Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

"Which is why I often implore my readers not to seek truth, but lies" -- BB

The lie to be watching for now is the 'lone gunman' lie. [They] have used this one before, and they always go back to their roots. Lee Harvey Oswald, Stephen Paddock -- the story never changes.

Mark my words, this is what the Clowns will say this time too. And like all of the others, in time the truth will come out.

Only difference is, this time, it won't take very long for the truth to come out. Because we are ready for them. Fool me once...

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Obvious to more every day. Agreed.

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To me that photo is the most iconic, no question what the flight or fight response was!

As a veteran, I can say it is rare the person who faces danger.

True character revealed.

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

My dad told me how uplifted he was seeing the flag raised on Sorabachi-san the first day on the beach on Iwo. That image brings tears to my eyes knowing how deeply it affected my dad to his dying day years later.

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The analogue is amazing.

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Great insights as always BB also on a side note Jon totally gave you full props on last nights DPH. And lastly this is another example that this is spiritual battle of good and evil more than left or right or uni party. Trump will make America great again but we must look to Jesus for ultimate hope and peace because he already won the victory

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I saw! Haha. Thanks Simple Truths!

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

DPH decode is Devolution Power Hour on Badlands Media on Rumble. Great channel. Lots of good content.

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

This is my favorite essay of yours so far, Bright one.

"The enemy is losing because we now know the enemy exists"

This is THE task, and they are going to make this seem really, really real for us. It has to be this way, or humanity will just re-submit, re-create the same demonic perversion of God all over again down the road. EV-ER-Y-THING is in service of the Wakeup. Everything. God gave us free will. Nobody can do it for us, not even White Hats. Each of us must have the courage to look ourselves in the face.

Our goal can be nothing less than a sovereign world of sovereign humans. We are far more powerful than we ever believed.

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Thanks so much, Sarah!

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

The time has long been here for us to choose the side we serve. The side of God, light and truth, or the other side. The choice we make (and we MUST make it) will be the difference between slavery and liberation - in the physical and spiritual sense. Our own mental, spiritual and physical well-being are on the line. Can we withstand the light of Truth, or will we scurry to hide and deign that even the mountains will bury us to escape its light?

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Well said, Justin.

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I believe that the shooter and the actions of the dark side were a random element. No less powerful, for that places it in the capable hands of forces emanating either from us, or with assistance of someone, some force other than. Do I believe this was scripted by the white hats? No. Scripted by the dark side? No. Panic from the dark side? Yes.

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I think it's absolutely scripted by the white hats.

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I did not watch live but saw the video within a half hour. I only had to see it once (though watched it many times) to see how orchestrated it seemed. Maybe because I have spent many hours on stage myself, rehearsing choreography of complicated scenes, it truly looked like keystone cops to me. Our semi-awake adult son was bowled over and completely convinced of the veracity of the scene. Awake husband somewhere in the middle. It would be difficult to disabuse me of my own notions, but I don’t feel compelled to share them because “it had to be this way.”

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This is why I've been trying to split the difference, as you get hit with emotional reactions if you forward that specific vector. I don't close myself off to anything.

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I find it fascinating, the emotional reaction even in myself. I mean, I know that was a scripted fake, a movie, a show. I don't just believe that, I KNOW it, based on the proven fact that we are operating under a continuity of operations (military) and that most of the time it's not even the real Donald Trump up there on the stage. It truly is a movie we are watching. And yet, I still experienced the emotional reaction. I still felt the psychological impact, "oh my gosh Trump almost died." We humans are funny creatures! Perhaps it has to do with our decades' of conditioning, watching Hollywood movies, we are so good at suspending disbelief now. :)

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Well said. Helps make a lot of sense of things.

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

The one major takeaway from this event in the Narrative War of stories.

Using the framing of Star Wars: Trump is not Luke Skywalker, Trump is Obi-wan Kenobi...

We the People are Luke.

If the bullet was 1cm closer, what would be the end result for the Patriots and the Plan?

