The Master explores Donald Trump’s mastery of Narrative Warfare, his Narrative Fighting Style and his importance to the Sovereign Alliance in this Fifth-Generation War against the Globalist Deep State. Start the series with Part 1.
"Do you feel in charge?"
One of my favorite questions comes from one of my favorite scenes in The Dark Knight Rises, and feels like a solid approach to kicking off a feature and a concept I’ve been thinking about for some time, that being the ‘switch’ not just from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration (and back again,) but more so between the Hegelian Doom Loop that is the Deep State’s System of Systems and a new era of American exceptionalism defined and informed by the growing America First ideology.
The question is delivered to a Deep State crony of Gotham City’s seedy overbelly—the high-class, aristocratic criminal element Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy deals with that stands at odds with more grassroots, guttural depictions common to most comic book genre fare.
While Ben Mendelsohn’s Daggett believes himself to be in control of the madman with a purpose (a Nolan specialty,) Bane’s rhetorical response is as direct as it is chilling.
“I’ve paid you a small fortune,” Daggett says as a mix of disbelief and existential dread settles over him due to the physical presence and the psychological immensity of Bane, who lays a hand on the business magnate’s shoulder and says, simply, “And this gives you power over me?”
While this scene deals with the conflict between two villains in the piece, I see it as representative of the core, underlying arrogance of the Deep State—the strange, increasingly-apparent dichotomy between a centralized criminal cabal that has managed to lord over the pillars of the modern world and the apparent lack of foresight, adaptability and core strength of said cabal when it comes to the power projection of rising sovereign sentiment.
This contradiction is being exposed day after day, potentially in concert with the most complex military intelligence operation of all time, this being the combination of the Q Op Info Dissemination Campaign and the Devolution/Continuity of Government contingencies many of us believe Donald Trump and US patriots actioned in the waning days of the (first) Trump Administration, as researched and documented by
.What Bane cuts through in this scene is that all of the very real complexity of the Deep State—a criminal syndicate that has infected virtually all levers of overt and covert power projection—obscures an ‘actual’ strength that’s barely any deeper than the sheen atop an eggshell.
The Deep State's System of Systems is intentionally complex, but at its core, all that complexity boils down to one thing: leverage.
Mutual leverage ensured secrecy and protection, for a time, and allowed dark things to continue to operate in the dark, but that very leverage also represents weakness in the form of mutual dependence between creatures without loyalty, trust or faith, the most powerful weapon of all—not always in a higher power, necessarily, but in goodness, in humanity … in something rather than nothing.
After all, I often say that, from atheist doomers to the Deep State scions themselves, many who say they don't believe in anything are lying:
They believe in nothing. And they believe in it strongly.
My grand unifying theory at Burning Bright is a Macro Narrative spin on cumulative theories this decentralized collective has formulated together: the Reverse Hegelian Dialectic posits that the weapons of the enemy—their great, subversive strengths—have been turned around on them. Both sides are trying to provoke emotional reactions out of the Collective Mind, with one side trying to control it as the other attempts to free it.
As my DEFECTED co-host and friend
often says, it is ultimately our choice whether or not to get bogged down in the reactionary mud the mire of the Info War is often reduced to, or to fly above the noise, understand rather than react, and defect emotionally while evolving cognitively.Returning to the example at hand, what the fictionalized Deep State in Christopher Nolan’s depiction of Gotham City doesn't understand in The Dark Knight Rises is what patriots do: leverage only matters if you maintain the overt power projection—from the Financial and Political, to the Clandestine and the Kinetic—to enforce that leverage ... that control.
In other words—and as explored at length in the Righteous Russia series that started it all at Burning Bright—‘Power is Power.’ Not the threat of it. Not the promise of it. The thing is the thing, and the world is being given a crash course on this foundational and eternal reality on a daily basis through the continued exposure of the System of Systems, and the continued emergence of a sovereign spirit of change and progression through a regression to the past ... to the bedrock of our Republic, and our very souls.
As mentioned, the Devolution theory provides us with the most well-researched and logical framework through which to observe why, though the enemy SEEMS to control virtually all levers of public power, they are losing ... not JUST in the realm of the Collective Mind, which I cover with frequency in these digital pages, but, more observably by the day, in the realm of the real as well—the Actual we don't spend quite as much time chronicling around these parts.
As for my own writing on this subject, the Layer Cake series asks a simple question: Who controls the Biden Administration?
While that was originally meant to be rhetorical framing for this community, combining the Devo theory with the observable trend that Trump not only baited Biden into running, but seems to be his biggest spot-lighter and Hegelian cheerleader; more so, the series marks an appeal to the ‘Net Effects’ refrain.
