Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

What comes to my mind in reading this is an old management concept called the 'matrix organization.' In such a firm there are two more-or-less orthogonal 'chains of command,' one of which is functional chain (accounting, for example) and one a business or project chain (automotive business). While this concept is largely discredited, because of the tensions and conflicts resulting from multiple managers with different and not necessarily aligned goals, such tensions and conflicts could be a most useful feature of an organization such as you describe here.

An organization like this is not necessarily limited to two dimensions. Conceivably, it could have multiple dimensions operating in different thought planes. The intersection points between the dimensions (planes) are where the tension, and therefore the key activities, reside.

Such intersections need not be correlated in any meaningful way and indeed, complex organizational goals could be accomplished by people and groups in such an organization, where each has only a passing (it that) familiarity with what others are doing.

Such an organization would appear from the outside exactly as you describe: chaotic and unfocused.

But it would be capable of operating in such a way that no one group understood the overall goals and objectives, which likely would be too complex to be managed at that level in any case. Sort of like the blind men trying to describe an elephant by the sense of touch: one, feeling the elephant's trunk, thinks it is a snake; another, feeling a leg, thinks it is a tree.

A multi-dimensional chess player like Trump would be one of the few to grasp the overall strategy. To everyone else, it looks like random, inconsequential and mostly wasted energy. But such an organization could accomplish things so that the risk of outside penetration is greatly reduced. With no one person or group cognizant of the overall objective, how do you infiltrate it? Moreover, do you even know it is there, to try to infiltrate it?

Such an organizational structure could be extremely useful for a shadow, clandestine group operating 'hidden in plain sight.' Nothing is what it seems and nobody can see the entirety of what is going on, except for a small group of masterminds behind the scenes.

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Fantastic analysis and allusions. I appreciate the insights.

It also ties into the hints provided to us in the Q drops, which I do take seriously.

Very few have the full picture. Compartmentalization is key.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

This is a perfect description of how Special Access Programs are said to operate, in silos, with no lateral cooperation or accountability or even awareness. Once again to me, it appears our patriots could be using [their] own tactics against them.

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Starting to appear that way.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

NTK basis. I heard the "need to know" basis is used by the Military. Only those who "need to know" are let in on the details.

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True, but there is a more fundamental issue here: Those who do not know by virtue of not needing to know, still often know that there is something to know -- resulting in speculation, time spent asking questions and poking around, and otherwise trying to game the system, to get a leg up on everyone else by 'knowing more' than the others do.

Here, those who do not know, actually do not know there is anything to know. They only see their small part of the game, unaware that there is a bigger picture or how they fit in. They are more focused, and importantly, less likely to 'blow cover' with their surreptitious activities trying to 'know more.'

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Makes a lot of sense to me.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Wow ...,this is an expert analysis of the current and ongoing situation. This made me smile as I was reading it and helped me understand a little more clearly what I long suspected is really going on. Amazing work. Thank you!!

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Thanks for reading!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Great writing as usual, BB. Just wanted you to know

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Thank you!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I know, right? I love the intelligent writing and clear thinking - great combination!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Where's Huber? I was wondering about that myself.


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A name to watch, for sure.

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Good find

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Thanks. I find it interesting that so many former prosecutors would be recruited for white collar defense. Why not hire career defenders? Special investigations, however...

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I like this! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!! ❤️

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Thanks for reading!

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

I think anons means retired fbi,CIA,Nsa who still support the constitution. Trump references them when talking about said institutions. I have noticed the kind of detail supposly found on the internet are not readily available to some. Anons tend to also have a uncanny knack of posting info before it becomes headline news as if they already know where the narritive is going and they have already researched a counter point.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Very good points and observations. Reminds me of another quote. I'm paraphrasing - "He who doesn't learn from history is doomed to repeat it..." I think the Bible is history. Your commentary made me think of the end of Genesis and the first part of Exodus. Specifically Genesis 47 and Exodus 1 in the NKJV. I'd be very interested in your take.

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Thanks for reading!

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

This was a gooood one BB. Get in. Scope it out. Get out. Get busy. I have NEVER bought the notion that 4 10 20 was in anyway naive and politically ignorant when hiring those who later appeared to be disloyal jerks. Not Sessions, not Pence, not Scaramouche, not Cohen, not Amarosa, not Bolton, not Madis, not Kelley and not poor General Mille whose manhood has been totally besmirched with memes of pink lipstick and pointy nails. This made ZERO sense to me. POTUS Trump can sniff out faithfulness and loyalty like a bloodhound. I think he's made it one of his life's missions. If I was honored enough to work for him during this most crucial of silent wars....I'd play any dang role he asked me to play with glee! I'd practice. I'd get coached up. I wouldn't break character. I'd play that role to the HILT! The Deep State worships satan for crying out loud. We must fight and win this war for the children, for the citizens, in the name of the Lord above Lords.

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Totally agree, and thank you for the encouragement.

Every time I put out a feature I think people are going to take issue with, this budding community confirms why I think so highly of you all as heterodox and free thinkers.

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Sadie, I think that too. Praying we are right. But, above all, may God be glorified in however HE chooses to play this out. He knows all and controls all. It's a mystery how He "uses" our prayers, but He makes it clear we are to pray!

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

THEORY or not, THIS makes sense to me!!

I had been feeling so confused lately trying to decipher who really are good/bad guys. But game theory has always spun me around (i suck at it), but THIS💝 makes perfect sense!! THANK YOU💡

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I may not be right, but it's good to practice such directional thinking anyway.

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Aren’t we left with just theory? Thank you God for the digital soldiers in this war!

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Bravo sir, bravo.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

Great share of wisdom Oracle Tiger.

You Have More Than You Know.

Slow drip > Flood

Everyone has an opinion.

Few have the facts.

Few know the plan.

One Step Closer. #2875 Think Mirror 5782? The current year we are in?

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This is fantastic. I was just watching the Ghost in the Machine video again yesterday and trying to decipher what it actually means. This could explain it!

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Glad this resonated with you.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Burning Bright

The Art of War…

We have true Masters of the art leading the charge in this, the greatest war ever fought on the earth.

There is so much to ponder in this article!

It’s like we are all climbing a great mountain of knowledge, information, insight and when I read the “humble tiger’s” thoughts, the view gets clearer…

Now I have to read it again!

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Much appreciated!

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So...BB I just listened to the Devolution Power Hour with you, Jon and Chris. Okay this is SO outside your ....realm. We need the Micro, but I SO appreciate your 40,000 view. Keep plugging on in this (obvious) discomfort area to contribute your insight. We need both. Up high, down low type of thing. What an unusual marriage of thought.

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But when a long train of abuses...

I do wonder just how many Americans know from where that line comes.

That is what really bothers me. The ignorant masses so easily lead to do the wrong thing for what they think is the right reasons. Ignorant, lazy, brainwashed 😢 We are the bad guys for pointing it out, shaking them, hoping they'll wake the **** up. 🙏

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It can certainly feel that way at times.

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Sep 17, 2022Liked by Burning Bright


*** not enough caffeine for coherent input this morning 🥴

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