"Obi-Wan Kenobi:

You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

Nothing would have changed as the Cabal would have hoped for, the Plan would have in fact gained much more traction and would have irreversibly changed the course of the War.

The Cabal("these people are stupid") naively assume Trump is the MAGA movement, they're so completely out of the loop they don't understand what the purpose of the Q operation was, it was to awaken the Luke Skywalker in each of us.

Star Wars as a narrative device took a lot from the works of Joseph Campbell on the role of mythology in our society and it's effects on our culture.

This book is especially relevant to what is currently happening.

"In a well-known passage from the introduction to The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Campbell summarizes the monomyth:

A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.[3]"


Trump, while beloved by MAGA and anons, is one figure in this story and he's not indispensable, it's why he shouted "Fight!" as his statement to the world seconds after this happened.

Trump knows the story and the archetype he represents, Obi-wan.

That he survived is a double bonus for us, this event was I believe truly the start of the Great Awakening, it's a temporal marker just as March 30, 1981 was for Reagan.

Trump is an icon but the success of the Plan doesn't completely rest on him alone.

If he exits in the future, the narrative foundation has already been laid and the Plan will proceed no matter what happens.

Nothing Can Stop Whats Coming, Nothing.

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Well said. The Obi-Wan template is obvious and apparent to many in the war, which is perfect framing for the awakening template and the revelation as to our true enemy.

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

Nice application of the quote from Obi-wan! As a stars wars fan that is perfect.

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

This is a masterpiece BB!!❤️👏🏼👏🏼

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Thanks Joe!

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Concur completely! The two masters of the light! You both are such great gifts 🇺🇸🙏

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Thank you very much ALtab!!

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Another Beautiful thought journey with the Master of thought journeys.

I half skimmed it earlier but set it aside until I had the time to properly settle in…you cannot skim your way through a BurningBright post…not if you want to thoroughly savor the “sunlit uplands” of consciousness (hat tip to Steve Bannon) that the quiet read will give you.

Sometimes “almost” DOES count…perhaps a whole lot more than [they] calculated.

Trump has often said, “The world is laughing at us,” over the shocking horror show of the Biden Administration loose in our country as well as across the globe…but today, I imagine billions of minds across the world recognize that a powerful Legend, a true Hero of Humanity, rises to the forefront of the American stage once again…like in the days when the men of great character and honor led us to win the first American Revolution and inspire the world with our Constitution and our Bill of Rights…our Sovereignty!

Thank you, BB, for a calming, uplifting read…for your inspiration!! 🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊

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Much appreciated, Feather. This one just flowed out. Bit exhausted after it!

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Feather! What a great take on this! I am like you….kept it until time for a thorough read! It’s wonderful that these young people will carry the torch. When there are many who have no care about our country; we see so many God’s gifted for this time. Wonderful!🙏🙏

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

Great article. It's only July and the story has taken so many twists and turns. Where will this story take us by October? If you are not awake by October, you deserve to be lost in the dark forest!

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I think we're going to find out what's truly meant by the 4-6% in the coming months.

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No. My roomie, a wonderful good hearted person, is lost in TDS. So no. I can not awaken her, it is not my duty. But should she choose to go the rest of the way, I'll be there. No one deserves this darkness.

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What does "deserve" mean?

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

Excellent analysis, as always, BB!

I had dinner plans with a “normie” conservative friend of mine just a couple of hours after the shooting last night. I was anxious to hear his thoughts, as he is usually prone to the Doomer take. Well, to my surprise and joy, he said to me, “I don’t think I could tell anyone else but you, and this might sound totally crazy, but my first thought was that....you know those little “bags of blood” they uses in the movies, that a character will pop open when they get shot? That’s the first thing I thought of when Trump smacked his ear and then went down...also, kinda like a wrestler cutting a small blood vessel with a blade while he’s writhing around on the mat. Does that sound crazy or what?”