But today, I'd ask you to leave aside even that framing, and consider this question from the Deep State's perspective, and smile as you consider them asking it with mounting panic, as their very compartmentalization that once stood as a defining strength now undoes them, rendering a centralized control apparatus into a corrupt archipelago, with each respective Systemic island spinning in a void of its own undoing.
And all this while sovereignty takes its course, embracing its more overt (and by that I mean, covert,) power projection and directed leverage on the part of the Sovereign Alliance. On behalf of patriots.
This well-founded and, in my view, engineered paranoia on the part of our enemies serves multiple purposes: in addition to rendering the Deep State inert and exposed in full view of an awakening American populace, it also engenders suspicion and panic within the criminal empire, forcing them into a series of self-immolating and exposing moves that continue to accelerate their inevitable destruction at the hands of the Infinite Player on the Game Board ... that being the Truth, and the Justice that comes along with it.
So, when observing the Biden Administration, from impeachment trials to hemorrhaging support even within plucked and picked-over fake polls whose once-reliably (for the wrong reasons) unreliable methodologies the MSM itself is now casting doubt on in front of its own once-captive audience, ask yourself this question from the perspective of the Hegelian Hydra: do [they] feel in charge right now?
Do [they] feel in control?
When you ruminate on this question, do so under the framing of how ‘bad’ things seem for the side of sovereignty right now. For the side of truth, justice and the American Way … nothing corny, reductive or ‘Kansas’ about it.
No doubt, things haven’t been ideal.
Under the Biden Regime, real or fake, or some mix of the two, the United States appears to be in the midst of one of its most dramatic and serious economic, political and cultural spirals in its relatively short history, which has prompted more than one mind to ask whether the fledgling empire—the foundational Republic—has seen the end of its days.
And yet, amidst all of the (engineered) chaos, I have long appealed to Donald Trump himself for steady calm, and while I have chronicled his mastery of Narrative Warfare at length in the ongoing ‘The Master’ series, I believe his public comms are getting significantly more overt in recent months, culminating in comments he made just the other night in front of a Michigan crowd that’s about as blue collar as it gets in the U.S. these days.
In between the usual complementary dialectic spent alternating between praising the efforts of the first Trump Admin (and rightfully so,) and decrying the comparative efforts of the Biden Regime, Trump dropped some choice nuggets that, while these sorts of comms tend to go over the heads of ‘Normie MAGA,’ might have been so obvious and direct that even some of them took notice, and began reading between the lines.
“In my first term, I disrupted all of it … and in my second term, which we’re sort of having now, but I don’t want the results, right? I don’t want the results of this second term; this second term is a disaster for this country … there’s never been a President like this.”
Now read that. And read it again.
To be blunt, I think this typical run-on sentence from Donald Trump was one of the most interesting and encouraging he’s ever given, at once acknowledging the three-act structure of the War of Stories patriots are penning in service to the Great Awakening, while providing hints not only to the HOW—that being the aforementioned Devolution theory—but more importantly, to the WHY of the Biden Administration … and the LACK of a second (public) Trump Admin.
To me, the surety with which Trump dropped his latest ‘aside’ maps onto the idea that patriots are growing confident not in the mechanisms behind the Devolution and Awakening plan itself—they've likely had confidence in that from the beginning—but rather in the public's readiness and willingness to engage with the questioning of the reality they see unfolding before them, as the unreality melts away like a gossamer curtain … like a corrupt, clinging dream.
As I often argue, Trump speaks to multiple audiences simultaneously, and his playful tone of late, which clashes with the supposed nightmare unfolding before our watching eyes and that he’s drawing attention to more than any other public figure, is a major tell as to the underlying persuasion of the Collective Mind. Trump and company obviously know THAT or IF Devolution has been implemented, so they know the Actual is protected, but their shift in tone implies to me that the Narrative is turning as well ... rather, the Mind that Narrative is meant to turn, and that we’re MUCH further along in the awakening than some believe.
And amidst the backdrop of Trump’s remarks, the American people witnessed something of a dark comedy wending its way through the Info War on account of the Narrative Convergence between the latest Government Shutdown drama (don’t ever threaten us with full sovereignty,) and the rash of economic catastrophes piling up under said Government’s watch.
To wit, while the nation is in the midst of the most impactful series of labor strikes in decades, a surging inflation AND interest rate (cue the crickets from the Keynesian economists,) the same ‘Government’ that has presided over it all from a public perspective is now seen by the Collective Mind as routinely panicking—even begging—for the right to keep doing so while being funded by our deflating tax dollars.
