We’re not fucking around anymore.
Sorry to leave my usual contemplative je ne sais quoi to the side, dear readers (and rest assured, I’ve got a piece coming on Sunday that I think you’ll love in keeping with my usual style,) but for now, my mood is mirroring that of Donald Trump in his first days pushing the American people forward into the Golden Age, whether they wished for it or not.
The “Resolute Desk” has languished in antipathy and rotted under the stink of corruption and cronyism for decades, if not generations, but this week … THIS week, it feels like that old lacquered piece of history and political marketing is earning its name … as is Trump, and as are we, the progenitors and lifeblood of the America First movement we each came to from as myriad paths as there are rivers to the sea.
And so, when I lead this Brief by playing on the mood of the day, keep in mind that one does not need to be angry to be resolute, nor tense to be immovable.
Instead, I believe the posture Trump and his allies (and that all of us,) are adopting in the early days of what we WILL see as a new American Golden Age comes on the back of all the darkness we were alternatively forced and patient enough to endure en route to cultivating as much of the public mandate as was possible to convince the American people to save themselves.
From the large-scale deportation of violent criminals to the designation of foreign cartels (and those who aid and abet them) as terrorist organizations, the time for talk is over. That holds true on a policy level in the highest offices in the land, and I think it also holds true at the dinner table, at the proverbial water cooler and yes, on your ‘Normie’ social media feeds, if any of us still pretend to keep a False Reality personality cypher running on fumes for the purposes of interfacing with the Normies we hold so much love for, and who rarely return it.
Of course, we’ve all been inundated with the bearest hints of the winning cascade that has been promised, as Trump set an all-time record with executive actions (many of them being revokations in the place of invocations, though there were plenty of both.)
From where I’m sitting, in essence, Trump 2.0 is the Administration Kennedy 1.0 was SUPPOSED to be.
Donald Trump is mirroring JFK Executive Orders while revoking Lyndon Johnson inversions.
EO 10925 (JFK) defined "Affirmative Action" as originally understood.
EO 11246 (Johnson) RE-defined it in keeping with the modern inversion, ie: "anti-racism, equity of outcome." (Trump Revoked this.)
Keep an eye out for this trend to continue.
(Possible) Example:
Might we see a Trump era mirror to EO 11110, "Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury?"
The Golden Age only LOOKS new.
Turns out, it's been possible all along, with the right leadership in place, and more importantly, the right blocks OUT of the way.
Which brings us to another massive bombshell of a Narrative Deployment in a veritable sea of them this week, and that is the promise of DECLAS …
Man … who could have seen that coming?
Major “transparency is the only way forward” vibes, right?
As I’ve argued for years, now, the Info War is also a Timeline War, and it's being translated to the American people through a War of Stories.
To some of us, Donald Trump has been inextricably linked to John F. Kennedy since long before July 13, 2024, though that day did nothing but strengthen the chain.
Now, he's kicking off Week 1 of the Golden Age by revoking Lyndon Johnson Executive Orders, implementing new ones that recall Kennedy's own policy (attempts,) and he's doing it all amidst the backdrop of fresh attempts by the Globalist Hegemon to force the US into conflict with Russia, while cultivating backchannel (and now frontchannel) communications with Vladimir Putin.
So, how do you bridge the past and future through the cognitive cyphers of the Info War?
How do you unify an engineered societal divide between Left and Right, Young and Old?
Through storytelling. And the greatest stories also happen to be true.
From December 2023:
"We’ve been told that ‘Nothing Can Stop What is Coming,’ and I believe these are some key hints and markers that we should believe it.
Far from simply seizing on the power inherent in the Kennedy name and all it conjures within the Collective Mind, I also feel that Trump’s appeals to it represent a promise in more ways than one, and while the last—and most dramatic—might be the visitation and resolution of Justice on behalf of JFK himself and all his death hath wrought on the American people in the interim, the more immediate promise is the one Trump brings up most frequently, and that is in the continuing—if agonizingly slow—declassification of everything related to said crime dating back to that fateful day in November, 1963.
It all has the feeling to me of a timed, coordinated rollout.
Trump has provided just enough DECLAS to keep the wheels greased, but in order to bring about mass cultural catharsis regarding what is arguably the most traumatic event in the nation's history outside of 9/11, the smoking gun needs to lead back to those responsible for the planning.
Most in this community have firm, educated guesses on who those figures might be, and we all agree that, whoever it was, they were the heirs to the current paragons of deceit and corruption who would rule over us, but the Normie Layer of the Collective Mind needs to be brought up to speed, and that truth needs to be codified.