I just smiled, and said, “Welcome to the Great Awakening. You’re watching a movie....enjoy the show!”

Now whether or not yesterday’s event was ACTUALLY staged or enhanced for dramatic purposes is entirely unimportant. As you say, BB, it’s the Net Effects that matter. And if my formerly “normie” friend is any indication, shatterpoints around the normiesphere EXPLODED yesterday!

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

I have to admit, I got annoyed a bit when my husband said, what if it was all staged and not real? I responded with, well, 9/11 might have been staged, but the event was very real. Why question that it actually happened?

But then I realized, like you did, that the fact that he questioned what we were told was a HUGE win. If people stop accepting at face value what the prevailing story is, truth wins in the end. What a time to be alive.

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THIS is the point.

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amen! welcome your hubby to the real world!

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It's a valuable anecdote, Jay.

People get upset about the movie/full control argument, but as you point out, it is inarguably a good thing that normies are starting to question the events as translated to them by the media machine. That's a net positive, no matter what the underlying truth suggests.

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I agree with your friend, my first thought when I watched the replay. I didn't see the live version!

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Thx for sharing Jaytriot. Sadly some people will never wake up but hopefully your friend will in his own timing which is different for everyone.

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

We really must consider an unspoken narrative. Biden set the stage by calling for Trump to be in the bullseye. Tucker, Bongino, etc. echoed the upcoming narrative. SS had shooter in their sights but waited until after shots were fired to take out the shooter. Shots were fired. Someone in the audience was killed. (bad aim?) Trump reached up to his ear. (Did he have a blade?) Trump went down and leaned his head forward allowing just a little blood to flow artistically and dramatically to his nose and mouth. Cameras were perfectly positioned and SS agents parted to allow awesome, memetic photos to be taken. The microphone was well positioned to hear him asking about his shoes??? Seems excessively perfect. Just sayin'.

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Agreed, Richard. It was all previewed and forecasted with startling accuracy.

Almost as if we're watching a movie ... ;)

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I love your mind, BB, and your posts that are always interesting thought journeys but I don’t agree that the whole attempted assassination was scripted (ie fake). For one thing, that would lower the WhiteHats to the same level as the criminal DeepState. If we are aiming for transparency and Truth, then eventually finding out the last 3 yrs up to and including the “attempted assassination” was just a movie, all staged by the WhiteHats…that would be a psyop that even people who love Trump wouldn’t feel comfortable with. That would be like saying that all the deaths in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Afghanistan and the murders and violence by illegals were all scripted? What, that they never happened or that they were “allowed” for the greater good? I think behind the scenes that we are privy to, the war is more real than just information and scripted.

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First of all, I don't believe the entire event was scripted. When I reference that, I'm referencing the war of stories and the narratives built and layered on top of actual events, even if those actual events are organic, chaotic or random.

Second, I would say that many of the deaths we're told about from these conflicts we have no way of verifying whatsoever, which is much different from a public assassination attempt resulting in a verifiable death.

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Thank you for clarifying, BB 🙏❤️

The only way it could make sense to me is not scripted, so to speak, but fully prepared for the perfect response/reaction to whatever they throw at Trump. I imagine Trump and team would have been very prepared, the last couple of years, knowing a full attempt at assassination would eventually make its way into the public domain.

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Agree 100%, Feather. I know we are in a war, and there will be casualties, but some things really do cross the line of "unacceptable".

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I LOVE your comments Featherjourney. Couldn't agree more and I couldn't have written it better.

God bless

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Great thoughts, Feather!!

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Thank you, Spirit Sister! ❤️ I’m so glad to see you in my notifications! You are at the top of my list of people whose thoughts and insights I highly value and I am struggling over the J D Vance pick for VP. I’m sure Badlands will cover it this morning. I must admit that I got tangled up in a challenging negative emotional reaction over Trump’s pick. I respect that Vance changed his mind and worked his way out of his hatred for Trump back in 2016+ days….but to go from hating Trump so much that he almost voted for Hillary?! (which he admitted) to being VP?

