Oct 18, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

What a succinct description of events! Our nation has the appearance/reality of the 1860s. That timeframe had our country under attack from within, too. Yet, patriots did stand up and take action. God then, too, uniquely gifted men, Lincoln, Frederick Douglass and many others who displayed extraordinary courage against all odds. Today, at this time, under attack on a global scale, God has again gifted many to fight this battle. Today, Trump and whomever is behind the scenes are taking actions (such as deliberately accelerating the financial crisis) to ultimately win this battle for individual freedom. There is risk, but as you wonderfully point out, it is mitigated by the patriots’ traps. The political elites and their financial handlers cannot stop what is being revealed (and destroyed) in front of the world. I have complete confidence that it will be rebuilt. Until then, I suspect God is helping many realize that He is our strength and we must rely on him while we watch our efforts to have a sustainable future erode. Thank God for your gifts. You’ve helped each of us following you the opportunity to understand without crippling fear. Thank you! God bless & protect you.🙏

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Quantum Leaps.

Mankind and societies never fare well when there is a Quantum leap [a very abrupt change] in anything. We do better when things change slowly, or to say, at the speed of societal consciousness. When we journey to the city, the landscape and population and development changes linearly. When we are asked to learn something new or there is a major change on how we live and interact with each other is what causes problems. If not wars. Technology is the biggest offender. Mankind had been used to change taking place over generations, not decades.

Sometimes a rapid change is used to not only invoke sudden change but, also to nefariously start a process of slow change. JFK assassination and 911 are two that come to mind. Huge events that caused an abrupt change in our society and how we lived [Think TSA].

The past 6 - 8 years have been replete with Quantum leaps.

One day our government and all that was infiltrating us were unknown and controlled by [them]. After the 2016 election, the next day they weren't. Followed by a Quantum leap into media attacks, divided society and an onslaught of woke-ism. One day [we] were winning and our our country was great, respected and growing. The next day [Nov. 2020] it wasn't. One day we were healthy and lived with disease and sickness, the next day FEAR controlled our thinking, actions, and compliance to a government we thought had our best interest in mind. Then we found out they didn't.

So, my point is (finally); There can be a quantum leap in things changing for the worse and things getting dark and gloomy. But things can get better just as fast. "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". And "I" think Trump knows this. Remember the V-RECOVERY that was "impossible", but happened? The intentional damage to the economy that Trump initiated, I believe was done knowing how to recover from it. But was necessary to be fast, painful and frightening, so that people will ingest it, and remember it. A Quantum leap in awareness. So listen to Trump at his rallies when talking about the economy; He says; "We can get it all back". If we can't, that changes 2024.

As Mr. bright says. All these "narratives" are accelerating, and when they collide, the economic one will be the one that gets EVERYONE's attention.

Just my 2 cents. Or in this economy my $.00002 cents!

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Well, Burning Bright, numerous commenters have in the past said "This was your best work ever" and I would never disagree, because pretty much everything you put out there is like Tony the Tiger said, "GRRREAAAT!"

But this one sums it all up and very succinctly. It is I believe understandable even to a newbie, despite your BB Terms -- they are fairly self-explanatory and while some nuance is lost to those not initiated, the concept is clear as a bell. Trump and the White Hats have had this planned for a long time; it is indeed about much more than an election; and things needed to happen the way they did.

Your single best work ever, IMO. Excellent -- ties it all together and lets people have an idea what to expect going forward.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Burning Bright



I believe Trump knew he would “lose” re-election in 2020 within his first 6 months in office during his first term.

I don’t think that was necessarily his original plan. Once he was in the WH, he was able to use his power to verify and validate all the conclusions he had reached over the decades about the true state of America. He was also able to fill in many gaps and details which he could never have had access to until he was President.

Relatively early in his first 6 months, he realized that he would need 3 full terms to accomplish his mission. Why?

He had planned to initiate a vast and rigorous program of eliminating graft and corruption inside the federal government, with a view to starving the criminal elite controlling America (and thereby the world). His plan for his second term had been to reconstruct America. Unfortunately he soon realized that timeframe was totally inadequate.

The criminal elites just went completely underground in the first term and fought back with a massive conspiracy of hoaxes to derail Trump and buy them time.

What perhaps he had not quite understood was exactly how the cancer of corruption had reached down to every level of public and private American life. Any program of reconstruction would first require the complete destruction of American faith in their institutions at ALL levels, including the humblest ones, because all were compromised.

That’s when he understood that, having been given a taste of life under law and order, the criminal elites would jump at the opportunity to solidify their positions in the event Trump was not re-elected to a second term. He decided to give them that opportunity, guessing that they would completely expose themselves to the American public, which had just tasted life during an American Golden Age from 2017-2020.

Everyone knew he was going to drop the hammer big time on the crooks during his second term but that would not provide enough time for a massive program of the reconstruction and revitalization of America.

The genius of his plan was to give himself 3 terms while completely lulling his enemies to a rapturous slumber until it was too late.

Enter your Spider-Man 2 scenario, which you explain so expertly.