After all, Trump's best motto is, 'Promises Made, Promises Kept.'
When this particular promise is kept, I think it will mark both a crescendo and a tipping point, an ending of one phase and the start of another. And Anons will be the frame & support with this and with so many other truths that will be revealed to the waking minds of our brothers and sisters who’ve been wandering in the dark while we seek out the light."
For more on the almighty 'WHY?' of JFK DECLAS (and much more to come,) check out 'Temporal Trump Card,' and understand that it had to be this way, and that we're going to like how this particular movie ends.
And while the enemy and its system will no doubt resist, and while I do believe there is still turbulence ahead as we transition from a world built on and by falsity and toward one of abundance and peace on the back of truth and reconciliation, there is little doubt that we have seized much more than the day, but also the mood, the momentum and dare I say the resurgent American spirit our forebears first infused into this great, vast territory, one that now spans battlespaces across reality layers, from physical space to cyberspace, rhetoric to religion.
And the enemy has noticed.
Observe, one of its key narrative-setters in what I’d describe as intellectual, superior capitulation, wherein the subject simultaneously admits how wrong it has been and how disadvantaged it seems while attempting to maintain a vague air of intellectual and even moral superiority.
Rest assured, there will be PLENTY more where that came from, on the Micro (in your Normie social circles, such that they exist,) and especially in the Macro (across the sociopolitical and rapidly-shifting media zeitgeist,) which is already in the end stages of a narrative and actual death spiral we’ve been signaling, and perhaps helping to accelerate for several years, now.
On that note, I’d tell the soon-to-be-jobless harpies and hangers-on from CNN and MSNBC to ‘learn to code,’ … alas, with the rapid and exponential advent of the AI era, I think even that modern age skill is soon to be taken from them.
Which brings me to the one ‘concern’ I wanted to address in this writing, that being the hand-wringing and haranguing Trump and team seem to be receiving by some ostensibly occupying the MAGA sphere (more like the commentariate professing to be the very same,) for pushing us full speed (some would say, WARP speed) ahead into this AI energy boom, especially since the ‘StarGate’ presser, which featured some figures from the so-called tech oligarchy people have varying (and quite reasonable) treipdation over.
That said, leaving aside liberal use of the word “vaccine” as it relates to potential cancer cures during said presser, I find the reactions to such a future-minded and, in my view, DISCLOSURE-riddled exchange to be a bit disappointing, if expected.
Have we not been told “cures exist?” Have we not been told we’re going to be shown a “new world?” Do we not believe the patriots we have installed into the highest offices in the land have our best interests at heart?
Do we not understand that ALL of this is and will remain a choice?
Which brings me to a short treatise on the future … or rather, the STORY of that future as it’s been told and sold to us since time immemorial.
So, whether it’s cancer cures or infrastructure, energy or the road to peace, has your image of the future and all its possibilities been defined by you ... or FOR you?
To wit, when it comes to hope and doom mongering regarding the advent of the AI era, it's worth ruminating on the prospect that we're seeing technological timeline disclosure translated via the story of organic acceleration.
How long has our digital reality been guided by unseen AI? A decade? Longer?
With that in mind, is it actually threatening to consider the prospect that Donald Trump seems to be spearheading a public effort to leverage the "best and brightest" within the American Oligarchy and the vast resources at their disposal to not only seize control of this AI and energy-dominated future, but to do so in full view of an awakened and engaged American Mind?
As always when it comes to what to fear and what to anticipate from the various deployments in the War of Stories, the perceived intent of the storyteller is of the utmost importance to consider.
To wit, where it pertains to dystopian hellscapes dominated by self-aware AI systems and advanced robotics technology, from Terminator's Skynet to i-Robot, Blade Runner to Metropolis, isn't it something that the progenitors of the central narrative—and thus, the very people that would stand to benefit most from suppressing such technologies—are the ones telling and selling those stories?
Do you believe advanced robotics threaten humanity because the technology is inherently evil ... or because you've been seeded with the notion that such technological progress is akin to Icarus flying too close to the sun?
Is it actually MORE likely that a timeline were humans push forward into the sort of technologically-advanced, nuclear future of abundance and efficiency envisioned in the Eisenhower era represents a Faustian bargain, or have we been taught to fear what could actually represent the kickstart of a true Golden Age defined by the maximalization of human potential due to the freeing of human time?
