“I cherish peace with all my heart. I don’t care how many men, women and children I need to kill to get it.”
This is the best line in the otherwise-unspectacular bit of comic book camp that is the Suicide Squad, and it’s delivered by one of the more original characters in the medium, the damaged, sociopathic and entirely committed Peacemaker, who preaches the one thing so regularly and firmly that he seems to believe it, even if his actions trend heavily toward that other thing.
After a stunning week from the perspective of the actualization of many of the longest-running theories I’ve been discussing since my time in the Info War—namely, that we would see the Story of the Peacemakers take center stage at the advent of the second (public) Trump administration—and amidst a backdrop of global (and, importantly, GLOBALIST) chaos, and as an increasingly-restless Collective Mind bears witness to the one side, and more clearly now than ever before … the other, we see the beginnings of an accelerated approximation of the awakening process many of us went through some time ago.
And this is a process that often feels like inversion.
To wit, no matter where you personally land on either side of patriot control, ghosts in the media machine or the literal narrative drivers at work in the War of Stories, surely I’ll get no argument from this readership—hell, from almost anyone not totally lost to communist subversion—that Donald Trump and his sovereign movement painted as stark a line of demarcation between us and them than ever before, and that he did so using the story for peace against its antithesis, which remains as indefensible as ever, but which now finds itself in the unenviable position of having no faux or foe standing in the central narrative.
This is the key to narrative warfare, which is to say, storytelling.
As I have said many times in these digital pages, I firmly believe that ALL real wars are the result of lost information wars. That’s another way of leaning into my personal refrain in this strange war, and that is that he whosoever wins the story, wins the war, as he wins the hearts and minds that can either guide it, accelerate it and actualize its deathly wings … or else stand opposed to it, and cut it off at the knees before it has the chance to metastasize into the sort of hate the machine has relied on weaponizing for centuries.
So, with all that in mind, how does it seem our favorite Prussian Proxy Prince is handling the fallout of his public—and yes, coordinated, in my view—drubbing at the hands, rhetoric—the storytelling—of Trump?
If there was a clear narrative deployment coming out of that side of the narrative ledger, surely I’d plant it here; in fact, I quite expected it on either side of full-scale capitulation to the Trump mandate—which is us, by the way—or a heavy lean into the very hawkish demeanor his would-be and have-been masters in Brussels, the UK, France and the EU at large have long adopted where it concerns the Russian Federation and the rising powers of the Sovereign Alliance we spend more time than most chronicling around these parts.
Of course, a few days hence, with rejections of ceasefire agreements interspersed with halting and halfhearted apologies, as well as very serious photo ops disguised as decidedly unserious meetings—or was it the other way around?—with said (former) handlers, it DOES seem that the Collective Mind is being told that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is as desperate for war to continue as his people are for it to stop.
And all the while the precipice approaches on many layers and on many levels at once.
From Trump’s side, it seems the core of the narrative is an embracing of the War Games refrain, which is that the only way to win is not to play in the first place.
Amidst all the pomp and circumstance, the bluster and bravado and the various readings of kayfabe, kabuki theater and warmongering across the battlespace, THAT is the main takeaway by the normie layers of the Collective Mind.
That, for better or worse, Trump is done playing, which means WE are done playing, which means the collectivist bureaucrats have nothing left to do BUT to play in our stead.
And that is the crux of the matter, is it not?
Trump isn’t so much exposing the globalist system via targeted disclosure, narrative blitzkrieg or even international political scandal, even if most in this community believe he probably has the fifth-generation ammunition to do exactly that. He is rather putting forth the story—the truth—that the globalists consider war to be a game, and a means to an end, while the human cost—no matter the nationality—is borne of Man, and witnessed by God.
It is in the very trivialization of this fact that is at once innate in the hearts and minds of the innocent as it is superfluous and unknowable—unthinkable, perhaps—wherein the collectivists have erred. In rendering the world as bleak and hopeless as they have tried to do, they have made such a rare thing as hope stand out that much more starkly against the drab grays and shocking reds of their doom machine.
As we explored in the recent ‘Echoes & Eras,’ and as the Russian side of the ledger continues to signal, what Donald Trump is selling to the American people—to the world, for that matter—is that simple thing, that lost thing. It’s hope in a better tomorrow, which can only start today, should those with the means exercise the wills their respective peoples would bestow upon them, and in so doing, usher in a new era of peace the likes of which none currently living have witnessed, and which seems so alien to the pages of recorded history—however much of it can be believed—as to render portrayals of such garden-themed innocence in fiction jarring in their seeming naivety.
This is what the collectivists stole from you. Not the future and not the past, but the hope for both to be better.
But then, I suppose we’ve waxed poetic long enough, and so, what do I think of the current narrative where it concerns the War for Peace, and where does it go from here?
To understand that, I think we need to focus on the characters that seem to be taking center stage at present, and that would be the very vampiric class that have and would lord over the outerlands like Ukraine since and for time immemorial, and each of whom Trump—perhaps with Zelenskyy beside him, witting or unwitting—is lending just enough rope to hang themselves in full view of a rapt and attentive collective mind.
But then, you caught the bait Trump laid out to a visiting Keir Starmer last week before the real fireworks began, did you not?
When he ‘joked’ over the question of whether the UK would fight Russia all on its lonesome now that the US was committed to peace?
