Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

As a family doctor that had to “ retire” ( or be fired and lose some health insurance benefits) due to my no vax stance, I can relate that I have not only lost faith in our institutions of medicine, but have also lost respect personally for many of my colleagues I worked with. You are right to no longer hold in esteem the doctors who blindly repeated the talking points of the establishment. All scientists and physicians should be skeptical by nature of any pronouncements that are all encompassing. If you are not, you are not a student of history and I don’t want you taking care of me or my family. You will not protect us when it is most needed.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

I totally agree and love the vision of full throttle and then jumping from the train.

We are seeing a deep state in utter panic. Only the MSM is still holding the camo curtain around them. I’m peaking.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Few people are aware that US Army Walter Reed researchers were tasked with the rapid development of a vaccine in early 2020 and did so within two years, producing a Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle COVID-19 vaccine (SpFN) which was found remarkably effective in both animal and human trials against all COVID variants and other SARS-origin viruses. I personally believe that this herculean task is what Trump is referring to when he talks about Operation Warp Speed. Trump and the Q Team, of course, knew what the Deep State was planning and they made the decision to counter the inevitable rollout of the evil COVID bioweapons with a far more beneficial alternative. Let's also not forget that the military was significantly involved in the nationwide distribution of vaccines to the public.

Might some clandestine "switchings" have taken place, with saline placebos prior to 2022 and the Army's vaccine afterwards? Could Trump be speaking the truth when he claims that millions of lives were saved? I, for one, will give him the benefit of the doubt, until incontrovertible facts prove otherwise. Has the Trumpster ever been proven wrong about anything significant in the past seven years? I can't think of anything. Have these 5th Gen warriors ever NOT been two to three steps ahead of the enemy at every turn? Have they NOT laid more traps for the enemy than one can count?

Do they have some kind of astonishing technology which allows them to accurately predict the enemy's moves and countermoves, thus enabling them to be so uncannily effective at undermining, retaking, and holding captured territories and institutions? I can only ask, not answer, that last question, but one is forced to consider such a thing because no previous war of any kind in recent human history has not had its share of defeats and setbacks. Just sayin'...

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

It should be known that the focus of Operation Warp Speed was to develop vaccines AND therapeutics. All therapeutics efforts were derailed by Trump's critics.

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Wow! I couldn't AGREE more! First, bringing people or subjects into the light is a Specialty-GIFT-or example of Trumps Mastery of War! For the Dark despises the bright spot light shining on them for ALL, especially us breadcrumb seekers n researchers for TRUTH! They (the Evil & Corrupt) DO their Evil deeds in the Dark and DESPISE being in the Societal "Lime Light". Trump is a MASTER at these moves and countermoves. Watching it is like seeing "The Art of the Deal" meeting "The Art of War". It's INCREDIBLE to watch, but also to BE A PART OF, Each in our own collective yet sovereign ways.

Which brings me to your point about CHOICES! Although we are a collective movement of one accord, who stand FOR TRUTH, A FUTURE BASED ON FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES, and FREEDOM for ALL PEOPLE; we are all individually SOVEREIGN with CHOICE! When it comes to the Vax/Jab subject I view it very differently then most around me. Most of my immediate family (spouse,kids n grandkids) are NOT VAXED and have NO plans to ever BE VAXED! Thank GOD! Yet BOTH my parents and my sister got at least 2 Jabs and my parents more. Although it broke my heart and put me in a tailspin when I found out, the only saving grace that kept me from breaking down at the thought of what's to come for them, was my FAITH IN GOD! See even HE allows us to make individual CHOICES. Those Choices lead us to whatever path WE CHOOSE and we cannot, and should not ever CHOOSE someone else's path. We ALL have responsibilities to seek out TRUTH, yet only some are waking to this responsibility and recognizing for the first time the real EVIL that exists in this world. Some will realize the GIFT that Trump gave us by SPEEDING UP their Evil plans and Shining a Bright Light on the TRUTH. Some of us who always search for the whole TRUTH, then discover the TRUE EVIL THEY HAVE BEEN DOING TO HUMANITY, some for decades! It's the up to us, individually and collectively to share the TRUTH and Keep that Light Shinning Bright on these Evil doers!