As with any major, paradigm-altering deployment, be they technological or narrative, all options should be considered, but before you toss out the technological baby with the bath water, be sure to take a breath and consider where your fears emanate from, and trace them back to the stories and the storytellers, and which masters they seem to serve.
You didn't think the Golden Age was political alone, did you?
You didn't think the Q drops' references to a "new world" was about returning to the old one, did you?
"Expanding your thinking" requires you to confront your fears, and it also requires you to nurture the possibility that you might have been wrong about the future in the most glorious way possible.
Dare to dream, Anon. "THINK BIGGER."
The Golden Age might be far closer (and far better) than you thought.
In other words, they told you the Robots were coming to kill you, Skynet was coming to enslave you, and cast the future as an inevitable dystopian hellscape.
Trump is telling you the opposite on the cusp of the Golden Age.
They didn’t just steal the future from you.
They stole hope for it.
I wrote about this concept at length in the ongoing (and soon to expand) ‘Weapons of the Future’ series on Burning Bright, especially in its most recent entry, ‘Amerigeddon,’ which I implore you to check out if you’re interested in diving into one of the most subversive and illuminating bifurcations in the long-running War of Stories where it concerns Nuclear Nightmares and American Dreams.
And when it comes to the future … aside from tech, health and energy, isn’t it all predicated on winning the War for Peace?
For several years, now, I've claimed that the Russian theater is perhaps more indicative of the 'real' war against the Globalist Deep State than anything that's been going on in the western world.
That's not to say that there is NOT a war going on against the Deep State in the West; in fact, I believe Donald Trump and the advent of the Q Op shortly after him helped trigger the most accelerated period of mass awakening (and by extension, public exposure of the System of Systems) in modern history.
Still, while Trump and Q have focused the bulk of their attention on revealing and by extension helping to dismantle the standing of the self-described 'Elites' in the West, one could argue that Vladimir Putin and the resurgent Russian Federation have done more on an Actual level to hem in the Western Globalist Hegemon than anyone else.
Of course, the comparison game comes up wanting, here, as I also believe these operations run in parallel with one another, and are augmented by each other. For example, as I have argued many times before, there was ZERO CHANCE Putin was going to kick off whatever necessary Military Operation needed to be kicked off in the Donbas without Donald Trump off the (public) game board.
This isn't a particularly hot take, as all your usual Con Inc. shills advance it, albeit through inverted framing.
While many believe Putin was 'afraid' of Trump, and therefore, waited until Trump couldn't stop him before kicking off the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, nothing could be further from the truth. The fact that Trump still boosts this narrative is owing to the need to set up the ultimate story of mass catharsis through the public peacemaking effort that will be codified through him and Putin on the world stage.
After all, one cannot have peace (or its mass psychological effects) without first having the threat of war.
So, while the Devolution Operation has been instrumental in prompting a period of accelerated exposure Stateside, I believe its most seismic effects have been to allow other members of the Sovereign Alliance (Putin, Xi and beyond) to make moves on an 'Actual' level they did not have the narrative shielding to before.
Donald Trump may be one of the key figures in the war against the Globalist Deep State, but if you've been following this war for a while, you'll know he's a key piece of a much larger puzzle.
In order to take down a centuries-old Satanic Death Cult, you need to bring friends; as it turns out, Trump seems to have some in very high places they've tried to convince us are quite the opposite.
This was the subject of my most recent feature, which those interested in deeper readings of Game Theory got a kick out of:
When it comes to the standing of Proxy States on the world stage (from Ukraine to Taiwan to Israel, and everything in between,) they have never been in a more precarious position, with the increasingly-restless populations of western nations fed up with providing the funding and de facto sociopolitical permission for them to continue laundering, lobbying and warring on behalf of collectivist bureaucrats and oligarchs.
To wit, does the common man feel better or worse about Ukrainian Nazis these days?
All of this is to say, when you see headlines seeding the next possible 'DeNazification effort,' try to keep from reacting, and instead consider the possibility that the Sovereign Alliance is in the midst of exactly that on a global scale.
In truth, the Nazis never left, which I wrote about at length in Part 6 of the Righteous Russia series way back in 2022.
So, what are we seeing out of Trump’s early Golden Age narrative deployments to that end?
Well … let’s take a look:
In my view, Trump is putting "deal" in quotes here because it's already done.
So, now you have a choice to make:
You can either pantomime emotional reactions on either side of the Info War divide when it comes to the War for Peace, alternatively fretting about the (im)possibility of WW3 kicking off ... OR, you can recognize that what we're watching is the narrative translation of a war that has already been fought, and largely won some time ago.
