because the story IS the war.”

So back to finishing my reading…just have to say, “Well done, BB” ❤️🕊

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Thoughts and prayers to you and yours, Feather. Thank you for spending the time on these pieces.

Martial arts is one of the best ways to train your mind toward a first principles approach.

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Thank You, BB 🙏❤️

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A true masterpiece BB in Novel form :-))

Love your thought process and how you can express it in such a captivating manner.

I easily relate to your 40k view of the world and while it was many moons ago I too once considered myself a Democrat (then I got a job 😊).

I agree with your take here and believe the time has come for all of us to take action. We can do that by simply speaking the Truth whenever we are provided an opportunity. Specifically, I mean things like vocally supporting Trump, refusing to play stupid games like the pronoun bullshit or acting like there is anything more than two genders, etc.

As General Kwast stated on Rugpull Radio Episode 71 (a fantastic must watch interview) a key to winning is having culture on your side. So owning the Public Mandates is critical.

Keep up the great work!!!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Much appreciated, Joe. It's funny how many of us came from all over the political spectrum.

Loved Kwast on Rugpull. Great episode.

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Thomas Sowell was also a liberal democrat during his youth and he always wrote about the seasons of youth to adult; stating the early 20s to about 30 was the season of liberal thinking and that was a normal process to common sense that the conservative thinking is….the real world. Feelings vs thoughts.

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Seems to map onto most actual patterns. One of the keys to the System's societal control is its ability to retard the personal growth of adults.

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“ Won’t it be poetic—planned, even—if the story that largely started it all in the public mind is the one that undoes them?”

“The story that largely started it all….

”the Russia Conspiracy in all three layers (the story they told, the story we were told—that Trump did NOT collude with Russia—and the truth, which is a delightful combination of the two, albeit not in a way the enemy can admit, lest it codify the Sovereign Alliance and their opposition to it,”

Seeding. Germination. Harvest.

Poetic Justice ❤️🕊

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Thanks for reading, Feather!

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I love how in the video of Putin with the gangsters, he basically forces the one guy to sign and then says "give me back my pen".

Excellent work.

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I had a huge laugh at Putin asking for his pen back. It was the cherry on top of the cream.

Power is Power

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It's a great clip. Tells you a lot in a short snippet. They don't like playing that one these days.

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WOW BB!!! Lengthy, for sure, but SO worth the read.....absolutely spot on in all regards! Safe travels with Mrs.Bright....looking forward to your next sub-stack &/or show to hear more from that brilliant mind yours ~~~

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Trying to keep future posts below this one! Had a lot piling up in the cognitive kitchen re: Russia to kick off the year.

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Wonderful read. It all makes sense what is happening now. Just pray that Trump is the next prez.

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I think he's going to be. When? We'll have to see.

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I think what BB is saying here, is that he already is...

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In a manner of speaking, I certainly think so.

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Fascinating & completely Engaging Treatise: 'Russia is the America; America thinks it Is'; 'Trump off game-board, while Sovereign Alliance makes its moves~on globalist-cabal'.

No way, I could sit & read another expansive Burning Bright polemic; without knowing my-gut, truth-of-which YOU write! Simply entranced on global, chess-board; w/ your elaborate 'Inside-baseball' play-by-play for an hour, without board pieces moving; smiling patiently, on inevitable checkmate!

Sending BB & Andy 'cup-coffee'; my mind, fine Russian Vodka toast! 🫵🏻A.Vega🇺🇸

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Thank you for supporting the creators you appreciate, Vega.

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Thanks BB for this long-awaited long article. I will be taking the proper time to digest it later today.

If the Great Awakening is story-based, you are one of the principle authors and enlighteners.

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Thanks, Dave! Hope you enjoyed.

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Hey Dave! Did you see what Flynn posted about Pompeo? If not check out Chris’s telegram.

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HI, no, I didn't see what he posted. I'm not on Telegram unfortunately. Right now I'm watching the TronAnon show, he may cover it.

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snap just going there right now Dave !!!

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Excellent article BB! I think you are more of an expert in Russia than you give your self credit for. I've learned a lot from you about Russia and it's history just be reading the Righteous Russia series alone. This article was a brilliant complement to the series. Thank you for taking the time to write it! I am glad you are taking some much needed R&R. You deserve it! I hope you and Mrs. Bright enjoy yourselves and have safe travels. 😊❤️

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So be it! Certainly more experts in the Anon community than in the experts community, haha.

Mrs. Bright and I had some good down time.

Now back to the Info War grind.

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You wrote this great phrase which may deserve an entire post or series.

I don't want it to fall through the grate.

"...as the War of Stories graduates and transforms into a war of ideals."

Just as we lose common sense when hit with all the confusing narratives,

the pondering of narratives might cause us to lose sight of our own ideals:

What are your ideals?

God is kind or, in Einstin's terms, the Universe is friendly, or if we trust the dollar "In God we trust"

Sovereignty involves taking care of self while honoring others' right to the same.

Collectivism or directing the lives of others through institutions and factories is about assuring efficient use of resources. Top down organization.

Individuation is a personal process of learning sovereignty by making choices and experiencing the consequences (karma).

Capitalism is grabbing a piece of the action.

Idealism is living by the ideals we believe in.

Spiritual growth seems really important to some.

What are the key ideals upon which the War of Ideals is being fought?

Is the war of narratives carrying us toward our ideals?

Perhaps, if we agree on our ideals the narratives start looking like empty paper bags.

What are we really fighting for?

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Appreciate that, Richard. Sometimes revisiting my older works prompts something for the future.

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Thank you I knew "Trump and Putin were family" and that is because Trump married Melania, but this really cinches it. Thanks for spelling it out!

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Certainly much more to most of the players on the game board than initially meets the eye.

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Phenomenal piece of writing. POTATUS had me in stitches. Encouraging, uplifting, brilliant, as usual BB.

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Much appreciated, MT!

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Goodness! About 3/4's through now. This one is dense and I'm an avid reader. Some reactions: I'm beginning to understand why the French are there. Less and less money seems to be coming form the US, and the equipment being sent is outdated and or useless in that area. NATO is having to deal with this themselves. It'll probably break them. As you now know, in Russia, there was an attack on the Crocus Music hall, hundreds dead, responsibility claimed by the Afghanistan Islamic state (where a few decades ago, Russia got bogged down in Afghanistan). Interesting strategic location for that country and an old narrative. I figure the situation is heating up. The narrative, poor Ukrainian freedom fighters, that's long gone. Even lefties are tired of the whole thing. So they're trying to womp up war. I also keep in mind in this time of fake news that we can't be sure of what is really actually happening. Anyways, more of this will doubtless happen. There are a few more Islamic countries they could burn through. Some help their narrative less. If real, it's a mass killing, which is evil and sucks, but we all knew and know, the Beast is in full panic now. It's going to get ugly. Has been ugly for awhile, but we know where we're going.

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NATO's panic pattern is absolutely accelerating. They seem to know Trump 2.0 is inevitable. The fallout in Europe should be fascinating to watch.

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Ha ha ha, I'm right there w/ ya, man...Where is the end? I will finish this morning!!!!!

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