Operation Warp Speed theories aside, the Collective Mind doesn’t engage directly with Fifth-Gen Warfare framing like this community does; what they see, effectively, is exactly what Trump and Biden have shown them: a POTATUS being threatened with impeachment and a corrupt Uniparty being threatened with a shutdown.
In other words, the prospect that this might represent a ‘Win-Win’ scenario is becoming both memetic and widely bipartisan, which sounds like JUST the sort of scenario a potential American deal-maker might find politically and culturally advantageous … hence Trump’s recent propensity to smile and smirk at de facto presidential rallies as often as frown in very serious, totally not scripted mugshots.
What’s that? You forgot that the walls were closing in on Trump?
I suppose one can be forgiven for the oversight. After all, Biden's the one on trial, both in Congress and in the Court of Public Opinion, which, as many in this community wisely point out, is the highest court in the land.
The verdict is going to take its time in coming in, but you don't need a Magic 8 ball to guess its direction ... And the Media Industrial Complex, Establishment politicians and shills on both sides of the illusory aisle are going to go all in in some combination of the defense of the Biden Crime Family, the Uniparty Establishment and the Deep State.
The beauty of it is, we don't really need the Collective Mind to engage with any of these topics as deeply as we do. We simply need them to observe the general state of the nation, the state of the world, and the state of culture, and trace the strings to those ostensibly in control right now.
And then ask themselves if they want it to continue ...
Donald Trump is haunting the Biden Administration because he’s the one who installed it, either overtly through the ongoing Continuity of Government mechanisms we spend much of our time engaging with around these parts, or tacitly, through the open baiting and Game Theory tactics patriots continue to employ in the Info War.
This community tends to have an obsession with learning WHAT is happening, and I’m no exception; it’s hard to blame us, after all, as learning that you’ve been lied to about virtually everything you’ve ever been told about the world, the nation and the nature of reality itself is liable to have that effect.
But I often argue that we need to transition from the WHAT to the WHY? … as that’s a question that’s at once more answerable, and whose answer is itself steeped in the sort of resolute hope that will pull us inch by inch through this ending darkness.
Why, then?
Because, sometimes you can’t tell the people the truth. Sometimes you have to show them, and as Trump hinted at that Michigan rally disguised as an address on September 27, 2023, the only one doing a better job than Trump himself at ‘showing’ the American people is the Crime Family patriarch he’s cast as his strategic, witting or unwitting foil.
Barack Obama made us promises, like so many had before him, and Joe Biden rode his corrupt coattails when he did so, carried his water as he implemented that Hegelian Doom Campaign onto the American People, and enriched himself along the way, as so many had before him, and as so many would have in his wake.
Donald Trump made promises, too, and while he’s kept a great many of them to date, I truly believe he’s speaking with direct sincerity, and with the unshakable foundation of one who knows where this story—where all stories at play in the American zeitgeist—are heading when he says that ‘the best is yet to come.’
Barack Obama promised us ‘Hope and Change.’
Donald Trump is going to bring it.
Not because he’s magical, or because he has all the answers to the test ahead of time, and no, not even because he’s the current figurehead of a Sovereign Alliance that’s likely been in the works far longer than any of us is aware.
But rather because he understands and is communicating, slowly but surely that the answer as to what ails the American Republic is the same as the spirit that made up its foundation in the first place—that sovereignty itself is inherent, that defending it is inherent, and that its victory over the subversive powers that have come against it—that have come against us—in the intervening years is inevitable.
So then, the reason the Deep State doesn’t feel ‘in charge’ right now is because, simply put, they aren’t.
Because, the revelation as to the complexity of the System of Systems that tends to drive newly-awakening minds crazy when first delving into the depths of the Info War is itself an illusion.
In the end, the simplest and somewhat most Biblical answer is the correct one: there is good and there is evil, and the difference between them is rendered stark as the difference between night and day, dark and light when discerning minds are sparked, and when a sovereign spirit is reignited.
Agenda 47 isn’t a dream. It’s a promise.
The Biden Administration isn’t a nightmare. It’s a bridge.
Cross it.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Continue on to Part 11.
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This is a truly groundbreaking post! You noticed what he said ! I heard him too, and don't forget with the auto workers he said something like "I'm putting everything on the line for you and this country." I don't have the exact quote, but Yes he is definitely dropping clues, he is eager for the battle ahead.
Obama promised hope and change. Donald Trump to deliver it. Absolutely brilliant!!