As I've been saying for three years now, Trump and Putin don't just have the power to make peace, but to mandate it. They've always had that power. They just needed to get a few Nazis out of the way to do it as cleanly as possible.
Now, we're going to see a series of tit-for-tats between the two sovereign leaders while the vampires in the fading and fangless western globalist hegemon attempt to goad them into the actualization of the last war—the one that will never arrive because it was headed off by the Sovereign Alliance in the greatest story that, sadly, may never be fully told, unless you were paying attention.
Secondary to Trump's obvious appeal to peace with Russia, however, this Truth strikes me for how close it gets to hitting on the heart of the matter, and that is the simple fact that the US and Russia have not only NEVER been enemies, but in fact have been (and will be again) the closest possible allies.
For all the credit France gets for aiding the American colonies during the Revolutionary War, it seems little is known among modern day Americans concerning the role Russia played in keeping the British navy from fully committing to the war effort, since they supported the colonies' push for sovereignty.
Additionally, they fought against the same Axis powers as the US did in BOTH World Wars, and as Trump references here, they lost orders of magnitude more lives than the rest of the Allied powers combined.
As I originally wrote in the pages of Righteous Russia three years ago this month, the only thing the Deep State fears more than a Russia unbound by globalism or communism is an America unbound by the same, freed from the grips of a Military Industrial Complex that wended its way into every aspect of US government in the aftermath of the Eisenhower Administration.
From Kennedy to Reagan and now to Trump, the Deep State has long desired one war to rule them all, one war to bring them all and in the darkness bind them into a story that might finally result in the permanent splitting of the Christian psyche.
Because the only thing more terrifying to the powers that would be than one Orthodox Christian Superstate is TWO, and that's exactly what we have in the offing in the budding renewal of the oldest (and greatest) natural alliance in world history.
As I wrote in 'The Death of War' ... "Trump is not a man who will sue for peace. He does not plead. He does not beg. Trump will not request peace. He will have it, and Vladimir Putin will share in it."
Which brings us back to one of my favorite refrains around these parts … Donald Trump and the Kobayashi Maru.
For some time, I've been referring to the Middle East as the Kobayashi Maru of both the Info War and the Shadow War, which is being translated to the masses through the War of Stories.
Elon Musk is now routinely using this refrain in reference to the position the sociopolitical establishment has been put in on a mass psychological level as the Trump era rises to new heights.
For reference, the Kobayashi Maru is the name given to the fictional test in the Star Trek universe that all prospective Starfleet captains must pass. In essence, the test puts recruits into an impossible situation, wherein either choice results in great loss of life.
The reason the test and the name are infamous in genre fiction lore, however, rests in the central theme it allowed Gene Roddenberry to communicate through the cognitive cypher of the Star Trek universe (aka. its central character,) James T. Kirk.
You see, Captain Kirk didn't accept the parameters of the test, believing they were the result of a nihilist, defeatist and, dare I say scientific worldview? So he reprogrammed the test with different victory conditions, allowing him to bypass the original code and rescue the members of a stranded starship in the simulation while simultaneously ensuring his own crew came out alive.
That's all a long way of saying, Donald J. Trump is the James T. Kirk of the Info War and the Shadow War, and his Kobayashi Maru isn’t JUST the Middle East, but the world, which happens to include our brothers and sisters in the resurgent and renewed (and yes, LIBERATED) Russian Federation.
Thus, not only has Trump been strategically out of a position of (public) authority while the international game board shifts on dramatic and (over the long haul) necessary levels, but he's also put several establishment factions into their own version of the Kobayashi Maru with his latest narrative deployments regarding a Gaza Peace Deal AND the Russia-Ukraine War … not to mention whatever develops on an Actual—but largely Narrative—level where it concerns China and Taiwan, another Globalist Proxy State in a long and bloody line of them.
Where it concerns the Israel lobby, Russia and China hawks (who are all the same thing, really,) Trump has now placed them into a position where any overt moves to restart kinetic action will be seen for what they are: attempts to escalate and progress toward the Greater Israel Project and a new Axis & Allies escalation en route to World War 3.
This move will be cheer-led by the Con Inc. brigade that has disguised themselves as MAGA for most of the last decade despite never dealing with censorship and after going all in on the anti-Trump RON! DeSantis Op, whom Trump has been calling out by deed, if not by name as they attempt to push him toward the war he was called, elected and perhaps born to stop.
If Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan don’t take Trump's chance at peace, he'll have the public, bipartisan mandate to break with them on a level never seen before.
