Thanks so much for bringing the current going’s on into focus. This was very beneficial for me. Yes, I would find these short takes on the current battlefield situation to be very helpful, especially as fast as things are moving these days. So many fronts to cover…

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Crazy. Four comments in a row from paid supporters to this publication. Never thought I would see it when I started this work, but thank you, Bob.

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What an interesting analogy: The Ants and Deep State. Also liked the part: “Put another way, I believe the Deep State is caught in a horror movie of their own making, and I believe they’re starting to realize it.”

I found that heart warming. 😎

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Much appreciated, Nancye, and thank you for supporting this work and my family.

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Perfect length, clear and concise. Some of your best writing.

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Much appreciated, Laura!

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Such a useful analogy. Thanks. The Death Spiral really can be FELT like never before.

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Thanks John! And thanks for your support for this publication.

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The trap I see with the deep staters is found in their success. The players set out to use the deep state for personal profit by twisting our system to embezzle tax dollars. Using NGOs and shell companies they manipulated tax or debt dollars into their personal accounts. Thus, over time, these bureaucrats have become millionaires. So, their success at playing the deep state is their downfall.

Once DOGE exposes the money trail from the supply side, the proof of innocence has to come from the opposite direction. Mr. Deep State, please show us how these millions were accomplished through your obviously fantastic investment acumen? We are impressed with your abilities. Let’s sit down and go over your books and you may show us your brilliance! Actually, we believe you need to write a book to help other American citizens explode their wealth at such a great pace.

Do you see the problem for the cheaters? The problem is the money is there in the accounts and it cannot go away. Their success is the basic cause of their failure. They are their own worst enemy. But, what can they do to solve their problem?

This is why this movie is so compelling! I cannot stop watching it! It is so damned addictive it should be illegal to allow us to watch it. They think tobacco is addictive? Give me a break! I was able to quit smoking 50 years ago by just stopping the lighting of cigarettes. The deep state watching addiction keeps me hooked every waking hour.

Watching the evil weasels scurry for cover while no cover exists is fascinating. I am reminded of a cockroach I trapped last week. I turned on the light and he was on the floor running around looking for a crack to hide in, but my shoe was too quick and he became a lump of roach goo. I wonder what deep stater goo will look like?

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Well said, Jim.

I think we can see by panicked Google searches and the obfuscation attempts before crimes have even been alleged just how deep the swamp goes ... and just how quickly it's going to be drained.

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Yes, what I find so compelling is our system. The deep state, in order to make sure we pay every dime of income tax, has demanded that we receive a 1099 form annually from every broker, bank, or personal investment account. Every gain is precisely calculated and reported.

Then, it is our job as tax payers to reconcile every dollar to match what the 1099 says. In other words, we must precisely match the IRS’s computers or we will automatically get a letter saying we are accused of fraud.

The system thd deep state has invented produces no 1099’s because it is all “off the books”. But, that is the key to taking down the corrupt. The money is there, but it doesn’t match the non- existent paperwork! I find this absolutely hilarious.

The money is there, but the paper trail has to be found and exposed. Then, the question will be, “Where are the tax payments on this income? We see where your account received the funds, but there is no 1099 anywhere to be found!”

Keep scurrying clowns! There are no cracks available but the IRS wears real big shoes!

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Taxation is truly the oldest and most entrenched form of slavery.

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Taxation was defined as “Plucking the goose with the least amount of hissing.” That was John-Baptiste Colbert over 350 years ago! Some things never change!

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Great comment!

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Love!!! I swear.. You have kept me sane for 4 years. Never stop!

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Thanks so much, Pamella!

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I always enjoy your writings, but often don't have time to finish them. This quick hit sits well with me. More! Thanks so much for all you do.

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Thanks for reading, Zoe!

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Yes! I like shorter!

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Crap. My next is double!

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Another well written ‘word picture’ loaded article to drive your point home BB!

The Deep State have never been challenged in their decades long cancerous rampage. Therefore, they have absolutely no idea how to combat the multi-pronged attacks on their many fronts. They have lost the MSM propaganda arm are now finding themselves naked to the world. You know, others are waking up to their misdeeds and will be challenging them as well all over the world!