Yet shining a Bright Light on the Evil Doers is only half the battle! The hard part of this War, on so many levels, is SHINING OUR LIGHT with TRUTH & LOVE on those not awake or just waking! Then we MUST STAND UNITED and take the abuse and temper tantrums as they awaken ONLY TO FIND US STILL THERE! Not judging but LOVINGLY accepting and sharing OUR AWAKENING experience! Some of us have been awake a lot longer than others BUT that's not the things that matters! What matters most is WE COLLECTIVELY STAND TOGETHER FOR WHAT IS GOOD AND RIGHT TO MAKE A FUTURE FOR ALL OF US, ESPECIALLY OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN, AND PUSH FORWARD IN TRUTH AND LOVE SAVING THOSE WE CAN IN THIS EXHAUSTING WAR! ESPECIALLY THE CHILDREN BEING ABUSED AND WORST BY THESE SICK, EVIL, SATANIC, PEDOPHILES WIELDING DARKNESS OVER THEIR HELPLESS VICTIMS!


Thank YOU for reminding us with each new post you share that we cannot let those who cannot see the Mastery of Trump's moves let along the Boomerang effect of them, get us side tracked and thus dimming our Lights!

YOU KEEP US BURNING BRIGHT 🔥& WE ARE THE BURNING BRIGHT 🔥ARMY💪🔥! BE Blessed! 💜🙏 Thank you again for another amazing post and sharing your beautiful Art! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

“The pebble that begins an avalanche.”

That sums it up succinctly, fearless tiger. Once again, you have parsed the whole story and chipped away at the superficial narratives to arrive at the core. Even before finding your columns, I had already come to the same conclusion. It is all and always has been about exposing the enemy. Period. What the enemy fears most is an awakened mankind, particularly an united awakened one. We all have been wrong and we all have been tricked. The only difference is the degree. So what if we’ve been wrong and tricked? We are not perfect beings. It is definitely time right now in this war to “grow up and get over it” as you’ve pointed out: we have much to fight for! The next generation and the one after that depend upon adults to take down the enemy together, not get embroiled in hurt feelings and splinter into groups of varying degrees of victimhood! God has placed each one of us here for this specific moment in time with whatever talents are needed to win this war for those future generations. God has our back and as each evil is ushered into light, it is our duty to continue on to the next, to encourage each other and to never give up. God bless you!🙏

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

You identify so much that many of us continue to miss. We must adapt constantly to reality as it evolves around us and in our consciousness.

I started rewatching the Batman trilogy yesterday. Heard some gems as if for the first time.

“To manipulate the fears in others, you must first master your own.”

“Why do we fall Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”

“All creatures feel fear. Especially the scary ones.”

“Theatricality and deception are powerful agents.”

“Criminals thrive on the indulgences of society’s understanding.”

“You haven’t beaten me. You’ve sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke.”

“Like you I learned that there are those without decency... who must be fought without hesitation, without pity.”

“Your anger gives you great power. But if you let it, it will destroy you.”

While teaching Bruce about how to use anger effectively, Ras al Gool asks him why he didn’t avenge his parents’ murder.

Bruce begins to understand that the act of vengeance stops one’s anger from destroying one. Why would one not avenge a grave wrong?

Ras al Gool’s message:

Vengeance justly deserved and administered allows us to close destructive chapters in life and move on with the rest of our lives.

I’m sure there were many more things I missed in this first chapter.

I’d be most interested in your views.

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Resonates with me. Thanks for your insights.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

A good overview of what we're confronted with and how to deal with it. I don't think President Trump has been wrong in anything he's done and I don't think he's ever lied to us. At all.

I have a go-to cliche which has served me well when I followed it and flummoxed me when I didn't:

1) The Boss may not always be right... but he's always the Boss.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Love your insights and calls to action. Your words encouraged me to take a risk during my recent VA visit. In the lobby I said to the ladies enforcing the masks-must-be-worn rule, "You know these don't work and, in fact, make it worse." In reply to their canned responses and in a louder voice, I pushed back, "It seems more like obedience to a government that’s lying to us." The room with about 30 people suddenly got deadly quiet. Finally, a guy at the end of the line spoke up with his own awakened observation. I went on to my appointment knowing I’ll take this chance again very soon.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

We’ll written! He had to expose that evil part of the “system of systems”. The government is largely comprised of massive groups of bureaucrats who create rules and regulations that we are forced to abide by. These unelected, but powerful, people are “the deep state” or at least part of the “deep state apparatus” and we need to see this fact. The CDC, FDA, AMA, big pharma and big tech, along with the teachers unions and corporations worked in concert to orchestrate this scamdemic against We The People. Trump needed to hand them full responsibility for their part in protecting the people so we could see where they stood on matters of life, liberty and respect for humanity and our Constitution rights (free speech, etc). He needed to expose their corruption. It was now or never. Trump said he took the vaccine... but what vaccine? At one point Websters dictionary defined a vaccine as any medication used to treat an illness... and then they changed the definition. Why? We must keep asking “Why”.... and we must start to wake up to the true enemy which is NOT Trump. The difficult truth is that the satanic, sick pedophiles who have a depopulation agenda and make up the deep state are the true enemies....NOT Trump. People need to wake the fuck up before it’s too late and stop blaming the wrong person for the real crimes against humanity.