And he’s a lawyer..who’s taken money from the Israeli lobby…

Maybe he’s a great guy and true MAGA and so give him a position in Trump’s Admin, see how it goes…but VP??

I don’t see the “stable genius” strategy here.

Looking forward to your thoughts when you have the time 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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No. An attendee died, another injured. So no. Read the expressions on Trump's face, the shock on Vincent Fusca's face. This was very real and it was not stage by Trump.

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Agreed....partially. The indications are strong that security did stand down. The attempt was allowed. By someone. Likely by both sides. Death does not prove reality of any narrative. Covid, then the vaccine, then Ukraine and Hamas involved lots of death, but there was far more fake than real in those narrative deployments. I suspect the same is true here. Let's watch Defected tonight and find out who is right. Everyone is trying to shape the narrative, even you and me.

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This seems to be a distraction from the resident’s bumbling, but if the plan uses quantum mechanics then it might be foreknowledge of the ‘shot heard around the world.’

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My thoughts exactly after hearing about the incident and then tuning in to Eye of the Storm and seeing replays. Nope, we didn't see the blood come out, we only saw DJT clamp his hand to his head and drop. I thought, after 3 years of realizing what we are shown on TV isn't always actual, I couldn't prove that a bullet caused blood! While in a dropped position a red color could have been smeared across his face. Am I too jaded now? I woke up on Nov 4 and keep my eyes open!!

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I can see it being a script. But the actors don’t always know what’s coming or when it’s coming. I felt like standing up and showing his face was a little of a give away. But Trump is amazing and not like the rest of us. I am sharing this with my family and maybe some will make it to the end. Long read but so worth it. I do feel the world is getting brighter. Thankyou Burning Bright.

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Since Trump is Batman, he knew that "in the bullseye" and all the other available intel meant the DS would take this last swing before the GOP convention. (Batman knows this stuff.) He would have worn his bulletproof facemask with ear covering. (hmmmm) So, he did the next best thing. (Trump is protected) He sent in Robin, dressed just like Trump. Clearly this was a job for a stunt actor. Robin pulled it off perfectly for 5 minutes. (the shoe thing was a nice touch) His team left open one rooftop and used modern psychotronic weapons to destabilize the mind and emotions (and aim) of the shooter. Then his team allowed all the professional photographers and videographers to collect the "forensic evidence". The deep state is guilty. Batman needed only to present the evidence to the worldwide audience. Job done!!

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At this point, the dark side has abandoned all attempts at a story. Or controlling the narrative. Like a thief caught in a house, the panic has set in and taken hold. The equivalent of tossing the chess board out the window. As for whoever is left on the left, they are now spinning their own story, that Trump faked it for sympathy. And I don't care. I don't hate those innocents lost on the wrong side. Because this is the start. Is it a shatterpoint? Yes. The main shatterpoint? Not at all. That's sometime next summer. As for Trump, he is now, literally, the hero in the movie, who, beaten to a pulp with the bad guy laughing at him, struggles and stands to, and says quietly "That all you got?"

The left that are left start abandoning now, except for a few percent. Why? Because simply, they are tired that their side keeps losing. Oh yes, later, their eyes will open etc, and hey, I'll take disgust with the failure of their dark lord as a real good excuse to shrug one's shoulders and say "fuck it, I'm on this side now."

And here I thought his conviction was moving. And getting this feeling that to quote BTO: "You aint seen n-n-nothing yet." Yeah, a few more miles to go on this long old road. Odd thing yesterday, and the part of the story the dark side can't figure out: as shocked as we were, as emotional, as disgusted, we were also inspired. Do I think Trump set this up? No. I think this was a desperation play on part of the dark side. And in that play, they lost it all. ALL of it. They only have one recourse now. Further violence. There's no other direction. Getting rid of Biden won't help either.