What a time to alive! God is good!

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Much appreciated, Alan!

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Short is great, Burning Bright. Economy of thinking, exposing Truth in the fewest words realistically possible. Excellent. (I like the ant analogy. Watching them all running around DC RREEEEEEING! like the stuck pigs they are -- very much like those ants. Reduced to their most basic instinct -- survival.)

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The difference is ... I actually like ants ;)

Thanks for reading, Bill.

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You're welcome, BB. And I too like ants -- I once had one of those 'ant farms' with a layer of dirt between two clear panels. Fascinating creatures, and not capable (AFAIK) of having treacherous or greedy thoughts. Always working for the good of the colony as a whole, best they can.

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Since the inauguration, Americans have become increasingly emboldened and have poked their little heads out, sniffed the air and found out that we are not a 50/50 population. Not even close. 90/10 perhaps. Boldness begets boldness. Shoulder to shoulder, without fear people are crowding in, ready to cheer for the death of the oppressor. It is, as you say, inevitable.

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Power Projection is the name of the game, and Americans are finally starting to understand the true depths of narrative power projection.

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I have come to really appreciate you referencing past articles in your long forms. It’s very interesting with the current, obviously different, perspective we now have.

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That's great to hear, Jeff. Sometimes I wonder if it's annoying, but I think it helps chart the cognitive path I took to the current writing, and helps the readers do the same thing.

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It’s definitely not annoying at all!

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I very much liked this Bright Brief! I like seeing short form articles occasionally. But don’t give up on your long ramblings as well, both written and on air….in spite of Jon’s ragging on you. 😉

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My Sunday piece is already double this one!

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This was good, BB!! The reference to ants going round and round is a great description of the deep state!

Wow, Baby Bright must have you busy to write a short one!! 🤗 Aren’t children just ❤️♥️❤️ !!

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I'm on night duty haha. No sleep for me! But well worth it for this boy. Thank you, Vicky.

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Wow. This makes sense in a very specific way. As a Canadian, I am having mixed feelings about what Trump is doing to, or more importantly, for, Canada. One of the things to note about Canada: we do enjoy military protection. It's called the NWS, originally the DEW line and spans from Alaska to Quebec in the North. Canada goes to the shitter via Carney and that detection defence system is under major threat. It could be used as leverage. As well, the enemy are losing major ground across the planet so yes, they want Canada.

Reading your material makes me think that Trump is indeed talking potential. But also, if he's going to secure the States, not only does he need to deal with the globe itself, but most definitely Canada. He has to secure Canada. While also revealing what the enemy is doing, which in Canada's case is a very difficult task. We are one of the most brainwashed countries going, with a Parliamentary system designed wholely against the Canadian citizen.

Once again, it all makes sense. You are doing good work. It has the ring of truth to it. Thank you.

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I married a Canadian and give them crap, but have a whole set of Canadian in-laws. I believe quite strongly they will be joining us in a new global golden age ... I think Trump is attempting to provoke an acceleration on behalf of sovereignty up north.

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That seems to be where I am heading. As a Canadian I have been following this. Danielle Smith was the only one who went and talked to Trump after he was inaugurated thus becoming liaison and interim PM. Also, Alberta is the financial powerhouse of Canada so Trump rightfully worked with Alberta. The only thing I am uncertain on is the nature of the shift. Will Canada go it’s own way (very difficult with a top to bottom Parliamentary system designed against the Canadian citizen) will it become a territory or join the US?

I am not bothered at all should we join the US. BTW, I was feeling pretty low about my country until I read your piece. As always, your thoughts are very clearly laid out. It’s a joy to read. And dense with info!

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Alberta seems for sure to be the most based sector of Canada. America North.

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From a year ago:


Unless sentiments in Canada have shifted wildly, Carney's in for a rough ride.

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He is. Especially as Canada’s ‘interim PM’ is actually Danielle Smith. The power has shifted completely. Alberta is now the power.

Interesting ride about to commence.

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The predator is the hound of heaven.

2 Chronicles 20. Biblical.

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Thanks Rosalie! And thank you for continuing to support this publication.

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