You’re going to love how this movie ends.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I have been watching you since you first appeared on Patel Patriot and Badlands. Really enjoy your perspective. Not 100% in agreement, but you and many others on Badlands really challenge my preconceptions. Thank you.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I certainly agree with what you are saying,....This Cabal would have had 8 more years to get this done their way if Hillary had won. And as hard and scary as this transition will be, especially for the poor, the young and the elderly, myself included as I watch our 401K we worked on for 50 years slowly disappear; hopefully for our Grand Kids and their kids the world will be a much better place. And I'm glad that a man like President Trump is our real Leader. He will be very needed.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Awesome, thank you! I have a really hard time with the enormity of the current worldwide situation and how it can ever be made “right” by us humans. I’m so curious who these heroes are going to be. I get discouraged watching what seems like a lawsuit every day being brought against Trump and how many people truly hate him. We have to remember this is way bigger than Trump and enough strong players have already emerged to do what needs to be done to get us thru these birth pains.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

And so here we are... I have been thinking for some time that the great game was to play out the enemy's game and turn the tables on them. And the Judas Goats who were in place to prod them along as they played what they thought was their masterpiece stroke, whilst in fact it will be their demise. And the enemy's arrogance will never allow them to reverse course, even if they could.

So now the trap is revealed and shut. "We caught them all." Now we pray there are better plans in place to rebuild a better humanity that doesn't include either the Neolibs or Neocons. Both are extremely dangerous and their merge has been total societal anihilation in the name of "western values."

The right men were in position at least 20 years ago to understand where we were headed. I recently watched a video of Trump striding into downtown NY after the terrorists had struck the towers. He said planes can't fly through steel. I wonder if that was the moment of resolve when the situation required that he step up. And Putin came in after the disastrous effects of the breakup of the USSR by so called "leaders." I don't believe you can put an entire plan to save the world in effect in 4 years...

As the two leaders traded that soccer ball, showing us all whose court we are now in, they signaled to those who could understand that they were firmly in control of the game. And for that they most certainly are existential threats to the system. And that system doesn't care how much damage they do or how many lives they destroy or kill, as they increasingly are showing in broad daylight. For them they must win at all costs. However, so must we.

Putin said their SMO was to "demilitarize, denatzify, and denatzify Ukraine...." What if he told us all in that sentence exactly what they are doing? Those commas were placed there on purpose.

This is a fight to the death. No mercy can be shown to the old regime and it will have to be destroyed, nuclear dirt thrown on its grave and a séance said over the filthy remains. And just like the Russians understand what the Bolsheviks were doing, so we must understand when evil infiltrates and tries to lure us into its trap again. As evil will always try to do what it does.

I'm betting on us. I'm betting on the populations of the world who are fed up with the assassinations, the forced austerity and debt load, the theft of their resources and the constant usage of their countries as proxies for war for the imperial, warmongering west.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I think I'm experiencing bicameral emotions between fear of the unknown and the exhilarating anticipation of the same unknown, wherein my faith is strengthened, purified, and fortified in the furnace of change that is being stoked as we speak.

That furnace sure is BurningBrightly.

Thanks BB! Keep shining that light on the darkness!!

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Agree, we all have an inner Hero we can tap into!

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Another great read!

I always liked Q post 2619 on Dec 12, 2018

Q posted a question from Anonymous:

Q, Do we have the gold?

The answer:


Gold shall destroy FED.


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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Completely agree with your “Operation Warp Speed” reference. I have often thought this referred to more than the vaccine.

Proud to be future alumni

BB University : Tiger mascot

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Oh Wow! I just love this!

Burning Bright, you are the Best!

I see things very similar to you but am not able to express them nearly as well as you.

Thank you so much!

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

In the shuffling madness

Of the locomotive breath

Runs the all-time loser

Headlong to his death

Oh, he feels the piston scraping

Steam breaking on his brow

Old Charlie stole the handle

And the train — it won't stop going

No way to slow down

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I had forgotten the magic wand comment. I was thinking more of the overall Obama zeitgeist. I couldn’t find the exact comments but did manage to find this article (10/21/09) which contains excerpts from Charles Krauthammer’s “Decline Is a Choice: The New Liberalism and the End of American Ascendancy.” Thank you for responding. I enjoy your writings and appreciate how you respond to comments.


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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Piggybacking on your and American Wings thoughts, DJT was able to put America back on the path to greatness very quickly. I recall Obama stating something to the effect that American exceptionalism was in the past and that we would have to realize current conditions were just the way it was in a modern, global world (this is a very broad paraphrase). When Trump promised he could very easily turn this country around by putting America first, I was skeptical. When he did it, it was the first glimmer of hope I had felt in quite a while. The wins did stack up as did the red pills when the MSM and the establishment never celebrated any progress, and in fact, they began to suffer obvious TDS. In a long winded way, I’m trying to say if Trump says he can do it again and quickly, then I believe him based on past performance. As to the Spider Man effect, I also agree. The financial world is a shell game, a Ponzi scheme where the house never loses by luring in new suckers but like all schemes eventually the game is up. Their Great Reset was perfect: it would cover the losses to date and set up new systems of control. As you say DJT is a master. He took their system and put it in on a sure path to destruction well before their planned insurance policy was put in place. I’m reminded of the film noir movies where the boiler is stoked to the explosion level. Interestingly, water, or lack thereof, is a common cause of boiler explosions, and in a nod to American Wings, so is a sudden change in pressure.

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