Lastly: I've always been a bit logical about things, but Trump moving his head in just the right way at the right moment? It makes me wonder. Are there forces at play beyond our comprehension?

Maybe there is.

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Totally agree. The dark side is essentially caught in a ravine, purely reacting to the shadows coming at them from the woods.

I like your framing that we were more inspired than cowed by the event. The whiplash was immediate and will be lasting.

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I absolutely believe he is protected by God. They have pictures of the damn bullet flying past! He is, after all, the only one who can bring back to sanity.

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It happened at 17min 22 secs into his speech. I read on comments under Eye of the Storm about Q drops dealing with the event. Coincidence?? I doubt.

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

You say... "Donald Trump once told us the media was the enemy of the people. Not the Deep State. Not the Cabal. Not the Globalist heirs of the Prussian Empire.

The storytellers."


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100%, Ohm.

You need to expose the storytellers to the normie hivemind, and then it doesn't matter who directs them from on high, as their power projection capabilities will be neutered.

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Can you tell us who the storytellers are exactly? Can you name names or is it just "storytellers"

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It's a generic term for everyone who crafts narrative on behalf of the system.

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Who accepts these stories? Too many blind people. Hard to wake them up!

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

Among the liberal church members today, just a bare acknowledgement that anything happened, and the comment by the lay leader taking a prayer request for the former President and his family, was that even if his politics were different, we can't resort to violence. I don't think anyone's eyes were opened. Only those who were paying attention in the first place were distraught. IMHO more has to happen to open the eyes of the blind. The story has to affect them closer. The war is far from over among the blind that I know.

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I love all of these personal anecdotes.

This isn't the end. It's the beginning of the end, though. Awakening takes many forms and many paths to the mountaintop. This was that for many, but certainly not all.

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….in their own back yard…(my husband’s observation for change).

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

I loved how you said that fiction is better than non fiction because it’s not bound by a so called reality. Remember in magic tricks the magician says “abracadabra”: in Aramaic it means “I will create as I speak”.

Anyway, I’m taking your initiative in exposing the lies people believe in (gently and not mockingly) as best I can. Instead of trying to convince them of the truth (which is very hard to accept, I’ve been there just a few short years ago). Thank you.

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Fiction largely shaped my philosophies and cognition.

I love the Aramaic quote! Had never seen that.

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As I read this excellent piece, I am reminded that my favorite books are all from the genre “historical fiction,” especially when told from multiple first person narration! Perhaps it is due to an awareness that “history” is so often recorded by the victors and then distorted by a rendition of “the telephone game.” I like the tour of the Abbey from The Abbess, the cat, the mouse and everyone in between.

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Good point. Historical fiction is kind of a paradox, as much of history is, in fact, a fiction translated to us for political ends. An argument can be made that "historical fiction" is, in fact more honest than history.

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

This one is a definite keeper! I’ll need to revisit it periodically moving forward. Thanks!

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Thanks for reading, Jeff!

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Jul 14Liked by Burning Bright

Sir, as I have told you your parents blessed you to become your own spirit! My story and many other baby boomers will volunteer anonymously their perspectives. You as a journalist trained by good and bad educators, have accumulated gifts from many. I hope to meet you in Deadwood. I arrive the Wednesday prior to the weekend. I mentioned to Jon at Quinney’s that you should consider opening a publishing business. Old gentleman like me knew the historical inflection point that occurred on November 22, 1963.

I was 10. I look forward to a potential discussion. I mentioned to you a few years ago that my children would not heed my warnings. I found you and others on Substack and now you are together on Badlands. I now have regained my respect for our younger generations. God Bless 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸✝️Q

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Thanks so much, Nobody!

I will be seeing you in Deadwood.

I used to publish independently, and also signed with a publishing company in 2020.

If I can save up enough money with my Burning Bright work, I do intent to launch a BB publishing imprint, but it's going to take me some time.

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I look forward to it young man!

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Yes…. I was 11…

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Me too! 😊❤️

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