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😆 love how past the middle of the article you finally get to the point of the article, lol. As Jon says "I get sidetracked when I'm sidetracked". Glad you're bringing this up again, because the enemy certainly is.

I have done a lot of reading, listening and even reading along w/ someone reading to me (Thank you Patrick, or I would never have gotten thru Devolution) Since college, my reading has basically been confined to instructions or something that really interests me like an article in Fine Homebuilding. I've become a much better reader and some of this stuff I read 2-3 years ago and I forget where I read it (or heard it) but I remember it.

I remember early on in the vax rollout a couple batches "got lost" and then miraculously found @ about the same time we heard the military would be administering the vax. The skinny was that the nasty was removed from the rotation and replaced w/ saline/placebos. I also heard that the vax Trump took was a combo of ivermectin, HCQ and some other good stuff and not the MNRA shit [they] were pushing. He always said it was a personal choice. I heard 70% of the early doses were in fact saline and about the time some of my friends had regrets in late '21 a site appeared howbadismybatch.com that let you check the lot number on your vax card to see how bad it was. I prayed my friends, innocents who were just doing as told got the saline and they would wise up. Some did and didn't get boosted when the time came. Some of those same people continued to get flu shots, shingles shots etc. which made me crazy but I didn't give up on them. Those that got boosted...that's another story. I give up. I remember my husband, who's family members got the shot (as did mine) said he was considering it. I flat out told him that was a deal breaker for me, that he can start looking for someplace else to live...I was not going to nurse him after the effects of the shot took hold or be exposed to shedding and risk my health. He was pissed @ me for a few days but he came around. I don't do drugs generally but have taken them when a natural remedy is not working. He does drugs and believes and listens to his doctor. A bone of contention, but ever couple has a few, I believe.

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...and jumped off the train 😆

I do love your writing

The public will not only wipe the crust from their eyes, but they will SEE, and not just see but comprehend and reject those that fail to see/comprehend. The failures doing so to protect their fragile ego.

We are the woke, the awakened. Again they have taken a word that has always meant one thing and changed the definition. [They] are good @ that, changing definitions. 👈🏻 see what I did there?

I'm learning.

I'll continue to learn, but prolly won't continue to use the []s as I'm a mathematician @ heart. Their use has a higher meaning to me, I guess.

May I ask...Do you have children?

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

Gods in charge. Trumps one of His warriors. Keep the faith. In the end we will know the reason for this. Hint: it’s the end of evil in this world.

We are the spiritual army of the Lord. We will prevail. All is for the good

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

I will Never blame Trump for vaccines. They were pushing them way before him. If you take the cLoT sHoT now, it is not his fault. Just look in the mirror.✝️🇺🇸

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

A thought that has been in the forefront of my mind over the OWS “saving millions of lives” is that, yes, in the context of future lives, millions are being saved…humanity is being freed from the very corrupt capture of our healthcare system. Attention has never been so focused on this issue as it has now become with this scamdemic and the bioweapon jabs.

I’ve been shocked for a few decades on how trusting people in our country have become with so-called modern methods (more and more drug prescriptions and yes, more and more vaccines) of healthcare. This obviously is not health care…it is disease management for profit.

The mandates were truly evil…choosing between your livelihood and the jabs?!

Trump had nothing to do with, nor did he side with, the mandates.

Personal choice = Personal responsibility. We had become a country dominated by victim thinking to the point of even being educated to think of ourselves as victims, blaming someone else (like the government, or a President) for whatever you don’t like, or whatever happens to you after choices you yourself made.

This is all being exposed on a scale never seen before.

Another interesting read, BB.

Another easy alignment of thoughts.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Burning Bright

"We are the disrupters of enemy paradigms and the erectors of new ones that we seek to build out of truth, transparency and ruthless adherence to the core tenets of foundational logic" Brilliant! I am honored to be in that club. And yes, Trump reminded us of our free will....

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