I’ll give the collectivist pig one thing … I didn’t think he’d be so brazen as to submit the following as his response just a few days later:
Of course, “boots on the ground and planes in the air” is being forwarded as the means of ensuring peace on Earth.
Well, forgive this former Bush-era liberal the flashback, but, from where I’m sitting … that sounds a hell of a lot like the other thing, and while Americans have surely seen this movie before—in fact, I think one of the great gifts Trump has delivered unto the conservative mind has been the forced decoupling of the term ‘freedom’ from ‘war,’—the fact remains that Europeans have as well.
In fact, their recognition alongside said Bush-era American liberals as to the inherent evils of the War on Terror—even the PsyOps of that generation—have come to define the current—and fast-fading—particular brand of European anti-Americanism that gave rise to the putrid elitism many of them exude, in our estimation.
And now, the shoe seems to be on the other foot, as a Commander-in-Chief these very collectivists—the adults in the room whose empires are built on the blood of children in a very real way—have demonized as a warmonger, jingoist reign of terror in waiting currently stands against them, and for peace, for NOTHING in the place of an unending, bloody and of course very, very expensive brand of something.
Something that’s being sold as peace, but something that seems an awful lot like war.
This is the response of a beast that has been harried and harrassed, prodded and poked and provoked. A beast that has worn the armor of the American Military Industrial Complex and all the fiery and bloody sin it has visited upon the chaos countries that they engineered to be precisely that as a ward against the fact that they cheered the machine on all those years because they helped to build it, and because they gained from its great, grinding gait during the Bush years, and no doubt in countless theaters following the close of World War 2, the last ‘great war,’ which was itself also engineered by the progenitors of the very System of Systems we stand opposed to today.
A New World Order was forged in the wake of that particular story won (by them,) and lost (by us,) which is to say, the ‘rules-based international order’ that sprang up in fertile mass psychological ground ready and all too willing to paint anything that stood opposed to collectivism—to forced unity and all its faux promises—as evil incarnate … as Nazi.
Which brings us back around to the point of it all, and the cognitive keystone that lies at the heart of the current chapter in the War for Peace, that being Ukraine itself, and all its Prussian origins, and all its Nazi ties … and all its collectivist funding, and the slow push, pull, grind and grimace of the war machine that is now missing the American engine that powered its likeness in so many theaters before, and that stands starkly exposed like never before as it desperately seeks the actualization of the last war, and the one it will never find.
Now, your reaction to that headline—’The US is now the enemy of the west’—depends almost entirely on how you personally define terms.
Is the west so named the same one that was birthed on the back of French liberty or British Empire, American revolution or post-war exceptionlism?
Is it the west so-named because it recalls the one Eisenhower warned us about, and that later put a magic bullet in John F. Kennedy’s head?
Is this ‘the west’ that staged a false flag to get us embroiled into the first of the modern Forever Wars in Vietnam, or that put a not-so-magic bullet in Reagan’s chest after installing Deep State royalty as his constant warning shadow?
Perhaps this is ‘the west’ that shadow inherited, and piloted straight into the hands of the Clinton Crime Family, who summarily drove it into the catastrophic decade of subservience to the new globalist oligarchy, same as the old one, but now operating in China instead of Prussia (and of which Xi Jinping has had something to say, if you’ll recall.)
Maybe it’s the west Bush flew—in more ways than one—into the second Vietnam, a war whose story was so botched they didnt even get the landing spot right.
Or maybe it’s the west that embraced Marxist nihilism and rebranded it as hope and change at the advent of the Obama era, a bloody regime that kept most of its blood and secrets overseas, in the lands peace forgot, but whose survivors have it in mind to make us remember, and whose secrets we now keep.
That header—’The US is now the enemy of the west’—was plastered across the pages of the Financial Times in the wake of Trump’s masterclass in the Oval Office on Friday, and it got me thinking, and it got me writing, which are often very much one in the same of late.
It got me thinking that this header … this statement of fact delivered with all the vitriol and venom of creatures of the dark now writhing in the light marks a sea change in the story our collectivist enemy has clad itself in, and that has now been rendered translucent as gossamer and as threadbare as silk spun from the pale spiders that nest in its folds.
THIS is the beginning of the end for the globalist not-so-superstate. This headline. This admission.
Not because it’s a lie, but because it’s the truth, in all its inverted glory.
The US—America, for that matter—reforged and more importantly, REMEMBERED at the advent of the Golden Age is decidedly, undoubtedly and dare I say proudly the ‘enemy of the west.’
Because, in the modern tongue and near as long as most can remember, the west has been synonymous with war, even if its story has been one of peace in waiting.
And before we can write a new story of the west, which will be a story of hope, we need to put an end to the old one.
But then, from where I’m sitting, it looks like they’re well on their way to doing that for us.
The rest is a matter of timing, and awakening.
‘The west’ is dead. Long live the west.
Until then, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
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Fun read BB. The world is changing (for the better) and the rate of change is accelerating. It is like Trump 2.0 has turned the light on and the DS Rat Bastard Cockroaches are running for cover.
Your view towards the future and what all the Golden Age will look like is what I am constantly searching for across the Truther community. I believe we are truly in the Golden Age and the rules have been rewritten for the better.
Keep up the great work.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Spectacular as always. Your ability to perceive things that are not on the surface of this theater of horrors are memorable.
Long life to you, your family and the new baby.