This also puts globalist, warmongering factions on notice—that Trump can and WILL take action when he returns to the public levers of power he never fully left, and with the full mandate from the American people to do what is necessary to end these conflicts.
Oh … and would you look at that. The MSM is a bit slow on the upkeep, but good to see some of them are lurking in these digital pages.
From the Doha Agreement to the Abraham Accords, the Donbas to the Taiwan Straight, South Korea to 'not so Greater' Israel, Trump isn't merely solving the Kobayashi Maru ... he IS the Kobayashi Maru.
And that’s only bad news if you’re in the business of war.
To wit, let’s hear from Donald Trump himself regarding some tantalizing signal as it relates to just how far back the Sovereign Alliance goes, particularly when it comes to Vladimir Putin.
(Clipped by from Trump’s WEF address just yesterday.)
All sounds a bit familiar, now doesn’t it?
Which brings us back to the series that started it all at Burning Bright, and a coda on this intro to the new American Golden Age …
Bright Retrospective
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Three years ago this month, I started this name and this publication with a series that ended up catching on with a few of you.
And, well ... Righteous Russia hasn't aged poorly, in my estimation.
If you haven't checked it out—or shared it with reachable friends and family—the current posture of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin suggest its central premise is very much in the offing:
"He is maligned by the Western Media Industrial Complex.
He is hated by the Self-Anointed Elite in Western Nations, from celebrities to political royalty.
He is smeared as a warmonger and a tyrant, a despot and a lunatic, and an embarrassment on the world stage.
He is a threat to someone’s Democracy. Whose quite depends on whom you ask. But he is certainly a threat to it.
He is a corrupt, obtuse, idiodic, mad genius of a megalomaniac who simultaneously clings to relevance by virtue of whipping up a sycophantic, low IQ army of nationalistic drones, or, alternatively wields immense subversive power built over a lifetime of backroom deals, business agreements and leveraged relationships with powerful movers and shakers on the international stage.
He is an irrational, dangerous and chaotic wielder of military power capable of igniting a war that will transform the world into a smoldering ash heap, and he is a cunning, poised and collected student of war, in control at all times, capable of great deception and swift, punishing action in service of unknowable, shifting goals, and who is not to be trusted by the meek inheritors of the New World Order.
He is an open, devout Christian whose only publicly professed fear is in the righteous justice of god, and who publicly decries the subversion of Western youth through popular culture and entertainment.
He is an open nationalist whose public persona is draped in the colors and pride of his nation.
He is a ruthless peacekeeper whose constant ability to thwart open provocations of sovereign borders confounds and enrages the globalist forces arrayed against him.
He is an unflappable, immovable symbol of strength or terror to those who wish to move him.
If you read over the above list of charges (or attributes, depending on your perspective,) the man you likely came away thinking of is none other than Donald Putin … or Vladimir Trump … or, well, you get the idea.
In the following series of articles, I do not plan to present to you the real, god’s honest truth of Vladimir Putin and Russia as I know it.
Instead, I plan to examine the paradigm of Russia we exist in today—a carefully constructed web of aligned lies that have painted a nation whose core values should align closely with Western nationalists, and yet, who we have been told to hate, fear and distrust by the very same handlers and purveyors of truth who have been lying to us for our whole lives."
When you know the way broadly, you can see it in all things.
So. Does Righteous Russia hold up in 2025?
I'll let you be the judge.
And until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
(Author’s Note: I know there were a LOT of links to previous works in this particular Brief, but I know there are also a lot of new faces around these parts, and even for you Info War and Burning Bright veterans—hell, certainly for me—trips down memory lane are as vital as ever as the Great Awakening accelerates along multiple layered convergences at once. Just how we drew it up.
As always, if you get anything of value out of these writings, please consider supporting the work I do through one of the methods below.)
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When I found you 4 years ago... you were just a "tiger eye" with a voice. Watching you grow and sharing your knowledge with this community has been an absolute God send for me. I'm so proud of you for stepping out from behind that "eye" and speaking the truth. You are an inspiration to many. God Speed BB.
I’ve had occasion to consider the decades long attempt to subvert Christianity. We are programmed not to discuss politics or religion, we are programmed to worship junk science. The lessons from the bible are considered “quaint.” But the function of our brains and bodies alone, should alert us to the miraculous nature of our existence. Poppies have made us sleep, but we are coming out of our stupor, collecting ourselves, joining forces against evil and nearly ready for the return of GLORY.